Clinical Trial
Received: July 17, 2003Accepted after revision: September 2, 2003
Early Drug Therapy and In-Hospital Mortality following Acute Myocardial Infarction
Paul Ernea Dragana Radovanovic b Philip Urband
Jean-Christophe Stauffere Osmund Bertelc Felix Gutzwillerb
aDivision of Cardiology, Kantonsspital, Luzern, bAMIS Plus Data Center, Institute for Social andPreventive Medicine, University Zürich, cDivision of Cardiology, Stadtspital Triemli, Zürich, dDivision of Cardiology,Hôpital La Tour, Genève, eDivision of Cardiology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland
Key Words
pating hospitals between 1997 and 2002 were analyzed,
Drug therapy W Acute myocardial infarction W In-hospital
and the effect of factors and drug therapies on in-hospital
mortality was assessed by logistic regression analysis. Results: Age and diabetes were identified as factors associated with a higher likelihood of in-hospital mortali- Abstract
ty, while a significant and important reduction of in-hos-
Background: Early drug therapy in patients with ST-ele-
pital mortality was due to the use of thrombolytic thera-
vation infarction is essential for improved short- and
py or primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)
long-term outcomes. Most of the drugs used currently
[relative risk reduction (RRR) of 31%, odds ratio (OR) and
have been extensively studied in the era prior to reperfu-
95% confidence interval: 0.69; 0.54–0.87; p = 0.002 for
sion therapies, and thus it is important to assess the val-
thrombolysis, RRR of 34%; OR 0.66; 0.44–0.99; p = 0.044
ue of these drugs in today’s clinical practice and com-
for PCI]. Early administration of aspirin or ADP antago-
pare the results with those of randomized trials. Objec-
nists is associated with a risk reduction of in-hospital
tives: The study assessed the effects of age, gender, risk
mortality by 36% (OR 0.63; 0.45–0.89; p = 0.009) and 50%
factors, reperfusion therapy and early drug therapy in
(OR 0.49; 0.35–0.70; p ! 0.001), respectively. The use of
patients with acute myocardial infarction with ST eleva-
unfractionated heparin did not reduce in-hospital mortal-
tion or new left bundle-branch block on in-hospital mor-
ity. Administration of ACE inhibitors, nitrates or beta-
tality. Methods: The analysis of drug administration and
blockers reduced the relative risk of in-hospital death by
in-hospital mortality is based on the AMIS Plus project, a
40% (OR 0.60; 0.49–0.75; p = 0.009), 42% (OR 0.58; 0.46–
registry of acute coronary syndromes in Switzerland
0.72; p ! 0.001) and 54% (OR 0.46; 0.37–0.57; p ! 0.001),
since 1997. Data from 7,279 patients admitted to partici-
respectively. Less frequent use of reperfusion therapies and beta-blockers was documented for older patients. Gender was not a determining factor for in-hospital sur- vival. Conclusion: Early administration of aspirin or ADP
Acute Myocardial Infarction and Unstable Angina in Switzerland (AMIS
Plus). List of participating hospitals in the ‘Appendix’.
inhibition with ticlopidine or clopidogrel as well as the
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early use of beta-blockers, nitrates and ACE inhibitors
Registries of defined populations have some important
had a beneficial effect on in-hospital mortality in the
limitations. However, they do offer the opportunity to
reperfusion era with either thrombolytics or PCI. The
study the impact of new evidence, to evaluate adherence
association of a beneficial effect of ADP inhibition was
to guidelines and to assess the impact of therapies in an
more pronounced than that found in randomized trials
unselected group of patients [2]. They also offer the possi-
for non-ST-elevation infarction. However, it cannot be
bility of improving compliance to therapy as shown for
excluded that patients with a lower risk for in-hospital
the use of aspirin [13–15] and beta-blockers [16, 17] fol-
death who were selected for early invasive assessment
lowing MI. In Switzerland, we initiated a registry on acute
received more frequently ADP inhibitors and that this
MI in 1997 and we now report on the impact of early drug
influenced this beneficial effect. Diabetes and age had
therapy on in-hospital mortality in patients with acute
negative effects on in-hospital mortality, and both reper-
fusion therapy and beta-blockers were much less fre-quently used in elderly patients. The AMIS Plus RegistryIn 1997 the Swiss Societies of Cardiology, Internal Medicine and
Intensive Care initiated a registry to assess the diagnostic and thera-peutic measures in patients with acute MI in Switzerland (AMIS).
