Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 464 (2001) 192–195
Magnetized cylindrical targets for heavy ion fusionq
A.J. Kempa,*, M. Baskob, J. Meyer-ter-Vehna
a Max-Planck-Institut f .ur Quantenoptik, Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1, 85748 Garching, Germany
b Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, B. Cheremushkinskaya 25, 117259 Moscow, Russia
Ignition conditions for magnetized cylindrical fusion targets are investigated by means of one-dimensional
hydrodynamic calculations. Of particular interest is the effect of a tamper surroundingthe fuel at the time of stagnation. The key assumption in this paper is that the targets are magnetically insulated, i.e. electronic and ionic heat conductionas well as the diffusion of 3.5 MeV alpha particles are suppressed. It is found that magnetically insulated targets can beignited at significantly reduced values of the fuel rR, but, in contrast to conventional fusion targets, the value of the fuelrR at ignition depends on the fuel mass as well as on the tamper entropy. # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rightsreserved.
Keywords: Magnetized fuel; Ignition threshold
However, this would be acceptable as longas
the fuel can be ignited. Once ignition is achieved,
Magnetized target fusion (MTF) stands for
the benefit is a significant reduction of the required
inertial confinement fusion (ICF) with an addi-
driver power [5], compared to the usual ICF. A
tional magnetic field; it has been discussed mostly
natural way to reduce energy losses out of the fuel
in the context of spherically symmetric implosions
is to apply an external magnetic field in the target,
[1,2]. The recent interest in cylindrical configura-
in axial or azimuthal direction. In particular, it has
tions [3–5] arises in the context of heavy ion beam
been shown [5] that ignition can be achieved at
fusion, where a cylindrical geometry is the natural
significantly reduced rR values if the gyroradius of
choice in view of the cylindrical geometry of the
the 3.5 MeV alpha particles in the magnetic field is
beam. A major drawback of this geometry is that,
of the same order as the fuel radius at stagnation,
under similar constraints on symmetry and stabi-
always on the assumption that the fuel is
lity, cylindrical implosions are less efficient than
spherical ones [4]. Hence they result in lower rR
In this article, we therefore examine the role of
the confinement for tamped fuel volumes at lowrR. We assume the fuel plasma to be magnetically
insulated, which means that heat conduction losses
as well as diffusion of alpha particles are sup-
E-mail address: (A.J. Kemp).
pressed alongthe radial direction. Our main
0168-9002/01/$ - see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 1 6 8 - 9 0 0 2 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 3 2 - 8
A.J. Kemp et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 464 (2001) 192–195
conclusion is that the fuel rR necessary for
the lower limit for the ignition temperature of ICF
ignition depends both on the fuel mass and the
targets, which is at approximately 4.5 keV [10]. We
tamper entropy. Below, we present the results of
have selected our workingpoint at T0 ¼ 7 keV, but
one-dimensional computer simulations of pre-
the final results of this paper are not selective to
assembled fuel–tamper configurations. Similar
the exact number. Results will be plotted as
configurations have been widely studied for non-
magnetized targets in a spherical geometry [6]. Here, we reconsider this matter for magnetizedcylindrical targets to assess their potential for ICF.
The simulations described below were per-
2. Basic assumptions and initial configuration
formed with the Lagrangean, one-dimensionalhydrodynamics code DEIRA [8], featuringthree
Since the fuel ignition occurs approximately
temperatures for electrons, ions and radiation, real
when the target implosion has come to a halt, one
matter equation of state and opacity tables, and
can, as a first step, investigate the basic properties
thermonuclear reactions. Non-local deposition of
of the ignition process by starting at the time of
fast alpha particles in the fuel is modeled by a
stagnation. Such a configuration consists of a hot
diffusion equation [8,9]. In order to account for
DT fuel volume surrounded by a layer of dense
magnetic insulation of the target in the sense
tamper material to provide inertial confinement to
discussed in Section 2, the diffusion coefficient for
the fuel. The tamper thickness is characterized by
fast alpha particles and coefficients for both ionic
the ratio xt of the outer tamper radius to the outer
and electronic heat conduction are set to zero in
fuel boundary at stagnation. In order to account
for different heatingsituations, we vary Tt in the
The role of the tamper is to provide inertial
range 1–100 eV. We assume that at stagnation the
confinement to the hot fuel in order to allow
pressure is constant throughout the compressed
considerable burn-up before the configuration
core [7] and that the profiles of density and
explodes. While growing tamper thickness xt
temperature are uniform in fuel and tamper layer.
improves the inertial confinement, it also influ-
This simplifyingassumption reproduces the main
ences the efficiency of the configuration. After
physical aspects of realistic targets at stagnation,
reachinga maximum at approximately xt ¼ 1:8,
as expected from one-dimensional simulations of
the fraction of burnt fuel saturates and the
efficiency drops. As an optimum workingpoint,
The limit of magnetically insulated targets, as
defined above, is adequate if the collision fre-
In contrast to non-magnetized ICF targets,
quency of alpha particles and electrons is small
where one observes a marked increase of the fuel
compared to the cyclotron frequency of the alpha
burn fraction when the fuel rR exceeds the alpha
particles in the magnetic field. The energy relaxa-
stopping range of approximately 0.3 g/cm2, the
tion time between alpha particles and electrons is
fuel burn fraction in magnetically insulated targets
not affected by the magnetic field [8,9]. Since there
increases gradually with the fuel rR; this is caused
is a wide range of fuel parameters where the effects
by the complete redeposition of alpha particles in
of magnetic field pressure on the plasma dynamics
the fuel, even for low values of the fuel rR: Fig. 1
can be neglected, we can perform purely hydro-
shows the peak fuel temperature reached in
dynamic, rather than full MHD simulations.
