Connections 2012 final

Anonymous Lines
Crisis Help Lines
Abuse Registry
Crisis Unit
Crisis Line-BROWARD
Call 211 or
First Call for Help
Crisis Line-DADE
Crisis Line-PALM BEACH
Florida Coalition Against
Domestic Violence
Mobile Crisis (Henderson)
National Organization
for Victim Assistance (NOVA)
National Self-Injury Info Line
Poison Control
800-222-1222 Sexual Assault
Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention Spanish
Statewide Crime Victim
Information and Referral

Health Help Lines
Hill Burton Free Hospital Care
800-638-0742 Medicaid Authorization
Medicare Hotline
Listening/Resource Help Lines
You can call and talk to someone wholistens, understands and cares Family Voices Project
First Call for Help
Call 211 or
Seth Line (warm line)

Veteran's Help Lines
National Center for PTSD
Military OneSource
S.A.F.E. Program
(Support & Family Education) NATIONAL & STATE ORGANIZATIONS
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alzheimer's Association
225 N. Michigan Avenue, 17th FloorChicago, IL American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Anxiety & Depression Association of America
801 Georgia AvenueSilver Springs, MD Center for Mental Health Services
1 Choke Cherry RoadRockville, MD CHADD (Children & Adults with ADHD)
8181 Professional Place, #150Landover, MD Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives
505 Fifth Avenue, 6th FloorNew York, NY Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)
730 N. Franklin Street, #501Chicago, IL Disability Rights Florida
(formerly Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities)
2728 Centerview Drive, #102
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling
Altamonte Springs, FL Florida Department of Health
Division of Medical Quality Assurance (MQA)
Florida Respite Coalition
Winter Park, FL Florida Telecommunications Relay
Freedom From Fear
308 Seaview AvenueStaten Island, NY Learning Disabilities Association of America
4156 Library RoadPittsburgh, PA Mental Health America (MHA)
(formerly National Mental Health Association)
2000 N. Beauregard Street, 6th FloorAlexandria, VA National Alliance for Caregiving
4720 Montgomery Lane, 2nd Floor
Bethesda, MD 20814
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
National Association for Persons in
Supported Employment
416 Hungerford Drive, #418Rockville, MD National Eating Disorders Association
165 W. 46th StreetNew York, NY National Empowerment Center
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
National Mental Health
Consumers Self-Help Clearinghouse
1211 Chestnut Street, #1207Philadelphia, PA National Parkinson Foundation
1501 NW 9th AvenueMiami, FL Postpartum Support International
Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Birth / Marriage / Divorce Certificate
A copy of your birth certificate can be obtained by written request to the Bureau of
Vital Statistics in the county where you were born. There is usually a fee for this
service. To find the address and phone number of the Bureau of Vital Statistics in
your birth county, look in your local library for the telephone directory of the city in
which you were born or use an internet search. You can also dial 1, area code of
birth county, and 555-1212 and ask for the Bureau of Vital Statistics.
You can also obtain Marriage & Divorce certificates in the same way by contactingthe Bureau of Vital Statistics in the county in which you were married or divorced.
Social Security Card
To get a new, duplicate or name change social security cardCall or visit in person You will need to bring Proof of:
U.S.citizenship such as birth certificate, passport or naturalization papers.
Identity that shows name, date of birth and preferably a photo such as a U.S.
Driver's License, U.S. Identification Card, or U.S. Passport. These documentsmust be currently valid and not expired.
Identification Card
To get a new, duplicate or name change identification cardCall or visit in person at any drivers license office.
7217 W. Oakland Park Blvd.
Lauderhill, FL 3313 You will need to bring:
Original or certified copy of your birth certificate, or a valid U.S. passport, social
security card or computer generated W-2 or 1099 form, and two proof of
address items such as a voter's registration, vehicle registration, utility bill
(telephone, water, FPL, etc. or bank statement less than 2 months old), deed,
rental/lease agreement, mail from federal, state, county or city government, a
letter from a homeless shelter or transitional housing provider verifying they
receive your mail accompanied by a certification of address form.
There is a $25 fee for an original, renewal or replacement ID card.
Veteran's benefits, consisting of monthly disability payments, health care andvarious other benefits, are available to veterans of U.S. military service and theirdependents. Who is eligible?
Veterans with Active military service, who have an Honorable or Under Honorable
Conditions discharge, and their beneficiaries may receive veteran's benefits.
What benefits are provided?
The major benefits that may be available to veterans and their beneficiaries include
health care (for veterans), such as CHAMPVA for Permanent and Total service-
connected veterans’ spouses; life insurance; mortgage insurance; financial aid for
education; vocational rehabilitation; counseling; burial benefits at national cemeteries;
survivors’ benefits and death benefits for beneficiaries.
Disability payments are available to veterans whose disabilities were incurred oraggravated during their military service. The amount of the benefit depends uponthe degree of the impairment and the number of dependents. Low-income wartime, disabled veterans may also apply for a pension, regardless of the disability’sconnection to military service. Disabled veterans also may receive grants foradaptive modification of their homes and automobiles, and assistance with otherexpenses. The benefits are administered by the Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA).
