Vacha (Acorus calamus) as an Ayurvedic Premedicant D. N. PANDE *
Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. ABSTRACT : Previously many indigenous herbal drugs mentioned in Ayurvedic literature were experimentally screened on the animals and were also studied clinically on the patients as pre-anesthetic medication drug such as Brahmi, Sankhapushpi, Mandukparni, Jatamansi etc. Modern research workers had also proved their usefulness in the treatment of nervous and mental diseases. In the same chain of research work, Vacha was selected for this study and was used in the form of Ghanasatva. The clinical trial was carried on 40 healthy patients. The patients were divided into two groups randomly. The control and trial groups included 20 patients each of narrow age and weight distribution. The patients of group I (Control) were premedicated with Inj. Glycopyrrolate 0.2 mg IM and Tab. Phenergan 50 mg orally with one ounce of plain water. The patients of group II (Trial) were premedicated with Inj. Glycopyrrolate 0.2 mg I.M. and Vacha (Ghansatva) orally in recommended doses with one ounce of plain water 90 minutes prior to induction of anaesthesia. A standard anesthetic technique with pre oxygenation for 3 minutes & Nitrous oxide with Ether inhalation by spontaneous ventilation with Maggill’s open circuit (Boyle’s apparatus) was used. The following parameters were used to see the efficacy of the drug : Psychophysical effect before induction of anaesthesia, Cardio-respiratory and other reflex response during the course of subsequent anaesthesia & Post operative sickness in immediate post operative period up to two hours. On the basis of observations, it was concluded that Vacha controls the raised body temperature, produces good sedation and it may be helpful in the patients with preexisting hyperthermia. It does not produce any C.V.S. & Respiratory depression. Key word : Medhya, Phenergan, Glycopyrrolate , sedation, apprehension and induction. INTRODUCTION
Till date many works had been done but no idealpremedicant is in hand.
Vacha1 - the drug under clinical study is being
used since long in Ayurvedic practice2 for the treatment
of psychic disorders. Recently many works have beendone on Medhya,3,4,5,6 drugs e.g. Brahmi, Shankhapushpi,
The crude drug (Vacha rhizome) was collected
Ashwagandha etc. for the management of psychic
from Ayurvedic Pharmacy, Institute of Medical
disorders. Neuro-Pharmacological action of Vacha oil
Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi and it‘s
revealed its sedative, tranqualizing action7 in rats, mice,
validity was confirmed by Dravyaguna Department.
cats and dogs (Dhala and Bhattacharya, 1968).It inspired
Coarse powder (churna) was prepared from Vacha
us to carryout a clinical study on Vacha Ghanasatva in
rhizome-dried completely under shade.
the field of Sangyaharan to explore an Ayurvedic
The preparation of Ghanasatva was completed
in two steps. In first step, one kg of Vacha rhizome
Now a day the clinical trail of drugs has increased
churna was mixed with 8 liters of water and boiled.
many fold11. The most important support in favour of
When one-eighth of the initial content remained, it was
the clinical trial is to confirm the observations and claims
filtered. Thus a decoction was prepared. In the second
made by previous workers 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 in their
step, the decoction was boiled again to change its
experimental studies and also to find out any additional
form from liquid to semisolid. Then dried under shade
action and side effects which were some times not
and thus the required Ghanasatva was prepared. The
observed in experimental study but are observed in
complete procedure was done in the Ayurvedic
human being only. Therefore we planned to conduct a
study on the efficacy of Vacha as premedicant. Determination of the Dose of Drugs : Aims and Objectives :
The dose for clinical study was calculated
The aim of this study was to explore the possibility
according to the dose of churna recommended for
to provide a safe and effective Ayurvedic premedicant.
