Blue Quadrant MET Worldwide Flexible Fund
Investment Obj ective and universe Portfolio facts Investment Objective Portfolio Managers
The portfolio mandate requires the manager to invest allocated funds in a range of equity securities,
both local and offshore in order to generate sustainable real returns over the long-term. The objective
of the fund will be to deliver returns in excess of the MSCI World Equity Index over a rolling five-year
Formation date Investment Universe Portfolio value Original buying price
The portfolio’s core investment universe will include equity securities and/or exchange traded funds
Manager’s upfront charge (max)
listed on any major global securities exchange including South Africa, as well as domestic and foreign
FSP upfront commission (max)
fixed income, property and money-market securities as defined. The portfolio’s asset allocation will
Annual service fee
remain flexible and its exposure to equity investments may vary depending on existing market and
economic conditions and available investment opportunities. The portfolio's net direct and indirect
equity exposure will vary between a minimum of 50% to a maximum of 100% of the portfolio's NAV.
The portfolio may allocate up to 20% of invested capital towards smal and medium-sized
capitalization shares or growth companies. The exposure to any single smal or medium-sized equity
Fund classification
investment as defined will be limited to 5% of the portfolio's NAV
Valuation Time Asset Allocatio n Transaction Time Date of income declaration Date of income payment 2013 Income distribution Performance: 15% (sharing rate) of out performance above the
portfolio benchmark (hurdle rate), over a rolling 2 year period,
capped at 2% p.a. The fees are accrued on a daily basis and
paid out on a monthly basis. Any shortfal to the hurdle rate is
carried forward for set-off against future positive out
performances. Fee example: 0% performance fee if portfolio
Top Holdings Total Expense R atio (TER)
TER will only be displayed 6 months after launch date.
Annualised Perf ormance (%)
Proshares Ultrashort Euro Stoxx 50 4.10%
Performance wil only be displayed 6 months after launch date.
Please note that in most cases where the FSP is a related party to the investment manager and/or MET, the investment manager and/or distributor earns additional fees
apart from the FSP’s client advisory fees. It is the FSP’s responsibility to disclose additional fees to you as the client.
Such fees are paid out of the portfolio’s service charge and range anything between (excl VAT):
Blue Quadrant Capital Management (Pty) Ltd
Blue Quadrant Capital Management I Reg. No. 2009/018608/07 I FSP No: 42165 Tel: +27 (21) 672 4744 | Fax:+27 (21) 672 4701 I Unit C | Clareview Business Park 236, I Lansdowne Road | Claremont | 7735 I Email: |
Custodian: Standard Executors & Trustees: Tel (021) 441-4100. MET Collective Investments Limited Parc du Cap Mispel Road Bellville, PO Box 925 Bellville 7535 Fax (012) 675 3889 Call Centre, Tel: 0860 111 899 Email: Registration No 1991/03741/06. Collective Investment Schemes (CIS) in securities are generally medium to long term investments. The value of participatory interests may go down as wel as up and past
performance is not necessarily a guide to the future. All CIS are traded at ruling prices and can engage in borrowing and scrip lending. A schedule of fees and charges and maximum commissions is available on request. Commission may
be paid and if so, would be included in the overall costs. Forward pricing is used. Fluctuations or movements in exchange rates may cause the value of underlying international investments to go up or down. MET Collective Investments
Limited reserves the right to close and reopen certain portfolios from time to time in order to manage them more efficiently. The Fund may borrow up to 10% of the market value of the portfolio to bridge insuf icient liquidity. Dif erent classes
of participatory interests apply to certain portfolios, which are subject to dif erent fees and charges. Performance figures quoted are from Morningstar/MoneyMate, as at the date of this factsheet for a lump sum investment, using NAV-NAV
prices with income distributions reinvested. Service charges and investment manager charges are calculated and accrued on the daily marketed value of the investment and paid out monthly. MET Collective Investments Limited is the
Manager of the MET Collective Investments Scheme, and a ful member of the Association for Savings and Investment SA. Although reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the validity and accuracy of the information in this document,
MET Collective Investments Limited does not accept any responsibility for any claim, damages, loss or expense, howsoever arising, out of or in connection with the information in this document, whether by a client, investor or intermediary.
This document should not be seen as an offer to purchase any specific product and is not to be construed as advice or guidance in any form whatsoever. Investors are encouraged to obtain independent professional investment and taxation
advice before investing with or in any of MET Collective Investments Limited’s product.
ANTIPSYCHOTICS: Traditional Drugs (p.1) 1. Introduction antipsychotic drugs = “major tranquilizers”, “neuroleptics” these drugs have revolutionized the tx of schizophrenia since 1950s do not cure schizophrenia (or mania or Tourettes), but do significantly reduce their symptoms allow clearer thought, less agitation without marked sedation, dependence, addition, or tolerance
4.6.3 Mortality from Diabetes Outline Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) are at 60% increased risk of premature mortality. The most common cause of mortality in DM patients is cardiovascular disease, with those with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) having a 3 fold increased risk of death due to cardiovascular disease compared with the general population. Despite a fall in death rate due to coron