How do I apply?
Contact the Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs (FDVA) at 850-487-1533.
You can also find them on the Internet at or your local County
Veteran Service Office (CVSO). You can locate your CVSO in the “Blue Pages” of
your phone book under “County Government” or on the FDVA Website. These
offices can assist you with any application for veterans benefits. Counselors at this
number can answer questions about benefits eligibility and application procedures.
They also make referrals to other VA facilities, such as medical centers and national
cemeteries. These facilities also accept applications for benefits.
Contacts for Veteran's Information:
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Health Resource Center
Broward County Veterans Services
Broward County VA Benefits Office
VA Medical Center, Miami
National Center for PTSD
Military OneSource
S.A.F.E. Program
Support and Family Education - Mental Health Facts for Families.
A free downloadable 18-session curriculum for people who care about someonewho has a mental illness or PTSD.
Source: Department of Veterans’ Affairs MYTHS & FACTS
Mental illnesses are due to poor parenting and moral weakness. REALITY: Current research has suggested that the majority of mental
illnesses are biologically-based and are treatable. Some mental
illnesses have a genetic component. Biological and environmental
triggers, not yet fully understood, may precipitate the onset of the
People who have been treated for a mental illness are unstableand could go “wild” at any moment. REALITY: Most people with mental illnesses are more likely to withdraw
from social contact than aggressively confront others. The vast majority of
people with mental illnesses are never dangerous or a threat to others.
The fear that they will go “wild” is unfounded and not a reason for denying
the person employment opportunities, housing or friendship.
All people with mental illnesses are violent and dangerousto society. REALITY: Statistical research shows that a person with a mental illness is
no more likely to commit a violent act than someone in the general
population. Individuals who have recovered from a mental illness are more
apt to be the victims of a violent crime rather than the perpetrators. The true
predictor of criminality is not a history of mental illness but a history of
violent actions. A person who has been treated for a mental illness but
does not have a previous criminal record is considered less likely to be
arrested than the average citizen.
People with mental illnesses will never recover. REALITY: Mental illnesses are treatable and people who have them can
and do recover. Mental illnesses should be viewed with the same attitude
as physical illnesses. When care and treatment are available,
improvement and/or recovery will allow individuals to return to leading
normal, productive lives. Unfortunately, discrimination prevents people
who have recovered from a mental illness from re-entering the vocational,
residential and social mainstream.
People with schizophrenia have a “split personality”. REALITY: “Split personality” is a popular but incorrect description of
schizophrenia, one of the major mental illnesses. Dissociative disorder
is a separate and very rare disorder. Schizophrenia is a thought disorder
characterized by visual or auditory hallucinations and other symptoms of
being “out of touch with reality”.
All homeless people have a mental illness and they shouldbe hospitalized. REALITY: One-third of the homeless population is estimated to have a
mental illness. Only six percent of the homeless require inpatient
psychiatric care, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).
People with a mental illness should be locked up “for theirown good”. REALITY: The mental health system no longer “locks people up” as a
treatment. Today, most people are successfully treated in outpatient
settings. People with mental illnesses live in the community. Many live
with their families while using community support services.
It’s okay to discriminate against people with a mental illnessbecause no one can expect you to hire a person withschizophrenia or rent to someone with manic depression. REALITY: The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 provides
comprehensive protection against discrimination based on mental or
physical disabilities. The employment provision of the ADA took effect
July 26, 1992 for all employers with 225 employees or more; in 1994,
for 15 employees or more. All Americans, no matter what their disability,
are entitled to work opportunities provided they meet job qualifications.
The Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988 extended protection against
discrimination in the sale or rental of housing to people with disabilities.
Mental illness is the same as mental retardation. REALITY: Mental retardation (now called developmental disabilty) is a
condition that develops at birth or during development and involves below
average intellectual functioning. Most people with a mental illness are of at
least average intelligence and their first episode with mental illness can
happen at any age. Mental illnesses respond to treatment.
Learn the Facts
Mental illness strikes people of all ages, races and economic backgrounds, whetheror not there is a history of mental illness. Possible causes include genetic history,chemical imbalances in the brain and other biological and environmental triggers.
More than 54 million Americans have a mental disorder in any given year, althoughonly one-third seek treatment Late-life depression affects about 6 million adults, but only 10 percent ever receivetreatment. At least 10 to 20 percent of widows and widowers develop clinicallysignificant depression within one year of their spouse’s death. Older Americans aremore likely to commit suicide than any other age group. Although they constitute only13 percent of the U.S. population, individuals age 65 and older account for 20 percentof all suicides.
One in five children have a diagnosable mental, emotional or behavioral disorder.
And up to one in 10 may suffer from a serious emotional disturbance. Seventypercent of children, however, do not receive mental health services.
Each year, 18 million Americans suffer from clinical depression. About 12 millionwomen in the U.S. experience depression every year — roughly twice the rate ofmen. Depression is often misunderstood; it is not a passing mood or a personalweakness, but a major medical disorder.
