of high-quality illustrations as part of review articles, the
British Journal of Anaesthesia will be encouraging authors
1 Laurence D. What is pharmacology? A discussion. Trends Pharmacol
of all future review articles to include figures suitable for
colour reproduction wherever appropriate.
2 Power I. Fentanyl HCl iontophoretic transdermal system (ITS):
clinical application of iontophoretic technology in the management
of acute postoperative pain. Br J Anaesth 2007; 98: 4 – 11
3 Hendrickx JFA, Eger EI, II, Sonner JM, Shafer SL. Is synergy the
rule? A review of anesthetic interactions producing hypnosis and
immobility. Anesth Analg 2008; 107: 494 – 506
4 Preckel B, Weber NC, Sanders RD, Maze M, Schlack W. Molecular
mechanisms transducing the anesthetic, analgesic, and organ-
protective actions of xenon. Anesthesiology 2006; 105: 187 – 97
5 Colvin LA, Lambert DG. Pain medicine: advances in basic sciences
and clinical practice. Br J Anaesth 2008; 101: 1 – 4
6 Joshi GP. Intraoperative fluid restriction improves outcome after
major elective gastrointestinal surgery. Anesth Analg 2005; 101: 601–5
7 Otsuki DA, Fantoni DT, Margarido CB, et al. Hydroxyethyl starch is
superior to lactated Ringer as a replacement fluid in a pig model of
acute normovolaemic haemodilution. Br J Anaesth 2007; 98: 29 – 37
British Journal of Anaesthesia 103 (1): 2 – 5 (2009)
Advances in patient comfort: awake, delirious, or restrained
In this editorial, three aspects of comfort of intensive care
it because of a surgical wound, traumatic injury, pleuritic
patients will be explored: avoiding unnecessary coma;
pain, or immobility. If they are receiving mechanical ven-
delirium; and physical vs pharmacological restraint.
tilation, then tracheal tube tolerance along with reversibleand titratable respiratory depression may also be needed. These are best provided by opioids. Notably, hypnosis is
not a necessary component of what most patients need or
Most intensive care units (ICUs) in the UK have a signifi-
want. It should be reserved for patients who cannot be
cant input from anaesthetists. Anaesthetists are used to
managed with opioids (about one-third of patients only)4
rendering patients unconscious, primarily so that they do
not suffer during surgery. Critically ill patients are also
This approach reduces length of stay in the ICU and the
often kept unconscious and nothing is seen as unusual or
period of mechanical ventilation. It also saves money
wrong with this. There is increasing evidence that
when compared with conventional (hypnosis-based) seda-
unnecessary sedation may increase patient morbidity and
tion and analgesia.2 Remifentanil, for example, has been
shown to reduce the need for hypnotics by two-thirds and
The quantity and quality of staff available influence the
is increasingly used for the critically ill, usually without
amount of sedation given. Natural light and a clock orien-
hypnotic drugs.4 There is substantial evidence that remi-
tate patients while reducing noise from alarms, etc.,
fentanil reduces duration of mechanical ventilation and
encourages sleep. Communication problems can cause
length of stay in the ICU.4 – 6 Although its acquisition cost
frustration and agitation, which will be exacerbated by
is high, the savings mean that it can reduce costs by
poor hearing, eyesight, or both. The adverse effects of
E1000 per patient compared with other regimens.2 Not
sedatives are widely known,3 yet they are often given in an
only is there a cost saving, but there are other benefits,
such as better interaction with family and carers, ability to
One of the best ways to avoid many of the problems
move (reducing the nursing workload), and cooperating
patients experience with sedation is to think about the
with the physiotherapist. Finally, it allows patients who
needs of the patient. Almost all patients need analgesia, be
delusions to be recognized. This is especially important
when these occur as patients are going off to sleep (hypno-
Antipsychotics have been the traditional mainstay in the
gogic), since they may try to avoid sleeping so as not to
acutely confused patient, in response to the theory that
suffer from these sometimes terrifying experiences. This
delirium may be caused by a dopaminergic/muscarinic
may help reduce psychological sequelae after ICU.
imbalance in the brain, although evidence for this
Dreams occurring on waking (hypnopompic) are usually
approach is limited. Haloperidol is the most widely used
drug in the treatment of delirium and is recommended inmost guidelines,11 12 despite the lack of any randomizedcontrolled trials. It has been studied in the prevention of
delirium in postoperative patients and reduced the severity
This is an acute disorder of attention and global cognitive
and duration of delirium episodes but did not reduce their
function, characterized by acute onset and fluctuating
symptoms, which is associated with increased morbidity.