vacha in Ayurvedic literature by various authors. Foran adult weighing - 40-60 kg, the dose of the drug
* Incharge, Section of Sangyaharan, Dept.of Shalya Tantra,
was calculated according to yield of Ghanasatva, as
** Consultant Anaesthesiologist, Gopiganj, Bhadohi, (U.P.). Grouping of the patients & Inclusion criteria :
observations could be missed. For evaluation of desirableand undesirable effects of the pre-medicaments, an
Forty patients with a narrow age and weight
assessment of the following signs and symptoms was
difference scheduled for elective surgery were taken for
the study and were randomly divided into two groupsconsisting of 20 patients in each group. Exclusion criteria :
The following classes of patients were excluded
premedication to ensure that no pathological conditions
existed which could influence the various parameters of
1. Those who were beyond the range of 18 to 50 years
this study. The drugs were given 60-90 minutes before
2. Those who were beyond A.S.A. GP. 1 & 2. Group I : The patients of control group I received
inj. Glycopyrroglate 0.2 mg IM and Tab. Phenergan
(Promethazine hydrochloride), 50 mg with an ounce of
4. Patients suffering from respiratory, cardiac, hepatic,
renal,disorders, sensitive to aspirin, diclofenac sodium,
Group II : The patients of group II (trial group)
bleeding disorders and peptic ulcer.
received inj. Glycopyrrolate 0.2 mg IM and cap. Vachaghanasatva 100 mg with an ounce of water 90 minutes
The trial drug was clinically studied in following three stages -
1. Psychophysical effect in pre-anaesthetic period
Before giving the premedication, the B.P.,
P.R.,R.R., Temperature, G.C., C.V.S., R.S., G.I.T. werechecked and recorded on a porforma. After 90 minutes
2. Cardio-respiratory and other reflex responses during
of administration of the drugs, the effects achieved were
the course of subsequent anaesthesia.
also recorded before induction of anesthesia in calm andquiet surroundings. For recording the effects, a cyclostyled
3. Post-operative sickness in immediate post-operative
Proforma was employed, so that none of the planned
Inj. Glycopyrrolate 0.2 mg IM and Tab. Phenergan ( Promethazine hydrochloride) -50 mg. with an ounce of water 90 minutes before anaesthesia.
Inj. Glycopyrrolate 0.2 mg IM and cap. Vacha ghanasatva 100 mg with an ounce of water90 minutes before induction of anaesthesia. TABLE NO. 2 : COMPARISON OF MEAN AGE AND WEIGHT : Statistical Comparison Vacha (Acorus calamus) as an Ayurvedic Premedicant : Pande D.N. & Mishra S.K.TABLE NO. 3 : EFFECTS ON PULSE RATE CHANGES PER MINUTE : Statistical Comparison premedication (A) premedication (B)
The rise in mean pulse rate, observed within the both groups were found statistically significant. TABLE NO. 4 : EFFECTS ON BLOOD PRESSURE CHANGES (M.B.P.) : Statistical Comparison premedication (A) premedication (B)
A negligible rise in the mean of M.B.P. in group I and group II, 90 mnts after premedication carries no value. TABLE NO. 5 : EFFECTS ON RESPIRATORY RATE CHANGES (PER MINUTE) : Statistical Comparison premedication (A) premedication (B)
Change in respiratory rate was found insignificant at both the levels. TABLE NO. 6 : EFFECTS ON BODY TEMPERATURE CHANGES (0F) : Statistical Comparison premedication (A) premedication (B)
The rise in mean temperature after premedication level in both the groups were 0.29 and 0.15 respectively, which werestatistically significant in group I and insignificant in group II when compared within the groups. TABLE NO. 7 : DESIRABLE AND UNDESIRABLE EFFECTS : Incidence Desirable Effects Undesirable Effects TABLE NO. 8 : MEAN INDUCTION TIME (IN MINUTES) : Mean induction time (mnts) Statistical Comparison
The difference in mean induction time between these two groups was found insignificant. TABLE NO. 9 : MEAN RECOVERY TIME (IN MINUTES) : Mean recovery time (mnts) Statistical Comparison
The difference of mean recovery time is statistically insignificant. TABLE NO. 10 : NATURE OF RECOVERY : Nature of Recovery
The Nature of recovery is statistically identical. DISCUSSION
with pre-existing hyperthermia due to its sweatinducing property.
Age and Weight is found identical in the study.
The rise in mean pulse rate/mnt, observed within the both
3. It is useful for quick and smooth induction.
groups (>0.01) as found statistically significant. A
4. It is a better drug for allaying apprehension than
negligible rise in the mean of M.B.P. in group I and group
II, 90 mnts after premedication carries no value (>0.05). The psycho-physical response was evaluated 90 minutes
5. Incidences of complications during anaesthesia were
after premedication in both the group. With regard to
production of desirable effects both the groups were
6. It does not produce any cardiovascular and
identical but the percentage was little higher in Vacha
premedicated group, without producing any undesirableresponses. REFERENCES
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