It has been calculated that each year, the economy loses an estimated $44 billionbecause of clinical depression. More than $17 billion is in time lost from work. ARAND Corporation study found that patients with depressive symptoms spend moredays in bed than those with diabetes or arthritis, back problems, lung problems orgastrointestinal disorders.
Depression greatly increases the risk of developing heart disease. People withdepression are four times more likely to have a heart attack than those with nohistory of depression Anxiety disorders (phobia, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder) affect more than 28 million Americans. Symptoms can betotally disabling.
Schizophrenia, a brain disease characterized by impaired thinking, delusions andhallucinations, is the most severe and disabling of the mental illnesses. More than2.5 million people in the U.S. will be affected by schizophrenia, which is five timesmore common than many of the prevalent physcial illnesses affecting Americans.
Up to one half of all visits to primary care physicians are due to conditions that arecaused or exacerbated by mental or emotional problems.
However, mental disorders are highly treatable medical illnesses. Hope and helpare available. Call your Mental Health Association for resources.
Sources:Mental Health AmericaNational Institute of Mental HealthSurgeon General’s Report on Mental Health 10 TOOLS TO LIVE YOUR LIFE WELL
Simple Strategies for Success
Connect With Others
Stay Positive
Get Physically Active
Help Others
Get Enough Rest
Create Joy and Satisfaction
Take Care of Your Spirit
Deal Better With Hard Times
Get Professional Help If You Need It
The Live Your Life Well website is designed to help you cope better
with stress and create more of the life you want.
Maybe you’re holding down two jobs or can’t find work. Maybe you’re
the parent of young children or the child of aging parents. Maybe you
face a rush of daily demands or one potentially life-changing challenge.
Whatever your situation, MHA is here to help you.
10 Tools to Live Your Life Well is based on extensive scientific
evidence. These tools can help you relax, grow and flourish.
They can help you Live Your Life Well.
Get more information and track you success at:
Source: Mental Health America (c) 2009 SELF-ADVOCACY
What You Need to Know
You may have just been diagnosed with a mental illness, or you may have already
begun treatment. Either way, you’re probably experiencing a range of emotions. For
some people, receiving a diagnosis can be a relief, finally being able to put a name to
a problem. For others, it can be a major blow. You may experience fear, anger,
denial, shame or sadness. You may be wondering, “Why did this happen to me?
How will this affect my life? What will people think of me?”
Being told that you have a mental illness is not the end of the world. With help andsupport, you can recover and achieve your life’s ambitions. Of course, you will facemany challenges as you begin your treatment, but there is hope. Mental illnesses aremanageable. And there are a number of things you can do for yourself after adiagnosis to cope with the news, keep up with your treatment, and support yourown recovery.
Be Hopeful
Above all else, it’s important to maintain a positive outlook. Here are a few things to
keep in mind throughout your treatment and recovery.
• You are not alone in this experience. Mental illnesses are medical illnesses and are common, affecting one in every five Americans.
• You can improve and achieve your goals. Today, many people who are diagnosed with serious mental illnesses are managing theirconditions and regaining control of their lives.
• You can and should play an active role in your treatment. The more informed you are about your illness and treatment options, the betteryou’ll be able to direct your recovery.
Get Emotional Support
An important step in coping with a diagnosis is to find emotional support. Talk to
friends and family members you feel close to and trust. They care about you and
want to help you recover. Discuss your feelings about the diagnosis and any
treatments or services that have been recommended. Don’t be afraid to let people
know how to help you. This support will be important, both as you begin your
recovery and when you have to deal with any setbacks along the way. Also, you
may want to meet people who have already been through what you are currently
experiencing. This can help you prepare for what’s ahead and help you avoid any
problems others may have been through in their recovery. Seek out self-help groups
and support organizations that can reduce any feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Learn All You Can About Your Diagnosis
If you’re ready, do some research on your particular illness, the recommended
treatments and other self-help ideas. The more you learn, the better you’ll be in
working with your doctor and making decisions that feel right for you. Talk to people
who have had similar experiences about mental illnesses and treatment options.
There are a number of websites, including the National Institute of Mental Health
( and Mental Health America (,
which can give you additional information. However, beware of some commercial
websites that offer quick fixes or don’t reveal their sources.
Understand Your Health Care Options
Getting the services you need and paying for them can be a challenge. Your options
may be limited by whether or not you have insurance, the type of insurance you
have (private, HMO, Medicaid, Medicare), and the amount of coverage it provides
for mental health care. There also may be a shortage of mental health professionals
where you live, and it can be tough to get an appointment. But, remember, there are
• If you’re employed and have a health plan, call your health insurer to see if they cover mental health services. Then find out which mentalhealth professionals in your area are willing to accept payment fromyour insurance plan. If your employer has an Employee AssistanceProgram (EAP), they can also help you find services you can afford.
• If you can get health care through a government program like Medicaid or Medicare, you should contact a community mental health center or localhealth department to see which doctors or programs accept this form ofhealth insurance.
• If you don’t have health insurance, ask your community mental health center about reduced-cost (or sliding-scale fee) mental health services.
Develop a Partnership with Your Doctor and/or Therapist
Once you have received a diagnosis and are in contact with a doctor or a mental
health professional, here’s what you need to know about making the most of these
relationships from the start.
