Northwest access tv

Minutes; 10/15/12
Board members in attendance: David McWilliams, Rick Tatro, Joe Halko,
Jill Snapp, Tyler Comeau, Gregg Gervais, Joey Russo, Virginia Holiman,
and Executive Director: Elizabeth Malone.
Call to Order at 6:00pm
Election of Officers
Nomination of David McWilliams for President made by Joey Russo, second by Rick
Motion to close nominations for President made by Rick Tatro, second by Joey Russo
Ballot cast for David McWilliams for President
Nomination of Rick Tatro for Vice President made by Joey Russo, second by Joe Halko
Motion to close nominations for Vice President made by Joe Halko, second by Virginia
Ballot cast for Rick Tatro for Vice President
Nomination of Marilyn Grunewald for Treasurer made by Rick Tatro, second by Virginia
Motion to close nominations for Treasurer made by Joe Halko, second by Virginia
Ballot cast for Marilyn Grunewald for Treasurer
Nomination of Jill Snapp for Secretary made by Rick Tatro, second by Joey Russo
Motion to close nominations for Treasurer made by Virginia Holiman, second by Gregg
Ballot cast for Jill Snapp for Secretary
Discussion of hiring new “minutes taker”. Jill Snapp will do this in the interim.
Tech Talk: Studio tour of Ch. 15-16 station given by Mike Montanye.
Treasurers Report: Elizabeth reports no out of the ordinary expenses. Gregg asks, for
definition of “net ordinary income.” Elizabeth explains that extraordinary would be
situations such as fire, flood, etc.
3 studio mics were purchased for AV equiptment.
Joey makes the suggestion to have rechargeable batteries. Elizabeth explains that mics
usually run on the power from the cameras. Rechargeable batteries never recharge all the
way, not dependable. There is a possibility that Energizer may donate Lithium batteries.
The Annual dinner expense was near 2300.00. Compliments from the table to Joey. Motion to accept Treas. Report, Joey. 2nd, Gregg Motion passes Executive Directors Report: Elizabeth reminds all of the Board Training class next Tuesday Oct. 23, 5:30-8:30. Request for people to bring a dish. David suggest that the studio provide the food for this evening. Jill offers to help Elizabeth get the food. Discussion of whether it is a good idea to have streaming on election night, or on Town Meeting Day. Elizabeth says it is easy to set up. Rick questions the philosophy of putting our programming onto the computer. Special events he sees as understandable but not politically themed shows. Dish owners would get it for free, whereas subscribers pay 5% for local access. Joey says the benefit is free marketing by showing these events to get more customers. David says that Elizabeth can ask the board for approval of which shows to stream. New Business: Elizabeth gives a run through of the contents in the new binders. Preliminary Budget discussion. Elizabeth mentions the class she has been taking and presents a Budget Breakout….a color pie chart of where expenses are. Discussion of Underwriting Income future. Joe suggests looking at what other access stations have done. David says Access TV is what keeps many people with Comcast. Joey says to wait and see if we do get hit. And if so, could we run our own lines. Also, he says, “what about the Comcast rep who was invited to visit us….was he too busy?” Elizabeth and Jill did meet with him at the studio and felt he was supportive of our interests. Rick says that Local Access is a pain for them…what are the numbers on how many subscribers there are? Rick and David…”they won’t tell you that.” Continuing on expenses: see chart. 30,000per year on equiptment with occasional special approval such as a server being on sale. Old Business: Rick Tatro, Collins Perley Contract. Has been renewed, it gives a good visibility under the scoreboard and above the pressbox, and it is an important partnership with Perley and with David Kimmel. He negotiated and secured a 6yr. contract at 10,000. and Perley will change the artwork when needed. Partnership with BFA is vital. David asks, “will we also approach the Highgate Arena?” Motion to accept the contract with Perley, Gregg. 2nd Joey. Motion passes. Rick adds , the Highgate arena is not nearly as highly attended. Suggests that we should approach them before the refurberation. Joey says we should support the towns. Rick says there is a one-time fee of 500.00 or, just a sign for 300.00. Gregg explains that the towns have to approve the construction for the arena and he doesn’t see that happening for 3 years at least. The towns vote on this expense at Town Meeting in March. Further advertising discussion…Elizabeth says the teams themselves provide their videographer. Rick says the first game is in 6 and a half weeks, at the end of Nov. Motion to get a contract with Highgate. Executive board will give final approval. Annual Dinner Thoughts: Joey did an excellent job putting it together. Joey says, “I hate everybody and I enjoyed it!” Rick adds that each person has their special skills. Discussion of having the annual dinner at same time as annual meeting. Vetoed. Suggestion to have the dinner in May, which is quiet month for Joey. Other suggestions: Joey presents the idea of having other camera’s in other locations/towns like the one on the roof. Jill likes the music and having the roofcam on when working. Joey also suggests having the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star Spangled Banner on. Elizabeth is working with a saxophone group…perhaps done by them. Joey then suggests a childrens show now that we have Virginia on board. She can also help us with childrens’ programming, alpaca’s and eyelashes. Her son would also make a great sportscaster. Virginia also would like to do a show about NOFA. Organic Farming. Gregg would like to see a storytime show. (Jill thinks Saspa and or puppets….Jim Henson started somewhere) Motion to approve the minutes of 8/20/2012 and 10/01/2012., Rick. 2nd, Virginia. Next Meeting Nov. 19. Ajourned. Don’t forget the class on the 23rd. Submitted by Jill Snapp 10/10.12


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