Haloperidol inhibits symptoms such as hallucinations,
It is not a disease but a syndrome and has multiple causes.
delusions, and unstructured thought patterns but also
In the event of failure to respond to preventative and sup-
diminishes the patient’s interest in their environment
portive measures, pharmacological treatment may be
leading to a flattened affect. High doses may be associated
needed. Early identification and prompt treatment may
with clinically significant prolongation of the QT interval
reduce the severity and duration of delirium.
of the ECG and neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
Droperidol is more potent than haloperidol but is associ-
ated with frightening dreams and increased hypotension.
Chlorpromazine is also effective at treating delirium but is
The classical form of hyperactive delirium, characterized
associated with anticholinergic side-effects that have been
by agitation and restlessness, is quite rare in critically ill
implicated in the development of delirium.
patients (incidence 1.6%). The common forms are hypoac-
Recently, there has been increasing interest in the use of
tive delirium, characterized by withdrawal and apathy
the atypical antipsychotics, including olanzipine, risperi-
(incidence 43.5%) and mixed (incidence 54.9%).7 Until
done, and quetiapine. A recent meta-analysis comparing
recently, a lack of recognition of these hypoactive states
olanzipine and risperidone with low-dose haloperidol has
and the fluctuating course of delirium led to significant
shown that the three drugs have similar efficacy, but that
high-dose haloperidol was associated with increased extra-
The severity of illness and a lack of verbal communi-
cation in these patients have led to the development of
Benzodiazepines are only recommended in the treatment
validated ICU-specific delirium screening tools. The most
of delirium associated with alcohol withdrawal syndromes.
commonly used are CAM-ICU8 and Intensive Care
In patients with AIDS, lorazepam was ineffective at treat-
Delirium Screening Checklist (ICDSC).9 CAM-ICU is
ing delirium and led to a high incidence of side-effects
quick and simple to perform and has been shown to have
compared with haloperidol.14 A short-acting benzo-
excellent sensitivity and specificity. As under-recognition
diazepine, such as midazolam, may be given in conjunc-
of delirium is associated with a poorer outcome, routine
tion with haloperidol to control an acutely agitated patient
assessment by one of these methods at least once in every
who is at risk to themselves or others.
Benzodiazepines may increase the duration and incidence
When patients become agitated or confused, they risk
of delirium in ICU patients, whereas using alpha-2 adre-
harm to themselves and others. In this situation, there is a
nergic agonists such as dexmedetomidine may reduce it.
place for restraint, either physical, chemical, or both to
Dexmedetomidine is currently not licensed for use in the
maintain a safe environment for patients and their carers.
UK, but has sedative, analgesic, anxiolytic, and sympatho-
Recent American guidelines15 advocate the greater use of
lytic actions without depressing respiratory function. Its
physical over chemical restraint. At the same time, UK
side-effects include bradycardia and hypotension. Using
guidelines16 proposing the opposite emphasis have been
dexmedetomidine rather than lorazepam for sedation is
associated with more delirium- and coma-free days, moreventilator-free days, and a reduced risk of death at28 days.10 When compared with midazolam, there was a
shorter time to tracheal extubation and a shorter ICU stay
In the UK, agitation is usually controlled with drugs
with dexmedetomidine. These studies suggest that the
(chemical restraint). While this is generally regarded as
future of delirium therapy may lie in its prevention.
kind, these drugs carry their own risks. In other countries,
Table 1 The risks and benefits of physical vs chemical restraint
Stops immediate physical harm to patients
unrecognized comaToxic side-effects of drugs, especially
cardiovascular and CNSAccidental self-extubation
drugs are used less and physical restraint as a way of
restricting a patient’s freedom of movement is common.
