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Epipen epidemic: suggestions for rational prescribing in childhood food allergy
J. Paediatr. Child Health (2003)39, 372–375 EpiPen epidemic: Suggestions for rational prescribing in childhood food allergy Department of Allergy, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Westmead, New South Wales, AustraliaAbstract:
There has been a marked increase in community concerns of the risk of food induced anaphylaxis in children
and a consequent increase in the provision of the self or carer injectable epinephrine (EpiPen) (CSL Ltd, Parkville, Victoria,Australia)). The Australian use of EpiPens in children under 10 years has increased by 300% over 5 years with a crude rateof EpiPen provision of 1 per 544 Australian children aged under 10 years. However, the risk of a fatal reaction to food,particularly in preschool children, is remote (in Australia, an estimated one fatality in 30 years in the under 5-year-oldpopulation and two deaths in 10 years in the entire child population). It is therefore important to provide a perspective onthe risk of death from food induced anaphylactic to parents and carers in view of the anxiety generated on this issue. Theindications for provision of an EpiPen to children are not well defined. Six risk factors, which can be considered inevaluating the risk of a life-threatening reaction (age over 5 years; a history of respiratory tract involvement with the initialor subsequent reactions; a history of asthma requiring preventer medication; peanut or tree nut sensitivity; reactions inducedby traces or small amounts of allergen; a strongly positive skin prick test) are proposed. It is suggested that the greater thenumber that are positive, the lower the threshold for provision of an EpiPen. In addition, instruction in EpiPen administrationand the provision of both a clear and simple anaphylaxis action plan and a rational perspective on the remote risk of death isjust as important as the provision of the device itself. Key words:
anaphylaxis; epinephrine; EpiPen; food. INTRODUCTION
period2 and Hourihane et al. found peanut allergy increasedfour-fold between generations.3 Allowing a time span of
Community concerns concerning the risk of food-induced
30 years between generations this would indicate a 66%
anaphylaxis and death in children have multiplied in recent
increase over 5 years while EpiPen Jr. usage has increased by
years. Statements by lay and consumer groups, such as the
300% over the same time period. In Australia, in 2000, there
following ‘thousands of families with young children are
were approximately 2.6 million children under 10 years of age.
forced to live with the possibility that everyday foods may be
Assuming all EpiPen Jr. were prescribed for children under
contaminated by a known allergen which could kill in min-
10 years of age, this gives a crude rate of EpiPen provision of
utes’1 reflect the anxiety which parents feel. This anxiety,
1 per 544 children, which is in excess of estimates for children
together with the incorrect perception that allergic reactions
in some other countries: 1/1600 in UK,4 and 1/5800 in France5
invariably increase in severity, which is common among both
but less than a remarkable 1/84 of a population of 280 000
lay people and the medical profession, has generated a potent
children in the province of Manitoba, Canada.6 While the rate
pressure for action by the medical profession to avert these
refers to the number of units per child in the community and
perceived threats. A combination of increased community
not the number of children with EpiPens, which may be less
concern and an increase in awareness of anaphylaxis is the
if the practice of prescription of more than one unit per child
likely cause of the rapid increase of prescriptions for self or
is widespread, it does accord with the population survey of
carer administered epinephrine EpiPen (EpiPen; CSL Ltd,
provision of some form of adrenaline of 1/417 in a sample
Parkville, Victoria, Australia) in recent years (Table 1). In
of 4173 South Australian children.7 The appropriate rate of
Australia, all EpiPens are supplied by CSL Ltd. and, thus their
provision of EpiPens in a given population is yet to be
sales figures reflect the Australian usage. Over 5 years, the total
determined. In these calculations, it has been assumed that all
number of units provided to retail pharmacies and hospitals has
EpiPens are provided for food anaphylaxis. While personal
increased by 193% and the provision of EpiPen junior (EpiPen
experience indicates that the majority of EpiPens in children
Jr.), which is recommended for children under 30 kg (i.e. under
(> 95%) are provided for food allergy, these figures will
about 10 years of age), a dramatic 300%. Although allergic
overestimate the rate to the extent that EpiPens are also
diseases are increasing, it does not appear that the rapid
prescribed for other conditions such as bee sting anaphylaxis.
increase in EpiPen usage is primarily due to this factor.