The management of acute myocardial infarction (MI)
Participating hospitals provide blinded data on these patients to a
in patients with ST elevation was recently reviewed by the
Data Center through an Internet- and paper-based questionnaire of140 questions. The Data Center checks the data for plausibility and
Task Force on the Management of Acute Myocardial
cross-checks in case of queries. In 2000, unstable angina was added to
Infarction of the European Society of Cardiology [1].
this Registry and the Data Center was transferred from Geneva to
Many drug therapies such as aspirin, beta-blockers, hepa-
Zurich (AMIS Plus). The project is led by a Steering Committee com-
rins and nitrates, once cornerstones of therapy and her-
prised of members of the founding societies. The Registry was
alded as major advances in the treatment of patients with
approved by the Above-Regional Ethical Committee for ClinicalStudies and the Swiss Board for Data Security.
MI, need to be reassessed in the context of thrombolysisand percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) as revas-
cularization strategies. The treatment of acute MI under-
The AMIS Plus Registry documented data from 11,845 patients
went a remarkable evolution over the past decade [2]. The
admitted to hospital for acute coronary syndrome between 1997 and
effectiveness of aspirin was convincingly evidenced by the
2002. In the present analysis, data from 7,279 patients with ST eleva-tion or new left bundle-branch block (LBBB) were analyzed. The
ISIS-2 trial [3] and its clinical value documented in large
characteristics of these patients are summarized in table 1. The most
meta-analyses [4, 5]. The beneficial use of heparins in
dominant risk factors were overweight, dyslipidemia and hyperten-
addition to aspirin was documented by the ISIS-3 trial [6].
sion. We analyzed the drugs administered within 48 h of symptom
Although there is substantial evidence that starting thera-
onset and their impact on in-hospital mortality. Reinfarction, cere-
py with ACE inhibitors on the 1st day of MI can reduce
brovascular insult and death were defined as major cardiac events.
mortality by a small but significant amount [7, 8], other
studies failed to show a benefit [9]. A large number of
Data are presented as percentages for discrete variables and as
trials carried out in the prethrombolytic era demonstrated
mean B SD and median for continuous variables. The nonparamet-
a reduction in mortality and reinfarction by beta-block-
ric Mann-Whitney rank sum test was used for group comparisons. A
ers. The beneficial effects of beta-blockade were docu-
p value of ! 0.05 was considered significant.
To predict hospital mortality, a multivariate logistic regression
mented in subgroups [10], but careful meta-analysis indi-
analysis was conducted using the following variables: age, gender,
cated that early administration of beta-blockers has a pos-
Killip class admission (Killip class 1 as a reference category with an
itive effect on both short- and long-term outcomes after
odds ratio, OR, of 1.0), history of hypertension, diabetes, drugs
MI [11]. A significant reduction of mortality due to
administered within 48 h after symptom onset (aspirin, beta-blocker,
nitrates was shown in a meta-analysis [12], but this posi-
ticlopidine or clopidogrel, standard heparin, ACE inhibitor, andnitrates). Angiotensin II antagonists, low-molecular-weight heparin
tive effect could not be demonstrated in large randomized
and statins were excluded from analysis in order to increase the sam-
ple size in the multivariate analysis.
Prospective, randomized trials do not necessarily re-
SPSS (Chicago, Ill., USA) for Windows XP (version 11.5) was
flect the wider-range patient population, nor do they nec-
essarily reflect a transfer of findings to clinical practice. Fig. 1. Reperfusion therapies in patients with ST elevation and/or LBBB. Table 1. Characteristics of the study population (n = 7,279) Reperfusion Therapy in Patients with ST Elevation orNew LBBB
In most patients, reperfusion therapy was carried out,
although this therapy did not exceed 80% in any of the
patient groups and was less frequently used in patients
older than 60 years (fig. 1). Primary PCI was the preferred
therapeutic strategy in the very young patient group, and
the older the patient the less this therapy was applied.
