Nekba constitution

Revised Dec. 21, 1957 - May 1960 - May 5, 1963 - May 2, 1971 - May 7, 1978 Dec. 15, 1974 - Oct. 31, 1975 - Oct. 3, 1993, Feb. 5, 1996, Feb. 21, 1999, Nov. 2, 2003 Ratified May 4, 1958 - May 5, 1963 - May 2, 1971 - May 7, 1972 - Jan 5, 1975 - Nov. 2, 1975 - Nov. 7, 1993, Nov. 6, 1994 This organization shall be called "The Northeastern Kansas’ Beekeepers Association", a not-for-profit corporation under K.S.A. 1972 Supp. 67-7510, State of Kansas, United States of America. THE PURPOSE AND OBJECT OF THIS ASSOCIATION:
(a) Promote knowledge in modern beekeeping and improve marketing conditions. (b) Endeavor to eliminate diseases among bees by the following: 1. Teach methods of detection, treatment and eradication of same. 2. Approve of and encourage the use of Terramycin, but not at any time or method that either may be stored in any honey to be removed for human consumption. 3. Disapprove of the practice of placing honey, wet combs, or cappings in the open for bees. (c) Protect by coping with harmful laws, which result in mass killing of bees through poisonous sprays and dusts. The power of this association shall be used to endeavor to cause control of this practice so that apiculture may be more fully and effectively developed and practiced. (d) Endeavor in any honorable way possible to create more interest in beekeeping, honey production and consumption of honey. (e) Educate crop farmers on the value of bees for pollination services. (f) Endeavor to gain the good will of the metropolitan areas especially, and rural residents, by removal or assistance in removal of unwanted, natural abiding bees, at a figure satisfactory to the body of the association as a whole. The organization shall attempt to control the misrepresentation of facts pertaining to this phase. (g) Promote knowledge in the care of, and production of a choice quality of honey and to assure the public, we pledge ourselves not to feed any sugar or sugar product to our bees to be stored and sold as honey. WE AS MEMBERS PLEDGE OUR SUPPORT TO THESE ATTAINMENTS AND AGREE TO BE GOVERNED BY THIS CONSTITUTION AND THE BY-LAWS OF THIS ASSOCIATION. Memberships shall be open to all who are actual beekeepers and those who are interested in the advancement of apiculture or for its bearing on agriculture, who have sanctioned and are abiding by the policies contained in this Constitution and By-laws of the Northeastern Kansas’ Beekeepers Association. (In case there is a question of eligibility, the Executive Board shall have authority to pass on whether applicant for membership meets these qualifications); and have paid the membership dues for the year, on or before the annual meeting date or (Constitutional) meeting date in the month of November. The fiscal year of this association shall be the calendar year. (a) The Annual Association Dues shall be Fifteen Dollars ($15.00), for the first of the family joining and shall include a subscription to the monthly bulletin of this association, coveting the same time period. (This measure is designed to avoid duplication of mailing to the same household.) (b) Additional members of that family joining the association shall be assessed dues at $1.00 per year. (c) Youth memberships, for those 18 years of age and under shall be one-half price of the regular dues or Seven Dollars and fifty cents ($7.50). (d) Excess bulletins shall be mailed at intervals and at random to other prospects, with endeavor of inducement of application for membership. This number to be governed ~ the editorial staff in the absence of a meeting of the Executive committee for such control specifications. All duly paid members shall have full rights in the association. HONORARY MEMBERSHIPS (YEARLY), MAY BE GRANTED TO: Persons of distinguished merit in bee culture such as a State Entomologist, School Professors dealing in relative branches of Agriculture, County Farm Agents or Extension Service Assistants, the Secretary of Agriculture or Horticulture. (a) The officers of this organization shall consist of: President; 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Vice-Presidents; Secretary; Treasurer; Editor and Program Chairman, and shall hold regular semi-annual meeting, held during the months of January and October, or as often as called. Either the President or Secretary of the organization may call executive meetings. Co) The Executive Board shall include current office holders and all former officers, including PRESIDENTS, VICE PRESIDENTS, SECRETARIES, TREASURERS, EDITORS and PROGRAM CHAIRMEN. The above named officers shall have full rights to aide in the solution of questions which may arise from time to time, (as long as they remain paid-up members in the Northeastern Kansas’ Beekeepers Association), and shall cast their votes along with the other members of the Executive Board. (c) The Executive Board Members shall be notified of all meetings, whether special or regular either by notice contained in the Monthly Newsletter or by other satisfactory means. (a) All officers of this organization shall be elected, except that of Editor, who shall be appointed as necessary by the Executive Board. (b) All officers shall be elected for a term of one year and may be re-elected for no more than three (3) consecutive terms in the same office with the exception of Treasurer, who may be elected to additional terms. Proposed addition of sections (c) and (d) yet to be proposed and voted on: (c) At the end of each fiscal year (December), the President shall appoint a committee of at least one (1) person to audit the association books and report the findings to the Executive Board. (d) The President and/or Executive Board shall be able to call for a review or an audit of the association books at any time during the fiscal year. The Government of this organization shall be by parliamentary rules, which are accepted as "ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER". A Quorum shall consist of at least ten members and three officers. (a) A nominating committee of three for nominating