Concurrent with the marked increase in prescriptions in
Sampson observed in his patients that peanut sensitization (a
Western communities has been controversy in the medical
positive skin prick test) had increased by 55% over a 10-year
literature concerning benefits and risks with some authorities
Correspondence: Professor A Kemp, Department of Allergy, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead,
Westmead, NSW 2145, Australia. Fax: +61 2 9845 3421; email:
Accepted for publication 11 November 2002.
Number of EpiPen units provided to Australian retail
history of anaphylaxis or serious reaction and the risk of
pharmacies and hospitals (annual totals to March each year are shown)
another reaction is substantial in the judgment of the clinician,an epinephrine kit should be prescribed with clear instructions
regarding its use’.13 This recommendation invites the clinicianto consider what is a substantial risk and, in addition, implies
that adrenaline is not necessarily prescribed for any level of
risk. A recent review of deaths in the USA concluded, ‘patients
at risk for food-induced anaphylaxis (i.e. those with previous
reactions involving the airway or those with asthma and foodallergies) must be educated to recognize the early signs ofanaphylaxis and be given and trained in the use of self-injectable epinephrine’.11 This conclusion reflects the fact thatthe greater majority of deaths occur in patients with significant
expressing the opinion that EpiPens are over prescribed8 and
asthma and also suggests that the severity of the presenting
challenge to this by others.9 The response to the remote risk of
reaction (i.e. previous reaction involving the airway) might be
death in a child from food anaphylaxis is essentially about risk
utilized as an indicator of the risk of a subsequent severe
management. A perspective on this issue is needed for paedi-
reaction. However, in another publication, these authors expand
atricians to inform their patients, and indications for rational
the potential population by stating ‘young children with peanut
prescribing are urgently required. This paper will attempt to
and/or tree nut reactions should be considered at risk for more
severe reactions and should be provided with emergency medi-cations (epinephrine)’.14 In a recent review, Sampson stated‘All patients with peanut allergy should be given a written
emergency plan and adequate doses of liquid diphenhydramine
and self-injectable epinephrine for use in case they accidentallyingest peanuts’.15
A study in the UK identified eight deaths in children (pop-ulation of 13 million children) over a period of 10 years fromfood anaphylaxis.10 Another survey in the USA, between 1994
and 1999, identified 32 fatalities, of which nine were under16 years of age, due to food-induced anaphylaxis from a
It is possible to make some estimate of the potential cost to the
national registry.11 If one extrapolated the UK figures to the
Australian community for the provision of EpiPens to children
Australian childhood population, there would be one death in
under 16 years with peanut or tree-nut allergy if the recommen-
30 years in the under 5-year-old population and two deaths
dations of Sampson that all such patients should be provided
in 10 years in the entire child population. The great majority
with an EpiPen are followed.15 Adopting the US estimate that
of deaths occur in children aged 5 years and older and adults,
1.1% of the population has peanut or tree-nut allergy,15 (which
7/8 (88%) in the UK study and 30/32 (94%) in the USA. In
is likely to be an underestimate for the under 16 year age group
contrast, food-induced immediate hypersensitivity reactions
as peanut allergy is more common in children than adults) there
occur most commonly in preschool children to milk, egg and
would be 46 200 children under 16 years with peanut or tree-
peanuts; frequently, in the case of egg and milk, and less
nut allergy in Australia. The current recommended retail cost
commonly with peanut they resolve by 5 years of age. How-
for an EpiPen is $A140.00. To ensure appropriate 24 h cover-
ever, as it is those children with food allergy who are the ones
age, many children are prescribed two units, one for home and
at risk, it is necessary to consider the risk of death from food
one for kindergarten/school. With a shelf life of 15 months, this
anaphylaxis in this subpopulation. Up to 5% of the childhood
provides an annual cost of $10.35 million dollars if each child
population may have food allergies.12 Assuming all the deaths
has two units. From the figures provided above, the estimated
occurred in this group, there would be 0.3 deaths in Australia in
death rate for children under 16 years in Australia is one child
10 years in the estimated 65 000 food allergic children under
every 5 years, and assuming all deaths in childhood were due to
5 years of age. This may be compared with the death rate from
nut allergy and were preventable by provision of an EpiPen this
vaccine preventable meningococcal infection in the same
gives a cost of $51.7 million dollars per life saved. In attempt-
65 000 children of 1.2 deaths in 10 years (15 deaths/year from
ing to evaluate the costs and benefits of EpiPen usage, there
meningococcal disease in Australian children, half occur in
may be other benefits unrelated to prevention of death such as
under 5-year-old age group and one-third preventable by
a reduction in morbidity and increased quality of life, however,
immunization). Thus, a food allergic child aged under 5 years
there is insufficient data to enable a cost analysis to be made.