• Make sure it’s the right fit for you. If possible, interview multiple providers; don’t be afraid to meet with more than one. You’ll want to find a doctor,mental health professional or peer counselor with whom you can relate.
Ask them about their style of treatment and experiences helping otherpeople with your particular illness.
• Be open with your doctor or therapist. Go to your appointments with a list of questions you may have about your diagnosis and the therapies that arebeing proposed.
• After starting a course of treatment, you should begin to notice changes: relief from your symptoms, more self-assurance, greater ability to makedecisions. You should tell the doctor or therapist about your progress,or if you are having any problems. Don’t be afraid to voice your concerns.
• Involve your family and friends in your treatment, if you’re comfortable with that. Invite them to accompany you to an appointment or to sit in on atherapy session.
• Treatment takes time. Don't give up.
Getting the right help requires perseverance and self-advocacy.
Take advantage of the options you have and continue to search
for other ways to meet your needs.
Remember — getting back to your life is the goal of recovery!
Psychiatrists are physicians who have a medical degree (M.D.) or a degree inosteopathic medicine (D.O.) with a specialization in mental illness. They treata wide range of emotional and behavioral disorders and may be working inhospitals, businesses, public agencies, private practice, etc. Psychiatristsare the only mental health professionals who can prescribe medication.
Psychologists have either a Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) or a Psy.D. (Doctorof Psychology) or an Ed.D. (Doctor of Education) from an accredited graduateor professional school. They diagnose and treat emotional and behavioraldisorders in children, adolescents and adults that range from mild to very severe.
Psychologists most often work in hospitals, businesses, public or private practicetreatment centers or private practice.
Clinical Social Workers have a Master’s Degree (M.S.W.) from an accreditedgraduate school with a specialization in mental health services. They plan,organize and administer direct therapeutic services and intervene in individual,group, community and organizational systems. Clinical Social Workers oftenwork in hospitals, social service agencies or private practice.
Marriage & Family Therapists have a Master’s Degree (M.A. or M.S. or M.Ed.)from an accredited graduate school with specialty coursework in marriage andfamily therapy. They treat stress that accompanies family milestones such asmarriage, divorce, birth, death, etc., as well as other emotional and behavioralproblems. Marriage & Family Therapists may be working in mental health clinics,public service agencies, businesses, hospitals or private practice.
Mental Health Counselors have a Master’s Degree (M.A. or M.S. of M.Ed.) froman accredited graduate school with specialty coursework in mental healthcounseling. They treat individuals, families or groups including children,adolescents and adults with a wide range of emotional and behavioral problems.
Mental Health Counselors often work in hospitals, schools, businesses, agenciesor private practice.
School Psychologists have either a Doctoral Degree (Ph.D. or Psy.D. or Ed.D.)or a Master’s Degree (M.A. or M.S. of M.Ed.) from an accredited graduate schoolwith specialization in child development, learning and behavior disorders. Theytest, diagnose and assess cognitive abilities that relate to learning or behavioralproblems and treat these problems in children and adolescents. SchoolPsychologists often work in government agencies, public or private schoolsor private practice.
Certain classifications of nurses receive specialized training and are qualifiedto provide mental health care.
All licensed mental health professionals have completed a supervised internship
prior to sitting for the State of Florida Licensure Exam to determine competency
in their particular field. In addition, all must maintain active participation in ongoing
Continuing Education to renew their license status. Effective mental health
treatment is based on the unique relationship between client and therapist.
Although certain license classifications traditionally provide service to certain
narrow populations, many services overlap license titles. An exception is the
prescription of medication, which is restricted to the Psychiatrist (ME).
Registered Interns are unlicensed individuals working under the supervision
of a licensed professional. Registered Interns are listed as ISW, IMT, IMH.
The State of Florida, Department of Health-Division of Medical Quality Assurance
provides further information on licensure requirements.
Psychiatrist refers to persons licensed pursuant to chapter 458 or 459.
Psychologist, School Psychologist refer to persons licensedpursuant to chapter 490.
Clinical Social Worker, Marriage & Family Therapist, Mental HealthCounselor refer to persons licensed pursuant to chapter 491.
Registered Nurse refers to persons licensed pursuant to chapter 464.
Before your first appointment, write down the history of your illness: What medications? What dosages? Did they work, etc.? Write down any medications you are currently taking and the dosage,including over-the-counter preparations.
Also list medications you have taken in the past. Be honest about anyalcohol, prescription or recreational drugs used.
Start a list of questions you want to ask the doctor. Add to it as youthink of things you want to say or find out at your next appointment.
Then take that paper with you when you go to see him/her.
Bring pen and paper to write down the things the doctor tells you, sincememory and concentration may be faulty at this time.
When the doctor gives you a prescription, ask about the potential sideeffects, if they will lessen, and how long before the medication isexpected to produce results.
Be patient since some medications can take several weeks to work, butalmost nothing should take longer than 8 weeks. If no improvement isfelt by then, insist that your doctor put you on a different medication orgive you a good reason why not.