The relative risks of both are poorly understood and are
Family objection is often quoted as a reason for not
using physical restraints, but there is no evidence for this.
There are two main legal issues with both physical andchemical restraint in the UK. The first involves the law ofassault, the threat of violence, and battery, the actual and
direct use of unlawful physical force on another person,
1 Kress JP, Pohlman AS, O’Connor MF, Hal JB. Daily interruption of
even if they are not actually harmed. The second legal
sedative infusions in critically ill patients undergoing mechanical
issue is the risk of negligence. For example, if a patient is
ventilation. N Engl J Med 2000; 342: 1471 – 7
sedated because of agitation and as a result, their ICU
2 Al M, Hakkaart L, Tan S, Mulder P, Bakker J. Remifentanil vs
admission is prolonged, is this negligent?
conventional sedation in The Netherlands: a pharmacoeconomic
The ethical issues surrounding restraint in the confused
model analysis. Crit Care 2007; 11(Suppl 2): 427
3 Park GR. Molecular mechanisms of drug metabolism in the criti-
patient centre around the risk – benefit balance, benefi-
cally ill. Br J Anaesth 1996; 77: 32 – 49
cence, and non-maleficience and around patient autonomy.
4 Park G, Lane M, Rogers S, Bassett P. A comparison of hypnotic
The use of restraint must respect a patient’s autonomy and
and analgesic based sedation in a general intensive care unit. Br J
autonomous patients must not be restrained without
consent. Using the CAMICU score,8 17 as part of estab-
5 Mu¨llejans B, Lo´pez A, Cross MH, Bonome C, Morrison L,
lishing a need for restraint, helps to clarify this issue.
Kirkham AJT. Remifentanil versus fentanyl for analgesia based
Chemical and physical restraints are legally and ethi-
sedation to provide patient comfort in the intensive care unit: arandomized, double-blind controlled trial. Crit Care 2004; 8:
cally the same but are regarded very differently. Chemical
rather than physical restraint is preferred in the UK
6 Mu¨llejans B, Matthey T, Scholpp J, Schill M. Sedation in the inten-
because sedation is thought more caring, a perception
sive care unit with remifentanil/propofol versus midazolam/fenta-
which may be inaccurate. Sedative agents are administered
nyl: a randomised, open-label, pharmacoeconomic trial. Crit Care
without specific training in their use while training is
required to use physical restraints appropriately. Perhaps
7 Peterson JF, Pun BT, Dittus RS, et al. Delirium and its motoric sub-
training in techniques of restraint for all ICU staff would
types: a study of 614 critically ill patients. J Am Geriatr Soc 2006;54: 479 – 84
8 Ely EW, Inouye SK, Bernard GR, et al. Delirium in mechanically
ventilated patients: validity and reliability of CAM-ICU. J Am MedAssoc 2001; 286: 2703 – 10
9 Bergeron N, Dubois MJ, Dumont M, et al. Intensive Care Delirium
Screening Checklist: evaluation of new screening tool. Intensive
G.R.P. has given lectures for GlakoSmithKline and
received research funding from them. The other authors
10 Riker R, Shehabi Y, Bokesch PM, et al. Dexmedetomidine vs
have no conflicts of interest to declare.
midazolam for sedation of critically ill patients: a randomisedcontrolled trial. J Am Med Assoc 2009; 301: 489 – 99
11 UKCPA/ICS Guidelines for detection, prevention and treat-
ment of delirium in critically ill patients. Available from
http://www.ukcpa.org/ukcpadocuments/6.pdf (accessed April 17,
12 Jacobi J, Fraser GL, Coursin DB, et al. Clinical practice guidelines
15 Maccioli GA, Dorman T, Brown BR, et al. Clinical practice guide-
for the sustained use of sedatives and analgesics in the critically
lines for the maintenance of patient physical safety in the inten-
ill adult. Crit Care Med 2002; 30: 119 – 41
sive care unit: use of restraining therapies—American College of
13 Kalisvaart KJ, de Jonghe JFM, Bogaards MJ, et al. Haloperidol pro-
Critical Care Medicine Task Force 2001 – 2002. Crit Care Med
phylaxis for elderly hip-surgery patients at risk for delirium: a
randomised placebo-controlled study. J Am Geriatr Soc 2005; 53:
16 Bray K, Hill K, Robson W, et al. British Association of Critical
Care Nurses position statement on the use of restraint in adult
14 Breitbart W, Marotta R, Platt MM, et al. A double-blind trial of
critical care units. Nurs Crit Care 2004; 9: 199 – 212
haloperidol, chlorpromazine and lorazepam in the treatment of
17 Ely EW, Margolin R, Francis J, et al. Evaluation of delirium in critically
delirium in hospitalised AIDS patients. Am J Psychiatry 1996; 153:
ill patients: validation of the Confusion Assessment Method for the
Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU). Crit Care Med 2001; 29: 1370–9
British Journal of Anaesthesia 103 (1): 5 – 6 (2009)
Neurokinin-1 antagonists: a step change in prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting?
