The Menopause Hair Loss Risk: Six Treatments That Can Help…
Do you know about the menopause hair loss risk?
effectively prevent hair loss and regrow hair. However, a
small recently-released European study suggests that it
U.S. hair expert Dr. Alan Bauman turns the spotlight on
may be helpful in some women. Due to the potential risk
this overlooked problem, including new treatments that
for birth defects, female users must get it prescribed
“off-label” under the careful supervision of a doctor.
Boca Raton, FL (PRWEB) October 10, 2007 -- Dealing with
(4) Prostaglandin Analogs: A hot new ingredient that’s
the big “M” is hard enough - but few women realize that
been reported to stimulate hair follicles in the eyelids,
as they approach menopause, the risk for hair loss in-
causing lashes to grow longer, thicker and darker. Several
creases to as much as 50-percent - and it can be as high as
new “eyelash conditioners” containing this type of growth
factor are now out on the market. Dr. Bauman recom-
mends Jan Marini’s new Age Intervention Eyelash Condi-
However, it is generally believed that a decline in estrogen,
tioner. Check out
or perhaps a change in its ratio with other hormones, may
ventionEyelashConditioner.html. Also, www.mdlashfactor.
be a primary culprit. “The exact trigger for hereditary hair
com is one of the few lash-enhancers that has performed a
loss in women around menopause is not entirely under-
double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial
stood,” said Alan J. Bauman, M.D., a leading U.S. hair
restoration physician and top expert on female hair loss.
“However, it is generally believed that a decline in estro-
(5) Nutritional Modification: Dr. Bauman advocates that
gen, or perhaps a change in its ratio with other hormones,
good nutrition, especially adequate protein intake, is
critical for growing healthy hair. And, while there is no
“magical vitamin” for hair growth, many patients report
Over 30 million U.S. women suffer from hair loss. The
improved hair quality and nail-strength after taking sup-
most common complaints include: increased shedding,
plements like Viviscal, Biotin and Zinc for several months.
loss of hair volume, changes in hair texture and caliber and
(6) Microsurgical Hair Transplants: Unlike your father’s
old “hair plugs,” advanced microsurgical techniques now
According to Dr. Bauman, there are six effective tradi-
allow living and growing hair follicles to be comfortably
tional and non-traditional treatment options that can help
and undetectably transplanted one at a time into thinning
areas of the scalp for both men and women. Hair trans-
plants for women can effectively improve density and
(1) Minoxidil: Commonly known as Rogaine, this FDA-
coverage in the scalp - like the hairline, temples and
approved over-the-counter topical treatment can help
part-line - as well as the eyebrows and even eyelashes.
thinning hairs grow back longer and thicker as well as
stimulate resting follicles to grow once again. The 2-per-
Dr. Bauman has treated hundreds of women over the
cent solution is the only FDA-approved drug for women’s
last 10 years to help maintain and restore their scalp hair,
hair loss, and is considered the first-line of defense against
eyelashes and eyebrows. For more information about the
the problem. However, Dr. Bauman notes that many wom-
causes and treatments of female hair loss, visit Dr. Bau-
en opt for the 5-percent extra-strength version “off-label.”
man’s website at About Dr. Bauman (2) Low Level Laser Therapy: The FDA recently cleared
Alan J. Bauman, M.D., founder of Bauman Medical Group
one of the many laser devices available as a treatment
in Boca Raton, Florida, is a top U.S. medical expert on
for hair loss, with more pending. It’s believed that LLLT
hair loss and restoration for men and women, including
stimulates follicles and decreases inflammation at the cel-
eyelash, eyebrow and scalp transplants, and laser therapy.
lular level, causing thinning hairs to grow back longer and
Known for his expertise in female hair loss, approxi-
thicker. Having used laser therapy since 1999, Dr. Bauman
mately 40-percent of Dr. Bauman’s patients are women.
currently recommends Sunetics International’s Clinical
Recommended by the American Hair Loss Association,
Laser Hood for in-office treatments and its LaserBrush for
Dr. Bauman is a diplomate of the American Board of Hair
private, at-home use. Check out
Restoration Surgery and a featured lecturer at major medi-
cal conferences. Websites: and
(3) Finasteride: Commonly known as Propecia, this
prescription pill is FDA-approved for men to safely and
Miércoles 12 de Octubre de 2011 Santoral Nuestra Señora del Pilar, santos Eustaquio y Maximiliano Día de la Hispanidad El Sol La Luna Sale a las 06:22 (gmt) Sale a las 17:34 (gmt) Se pone a las 17:40 (gmt) Se pone a las 06:44 (gmt) Horóscopo del día: GÉMINIS Luna l ena en Aries. Aunque estemos en día de trabajo tú vas a tener el espírit
Gemeng Leideleng • Commune de Leudelange Aus de Betrieber/Syndikater Attraktives „Petro-Center“ eröffnet Verwaltungssitz Mittelstandsministerin Françoise Hetto-Gaasch, Bürgermeister Rob Roemen mit „Petro-Center“ Chef Paul Kaiser und Gemahlin. Madame la ministre des Classes moyennes Françoise Hetto-Gaasch et le bourgmestre Rob Roemen avec le chef de «Petro-Center» Paul Kai