Ask how this medication might interact with any other medications youtake, and any food or drink you should avoid. Do not get out of yourchair until all your questions are answered to your satisfaction.
Don’t be intimidated - she/he is your doctor and it is YOUR bodychemistry your doctor is being paid to stabilize. If you have any badreaction to the medication, do not hesitate to call the doctor, day ornight.
The following information is not meant to replace instructions from yourpsychiatrist, but is for the purpose of letting you know what you might expectin terms of side effects, interactions with other medications or foods and theimportance of compliance. Most of this information was taken from NIMHMedication publication updated September 2005 and Imperial Point MedicalCenter Mental Health Unit’s Medication Booklet, along with other sources.
aripiprazole (Abilify) *
perphenazine (Trilafon)
chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
pimozide (Orap)
chlorprothixene (Taractan)
quetiapine (Seroquel) *
clozapine (Clozaril, Prolixin) *
risperidone (Risperdal) *
fluphenazine (Permitil)
thioridazine (Mellaril)
haloperidol (Haldol)
thiothixene (Navane)
loxapine (Loxitane)
trifluoperazine (Stelazine)
mesoridazine (Serentil)
trifluopromazine (Vesprin)
molindone (Lidone, Moban)
ziprasidone (Geodon) *
olanzapine (Zyprexa) *
* Atypical antipsychotic medications are newer medications developed in the 1990s.
Because they have fewer side effects, today they are often used as a first-linetreatment. Each has a unique side effect profile, but in general, these medicationsare better tolerated than the earlier drugs. Some cautions apply.
¾ These medications help to calm you down, stop the voices and organize ¾ Get up slowly from a sitting or lying position. These medications may ¾ Use a sunscreen lotion when out in the sun. Some people develop photosensitivity when taking these medications.
¾ Short term side effects that you may experience include: ¾ Tell all doctors, nurses and any other health care provider what ¾ Do not increase or decrease your dose of medication or stop it altogether before discussing it with whomever prescribed it.
CLOZAPINE (Clozaril)
¾ Clozaril is classified as an atypical antipsychotic medication and the effects exhibited differ from the more typical antipscyhotic medications.
¾ Patients on Clozaril may experience relative freedom from extra pyramidal side effects. (i.e. stiffness, muscle spasm).
¾ Sedation is a side effect you may experience while starting on Clozaril.
Your physician may advise against driving or any other potentiallyhazardous activity while on this medication.
¾ This medication may cause low blood pressure. Get up slowly from a ¾ Weekly blood counts (WBC) are required to monitor the occurrence of a ¾ It is very important for you to inform your doctor of the appearance of lethargy, weakness, fever, sore throat, malaise or any signs of infection.
¾ Let your doctor know if you are pregnant or have a seizure disorder.
¾ Do not increase or decrease this medication or stop it all together before OTHER ATYPICALS
Side effects you may experience while taking atypical antipsychotic
medications include: insomnia, weight gain, agitation, headache, anxiety
and rhinitis. Less common would be: somnolence, stiffness, shakes,
dizziness, constipation, nausea, and increased heart rate. In some people
with heart problems or a slow heartbeat, Geodon can cause serious and
potentially fatal heartbeat irregularities. Use of Abilify can cause diabetes
or hypoglycemia. Zyprexa, Seroquel and Risperdal have also been linked
to diabetes.
¾ Let your doctor know if you experience any of the above side effects.
¾ Blood monitoring is not necessary.
¾ These medications may cause low blood pressure. Get up slowly from ¾ Do not increase or decrease this medication or stop it all together before Check with your doctor or pharmacist for add'l side effects of specific medications. Some antipsychotic medications can be taken just once a day. In order to reducedaytime side effects such as sleepiness, some medications can be taken at bedtime.
Some antipsychotic medications are available in “depot” forms that can be injectedonce or twice a month. Discuss these options with your doctor or pharmacist.
carbamazepine (Tegretol) *
carbamazepine extended-release (Equetro)
divalproex sodium, valproic acid (Depakote)
gabapentin (Neurontin)
lamotrigine (Lamictal)
lithium carbonate (Eskalith, Lithane, Lithobid)
lithium citrate (Cibalith-S)
topimarate (Topamax) *
¾ Lithium is the most common medication used to treat mania. It helps to stabilize your moods and keep you from getting too high or too low.
¾ You will need periodic blood lithium levels for as long as you take this ¾ Find out from your doctor your own therapeutic lithium blood level.
¾ Your lithium (LiCo3) level can vary from time to time if there are changes in the following:amount of salt in your dietamount of fluid gained or lost from excessive drinking of fluidsvomiting, sweating heavily or severe diarrhea ¾ Possible side effects that you may experience are: ¾ When there is too much lithium in your system you can experience symptoms of toxicity. Should you experience any of these, call yourdoctor immediately. These symptoms may include:Difficulty walking ¾ Tell all doctors, nurses and any other health care provider (including dentists) what medications you are taking.
¾ Do not increase or decrease your lithium or stop it altogether before VALPROIC ACID, DIVALPROEX SODIUM (Depakote)
* Anticonvulsant medications have been established as anti-manic medication andcan be prescribed as an alternative to, or in combination with, lithium.