The ability to reliably treat and prevent postoperative
factors. Four of the most important risk factors are: female
nausea and vomiting (PONV) still remains elusive, despite
gender, non-smoking, previous history or motion sickness,
significant advances in our understanding of the physi-
and the use of perioperative opioids.6 It has been estimated
ology of emesis and availability of several new antie-
that the risks of PONV after inhalation anaesthesia is 10%,
metics. This is unfortunate as patients are really concerned
20%, 40%, 60%, or 80% in the presence of none, one,
about, and often fear, nausea and vomiting in the peri-
two, three, or four of these factors, respectively.6 The inci-
operative period. However, although of concern, it is not
dence may be less with total i.v. anaesthesia, but there is
considered by many anaesthetists as one of the most
no doubt that PONV is still a common and troublesome
important things to avoid during anaesthesia. For example,
a group from San Diego asked a panel of expert anaesthe-
tists what clinical anaesthesia outcomes are both common
summary of the relative efficacy of antiemetics used for
and important to avoid.1 The list in order of importance
PONV7 (Table 1). These data show relatively disappoint-
was reported as: death, recall with pain, nerve injury,
ing efficacy compared with placebo (especially with
recall without pain, damage to teeth, corneal abrasion,
respect to nausea) and the need for better therapy. The
vomiting, post-dural puncture headache, pain, and nausea.
1990s saw the introduction of the 5-HT3 antagonists
Patients’ perception of problems to avoid during anaesthe-
with claims by some that they heralded the end of
sia is very different. They expect to survive, most regard
PONV. Sadly, this was not the case; data in Table 1
being asleep and unaware as par for the course, and most
show how they compare with others. These disappointing
would not expect to awake with damaged nerves, eyes, or
results gave impetus to the developing concept at that
teeth. Indeed, the same team in San Diego asked patients
time of multiple therapy for PONV which was proving
what outcomes they thought were important to avoid
to be more effective than monotherapy.8 This approach
during anaesthesia.2 Their response in order of importance
has now become standard practice in many clinical situ-
was: vomiting, gagging on the endotracheal tube, nausea,
ations and has been adopted in national and local guide-
recall without pain, residual weakness, shivering, sore
lines for the prevention of PONV, especially in high-risk
throat, and somnolence. Another measure of how much
PONV is an issue for patients is to ask them how much
Mortality from anaesthesia in developed health-care ser-
they would pay to be free from emesis after surgery. In
vices, although devastating, is very rare; service improve-
2001, a survey of patients in the USA revealed that they
ments are focused on quality and PONV is a major issue
were willing to pay $55 – 100.3 Quite a sum when you
in this regard. In addition, the complications associated
with PONV are well known, for example, aspiration of
The incidence of PONV is still generally regarded as
stomach contents, disruption of surgical sutures, dehy-
30%,4 5 but clearly depends on patient and surgical
dration, and electrolyte disturbance. Clearly, this problem
ACTUALIZACIÓN SOBRE DIAGNOSTICO Y TRATAMIENTO DEL BRUXISMO. MSc Dr. Adolfo R. Soto Morejon. Especialista en Estomatología General Integral. Resumen Objetivo: Realizar una actualizacion bibliográfica sobre el bruxismo con fines didácticos e investigativos. Alcance de la Investigación: Se compiló literatura que plantea diversas interrogantes sobre la etiologia del