various target explosions as a function of the
The fuel is described in terms of its stagnation
initial fuel rR. Each point in the plot represents an
temperature T0, the fuel confinement parameter
individual history of a target evolution with given
(rR) and the fuel mass per unit length m ¼ prR2.
initial values of fuel mass m and rR; the curves
Its initial temperature T0 can be chosen at any
connect points of constant fuel mass. Targets are
reasonable margin of about a factor 1.5–2 above
called ‘‘ignited’’ if the peak fuel temperature
A.J. Kemp et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 464 (2001) 192–195
Fig. 1. Peak fuel temperature during target disintegration vs.
Fig. 2. Ignition rR vs. fuel mass for different choices of
the initial fuel rR, for targets with various fuel masses m. The
thickness xt and initial temperature Tt of the tamper. The
ignition threshold is indicated by the horizontal line.
ignition scalings for two values of the fuel mass are indicated bydotted lines. For the shaded area, see Section 4.
duringdisintegration exceeds 21 keV, i.e. if the fueltemperature rises at least to three times the initialvalue of T0 ¼ 7 keV, correspondingto a fuel burnfraction of the order of ten percent. Here, we need
such a definition since there is no clear ignition‘‘cliff’’, as in the case of the non-magnetized
We have investigated ignition conditions for
targets. This definition is consistent with the
magnetically insulated cylindrical fusion targets by
ignition threshold of non-magnetized targets.
The dependence of the rR ignition threshold on
at the time of stagnation. This has been done by
the fuel mass is shown explicitly in Fig. 2. Various
means of one-dimensional hydrodynamic simula-
curves are presented for different values of the
tions, where the effects of heat conduction and the
tamper parameters in order to account for
diffusion of alpha particles have been ignored. We
different implosion histories. The ignition thresh-
have found that under these assumptions, ignition
occurs only when a minimum fuel rR is reached at
where 0:654k41:0, dependingon the fuel mass as
stagnation. The minimum rR for fuel ignition
indicated on Fig. 2. It turns out that the position
depends on the fuel mass as well as on the tamper
of the ignition threshold rR for large fuel masses
entropy. This result can serve as a guideline
m51.0 mg/cm depends on the tamper entropy.
in the vast parameter space, when designing
For tampers with Tt % 100 eV, it remains above
cylindrical MTF targets that should ignite in the
0.01 g/cm2. For cold tampers, however, it can drop
significantly below this value. Also shown in Fig. 2
is the dependence on the tamper thickness xt. The
heavy ion beams is indicated by the shaded area in
ignition rR of targets with a thin (xt ¼ 1:4) and
Fig. 2. The boundaries have been selected such
those with a large ðxt ¼ 1:7) tamper differs by
that the lowest possible ðrRÞign is obtained at fuel
about a factor of two. The simulation results
energies of a few MJ/cm, which may be available
presented above can be understood in terms of
from future heavy ion drivers. The window
equation of state properties of the tamper. This
corresponds to fuel radii up to 1 mm and pressures
below 10 Gbar. Compared to non-magnetized ICF
A.J. Kemp et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 464 (2001) 192–195
targets, magnetic insulation of cylindrical DT
targets allows to reduce the ignition rR thresholdby a factor of 10–30, dependingon the implosion
[1] I. Lindemuth, R. Kirkpatrick, 23 (1983) 263.
history. Since the driver power necessary for
[2] R. Kirkpatrick, I. Lindemuth, M. Ward, 27 (1995) 201. [3] M. Churazov, B. Sharkov, E. Zabrodina, 32 (1996) 577.
breakeven in cylindrical ICF targets scales as [5]
[4] M. Basko, CEA Report EUR-CEA-FC-1645, 1998.
Pdr / ðrRÞ2 , this leads to a significant reduction
[5] M. Basko, A. Kemp, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, Nuclear Fusion
in the required driver power for heavy ion beam
driven, magnetized cylindrical targets in the MTF
[6] S. Atzeni, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 34 (1995) 1980.
[7] J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, Nuclear Fusion 22 (1982) 561. [8] M. Basko, DEIRA-3. 1-D 3-T Hydrodynamic Code for
In this paper, we have not considered how the
assembled fuel–tamper configurations can be
reached by target implosions. Neither have we
[9] M. Liberman, A. Velikovich, J. Plasma Phys. 31 (1984)
considered losses through the ends of the cylind-
rical configuration, see [5], nor the questions of
[10] J. Lindl, in: A. Caruso, E. Sindoni (Eds.), International
School of Plasma Physics Piero Caldirola: Inertial Con-
symmetry and stability. These questions, together
with a more realistic implementation of the
[11] A. Kemp, M. Basko, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, Ignition condi-
magnetic field, will have to be addressed in future
tion for magnetically insulated tampered ICF targets . . .,
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