There is a definitely increasing temporal trend for PCI,
this strategy being used in 8% of patients in 1997 and in
Early Drug Therapy in Patients with ST Elevation or
Early drug therapy was defined as the administration
of drugs within 48 h of symptom onset. In table 2, the fre-
quency of administration within the various age groups is
summarized. Aspirin, unfractionated heparin and ni-
trates were most frequently administered in all age
groups. Beta-blockers were more frequently used in youn-ger age groups and ACE inhibitors in elderly patients. Inhibitors of ADP-induced platelet aggregation, ticlopid-ine and clopidogrel, were administered in those agegroups with more frequent PCIs. ADP inhibitors wereapplied to 1,839 patients (25.6%), 968 of these patientsunderwent primary PCI, while in 871 patients with ADPinhibitors PCI was not performed as the primary revascu-
Fig. 2. Outcome in patients with ST eleva- tion and/or LBBB. Table 2. Early drug therapy in patients with ST elevation and/or LBBB (%)
larization strategy. Calcium channel blockers and the
years are shown. In table 3, the result of the logistic regres-
more recent angiotensin II antagonists were infrequently
sion analysis, odds ratios, and confidence limit with
used in acute MI (less than 5% of patients) and were thus
regard to in-hospital mortality in this patient population,
is summarized. Age and the Killip class were the impor-tant determinants of increased mortality, while gender
In-Hospital Mortality and Major Adverse Cardiac
had no significant association and effect on in-hospital
mortality. In-hospital mortality increased by 6% per year
An overall hospital mortality of 9.9% (n = 717) and an
of age. While diabetes had a negative effect, hypertension
incidence of major adverse cardiac events (MACE) of
had no significant effect on in-hospital mortality. Both
13.5% (n = 949) were documented. In figure 2, the age-
thrombolysis and PCI reperfusion strategies reduced the
associated increases in in-hospital mortality and inci-
risk of in-hospital mortality by more than 30%. The use of
dence of MACE, as well as maximal mortality (26.6%)
unfractionated heparin did not affect in-hospital mortali-
and incidence of MACE (30.5%) in patients older than 80
ty, whereas the use of aspirin, inhibition of ADP-platelet
Table 3. Multivariate logistic regression model for predicting in-hos- Discussion
The AMIS Plus project is a registry of patients admit-
ted with unstable angina or acute MI in Switzerland. Its
purpose is to enable assessment of temporal changes in
the epidemiology of patients, and in diagnostic and thera-
peutic measures. Another purpose is to facilitate the con-
trol of compliance of evidence from randomized trials
and the evolution of guidelines [1, 18] in the treatment of
MI and unstable angina. Registries are valuable means of
documenting potential under- or overuse of diagnostic
procedures, of defining how new information from evi-
dence-based medicine is transferred to clinical practice,
and also of documenting effects not addressed in clinical
This study focused on the in-hospital mortality of
patients with ST-elevation MI as a strong outcome mea-
sure and confirms the already documented importance of
age and diabetes for higher in-hospital mortality. Further-
more, as documented in other registries [2] and studies[19], we report a reduced reperfusion therapy in older
Medication within 48 h after chest pain began (including emer-
patients. Moreover, this study has found that reperfusion
therapy is highly effective and provides a relative overallrisk reduction of more than 30% on in-hospital mortality. As in studies on patients with severe coronary artery dis-ease [20], but in contrast to the present investigation in
aggregation, beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors was associ-
MI, beta-blockers were more widely used in a younger
ated with a risk reduction of in-hospital death by 37, 50,
patient population while ACE inhibitors were more fre-
quently used in older patients. Based on this result, itmight be concluded that elderly patients are less likely to
receive guideline-indicated therapies. The less frequent
The number of participating hospitals during the time
use of therapies is most obvious for acute reperfusion for
of this data collection varied, ranging from 18 to 52 (from
both thrombolytic therapy and primary angioplasty,
rural to university) of the 106 hospitals treating acute MI
while aspirin is evenly administered to patients of all age
in Switzerland. Therefore, the participating hospitals may
not be representative of all Swiss hospitals. However, no
The administration of aspirin in the acute phase of MI
differences were documented on early drug treatments
resulted in a 34% reduction of in-hospital mortality and it
between the different categories of hospitals with the
was postulated that it is of utmost importance to give aspi-
exception of the use of GP IIb/IIIa antagonists, which
rin to all patients as soon as the diagnosis of acute MI is
were more frequently applied early in hospitals with
deemed probable [1]. This is clearly taken into account by
direct cath lab facilities (data not shown). On-site valida-
the participating hospitals. We cannot exclude a bias in
tion of data collection was only periodic and there were no
the sense that patients with MI who did not receive aspi-
checks for consistency between data-base entries and
rin suffered from other serious conditions such as bleed-
medical chart notes. There were no assessments of clinical
ing disorders or recent surgery, which did not allow
eligibility for each medication, and thus failure in the use
administration of aspirin, and that these conditions might
of certain medications may reflect contraindication to
have influenced the incidence of MACE and in-hospital
their use. Furthermore, there was no follow-up after hos-
deaths. In patients who were treated by ADP inhibition, a
pital discharge since the Ethical Committee and Board for
similar but more pronounced association of risk reduc-
Data Security restricted the registry to the collection of
tion (50%) has been documented irrespective of whether
the patients underwent angioplasty as a primary treat-
ment strategy. However, it cannot be excluded that ADP
antagonism on in-hospital mortality were even larger than
inhibition was more frequently used in patients who were
in studies on patients with non-ST elevation. Overall, we
managed with the option of early percutaneous interven-
documented a high rate of mortality in association with
tion. This association of ADP inhibition was also greater
age and diabetes but also a very low rate of reperfusion
than the relative risk reduction (31%) found with clopido-
therapy provision to older patients.
