Copeland veterinary surgeons _ post op care for dogs

Today your dog has had a general anaesthetic and surgery. Hopefully this has not been to stressful for either of you.
Once you get your dog home if you are unsure of anything or have any worries about your dog, ring us at the practice,that’s what we are here for. I am sure no matter how silly you think you are being you won’t be the first person to havethe same worry Practice telephone01642 760999out of hours01642 217 605 Below are some general points for you to be aware of:
Shaved area on leg
This is where we gave the anaesthetic or placed a cannula. There may be a little bruising about this area for a few days
but your dog should not be bothered by this. The hair will re-grow as normal in 4-5 weeks.
Pain relief
It is normal for your dog to be drowsy post- op but they should be comfortable. If we expect any discomfort we will have
sent you home with pain killers e.g. metacam, rimadyl and/or tramadol. Generally it is better if these are given with
food. Occasionally they can cause vomiting or diarrhoea. This is not common so let us know if it does occur.
Your dog will normally have been offered some food after coming round from the anaesthetic in the hospital. Once
home you may offer your dog a small amount of their normal food. If you want to pamper them it is OK to give them
some chicken or fish with boiled rice. Don’t be surprised if it takes a day or so for their appetite to fully return.
Going out
After any general anaesthetic, although they may appear bright, your dog may not be as agile or co-ordinated as
normal for a couple of days.
Unless told otherwise dogs should be allowed out in the garden under strict supervision on a lead for the first 48 hours,then slowly returned to normal amounts of exercise over the next 14 days, gradually increasing the walks each day.
Incision site /wound
The discharging nurse will have given you specific instructions for your dogs surgery. Generally we use subcuticular
sutures so they are hidden under the skin. These are more comfortable, can’t be licked out and are cosmetically more
pleasing. Check the wound at least twice daily. A little redness or bruising can be expected. However, if there is any
swelling or discharge or bleeding please let us know. Your dog should not be over concerned with the wound, if there is
a lot of licking let us know as licking does not help healing or keep it clean.
The amount of exercise your dog will be able to manage will vary with their surgery. The discharge nurse should have
gone through this with you. In the immediate post op period there should be:
No playing with other family petsNo rough and tumble games If you have any questions relating to anything above or have any questions about your kitten in general please contact us at the surgery (01642 760 999).


Microsoft word - styringsgruppemøte 11 juni 2009 - referat_2.doc

Referat styringsgruppemøte NBCG 11. juni 2009 Tid: Radisson SAS Airport Hotel, Gardermoen (rett ved togstasjonen) Tilstede: Erik Wist, Hans E. Fjøsne, Ingvild Mjaaland, Ottar A. Bjerkeset, Beate Boge, Steinar Dahl, John Kufås, Torgunn Kursetgjerde, Hans Aas, Berit Gravdehaug, Bjørn Naume, Per Eystein Lønning, Turid Aas, Astrid Dahlhaug, Kjetil Weyde, Jürgen Geisler, Terje Risb

Eur J PediatrDOI 10.1007/s00431-009-0978-0Clinical trial showing superiority of a coconut and anisespray over permethrin 0.43% lotion for head louseinfestation, ISRCTN96469780Ian F. Burgess & Elizabeth R. Brunton &Nazma A. BurgessReceived: 16 February 2009 / Accepted: 23 March 2009# Springer-Verlag 2009Abstract Permethrin is the most widely used pediculicide,head louse infestation a

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