¾ Most common side effects are tremor, dizziness, sedation, nausea/ vomiting, elevation of liver enzymes, some weight gain, abdominal painand headaches.
¾ Your serum level of Depakote and your liver enzymes may be monitored while you are taking this medication.
¾ Notify your physician if you notice a yellowish tinge to your skin or eyes, or if you develop any shortness of breath, generalized body swelling,chest pain, pulse changes, or stomachache.
¾ If you develop extreme drowsiness, fatigue, exhibit slurred speech, mental confusion or unsteadiness on your feet, get medical attentionimmediately, as your drug level in your blood stream may be too high.
¾ Your skin may be extremely sensitive to sun. If you are going to be outside, be sure your skin is covered or use a sunscreen preparationwith an SPF rating of #15 or higher. Also, it would be helpful to wear ahat and sunglasses to protect your eyes.
¾ This medication will help calm and relax you and will also stabilize your moods. It is an anticonvulsant drug.
¾ Your serum level of Tegretol and blood count will be monitored while you are taking this medication. Your doctor will order this at regular intervals(at least monthly at first).
¾ If you develop a sore throat and/or swollen glands without other cold or flu symptoms, report this to your physician immediately. Also report anymouth ulcers and excessive bruising or skin breaks.
¾ Notify your physician if you notice a yellowish tinge to your skin or eyes, or if you develop any shortness of breath, generalized body swelling,chest pain or pulse changes.
¾ If you develop extreme drowsiness, fatigue, exhibit slurred speech, mental confusion or unsteadiness on your feet, get medical attentionimmediately, as your drug level in your blood stream may be too high.
¾ Your skin may be extremely sensitive to sun. If you are going to be outside, be sure your skin is covered or use a sunscreen preparationwith a rating of SPF#15 or higher. Also, it would be helpful to wear a hatand sunglasses to protect your eyes.
¾ Get up slowly from a sitting or lying position, as this drug may lower your ¾ Do not increase or decrease your dose of medication or stop it altogether before discussing it with whomever prescribed it.
Other anticonvulsants used for bipolar include Lamictal, Topamax and
Equetro. The evidence for anticonvulsant effectiveness is stronger for
acute mania than for long-term maintenance of bipolar disorder.
Some antipsychotic medications have been approved for the treatment of
mania in bipolar disorder. These include: Abilify, Geodon, Risperdal,
Seroquel, and Zyprexa. In addition, a combination medication, Symbyax
(olanzapine and fluoxetine), has been approved for acute bipolar
(Benzodiazepines/Sedatives - Hypnotic Meds)

alprazolam (Xanax)
buspirone (BuSpar) **
Not a benzodiazepine
chlordiazepoxide (Librax, Libritabs, Librium)
clonazepam (Klonopin)
clorazepate (Azene, Tranxene)
diazepam (Valium)
flurazepam (Dalmane)
halazepam (Paxipam)
lorazepam (Ativan)
oxazepam (Serax)
prazapam (Centrax)

¾ These medications help to decrease anxiety, calm nervousness or help ¾ They can cause physical or emotional dependence.
¾ Possible side effects you may experience are: daytime drowsiness or hangover feeling, depressed mood, decreased tolerance to alcohol orother sedatives.
¾ Do not increase or decrease your dose or stop medication altogether without discussing with your physician.
Antidepressant medications such as Anafranil, Prozac, Luvox, Paxil,
Zoloft, Lexapro and Effexor are used to treat some anxiety disorders.
amitriptyline (Elavil, Endep)
maprotilene (Ludiomil)
amoxapine (Ascendin)
nortriptyline (Aventyl, Pamelor)
clomipramine (Anafranil)
protriptyline (Vivactil)
desipramine (Norpramin, Pertofran)
doxepin (Adapin, Sinequan)
trazadone (Desyrel)
imipramine (Tofranil)
trimipramine (Surmontil)
¾ These medications help relieve depressive symptoms.
¾ You may feel drowsy when first taking these medications.
¾ Get up slowly from a sitting or lying position. These medications ¾ Short-term side effects that you may experience include: ¾ Let all doctors and any other health care provider know what medications ¾ Do not increase or decrease your dose of medication or stop it altogether without discussing it with whoever prescribed it.
(Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors)

citalopram (Celexa)
fluvoxamine (Luvox)
escitalopram (Lexapro)
paroxetine (Paxil)
fluoxetine (Prozac)
sertraline (Zoloft)
The past decade has seen the introduction of many new antidepressantsthat primarily affect one neurotransmitter (serotonin) and are calledselective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). They have fewer sideeffects such as sedation and do not cause seizures, have adverse effectson the heart, cause difficult urination or constipation, mental confusion ordry mouth. Let your doctor know of any side effects you may be having,any medical illness, or if you are experiencing any sexual difficulties.
¾ This medication helps to relieve depressive symptoms.
¾ Commonly reported short-term side effects are: ¾ Let your doctor know of any side effects you may be having, any medical illness or if you are pregnant, or if you are experiencing any sexualdifficulties.
