Microsoft word - cattle - mos to milk replacer for dairy calves.doc

EXAMINATION OF THE ADDITION OF YEAST CELL WALL MATERIAL (MOS) TO MILK REPLACER FOR DAIRY CALVES. Introduction: Prebiotic fiber inclusion in animal diets has been studied as to impact on gut health and subsequent animal performance. A variety of oligosaccharides are available, and several researchers have reported on the benefits of mannanoligosaccharides (MOS) when added to the milk replacer of dairy calves. A common source of mannanoligosaccharides is the cell wall of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). IMMUNOWALLTM is such a yeast cell wall product and contains mannanoligosaccharides (14-20%) and β glucans (22-28%). A MOS source that is used in calf programs is other one and the guarantee reads 25% minimum glucomannanoprotein. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of IMMUNOWALLTM addition to calf milk replacer. Research Method: The trial was contracted with a Midwestern feed company and begun in August of 2006. Calves were acquired from a single dairy farm after they had access to colostrum. They were housed in individual hutches. A total of 39 heifer calves were randomly assigned to one of 3 milk replacer treatments (13 calves per treatment): Treatment 1 – Control: standard all milk formula (20% CP; 20% CF) with NT (333g Treatment 2 – MOS 1: standard all milk formula with NT and MOS 1 to provide 4g/calf/day. Treatment 3 - IMMUNOWALLTM: standard all milk formula with NT and IMMUNOWALLTM to A common 18% CP calf starter was provided to all calves. It was a texturized feed containing a mix of cracked & whole grains, pellets and molasses. It was medicated with dequinate at the prescribed level. Milk replacer powder and water were accurately weighed and fed two times per day. Calves were weaned by offering 1 feeding per day of milk replacer during days 36-42. Fresh calf starter was offered daily starting at day four. Unconsumed starter was composited on a daily basis and weighed weekly to determine actual intake for the week. Calves were weighed every 7 days. The trial period was 8 weeks. ICC Industrial Comércio Exportação e Importação Ltda. Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima 1768 cj. 4C Jardim Paulistano 01451-909 São Paulo SP Brazil Phone:+55 11 3093 0799 Fax:+55 11 3816 7661 Results: Calf health was very good throughout the trial. Consequently neither calf scours nor respiratory illness was a problem. Calves on Treatment 3 (IMMUNOWALLTM) had significantly greater weight gains (6 weeks) and calf starter intakes (6 weeks, 8 weeks and total) than calves on Treatment 2 (MOS 1). The performance of the Treatment 1 calves (Control) was not significantly different than either of the two MOS treatments but was numerically better than the MOS 1 group. The MOS 1 group had the poorest performance of the three groups in this study. From the results of this study IMMUNOWALLTM appears to be reliable MOS source for use in calf milk replacer formulations. Calf performance when receiving milk replacer with alternatives sources of MOS. a,b Means in a row without common superscripts differ (P≤0.10). Advantages to Adding IMMUNOWALLTM TO Milk Replacers Benefit – Reduction in the incidence of diarrhea, scours or enteritis. Benefit – Improved gut integrity to promote more efficient feed absorption. Benefit – Increased titer levels to vaccines Benefit – Reduced incidence of respiratory disease. ICC Industrial Comércio Exportação e Importação Ltda. Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima 1768 cj. 4C Jardim Paulistano 01451-909 São Paulo SP Brazil Phone:+55 11 3093 0799 Fax:+55 11 3816 7661 IMMUNOWALLTM improvement on the calf’s Average Daily Gain (ADG) in pounds (6 weeks and 8 weeks). IMMUNOWALLTM reduces the producers feed cost per pound gained, which in turn will increase profits. * The trial was contracted with a Midwestern feed company and begun in August of 2006. Calves were acquired from a single dairy farm after they had access to colostrum. They were housed in individual hutches. ICC Industrial Comércio Exportação e Importação Ltda. Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima 1768 cj. 4C Jardim Paulistano 01451-909 São Paulo SP Brazil Phone:+55 11 3093 0799 Fax:+55 11 3816 7661


MOVIMENTO EDITORIAL INDÍGENA: estudo das especificidades da produção escrita indígena através da análise de edições de mitos Kaxinawá Érica dos Santos Lima Profª Drª Cynthia de Cássia Santos Barra PORTO VELHO JULHO-2012 MOVIMENTO EDITORIAL INDÍGENA: estudo das especificidades da produção escrita indígena através da análise de edições de mitos Kaxinawá


The previous chapter traced the history that led class war onto the terrain of theinformation revolution. This one makes a map of the contemporary battleground. To do so,it uses one of one of Marx's central concepts, that of the circuit of capital.1 Put simply, thisshows how capital depends for its operations not just on exploitation in the immediateworkplace, but on the continuous integration

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