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Dr.mohmmad hassan adel

Date of birth:24 August,1963
Place of birth: Tehran, Iran
Citizenship: Iranian
Marital Status: Married
• Joundi Shapour University of Medical Sciences is one of the famous and old medical university with 40 year history.This university is located in southwest of Iran in Ahvaz city. • Job Title:
Chief of Cardiovascualr Department of jundishapour university of medical
sciences, Imam Khomeni General Hospital and Golestan Hospital,Ahwaz,Iran. April
Associate Professor of Interventional Cardiology, Imam Khomeni General
Hospital, Jundi Shapour University of Medical Sciences, Ahwaz, Iran. September 2009 up to now • Assistant Professor of Interventional Cardiology, Imam Khomeni General
Hospital, Jundi Shapour University of Medical Sciences, Ahwaz, Iran. March 2006 – September 2009 I have been a faculty member for the cardiovascular program at the Imam Khomeni University Hospital from March 2006 up to now. I have 5 year experience in the field of interventional cardiology and teaching medical student, internship and fellows. 1-Detecting patients with cardiovascular disease at clinic,CCU(Coronary Care Unit) and angiography units 2-Diagnostic methods of invasive and non-invasive treatment including,echocardiography,coronary angiography, cardiac catheterization in valvular and 3-Providing medical consultation between hospital units 4-Referring cardiac patients to heart surgical wards 6-Making medical education programs in association with assistants and interns 7-interventional procedure: coronary and peripheral angioplasty, valvuloplasty and congenital heart diseases Assistant Professor of Cardiology, Golestan General Hospital, Jundi Shapour
University of Medical Sciences, Ahwaz, Iran 1994-2004 I have been a faculty member for the cardiovascular program at the Golestan University Hospital from September 1994 until September 2004.I had 10 year experience in the field of general cardiology and teaching medical student, internship and fellows. 1-Providing outpatient services and medical treatment in clinic and referring cardiac patients to heart surgical wards. 2-Providing services to patients confined to bed (in-hospital) at heart centre and CCu 3-Echocardiography,treadmill exercise test, coronary angiography and cardiac catheterization 4-Providing medical consultation between hospital units 5-On-call and providing services to severely ill patients 6-Lanunching education medical programs in association with assistants and interns 7- Participation in hospital and healthcare conferences Qualification:
High School: Jameh (Taleghanei) High School, Tehran , Iran, (1981- 1982)
Medical School: Mashhad University of medical sciences , Mashhad , Iran (1983-
Board Certification: Cardiology , Iran University of Medical Sciences (1995)
Fellowship: Interventional Cardiology, Iran University of Medical Sciences (2004-
Doctor of Medicine Diploma, MD. (1990)
Permanent License of medicine.(1999)
Iranian Board of Cardiology. (1995)
Fellowship in Interventional Cardiology. (2006)
Academic and Official Appointment:
Internship: Affiliated Hospitals of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (1988-
General Physician : Emam Reza University Hospital, Mashhad, Iran ( 1990)
A. Internal Medicine
Affiliated Hospitals of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran (1990- 1991) B. Cardiology
Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (1991-1994) Fellowship: Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical Center, Iran University of Medical
Presentations and Publications:
1) Regression of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy After Successful Renal
Transplantation Among Uremic Patients. Adel SM.,Shahbazian H. Medical Journal
Of The Islamic Republic Of Iran. Feb 2003.(English)

2) Coronary Artery Anomaly. Adel SM.,Ramezanei AA. Saudi Medical
Journal.2005; May;26(5):880-881.(English)

3)Cor triatriatum Sinister. Adel SM., Ramezanei AA. Chitnis P. Saudi Medical
Journal. 2007;Jun;28(6):965-966.(English)
4) Gender-Related Differences of Risk Factors Among Patients Undergoing CABG
in Ahwaz, Iran. Saudi Medical Journal 2007;Vol.28(11):1686-1689.(English)
5) Immediate and Short-Term Results of Coronary Stenting With the YUKON
Drug-Eluting Stent. Basiri H., Abdi S., Kiavar M., Nohi F., Mohebi A., Madani M.,
Saadatian M., Nough H., Varestehravan H., Adel SMH. Iranian Heart Journal,
Winter 2005.(English)
6)Apical Ballooning Syndrome or Tako-Tsubo Cardiomyopathy: what we know
about it. Alasti M., Mehrabanfar AA., Adel SM., Asareh AR. The Journal of Tehran
University Heart Center. Vol. 2(2):Spring 2007.(English)
7) Atrial Fibrillation Among Patients With Stroke. Mehrabanfar AA., Adel SM.
Neurosiences.Vol. 13(2); 2008.(English)
8) Repair of Interventricular Septal Rupture With Apical Aneurysmectomy Among
Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction. Hashenmi MJ., Yousefnia MA., Adel
SM. Nezam Pezeshki Medical Journal Summer 1996. (Persian)

9) Report of 9 Cases of Right Sided Infective Endocarditis Among IV-Drug Abuser.
Adel SM., Ramezanei MA., Ebadi A., Rasi S. Medical Journal Of The Islamic
Republic Of Iran: SUPPLEMENT 1996(English)