¾ Do not increase or decrease your medication or stop it altogether before OTHER NEW ANTIDEPRESSANT MEDICATIONS
BUPROPION (Wellbutrin)
¾ This medication helps to relieve depressive symptoms.
¾ Let the physician know if you have a seizure disorder or are bulimic.
¾ Let your doctor know of any medical illness, or if you are pregnant.
¾ Short term side effects you may experience are: ¾ Let all health care providers know what medications you are taking.
¾ Do not increase or decrease your medication or stop it altogether beforediscussing it with your physician. Wellbutrin has not been associated withsexual dysfunction or weight gain.
Minor tranquilizer and antianxiety drug. Reported to lack dangers of drug
addiction associated with other antianxiety drugs. Side effects can be
drowsiness, nausea, headache, fatigue, nervousness, light-headedness,
and excitement. The combination of this drug with MAO inhibitors may
produce high blood pressure and can be dangerous.
A new class of antidepressant - a serotonin norepinephrine reuptakeinhibitor (SNRI). May be alternative to polydrug therapy. Touted as similar toProzac in side-effect profile, but with added punch.
¾ Adverse reactions may include CNS somnolence, dizziness, ¾ GI symptoms may include nausea, constipation, anorexia, and vomiting.
¾ Urogenital symptoms may include abnormal ejaculation.
¾ Other symptoms may include headache, sweating, and blurred vision.
¾ Do not use this medication with MAO inhibitors or if you have seizure NEFAZODONE (Serzone)
Similar to Desyrel. Can be sedating and cause weight gain. No sexualimpairment. Cases of life-threatening hepatic failure have been reportedin patients treated with nefazodone (Serzone). Patients should call thedoctor if the following symptoms of liver dysfunction occur – yellowingof the skin or whites of eyes, unusually dark urine, loss of appetite thatlasts for several days, nausea, or abdominal pain.
Low dose can be sedating. High dose can be energizing and cause weightgain.
New medications are being approved every year. Among the newest are
Cymbalta, Lithium Oratate, Symbyax and Trileptal. Check with your doctor
or pharmacist for more information and whether these medications are
appropriate for you.
Medicines play an important role in treating certain conditions and diseases,but they must be taken with care. Unused portions of these medicines mustbe disposed of properly to avoid harm to wildlife, pets and people.
Operation Medicine Cabinet is a prescription drug "take-back" program ofthe Broward Sheriff's Office. Call 954-557-1124 for schedule of locations.
As with all the other medications mentioned, do not adjust your dosage ofmedication or stop it altogether without discussing it first with the doctorwho prescribed it. Also, notify your doctor if you are pregnant, and advisehim/her of any other medications you are taking. Always check with thedoctor before taking any over-the-counter medications.
When to take medications: Take your medications at the same time every
day. If you make taking medications part of your regular daily schedule, you
are more likely to remember them. Ask your doctor if you can take your
medication with meals, at bedtime, etc. so you can better remember.
Missed doses: If you miss a dose.don’t panic! You must stay on your
medication as ordered to avoid a relapse, but one missed dose or late
dose will not cause a major problem if you normally take your medication
on a regular basis.
Pill containers: Remember that drugstores can give you medications in
two different kinds of containers - child-safe and ordinary ones. The child-
safe containers are necessary if you are likely to have children around your
home who could get into the medicines, thinking they are candy. On the
other hand, child-safe tops are very hard for some people to get off the
medicine bottle. If this will be a problem, ask your druggist for the easy
flip-off caps on your medicine.
If you are taking more than one medication, and at different times of the day,it is essential that you take the correct dosage of each medication. An easyway to make sure you do this is to use a 7-day pillbox, available in anypharmacy and to fill the box will the proper medication at the beginning ofeach week. Many pharmacies also have pillboxes with sections formedications that must be taken more than once a day. You can also usesmall jars to create your own system. This can help you make sure youdon’t forget to take the right number of pills and to know you have alreadytaken them in case you get mixed up.
Medication and Pregnancy: If you are a woman of childbearing age, you
should discuss any plan to become pregnant with your doctor prior to
discontinuing birth control methods. Your doctor can best help you to plan
this in a safe way for both you and your baby.
Medication and Alcohol: Alcohol and drugs generally do not mix well with
medication. Alcohol can also cause mood swings and interact with the
medication, making it difficult to get stabilized. Discuss with your doctor if
even minimal use is considered.
There are ongoing clinical trials available, some sponsored by the National
Institute of Mental Health and others by pharmaceutical manufacturers.
Call the Mental Health Association of Broward County at 954-746-2055
for information on clinical trials.
Provides medicine free of charge to eligible individuals who do not haveprescription drug coverage and have income limitations, specified by eachprogram.
Partnership for Prescription Assistance
Single point of access to public and private assistance programs.
