Oncomax ltd is a russian biotechnology company founded in 2010
Company Overview
MDR-TB remain at current levels, the Russian market for drugs
wil grow to 6 billion rubles. (about $220 million).
“Infectex” is a private biotechnology company founded in 2011
with the goal to develop and bring to the Russian market an
Science and Technology
innovative drug for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB)
treatment. “Infectex” is a Skolkovo biocluster resident and
SQ109 is an analogue of ethambutol, which inhibits the growth
takes part in the technology platform called “Medicine of the
of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis through a unique mechanism of
The candidate product (SQ109) — worldwide rights owned by
The results of preclinical and clinical studies of SQ109 suggest
Sequel a in Maryland, USA — is a low-molecular ethylene
that the molecule has the characteristics that should shorten
diamine compound, some compounds of which family are used
and simplify the treatment regimen for MDR-TB and allow the
in the first-line treatment of tuberculosis (e.g., ethambutol). In
drug to become a new effective anti-tuberculosis antibiotic:
2010 Thomson Reuters Pharma™ rating agency included SQ109
in the top five most promising drugs that are in Phase 2 clinical
High efficiency against al forms of M. tuberculosis (both
sensitive and drug-resistant forms of TB);
In 2012 “Infectex” received approval from the Russian Ministry
Activity against latent tuberculosis (passive form of the TB,
which can transform into an aggressive under adverse
of Health to begin the pivotal clinical trial (phase 2b-3)
associated with a drug registration submission, and is now
conducting the clinical development of SQ109 for treatment of
Pharmacokinetic parameters allowing to achieve target concentration during the treatment course;
Synergistic effect with isoniazid, rifampin, and TMC207
(TMC207 is a new anti-TB candidate of Johnson & Johnson)
Market Opportunity
Compound safety shown in a series of pre-clinical studies
Tuberculosis causes enormous social and economic damage
Therapeutic focus on pulmonary tuberculosis; promising
due to the fact that, in general, it affects the working age
opportunities in extra-pulmonary tuberculosis, including
population, requires long-term care, medical examination and
digestive, urinary and nervous system, and osteoarticular
hospitalization, and it needs prevention and anti-relapse
measures. According to WHO in 2009, 14 million. people had the active
form of the disease with severe symptoms, and another 9
million. people get infected every year, the largest number of
The scientific team is headed by Sergey Borisov, MD, Professor
new TB cases being observed in China, India, South Africa,
of pathophyisiology at the Russian Medical Academy of
Nigeria and Indonesia. About 2 mil ion people die from TB
Postgraduate Education, deputy director for science and clinical
every year in what amounts to about 6% of all deaths
work at Moscow Research Center for TB control of the
worldwide. Thus, TB is the most dangerous infectious disease
Department of Health in Moscow. The company’s management
in the world. The global TB drug market was about $700 mil ion
comprises highly-qualified specialists from “Maxwel Biotech
in 2010. It is expected to reach $846 mil ion in 2015. There are
Group” and the Russian biotech industry.
about 300,000 TB patients in Russia being managed by
Intellectual Property Status
The development of multiple drug resistant (MDR) TB strains is
The company’s assets include an exclusive license for the
another major issue of modern pathophysiology. MDR develops
development and commercialization of SQ109 from Sequel a, in
in 30 % of previously treated patients and diagnosed in 15 –
the territory of Russia and the other members of the Eurasian
17% naïve patients. There are now some cases of total drug
Patent Convention (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, Moldova, Azerbaijan, and Armenia).
The Company wil also register all new intel ectual property
In Russia’s national TB control program, there is an extensive
system of TB facilities and diagnostic laboratories. Al the
necessary TB drug preparations, including for the treatment of
MDR-TB patients are provided free of charge at public expense.
The minimum cost of treatment of MDR-TB in Russia is about
In 2010, Russia spent for procurement of II series TB drugs II
(used to treat MDR-TB) from the federal budget nearly 3,3
bil ion rubles (about $120 million). By 2020, the number of
MDR-TB patients receiving medication wil reach 20,000, which
means that if the volume of al ocated funds for the treatment of
This Week's Citation Classic Frick M H, Elo O, Haapa K, Heinonen O P, Heinsalmi P, Helo P, Huttunen J K, Kaitaniemi P, Koskinen P, Manninen V, Maenpaa H, Malkonen M, Manttari M, Norola S, Pasternack A, Pikkarainen J, Romo M. Sjöblom T & Nikkilä E A. Helsinki Heart Study: primary-prevention trial with gemfibrozil in middle-aged men with dyslipidemia. Safety of treatment, cha
Solid-State Quantum Communication With Josephson ArraysNEST-INFM & Scuola Normale Superiore, Piazza dei Cavalieri 7, 56126 Pisa, ItalyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 82, 4056 Basel, SwitzerlandJosephson junction arrays can be used as quantum channels to transfer quantum informationbetween distant sites. In this work we discuss simple protoco