grel in the CURE trial, in which patients with non-ST ele-vation were treated [21]. Although the beneficial effect ofheparin was documented in a large randomized trial [6],
this study found the use of unfractionated heparin to beassociated with a trend, albeit not significant, toward
increased in-hospital mortality. We do not know if the
The AMIS Plus Registry is funded by grants from (in alphabetical
participating hospitals monitored the effect of heparin
order): Astra-Zeneca, Switzerland, Biotronik, Switzerland, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Switzerland, Guidant AG, Switzerland, Johnson &
and adjusted the dose to values for partial thromboplastin
Johnson, Switzerland, Jomed AG, Switzerland, Medtronic AG, Swit-
time, since values over 70 s increase the likelihood of mor-
zerland, A. Menarini AG, Switzerland, Merck Sharp Dohme Chi-
bret, Switzerland, Pfizer AG, Switzerland, Rahn Foundation, Swit-
Apart from hypotension, renal failure and angioneu-
zerland, Roche Pharma, Switzerland, Swiss Heart Foundation. Their
rotic edema, it is now generally agreed that there are no
support is gratefully acknowledged. The supporting institutions didnot play any role in the design of the Registry, Data Collection, Anal-
major contraindications for starting ACE inhibitors early,
in particular in patients with impaired ejection fraction or
Steering Committee: P. Erne, President, Luzern, F.W. Amann,
patients who experienced heart failure in the early phase
Zürich, W. Angehrn, St. Gallen, O. Bertel, Zürich, J.-M. Gaspoz,
[23]. However, in an unselected patient population of
Genève, S. Dehler, Zürich, F.R. Eberli, Zürich, F. Gutzwiller,
variable reduction of ejection fraction, the overall effect
Zürich, P. Hunziker, Basel, M. Maggiorini, Zürich, B. Quartenoud,Fribourg, J. Schilling, Zürich, P. Siegrist, Zollikerberg, J.-Ch. Stauf-
might be small but nevertheless significant. In this trial of
fer, Lausanne, P. Urban, Genève and S. Windecker, Bern.
patients cared for in daily routine practice, we could docu-
The following hospitals participated in the AMIS Registry on
ment an important 39% relative risk reduction on in-hos-
which this report is based from 1997–2002 (in alphabetical order):
pital mortality. A similarly unexpected and important
Kantonsspital, Altdorf (Dr. R. Simon), Kantonales Spital Altstätten,
association with reduced in-hospital mortality for early
Altstätten (Dr. P.-J. Hangartner), Kantonsspital Basel, Basel (PD Dr. P. Hunziker), St. Claraspital, Basel (Dr. C. Grädel), Inselspital, Bern
use of nitrates was also documented in this trial. How-
(Prof. B. Meier), Spitalzentrum Biel, Biel (Dr. H. Schläpfer), Ober-
ever, this positive association may emerge from a more
walliser Kreisspital, Brig-Glis (Dr. D. Evéquoz), Spital Bülach, Bü-
common use of nitrates to reduce ischemic burden, which
lach (Dr. R. Pampaluchi/Dr. A. Ciurea), Rätisches Kantons- und
would contrast with randomized studies in which nitrates
Regionalspital Chur, Chur (Dr. P. Müller), Kreuzspital, Chur (Dr. V.
were administered independently of chest pain [7].
