
Weekly Update
Care June
PBM and Plan Updates
Nationwide Updates
Supervalu Celebrates 70 Years Supplying
• Effective immediately, Health Partners will require PA for all brand and generic strengths of OxyContin® Ukrop’s Supermarket has recently celebrated 70 years of partnership with their supplier Supervalu. Coventry Health
At a recent reception, Jeff Noddle Chairman and CEO of • Effective immediately, Coventry Health will cover Brand Name Supervalu presented Bobby Ukrop, President and CEO of Ukrop’s with a custom oil painting, which shows their original Ukrop’s location on Hull Street in Richmond, VA along with Joe and Jacqueline Ukrop, the company’s HealthTrans
• Effective immediately, HealthTrans has begun to process
founders. Bobby also received their original application claims for the Hyde Rx Cash (discount plan). BIN#: 011867, for membership to Richmond Food Stores, Inc., which • NOTICE: During the month of JUNE the Health Trans claims
Ukrop’s stores are located throughout Central Virginia, processing system will be down for approximately 4 hours with headquarters in Richmond, Virginia. starting at 10 pm Mountain Time (12 am – 4am EST, 9 pm – 1 am PST, 11 pm – 3 am CST). The scheduled days are June 3, To read the complete article please see:
• Effective 07/01/08, First DataBank (FDB) will no longer
publish the Generic Product Indicator (GPI) flag within the drug file. GPI is the industry standard by which brand and generic pr oducts are differentiated and how reimbursements are paid to Generic Launch
pharmacies. Because of this FDB change, Health Trans has created new brand/generic flags to ensure proper claims Generic Wellbutrin XL 150mg is now available.
processing and appropriate reimbursements. va Pharmaceuticals will be the exclusive supplier on the eric form of Wellbutrin XL (bupropion) 150mg in 30 and 500 count sizes. Budeprion XL is the generic name for this product
and it has been added to the SourceSM Generics listing. • Effective 06/01/08 BMC HealthNet members should have new Please contact your representative for more information. ID cards; these cards will begin with the letter “B”. Please use these new cards or claims submitted will reject with Edit 68 – MAC Success
Opus Health
lodipine ER 10mg
Erythromycin 2%
• Effective immediately, Opus Health is processing claims for Diovan/Diovan HCT tablets. BIN#:601341, PCN #:OHCP, • Effective immediately, Opus Health is processing claims for the Welchol Tablets patient assistance plan. BIN#:601341, PCN: OHCP, Grp#: OHC330107 Product -Welchol 625 mg Continued on Page 2 of this Managed Care Weekly Update
Medco Navitus
For questions and additional information, please contact the Managed Care Connection Help Desk at 877.292.3196 Weekly Update
Managed Care
Managed Care
Managed Care
PBM and Plan Updates
Nationwide Updates

Opus Health
• Effective immediately, Opus health has begun to process claims for the Fosrenol® Tablets through the co-
pay/cost assistance card plan. BIN#: 601341, PCN#:OHCP, Grp #: OHC310608 (Debit Rx®), OHC312608 (Cost Assistance) Please note this program covers the following products: PRODUCT NDC
• Effective immediately, Opus Health is processing claims for the Myfortic ® delay-release tablet program. BIN #:601341, PCN #: OHCP, Grp #:OH7101011 US Script
NOTICE: Below is a list of US Script health plans and their NPI acceptance status, please process claims

Health Plan
NPI Acceptance Status
University Health Plan – NJ (UHP) Accepting-not State/Region Updates
Health Net
• Effective immediately, HealthNet members taking Lipitor®, Crestor®, Lescol® or Lescol XL® can receive their
first six-months (a 180-day total supply) free if they choose to switch to simvastatin, pravastatin, or lovastatin.
Eligible members will receive a letter offering to waive their first six consecutive months of copays; members
must present this letter along with their ID card and new prescription. This program does not apply to Health
Net Medicare Part D members.

