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Poster Sessions Ⅲ JVIR
three main areas relating to periprocedural care, namely sign in, time
Stent deployment was successful in all cases. No significant dif-
out, and sign out, and requires participation from all members of the
ferences in prostate size between groups were identified at any
interventional radiology team. Based on analysis of our initial data,
studied timepoints. At day 30 after deployment, partial vesical
simple errors such as lack of appropriate preprocedural antibiotic
migration was seen in two animals of the paclitaxel group and 1
prophylaxis have been easily identified and corrected and there has
belonging to the finasteride group, and complete vesical migration
been an increase in the efficiency of periprocedural patient evalua-
in 2 animals from the finasteride group. At day 60, all partial
tion. Overall, there has been excellent adoption and utilization of the
migrations had progressed to complete. All animals voided nor-
safety checklist by all team members in interventional radiology.
mally through the study. Pathology showed varying degrees of
Conclusion and/or Teaching Points: The use of a peripro-
chronic irritation, with inflammatory cell infiltration and fibrosis in
cedural safety checklist in interventional radiology enhances pa-
the glandular parenchyma. Prostate glandular atrophy was seen in
tient care and safety without degrading efficiency. Additionally, it
the stented areas in both groups (graded 2 in a 0 to 3 semiquan-
provides one simple form that provides pertinent information that
is currently scattered throughout many mandatory forms required
Conclusion: Prostate DES may induce glandular atrophy after
for compliance with institutional standards, thus allowing for the
60 days. No difference in effectiveness was seen between Finas-
potential to simplify and eliminate some of these forms. It is likely
teride or Paclitaxel drug-eluting stents in the hormone- induced
that given the rapid adoption of similar checklists in the surgical
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) canine model. Stent migration
arena, it is a matter of time before hospitals and payers require
remains an issue that needs to be addressed in prostatic urethral
interventional radiology departments to comply with similar re-
quirements. Given interventional radiology’s track record of lead-ership and innovation at the forefront of medicine, we recommend
Abstract No. 263
implementation of a periprocedural safety checklist in interven-tional radiology. Endovascular treatment of pelvic congestion syndrome: A retrospective study in 202 patients A. Laborda1, J. Medrano1,2, I. Urtiaga3, A. Mainar1,2, M. Sanchez Ballestin1,2, C. Serrano1, R. Fernandez- Genitourinary Interventions
Parra1, M.A. de Gregorio1,2; 1GITMI-Universidad deZaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain; 2IR, Lozano Blesa ClinicalHospital, Zaragoza, Spain; 3Vascular Surgery, LozanoBlesa Clinical Hospital, Zaragoza, Spain
Abstract No. 262 Purpose: To present a retrospective series of 202 patients suf- Drug-eluting stents for the management of
fering from pelvic congestion syndrome (PCS) treated by embo-lotherapy. benign prostatic hyperplasia: An experimental Materials and Methods: 202 patients were recruited in a sin- study in a canine model
gle center (mean age 43.5 years; range 27–57). Inclusion criteria
V. Crisostomo1, M. Maynar2,3, F. Sun1, H. Song4,
were: patients with chronic pelvic pain for more than 6 months
J. Usón1, F.M. Sanchez-Margallo1; 1Jesus Uson
without evidence of other causes, increased venous caliber (Ͼ6
Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre, Caceres, Spain;
mm) in US and 1 of the following criteria: venous ectasia, venous
2Hospiten Rambla, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain; 3Las
reflux or presence of communicating veins by transvaginal US
Palmas de Gran Canaria University, Las Palmas de
Doppler. US findings were confirmed by angiography. Both ovar-
Gran Canaria, Spain; 4Dept of Diagnostic Radiology,
ian and hypogastric veins were embolised in all cases using
Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of
different size coils. Pain level of the patients was assessed pre and
post embolotherapy and in follow-up using a visual analogue scale
Purpose: To evaluate the use of paclitaxel or finasteride drug-
(VAS). The patients filled in our own questionnaire to evaluate the
eluting stents in a canine model of hormone induced benign
grade of satisfaction and changes that affect their quality of life.
Clinical and US-Doppler studies were recorded in the follow-up
Materials and Methods: A BPH model was created in 10
(1, 3, 6 and 12 months. The patients were clinically reevaluated by
adult surgically castrated male beagles by the administration of a
phone each year for 5 years (pain, complications, new symptoms).
combination of steroid hormones during 5 months. Drug-eluting
Results: Technical success was achieved in 100% of the cases
stents (DES) were prepared by dipping 15x20mm nitinol stents in
and clinical success (improvement or disappearance of symptoms
a polyurethane solution including 10% paclitaxel or finasteride.
at discharge) in all patients, with total disappearance symptoms in
Animals were randomly allocated to either paclitaxel (Group A,
29 patients (15%). Mean follow-up was of 44 months (range 3– 60
nϭ5) or finasteride- (Group B, nϭ5) eluting stents. Stents were
months) with total disappearance of symptoms at the end of
deployed under fluoroscopic guidance 120 days after the begin-
follow-up in 68% of the patients (the other 32% showed slight
ning of the study. Transrectal ultrasound was performed by an
pain, Ͻ3 in VAS). Complications were: abdominal pain post-
operator blinded to the animals’ group to measure the prostate size
embolization (23 cases), groin haematoma (6 cases), coil migra-
before hormonal therapy, immediately before stenting, and at 30
tion (4 cases), and reaction to contrast media (1 case). The degree
and 60 days after stent deployment. Dogs were then euthanized
of satisfaction recorded by the patients was over 7/10 in 89% of
Results: Prior to stents deployment, prostatic volumes increased Conclusion: Embolisation of the ovarian and internal iliac veins
significantly (p Ͻ 0.001) from 1.60 Ϯ 0.80cc to 44.94 Ϯ 10.62cc.
is a feasible and technically easy procedure that improves the
Eur J PediatrDOI 10.1007/s00431-009-0978-0Clinical trial showing superiority of a coconut and anisespray over permethrin 0.43% lotion for head louseinfestation, ISRCTN96469780Ian F. Burgess & Elizabeth R. Brunton &Nazma A. BurgessReceived: 16 February 2009 / Accepted: 23 March 2009# Springer-Verlag 2009Abstract Permethrin is the most widely used pediculicide,head louse infestation a
Belgium Indoor Hockey Titre IV Règlement Sportif Salle Saison 2012-2013 Edition Septembre 2012 by Belgium Indoor Hockey Page 1/11 27/10/2012 Table des matières Article 1 - Code de Conduite.3 Article 1 - Qualifications.5 Article 2 - Heures des rencontres.6Article 3 - Premiers soins.6Article 4 - Rapport Officiel.7Article 5 - Barèmes des frais et amendes