Oh to sleep a thousand peaceful sleeps!
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) there are “three treasures” of our body: Qi - energy; Jing - essence/
constitution; and Shen - spirit and mind.

These days we generally all place many stresses on Racing Anxious Mind
In TCM the heart not only houses the mind, it also n has been disturbed. Every stress we place on governs the blood (which is a similar function to western medicine) and has a direct link with mental atigue, spicy food, excessive alcohol, caffeine health. If someone has been drained of energy - due and other stimulating substances. Insomnia is to malnourishment, physical activity or excessive probably the most common symptom of Shen worry - the heart energy will become depleted. This is known as a heart Qi deficiency and will cause the mind to wander and thoughts can race around without Because there are different causes of insomnia, many making much sense. The racing anxious mind is quite people find generic herbal formulas or prescription common at night where there are few distractions. Other symptoms can be memory loss, heart In TCM, insomnia is often related to two different body palpitations and lack of concentration. To combat this it is crucial to maintain a healthy diet. If the digestive system is healthy it will minimise the stress on the body, allowing the heart to function properly and keep Hot & Sweaty Restlessness
TCM Treatment
The liver purifies the blood and according to TCM is Both types of insomnia can be treated with TCM. closely linked to our emotional state. If someone has Acupuncture, cupping and massage treatment will
constant stress or worry, the liver will be placed under spontaneously calm the body and mind. Individually pressure and will create internal heat. Often stress prescribed herbs will effectively create a deep change
can lead to increased consumption of alcohol or an by supporting balance of body and reducing pressure unhealthy diet, which then places the liver under more on the organ system, which will calm the mind. Some Mindful Calming Tips:
At night the body’s systems should be resting, which Focus on the breath. Breathe deeply in through is why our core temperature drops when we sleep. the nose and out through the mouth, count 10 Internal liver heat will not allow the body to cool at night and will cause stuffiness, sweating and agitation. Avoid hot and spicy food and alcohol, especially These symptoms can cause disturbed sleep and insomnia. If this body pattern is not treated properly Don’t eat large meals late into the evenings; the and the insomnia continues for a long period it’s not digestive process will disturb the body and make uncommon for chronic fatigue or depression to it harder for it to switch off and relax. Avoid caffeine, especially after midday. If it is the middle of the night and you are having problems sleeping, don’t panic you can always get a TCM treatment tomorrow, which will help you catch up on sleep the following night. Gardenvale Traditional Chinese Medicine • 134A Martin St, Gardenvale • Ph. 9530 6566 •


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