10) Relation of Anticardiolipin Antibody Positive With Cardiovascular
Manifestation Among Patients With Inactive Systemic Lupus Erythmatosis. Adel
SM., Mola K., Seraj MS., Halabian M., Ghaderian SB. Medical Journal Of
Esfahan University; Spring 2003(Persian)
11) Relationship Between The Serologic Statuses Of Helicobacter Pylori With The
Presence Of Unstable Angina. Alavi SM,Adel SM,Rajabzadeh A, Pakestan Journal
Of Medical Sciences 2008;Vol 24.No 1,Page 29-32. (English)

12) The effectiveness of nurse led teaching in decreasing complications during
femoral artery sheath removal after percutaneous coronary intervention in
Ahvaz,Iran Journal
،Vol،No: Saudi Med J 2009;vol.30(11). (English)
13)Comparative study of effects of fast release sublingual versus chewing-
swallowing nifedipine on blood pressure decline in hypertension emergencies, Seyed
Mohammad Hassan Adel,MD,Sedigheh Fayazei, Mohammad Hosein Haghighi,
Haji Armand, Scientific Medical Journal of Ahwaz Jundishapur University of
Medical Sciences,2009,18(1),79-88.(Persian)

14) Seropervalence Study Of Helicobacter Pylori Infection Among Visitors Of
Cardiac Patients In Razi Hospital In Ahvaz, Iran. Alavi SM,Adel SM,Rajabzadeh A
،Vol،No: Jundishapour Journal of Microbiology(2010);3(1):28-31.
15)QT Dispersion: Does It Change after Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention?Mohammad Alasti,MD,Mohammad Hassan Adel,MD,Ekhlas
Torfi,MD,Mohammad Noorizadeh,MD,Sara Bahadoram,Mahsa Asadi
Moghaddam,Mohammad Bahadoram,Bita Omidvar,MD,Mohammad Hossein
Jadbabaei,MD.J The Univ Heart Ctr 2011;6(1):19-23. (English)
16)Clinical efficacy of percutaneous renal revascularization with stent placement in
hypertension among patients with atherosclerotic renovascular diseases.Seyed
Mohammad Hassan Adel,Seyed Masood Syeidian,Mohammad Najafi,Mohammad

Noorizade, JCDR(Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research 2011;2(1): 40-47.
Participation in International Congresses:
The 4th Iranian Heart Association in Tehran-Iran 1990.(oral presentation)
The 6th Iranian Heart Association in Tehran-Iran 1992.(oral presentation)
The 10th Iranian Heart Association and The1th Mediterranean Congress Of
Prevention Of Cardiovascular Diseases in Esfahan-Iran 1996.(poster presentation)
The 12th Iranian Heart Association in Collaboration With Cleveland and Mayo
Clinic , Tehran-Iran 2000.(oral presentation)
The 13th Iranian Heart Association in Collaboration With University Of Vienna,
Tehran-Iran 2001.(poster presentation)
The 14th Iranian Heart Association in Collaboration With British Cardiac Society ,
Tehran-Iran 2002.(participant)
The 6th World Congress of Epidemiology (The Eastern Mediterranean Region),
Ahwaz-Iran 2003.(poster presentation)
The 5th Iranian National Congress on Cardiovascular Up-to-date , Tehran-Iran
Annual European Congress of Rheumatology .Berline,Germany (EULAR 2004)
.(poster presentation)
The 6th Iranian National Congress on Cardiovascular Up-to-date , Tehran-Iran
The 4th International Congress of the Iranian Society of Cardiac Surgeons ,
Tehran-Iran 2004.(participant)
State-of-the-Art Cardiology (Mayo Clinic) – Dubai ,United Arab Emirates 2004
The 7th Iranian National Congress on Cardiovascular Up-to-date , Tehran-Iran
2005.(oral presentation)
The 15th Iranian Heart Association in Collaboration with French Heart Association
, Tehran-Iran 2004.(poster presentation)
The 18th European Society of Cardiology Congress in Stockholm-Sweden
World Congress Of Cardiology and The 19th European Society of Cardiology
Congress in Barcelona -Spain 2006.(participant)
EuroPCR . Barcelona – Spain 2007.(participant)
The Leipzig Interventional Course LINC. Leipzig – Germany 2006.(participant)
JIM ,Rome-Italy 2009 .(participant)
JIM ,Rome-Italy 2010 .(participant)
EuroPCR . Barcelona – Spain 2008.(participant)
EuroPCR . Barcelona – Spain 2009.(participant)
EuroPCR . 2Paris – France 2010.(participant)
The 23th European Society of Cardiology Congress in Stockholm-Sweden
The 24th European Society of Cardiology Congress in Barcelona – Spain
The 28th European Society of Cardiology Congress in Stockholm-Sweden



Valuing Viagra: What Is Restoring Potency Worth?Printed from ACP Online. Document URL: Close this window Effective Clinical Practice Valuing Viagra: What Is Restoring Potency Worth? Effective Clinical Practice, July/August 1999. For author affiliations, current addresses, and contributions, see end of text. Context. The use

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