may be four times more likely to die from a preventablemeningococcal infection than from food anaphylaxis. Thisexample does not suggest that appropriate emergency measures
should not be prescribed where indicated but does indicate thatperspective needs to be applied in the assessment of risks to
As the prescription of an EpiPen is primarily concerned with
health and choices concerning expenditures.
risk management in attempting to develop some rational guide-lines, it seems appropriate to ask whether there are factorswhich might point to the likelihood of developing a severe life-
threatening reaction. I suggest that there are six, which may be
considered. 1. Age over 5 years.
Currently there are no clear guidelines on which children
2. A history of respiratory tract involvement with the initial or
should be prescribed an EpiPen. In 1994, the American
Academy of Allergy and Immunology stated ‘If there is a
3. A history of asthma requiring preventer medication.
Another factor, which may help, is an assessment of the
5. Reactions induced by traces or small amounts of allergen.
amount of food allergen ingested and the severity of reaction
6. A strongly positive skin prick test.
induced. Although this has not been studied in detail, many
Few would disagree to provision of an EpiPen to a child, of
authorities believe that the severity of an adverse reaction bears
any age with peanut sensitivity, who has developed a previous
some relationship to the amount of allergen ingested, as evi-
reaction involving the respiratory tract. In contrast, the indica-
denced by recommendations to avoid challenges or commence
tions are less clear for a preschool child with a generalized
with lower doses in severely food allergic subjects.20–22 That
urticarial reaction, without respiratory tract involvement, fol-
the amount of allergen ingested is related to the severity of a
lowing ingestion of 50 mL of cow’s milk and a 5-mm skin
reaction is also evidenced by the common practice of perform-
ing food challenges with gradually increasing doses of food in
The great majority of fatalities are recorded in children are
order to reduce the risk of a severe reaction.21–23 In adults,
over 5 years of age, despite the fact that food allergic reactions
repeat challenges of peanut protein on two occasions have been
are more common in preschool children and frequently lessen
remarkably consistent in the threshold doses required to elicit
with time. In the survey of deaths in the USA over 6 years,
clinical reactions in peanut sensitive subjects.20 Moneret-
there were two deaths in children less than 5 years; one to
Vautrin et al. utilized the dose eliciting symptoms as one factor
Brazil nut, which occurred on the first exposure and thus would
in the decision to prescribe an EpiPen.5 Thus, a child who
not have been preventable, and a second to cows milk.11 In
develops mild generalized urticaria following ingestion of half
Sweden, a prospective survey conducted over 4 years identified
an egg is likely to be in a different risk category to one with a
six fatal reactions in children, two to peanut and four to soy, all
respiratory reaction following exposure to a small amount of
of whom were older than 8 years.16 In the UK, the single
fatality in a child under 5 years was due to egg white.10 Thus,
An important and unresolved issue is whether the size of the
in a total of 14 years observation, in three countries, of the 46
skin prick test bears a relation to the likelihood of a severe
fatal reactions recorded, only three (7%) occurred in children
reaction, and should be taken into account when deciding to
prescribe an EpiPen. In a large group of both adults and
It has been suggested that the severity of the initial reaction
children, overall skin prick test size did correlate with severity
be taken into account when prescribing an EpiPen.5,9,11 Bock
(P = 0.04); however, the substantial overlap between groups
et al. stated that a previous history of airway reactions was an
lessens the predictive power in any individual case.17 In chil-
indication for prescription of EpiPen.11 An unresolved issue is
dren, the size of the skin prick test was related to the occurrence
how predictive of subsequent severity is the initial reaction.
