C h a n g e s i n H e a l t h Ca r e F i n a n c i n g & O r g a n i z a t i o n ( H C F O )
key findings Encouraging Generic Use Can Yield Significant Savings Introduction
Policymakers and health plans have explored
Rising prescription drug costs continue to
several strategies to encourage beneficiaries
be an issue of importance to patients, health
insurers, and the federal government. One
drugs. Some states require pharmacies to dis-
popular cost containment solution is encour-
pense generic drugs for the drug prescribed
aging the use of generic drugs over brand-
if available, and insurers have instituted
name drugs. In general, utilization of generic
• Prior authorization and step therapy
medication is increasing in the United States.
generic drugs and employed a number of uti-
In 2011, 80 percent of the drugs dispensed
lization management tools. These measures
in the United States were generic, compared
include requiring prior authorization for
brand-name drugs or “step therapy,” which
• Greater use of generic statins should
prescription drugs come off patent, more
requires a beneficiary to first try a lower-cost
generic options will become available. In
drug before a higher cost alternative. There
addition to being lower cost, generic drug
is considerable variation in benefit design
utilization is associated with increased medi-
among plans, especially in Medicare Part D.
cation adherence, which can lead to fewer hospitalizations and emergency department
In 2010, Jack Hoadley, Ph.D., collaborated
with colleagues at Georgetown University,
(CBO) estimated that substituting generic
Social & Scientific Systems, and NORC
for brand-name drugs was responsible for
$33 billion in savings in 2007 for Medicare
funded study that examined the extent of
Part D, the Medicare prescription drug ben-
generic drug use in Medicare’s stand-alone
efit. The CBO also estimated a potential $4
drug plans for specific classes of drugs. They
Changes in Health Care Financing and Organization is a
billion in additional savings from increased
analyzed the impact of plan-level benefit
national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
generic substitution in seven drug classes.
design, formulary design, and overall pro-
findings brief — Changes in Health Care Financing & Organization (HCFO)
gram design on use of generics. Their find-
well as two imaginary variables to capture
ings on statins used to treat high choles-
plan prior authorization and step-therapy
sample drug plans, based loosely on actual
terol were published in the October 2012
beneficiary demographics including race,
included different combinations of copay-
ments and plan design characteristics. In
According to Dr. Hoadley, “The goal of this
enrollment, and plan characteristics includ-
general, the highest predicted rate of gener-
project was to understand which approaches
ic use was found in the plan with no copay
used by Medicare drug plans encourage con-
for generic drugs and utilization manage-
sumers to use generic drugs, when appropri-
25 percent coinsurance for all drugs. The
ment requirements. Conversely, the lowest
ate, thus saving money both for themselves
researchers also controlled for individual
in the plan with generic copays, relatively low brand-name copays, and no utilization
Sample and Methods
Dr. Hoadley and colleagues used Medicare
Part D drug events (insurance claims for
There are several potential limitations to
They excluded beneficiaries with the fol-
looked at the impact on statins, and may
$33.57 and $46.90 for several brand-name
not be generalizable to other drug classes.
eficiaries whose incomes were high enough
• Eligible for Medicare because of end-
that they did not qualify for the program’s
step-therapy requirement for at least one
authorization requirement, 9.8 percent had
• Enrolled in plans other than stand-alone
coinsurance for all drugs, and the majority
lacked coverage for the doughnut hole. In
• Younger than 65 and enrolled based on
thirds of the sample was female, half were
formulary drugs without a plan exception
urban residents, and almost all were white.
or generics purchased at a discount without
In addition to statin drugs, the average
using their plan benefit. Depending on the
beneficiary used approximately five other
individual plan’s treatment of brand-name
off-formulary drugs or discounted generics,
thirds) of those other drugs were generics.
the use of generics could be either over-stated or understated in the results.
Those exclusion criteria created a study
sample of 710,632 beneficiaries who took
factors are related to rates of generic statin
Additionally, some beneficiaries may have
statins. The set of statins analyzed included
use. Charging any copay for a generic drug
selected a drug plan specifically because of
15 drugs (12 brand-name and three generic
was associated with a 13 percent decreased
probability of using a generic drug as com-
are currently prescribed. This could result
pared with no copay. In addition, charging
results. Alternatively, beneficiaries could
whether a beneficiary’s last statin prescrip-
a modest, statistically significant impact
be using Medicare’s online Plan Finder,
tion of the year was a generic drug, the
on the probability of using a generic drug.
selecting a plan based on all medications
researchers used logistic regressions to
The largest effect was seen with the brand-
determine the association between various
name drug Lipitor, which is the most used
Health plans may use incentives (i.e., free
and step-therapy requirements applied to
samples or financial incentives) and infor-
mation (i.e., patient or physician mailings)
with an increased probability of using a
measured copayment levels set by the plan
to prescribe and dispense generic drugs.
for different brand and generic drugs, as
findings brief — Changes in Health Care Financing & Organization (HCFO)
Information on these factors was not avail-
able to the researchers, and therefore, their
importance of considering the differences
impact of a beneficiary’s clinical history,
generic substitution in similar drug classes
financial resources, or level of education.
(e.g., drugs for hypertension, gastrointes-
clinical option, even when a generic option
tinal conditions, and osteoporosis) could
is available. Policies should not limit access
Finally, therapeutic substitution (switching
from an on-patent drug to a similar off-patent
Budget Office analysis is consistent with
drug with a generic option) requires a new
the study’s findings and underscores the
prescription. If some patients fail to discuss
The use of generic drugs creates signifi-
options with their physician before receiving
cant potential savings for Medicare, health
a prescription, it may limit the impact of cost
plans, and individual beneficiaries. Using
that allows them the flexibility to structure
effective formulary and benefit designs.
generic drugs and utilization management
Discussion and Policy
tools, health plans could increase utiliza-
tion and experience billions in savings for
The results demonstrate that health plan
statins. Further research into this impact
benefit design has a strong impact on the
plans could target certain drug classes for
in other drug classes could uncover even
use of generic drugs, especially low copays
for generic drugs (the largest effect seen
system that includes two generic tiers and
with no copay), copays for popular brand-
For More Information
use of prior authorization and step therapy.
The more aggressive the plan measures, the
greater the impact on generic drug use. About the Author Christina Zimmerman is a research assis-
Increasing generic drug use may result in
significant cost savings for the Medicare
in exchange for directing plan enrollees to
a 10 percent increase in generic statin use
(in place of brand-name use) would result
the researchers suggest that the potential
in $1 billion in savings (shared by patients,
savings to health plans may be greater for
1 For complete findings see J Hoadley, K Merrell,
E Hargrave, and L Summer. In Medicare Part D Plans, Low or Zero Copays And Other Features
Potential savings will continue to grow as
To Encourage The Use of Generic Statins Work,
Could Save Billions. Health Affairs. October 2012: 31 (10): pp. 2266-2275.
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