Dermatology sessions at the 2010 aap national conference & exhibition

2010 AAP NAtioNAl CoNfereNCe & exhibitioN Dermatology
tueSday, OctOber 5, 2010
F2099 Acne Update

Saturday, OctOber 2, 2010
C Repeats➤from➤F2045
X4003 Atopic Dermatitis
This session wil demonstrate how to formulate X1012 Dermatologic Potpourri
A2105 Dermatology Look-Alikes
an appropriate treatment plan for atopic dermati- tis and when to refer. Recent US Food and Drug This session wil cover head lice, tinea capitis, diaper
Administration changes in labeling of the topical dermatitis, warts, mol uscum, scabies, pityriasis Participants wil view examples of the fol owing look- immunomodulators wil also be covered.
rosea, select birthmarks, and other conditions com- alikes and wil become familiar with the diagnosis monly seen in the office setting. Indications for refer- and management of them: tinea corporis versus granuloma annulare, tinea capitis versus seborrheic Sponsored by the Section on Dermatology dermatitis, warts versus epidermal nevus, alopecia Faculty: Albert Yan, MD, FAAD, FAAP areata versus trichotil omania, scabies versus atopic Sponsored by the Section on Dermatology dermatitis, and psoriasis versus atopic dermatitis.
X4011 Seeing Red: Vascular Anomalies
Sponsored by the Section on Dermatology F1045 Pediatric Exanthems

C Repeats➤from➤X2008

Participants wil understand the differential diagnosis MOnday, OctOber 4, 2010
S4025 Dermatologic Therapeutics
and management of the fol owing exanthems: pityria- sis rosea, Gianotti-Crosti syndrome, hand-foot-mouth
disease, atypical varicel a (postvaccination), parvo- X3005 Fun in the Sun
After attending this session, participants wil be virus exanthems (erythema infectiosum, purpuric Participants wil understand the different types of familiar with the dermatologic armamentarium, be gloves and socks syndrome), and unilateral latero- solar radiation to which we are exposed; become able to select the proper vehicle for topical agents familiar with skin conditions caused by sun exposure prescribed, and understand how to prescribe an Faculty: Jeffrey Sugarman, MD, FAAP (including melanoma) and sun-sensitive dermatoses, Sponsored by the Section on Dermatology both common (eg, phytophotodermatitis and poly- Faculty: Ronald Hansen, MD, FAAP; Harper Price, MD, FAAP morphous light eruption) and rare (eg, xeroderma pig- Sponsored by the Section on Dermatology mentosum, porphyrias); and understand the different types of sunblock and sun-protective clothing.
F1093 Pediatric Exanthems

C Repeats➤from➤F1045
F4040 Itch and Scratch
Sponsored by the Section on Dermatology
Sunday, OctOber 3, 2010
This session wil familiarize attendees with the diag- nosis and management of pruritic conditions, includ- S3046 Cutaneous Infections and
ing atopic dermatitis, scabies, contact dermatitis, Infestations
cutaneous mastocytosis, and urticaria.
X2008 Seeing Red: Vascular Anomalies

C Repeats➤from➤S2044
Faculty: Lawrence Eichenfield, MD, FAAPSponsored by the Section on Dermatology
Vascular lesions wil be discussed. Clarification of A3074 Dermatology Look-Alikes
which lesions are at risk of Kasabach-Merritt phe-
C Repeats➤from➤A2105
S4085 Dermatologic Therapeutics

C Repeats➤from➤S4025
Sponsored by the Section on Dermatology F3094 Dermatology Things That Cause Rings

F4095 Itch and Scratch
Participants wil become familiar with the differential S2044 Cutaneous Infections and Infestations

C Repeats➤from➤F4040
diagnosis and management of annular dermatoses,
including tinea corporis, urticaria, granuloma annu- The faculty wil discuss clinical findings and lare, erythema migrans, and erythema multiforme treatment updates of cutaneous infections and (EM) spectrum (EM minor, EM major/Stevens- Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis).
Faculty: Lawrence Eichenfield, MD, FAAP Sponsored by the Section on Dermatology Sponsored by the Section on Dermatology F2045 Acne Update
F3129 Dermatology Things That Cause Rings

C Repeats➤from➤F3094
After attending this session, participants wil under- stand how to diagnose the various forms of acne and formulate treatment plans; the indications and com- plications of isotretinoin; first-, second-, and third-line therapies for acne; and when referral is appropriate.
Faculty: Albert Yan, MD, FAAD, FAAPSponsored by the Section on Dermatology AAP NCE • October 2–5, 2010 • View all sessions at


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