of a clinical reaction on formal food challenge. An Australian
Whilst it appears clear that a severe reaction can follow a mild
study of Sporik et al. demonstrated that a wheal size 8 mm
reaction there is evidence to indicate that the severity of the
or greater was associated with a 100% (28/28) reactivity on
initial reaction provides some prediction of the nature of a
peanut challenge while a wheal of 2–4 mm was associated with
subsequent reaction. Hourihane et al. surveyed over 600 aller-
only 47% (8/17) reactivity.22 Pucar et al. performed a peanut
gic reactions in adults and children to peanuts. Of the patients
challenge in children with a positive skin prick test and 46%
whose first reaction was severe (wheeze, cyanosis, collapse or
(13/28) of those with a skin prick test wheal 7 mm or greater
faint), the most recent reaction was also severe in 78% of cases
reacted clinically, while only 14% (5/36) of those with a wheal
(173/223) whilst in those cases with a mild reaction the most
size less than 7 mm reacted. Two of the 18 children with a
recent reaction was severe in 32% of cases (34/107).17 Ewan
positive challenge developed wheeze.21 However, children with
and Clark found that of 15 patients with a mild initial reaction
a definite history and a 5 mm or greater skin prick test reaction
who had a further reaction, three (20%) had a more severe
were not challenged. As food challenges are generally per-
reaction in which some form of adrenaline (inhaled 2,
formed with a progressive increase in dose of food and cease
injected 1) was used.18 Sicherer et al., in a study of peanut
once minor symptoms develop, the results obtained by a
allergic reactions in children, found ‘On average, symptoms
controlled challenge may not reflect the severity of the reaction
after accidental exposure were generally similar to those at
on exposure to larger amounts of allergen. From this data it is
initial exposure’.19 In this study, approximately half the
difficult to make recommendations, some may choose to ignore
reactions involved the respiratory tract.
the size of the skin prick test, however, as challenge studies
The presence of asthma increases the risk of death10,11 or a
indicate that clinical reactivity bears some relationship to the
severe reaction.14 This observation has lead to the recommen-
skin prick test wheal size, it seems reasonable to factor this into
dation that those subjects with both asthma and a food allergy
should be prescribed an EpiPen.11 In the paediatric context, itseems reasonable to apply this to those children with asthma ofsufficient severity to require preventer medication. SENSITIZATION WITHOUT PRIOR FOOD
It is clear that the great majority of deaths are associated
with nut, and, in particular, peanut sensitivity. Combining themortality results from USA, UK and Sweden, 34/46 deaths
A common issue in preschool children is the identification of
were associated with peanut or tree-nut reactions.10,11,16 Deaths
peanut sensitivity by skin prick testing in children who have
from egg and cows milk sensitivity are much less common
never knowingly ingested peanut but have reacted to another
despite being among the most common food allergies detected.
food (usually milk or egg). In this situation, the risk of a severe
Of the three deaths in the under 5 years age group, one occurred
anaphylactic reaction on exposure to peanut is unknown. Pucar
to milk and one to egg. In Sweden, there were four deaths due
et al. found that, in those who have never knowingly been
to soy anaphylaxis in peanut sensitive subjects.16 There are
exposed to peanut but had a positive skin prick test, there was a
immunological cross reactivities between soy and peanut, and
31% (5/16) prevalence of clinical reaction to peanut challenge
both are members of the same botanical family. The specific
and 50% (4/8) in those with a wheal size greater than 7 mm.21
properties of peanuts that lead to severe reactions are unknown;
In view of this, a case can be made for formal peanut challenge
however, they may relate to properties of the three major
in this group to determine the clinical features of a reaction just
allergenic proteins in peanuts Ara h 1, 2, 3.15
prior to school entry, and provision of an EpiPen to those with
a generalized cutaneous or more severe reactions following
5 Moneret-Vautrin DA, Kanny G, Morisset M et al. Food anaphy-
challenge. An alternative policy would be to provide EpiPens
laxis in schools: evaluation of the management plan and the effi-
to all children with a prick test wheal size greater than a
ciency of the emergency kit. Allergy 2001; 56: 1071–6.