officers for the following year shall be elected not later than the August Regular Meeting; and such committee shall report their choices for nominations not later than the October Regular Meeting. They shall also choose someone to receive the "Beekeeper of the Year Award", to be presented at the December meeting. (b) Members from the floor, other than the nominating committee, shall also be allowed to nominate officers on the Election Day. (c) Election of officers shall be by vote of secret ballot in the month of November and newly elected officers shall take their seats of office January 1st. (d) Votes on other matters may be cast by raising their right hand, or secret ballot, according to the discretion of the President. (e) Oral votes shall be considered illegal The President shall have the privilege of selection by either appointment or nomination of individuals to serve in any other capacity not so named above and which is deemed of value to the organization in its activities; such selection shall run until the following election of officers or until dismissed by the President. THE NORTHEASTERN KANSAS’ BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION
BY-LAWS 1995
This association shall meet at 2:30 p.m., the first Sunday in each month, except during the months of April, May, July, August, and October when the meetings shall be at 7:00 p.m., the first Monday of each month. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of this association and of the Executive Board and perform such other duties as may devolve upon him. (a) The First Vice-President shall, in the absence or inability of the President, perform the duties of said office. Likewise, this duty shall be performed by other Vice-Presidents (2nd -3rd) in their order, as their superiors may be absent. An Ex-President may officiate in the absence of the President and Vice-Presidents. The First Vice-President shall also assist the Editor in the promotion of the association, and in recruiting new members and delinquent members, and may act as the assistant public information officer where applicable. (b) The Second Vice-President shall serve as the association librarian and shall be responsible for the accounting for, and the care of, those publications owned by the association, and shall recommend to the Executive Board the need for new publications, as needed. (c) The Third Vice-President shall serve as chairman of the Honey Plants Committee, call meetings of the committee as necessary, advise the association on current nectar bearing plants, the availability of such plants, trees and seeds, and encourage the planting of nectar bearing plants. The Secretary shall keep a full record of the proceedings of this Association, and have full care of papers and association correspondence, assist the Editor as needed. At the expiration of his/her term, he/she shall turnover to their successor all records and secretarial materials. The Treasurer shall receive all monies and pay all bills that have been budgeted and approved by the Executive Board, by check, and keep receipts and records thereof. He shall issue membership cards and make a complete report and record of his office at each regular association meeting as to membership dues received and transactions of the association. At the expiration of his term be shall turn over to his successor all books, accounts, and monies remaining in his hand or possession. The Program Chairman shall arrange all meeting locations and plan all programs. He shall notify the Editor no later than the 10th of the month of the next month's meeting. He may request assistance in program planning, if needed from the Executive Board. The Editor shall serve as the public information officer of the association, shall publish such monthly information necessary to the meeting locations and programs of the association, and inform the membership as to the operation and function of the association. A current edition of the Constitution and By-Laws shall be available by the Editor not more than once a year by dues-paying members upon their request (at cost). The Editor shall ask and receive the approval of the Treasurer and President, or the Executive Board, before accepting any commercial ads for the BUZZER. The Executive Board may establish rules for ads. (a) It shall be the duty of the Executive Board to assist the Secretary in the performance of his duty, and the Treasurer in the disposal of monies of this association, and perform such duties as may be prescribed or duly come before it, and establish a budget in the month of January, for approval by the membership. (b) The Executive Board shall have full control of all the affairs of the Association; may appoint committees on all subjects of interest to the association. A majority of the Executive Board may, by ballot, fill any vacancy of office. The person elevated to fill such vacancy shall serve until next annual election, at which time the association shall elect his successor. Meetings of the Executive Board shall be held on call of the President, or Secretary in case of the President's inability to issue call, and in accord with provisions of the Constitution. (c) Upon a motion from the floor and its second, the Secretary shall be required to issue a call for the meeting of the Executive Board for consideration of any subject in controversy, including the meeting of those requesting the meeting, that they may present the issue and views (only) for consideration. (d) By a majority vote of members of the Executive Board, and after being approved by a majority of two-thirds of the voting members at the annual November meeting these By-laws or Constitution may be changed or amended. Order of business shall be: (1) Roll Call of Officers, (2) Reading of minutes of previous meeting (3) Reading of Communications, (4) Treasurer's Report (5) Report of Officers, (6) Report of Committees, (7) Unfinished Business, (8) New Business, (9) Program (10) Announcements, and (11) Adjournment.


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