Wüscher), Spital Davos, Davos Platz (Dr. G. Niedermaier), Hôpitalcantonal Fribourg, Fribourg (Dr. B. Quartenoud), Spital Frutigen,
Early intravenous administration of beta-blockers was
Frutigen (Dr. S. Moser), HUG, Genève (Dr. J.-M. Gaspoz), Kantons-
convincingly documented prior to the use of fibrinolytic
spital Glarus, Glarus (Dr. W. Wojtyna), Spital Grenchen, Grenchen
agents or PCI [24]. However, a post hoc analysis of the
(Dr. P. Schlup/Dr. A. Oestmann), Bezirksspital Grosshöchstetten,
GUSTO-I trial [25] did not support the routine early
Grosshöchstetten (Dr. C. Simonin), Kantonales Spital, Heiden (Dr.
intravenous use of beta-blockers in today’s care of pa-
R. Waldburger), Kantonales Spital, Herisau (Dr. P. Staub), SpitalInterlaken, Interlaken (Dr. P. Sula), Spital Jegensdorf, Jegenstorf
tients by revascularizations. On the other hand, it is wide-
(Dr. H. Marty), Hôpital La Chaux-de-Fonds, La Chaux-de-Fonds
ly agreed that early oral administration of beta-blockers is
(Dr. H. Zender), Spital Lachen, Lachen (Dr. I. Poepping), Kantons-
beneficial for both short- and long-term outcome of MI,
spital, Luzern (Prof. P. Erne), Hôpital régional, Martigny (Dr. B. Jor-
and this study documented an impressive association to
dan), Hôpital de la Tour, Meyrin (PD Dr. P. Urban), Hôpital du
relative risk reduction of 54% on in-hospital mortality.
Chablis, Monthey (Dr. P. Feraud), Hôpital de Zone, Montreux (Dr. E. Beretta), Hôpital du Jura bernois, Moutier (Dr. Ch. Stettler),
In summary, this study based on a large patient popu-
Regionales Spital Zentrum, Münsingen (Dr. F. Repond), Kreisspital
lation in a registry of acute coronary syndromes demon-
für das Freiamt, Muri (Dr. A. Spillmann), Group Hosp. Ouest
strates an outstanding association for the early adminis-
lémanique, Nyon (Dr. R. Polikar), Gesundheitszentrum Fricktal,
tration of beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors and nitrates in
Regionalspital Rheinfelden, Rheinfelden (Dr. H.-U. Iselin), Kanto-
patients with ST elevation in an era where drug or inter-
nales Spital, Rorschach (Dr. M. Pfister), Kantonsspital Obwalden,Sarnen (Dr. T. Kaeslin), Kantonsspital Schaffhausen, Schaffhausen
ventional revascularization was frequently used. These
(Dr. R. Frey), Spital Limmattal, Schlieren (Dr. B. Risti), Spital
results suggest that under these circumstances, the benefi-
Schwyz, Schwyz (Dr. P. Eichhorn), Ospidal d’Engiadina Bassa, Scuol
cial effects of platelet inhibition by aspirin and ADP
(Dr. G. Flury/Dr. C. Neumeier), Bürgerspital, Solothurn (Dr. P. Hil-
ti), Kantonsspital, St. Gallen (Dr. W. Angehrn), Thusis Kranken-
tal Sursee-Wolhusen, Wolhusen (Dr. M. Peter), Spital Zofingen,
haus, Thusis (Dr. U.-P. Veragut), Spital Uster, Uster (Dr. D. Maurer/
Zofingen (Dr. H.J. Vonesch), Spital Zollikerberg, Zollikerberg (Dr. P.
Dr. S. Heinbuch), Kantonales Spital Uznach, Uznach (Dr. A. We-
Siegrist), Zuger Kantonsspital, Zug (Prof. M. Vogt), Universitätsspi-
ber), Spital Zimmerberg, Wädenswil (Dr. G. Garzoli), Spital Wald,
tal, Zürich (PD Dr. F. Eberli/PD Dr. M. Maggiorini), Stadtspital
Wald (Dr. M. Schneider), GZO Spital Wetzikon, Wetzikon (Dr. M.
Triemli, Zürich (Prof. O. Bertel) and Stadtspital Waid/Medizinische
Graber), Kantonsspital, Winterthur (Dr. A. Haller), Kantonales Spi-
Klinik, Zürich (Dr. M. Brabetz/Dr. S. Christen). References
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Forum oder Kanzel? Kirchliche Medien heute Literaturauswahl ( = besonders empfehlenswert/wichtig) Zur Einführung / Überblick / Allgemeines Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (Hrsg.): Publizistischer Gesamtplan der Evangelischen Kirche in Eilers, Franz-Josef / Höller, Karl: Kirche und Publizistik. 13 Kommentare zur Pastoralinstruktion „Communio et Progressio“. Paderborn 1972.
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