Offers a multi-lingual service. M-F: 8:00am - 10:00pm; S/S: 8:00am - 8:00pm PHRMA
(Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of America)
Or contact the individual pharmaceutical patient assistance programs: Abbott Laboratories
Boehringer Ingelheim
Bristol Myers Squibb
Eli Lilly
Glaxco Wellcome
Janssen Pharmaceuticals
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Sanofi Adventist
Schering-Plough Pharmaceuticals
Solvay Pharmaceuticals
Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories
Zeneca Pharmaceuticals
Florida AIDS Assistance
Through the ages, disorders of the mind have been among the mostdevastating and feared illnesses of humanity. Today, thanks toambitious and productive research and the many individuals willing toparticipate in this research, highly effective treatments for mentalillnesses now exist. As a result of these treatments, many thousandsof people who have brain diseases such as depression, bipolar disorder,schizophrenia and anxiety disorders lead fulfilling and productive lives.
Scientists study and try different ways to diagnose, treat, and preventhuman disease more effectively. The needed research may take placein a basic science laboratory, a clinic, or in the community.
Some clinical research may examine how well a new treatment works --perhaps a drug or other type of therapy. In other instances, a clinicalstudy might explore factors that affect mental disorders such as the roleof genes and their interactions with life experiences.
The pace of progress to date would not have been possible without theparticipation in research of patients with mental illness and othervolunteers, yet neither will the advances of tomorrow be realized withouttheir continued participation. It is important to note that just asresearch on treatments has evolved to become more effective, so toohas our society's attentiveness to the well-being of research volunteersgrown. Procedures now in place to protect research participants aremore effective than ever before.
To help you make your decision about participating in a research study,the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has prepared a booklet toanswer some of your questions and lists questions that you will want toask of the clinical study director. You can call the Mental HealthAssociation of Southeast Florida at 954-746-2055 to request a copy ofthis booklet.
There are many clinical trials available including those from private
organizations and governmental entities. You can find a list of current
research projects at
It is our hope that by helping people better understand why they mightconsider participation in the clinical research of mental illnesses, allAmericans will benefit in the years ahead.
™ The right to individual dignity - respect, freedom of movement, freedom from neglect or abuse, a humaneenvironment, privacy. ™ The right to quality treatment and rehabilitation in the ™ The right to receive services regardless of the ability ™ The right to give, refuse, or retract express and informed consent to mental health treatment. ™ The right the communicate - mail, telephone and ™ The right to social relationships - exercise, recreation ™ The right to file a petition with the court questioning the cause of determination and requesting release. ™ The right to participate in treatment and discharge ™ The right to be informed regarding patient rights and reasonable access to personal records. ™ And other constitutional and legal rights, such as: confidentiality, representation, reporting grievances,voting, religious worship, work choice and compensation. Your Rights and the
Florida Mental Health Act
(The Baker Act)
The Florida law covering both voluntary and involuntarytreatment is Chapter 394 of Florida Statutes - known asthe Florida Mental Health Act or the Baker Act.
Florida law encourages people with mental illnesses toseek treatment voluntarily and to choose the type oftreatment needed. But Florida law recognizes thatsome people with mental illnesses may need to beinvoluntarily admitted for evaluation and treatment.
The Baker Act outlines a bill of rights for the personwho is mentally ill, provides a system of due processfor persons receiving services in designated mentalhealth facilities, and creates a system of community-based acute care services.
A receiving facility is the central reception point forindividuals who appear to need emergency mentalhealth care. The receiving facility must ensure thatpersons receive needed services in the least restrictivesetting and in the least intrusive manner. Consequently,receiving facilities must ensure that persons are notinappropriately admitted to community or State hospitals.
Under the Baker Act, no one can be admitted to a Statehospital without first being screened by a communitymental health center or clinic which must certify thatState hospital admission is the most appropriateplacement for the individual.
Tax assisted or publicly supported
1600 S. Andrews AvenueFt. Lauderdale, FL 33316 BROWARD HEALTH IMPERIAL POINT
6401 N. Federal HighwayFt.Lauderdale, FL 33308 HENDERSON CRISIS
2677 NW 19th StreetFt. Lauderdale, FL 33311 MEMORIAL REGIONAL HOSPITAL
Private, requiring insurance or full payment
4545 N. Federal HighwayFt. Lauderdale, FL 33308 FORT LAUDERDALE HOSPITAL
1601 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 NORTH SHORE MEDICAL CENTER, FMC Campus
5000 W. Oakland Park Blvd.
Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33313 UNIVERSITY PAVILION
7425 N. University DriveTamarac, FL 33321 PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE THROUGH MHA
The Mental Health Association of Southeast Florida has been selectedas the State of Florida's partner in the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Outreach Partnership Program.
You are invited to become part of a local Florida Coalition for mentalhealth education. MHASEFL partners with individuals and organizationsto provide community lectures, workshops, mental health screeningevents, advocacy town hall meetings, primary care outreach, and mediaopportunities. MHASEFL is also a State of Florida approved provider ofcontinuing education for behavioral health professionals.
As a coalition partner, you will have access to multiple copies of many
different brochures, videos, slides, screening tools, referral resources
and more. To join the MHA’s coalition, call 954-746-2055.
Many of these brochures are available at no cost at the MHA office. Some can also be faxed or e-mailed. Depression & African Americans Social PhobiaDepression & HIV Depression & Medical Conditions ViolenceDepression in Women AND MUCH MORE


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