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EurAsian Journal of BioMedicine, Vol.1, No.2, Mar.2008 Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology and Internal Diseases ords: nodular goiter, colloid goiter, Interleukin-2, Roncoleukin, Levothyroxine. lected, including 2 men (5%) and 18 women (95%). The term of observation was 1 year. According to the preliminarily drawn up plan, ultrasound examination was made before the Purpose of the research: to study the possi- trial, on 3, 6, and 12 months. Examination bility of use of Roncoleukin in the nodular and palpation of the thyroid gland and re- Objectives of the research: to evaluate the mass, heart rate and blood pressure were affect of the therapy with intramural Ronco- measured. Ultrasound scanning was made to leukin injection combined with Levothyrox- all patients with Aloka Apparatus equipped ine administration on the nodular mass vo- with a linear sensor, 7.5 mHz. To examine the fuinctional state of the thyriod gland, the content of free T4 (free thyroxine), TTG Total 20 persons with cytologically confirmed automated apparatus IMX, made in the USA. diagnosis of colloid goiter who received Roncoleukin 250 000 into the thyroid gland munity, indices of immunoglobulin content (IgA, IgM, IgE, IgG) determined with the EurAsian Journal of BioMedicine, Vol.1, No.2, Mar.2008 single radial immunodiffusion technique, where the immunoglobulin content was eva- luated in comparison with the standard hu- man serum with known Ig concentration, as Examining the immune status, one needs to well as the level of circulating immune com- note that the cell immunity state in patients plexes (CIC), were used. In norm, the con- with nodular colloid goiter with different centration of IgA is 0.67-5.0 g/l, IgM – 0.5-2.0 proliferation degree is characterized with g/l, IgG -7.0-20 g/l, IgE – up to 100 IU/ml. some deviations: the follownf is noted in comparison with the norm: decrease of CD4 were examined for characteristic of the cell phenotype indices (0.19±0.02) with the norm: 0.3-1.2 and CD8 (0.12±0.01) with the norm: (Т-helpers), CD8 (Т-suppressors), CD16 0.15-0.9, which witnesses relative shift of the (NK-natural killers), CD72 (В-lymphocytes). immune system to Th2, i.e. relative process The cell-bound immunity indices were eva- autoimmunization, which was in principle luated with the methods of indirect immu- investigated by some authors [1, 2]. As for nofluorescence during determination of the the humoral chain of the immunity, any in- lymphocyte phenotype with the help of mo- itially significant changes in patients with colloid goiter were not seen, though decrease Statistical processing of the received re- of the IgG level was noted in the literature cepted variation-statistical analysis criteria with calculation of the average mean (М±m) mural injection of Roncoleukin 250 000 to the and validity coefficient Р. Difference confi- volume of the nodular mass, reliable decrease dence was determined according to Student of the size of the thyroid gland was noted on Roncoleukin
Volume of the nodular mass, cm3
Initially 3rd month 6th month 12th month EurAsian Journal of BioMedicine, Vol.1, No.2, Mar.2008 the 6th and 12th month. If initially the volume was 2.81±0.23 (р<0.001), the index after 6 months was 1.91±0.16 (р<0.001); the volume of the nodular mass after 12 months also re- liably decreased in comparison with the ini- Synopsis of the Thesis for the degree of Doc- tial index: 0.98±0.15 (р<0.001), which is re- flected in the following diagram (Fig. 1). 2. Castro M.R., Gharib H. // Postcerd. Med,-



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