• Effective immediately, HealthTrans has begun to process claims for 2 new plans: William Wallace Enterprises
and Continental Farms Inc. BIN #:009117, PCN #: HT, Grp #: William Wallace=WWE3400, Continental Farms=CFS1300 For questions and additional information, please contact the Managed Care Connection Help Desk at 877.292.3196 Weekly Update
Managed Care
PBM and Plan Updates
Managed Care
State/Region Updates
FDA Advises Patients to Switch Albuterol
Inhalers Now
The Food and Drug Administration has issued a public health • Effective 06/01/08, Medco will begin to process claims for advisory to alert all patients who use CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) RESAMP members. Bin#: 610014, Grp #: RAHSRXS. propelled inhalers to switch to the HFA (hydrofluoroalkane) propelled Albuterol inhalers. The CFC propelled inhalers will no longer be available in the United States after December 31, RxAmerica
• Effective immediately, RxAmerica will allow on-line COBs for UCare Medicare. BIN #: 012189, PCN: MN=5029, The CFC inhalers are being phased out, as they are harmful to The FDA has approved 3 HFA inhalers: Proair HFA Inhalation Aerosol, Proventil HFA Inhalation Aerosol, and Ventolin HFA • Effective immediately, when processing claims for New Inhalation Aerosol. In addition, an HFA-propelled inhaler Mexico Medicaid the prescribers NPI number must be containing levalbuterol, a medicine similar to Albuterol, is included on each claim and the prescriptions must be available as Xopenex HFA Inhalation Aerosol. written on tamper resistant prescription pads Patients need to familiarize themselves with the HFA versions as the spray may taste different and feel softer than CFC- WellPoint NextRx
• Effective immediately, WellPoint NextRx will begin to In addition, HFA inhalers need to be cleaned regularly to process claims for South Carolina Medicaid. prevent blockages in the device that could prevent the These inhalers treat wheezing in patients with asthma and Catalyst
• Effective immediately, Catalyst will begin to process claims for United Employees Benefit Trust (UEBT). To see the complete articles please see: BIN #: 005947, PCN #: CLAIMCR, Grp #: UEBT FDA Advises Patients to Switch to HFA-Propelled Inhalers, U.S. In the Know
NACDS Endorses Letter Sent to Hill Leaders Regarding Health Information Technology and E-
NACDS has joined AARP, the Business Roundtable, the National Federation of Independent Business, the Service Employees International Union and other members of the Divided We Fail healthcare reform coalition in sending a letter to congress urging action on the Health Information Technology (HIT) and e-prescribing legislation.
Steven C. Anderson, President and CEO of NACDS, stated that the letter reflected two priorities of NACDS: advancing healthcare reform
principles and working to define the pharmacy’s role in healthcare delivery.

To read the complete article please see: Letter to Hill Leaders on Technology Reflects NACDS' Focus on Reform Principles
For questions and additional information, please contact the Managed Care Connection Help Desk at 877.292.3196

Source: http://www.cardinalhealth.ch/us/en/pharmacies/offerings/mcareconnect/pdf/MCC%20Weekly%20Update%2020080602.pdf

Fda and nanotech: baby steps lead to regulatory uncertainty

41 FDA and Nanotech: Baby Steps Lead to Regulatory Uncertainty Bawa Biotech LLC, Ashburn, VA, USA and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA 41.1 Introduction of the FDA is to ensure that drugs, medical devices, vaccines, veterinary products, and tobacco prod- Emerging technologies bring with them concerns ucts reaching the consumer are both safe and effec-and uncertaintie

Microsoft word - leverhaler laboratory white paper.doc

Laboratory White Paper LeverHaler Valved Holding Chamber BirdSong Medical Devices, Inc. Brewster, New York Test: Laboratory: Thayer Labs, Tucson, AZ. Report: Albuterol Sulfate, Metaproterenol Sulfate 1.1 Comparative Product Testing Summary Figure 1: Comparative Product Test Results: Birdsong Monaghan Healthscan Products Dose Output Data (•g proventil) Do

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