predetermined size (e.g. > 7 mm); however, on the evidence of
6 Simons FE, Peterson S, Black CD. Epinephrine dispensing for the
out-of-hospital treatment of anaphylaxis in infants and children: a
Pucar et al.,21 this would be unnecessary in 50% of cases and,
population-based study. Ann. Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2001; 86:
in addition, perpetuate a significant amount of unwarranted
parental anxiety. It has been suggested that ‘no allergist would
7 Boros CA, Kay D, Gold MS. Parent reported allergy and anaphy-
prescribe an epinephrine kit on the basis of a positive skin prick
laxis in 4173 South Australian children. J. Paediatr. Child Health
test in the absence of a significant history or formal challenge’.9
2000; 36: 36–40.
8 Unsworth DJ. Adrenaline syringes are vastly over prescribed. Arch. Dis. Child. 2001; 84: 410–1. CONCLUSIONS
9 Hourihane J. Controversies in paediatrics? Arch. Dis. Child. 2001;
It can be seen that there are no clear-cut guidelines for the
10 Macdougall CF, Cant AJ, Colver AF. How dangerous is food
provision of an EpiPen to a child with food allergy. This, in
allergy in childhood? The incidence of severe and fatal allergic
part, reflects the difficulty in predicting those children most
reactions across the UK and Ireland. Arch. Dis. Child. 2002; 86: 236–9.
likely to be at risk and in deciding the limits of an acceptable
11 Bock SA, Munoz-Furlong A, Sampson HA. Fatalities due to
risk. I have listed six factors that can be taken into consider-
anaphylactic reactions to foods. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2001;
ation. It would be generally agreed that a child over 5 years of
107: 191–3.
age, with a history of respiratory involvement following expo-
12 Sampson HA. Food allergy. Part 1: immunopathogenesis and
sure to peanut, should be provided with an EpiPen; however,
clinical disorders. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 1999; 103: 717–28.
many cases are not as clear-cut. I suggest that each factor be
13 AAAI Board of Directors. The use of epinephrine in the treatment
considered and, the greater the number that are positive, the
of anaphylaxis. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 1994; 94: 666–8.
lower the threshold for prescribing an EpiPen. Each of these
14 Sicherer SH, Furlong TJ, Munoz-Furlong A, Burks AW,
factors will need to be assessed by the practitioner and weighed
Sampson HA. A voluntary registry for peanut and tree nut allergy:characteristics of the first 5149 registrants. J. Allergy Clin.
in the light of the parental wishes and environmental circum-
Immunol. 2001; 108: 128–32.
stances. It must be emphasized that the prescription of an
15 Sampson HA. Clinical practice. Peanut allergy. N. Engl. J. Med.
EpiPen alone is not a satisfactory response to the risk of food
2002; 346: 1294–9.
anaphylaxis. This is highlighted by the Australian evidence that
16 Foucard T, Malmheden Yman I. A study on severe food reactions
only 29% of EpiPens prescribed were used appropriately in a
in Sweden – is soy protein an underestimated cause of food
subsequent anaphylactic reaction.24 Thus, instruction in EpiPen
anaphylaxis? Allergy 1999; 54: 261–5.
administration and the provision of both a clear and simple
17 Hourihane JO, Kilburn SA, Dean P, Warner JO. Clinical charac-
anaphylaxis action plan and a rational perspective on the
teristics of peanut allergy. Clin. Exp. Allergy 1997; 27: 634–9.
remote risk of death is just as important as the provision of
18 Ewan PW, Clark AT. Long-term prospective observational study
of patients with peanut and nut allergy after participation in a man-
agement plan. Lancet 2001; 357: 111–5.
19 Sicherer SH, Burks AW, Sampson HA. Clinical features of acute
allergic reactions to peanut and tree nuts in children. PediatricsACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
1998; 102: e6.
20 Nelson HS, Lahr J, Rule R, Bock A, Leung D. Treatment of
I thank Louisa Garone of CSL Ltd. (CSL Ltd, Parkville,
anaphylactic sensitivity to peanuts by immunotherapy with injec-
Victoria, Australia) for providing Australian figures on EpiPen
tions of aqueous peanut extract. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 1997;
99: 744–51.
21 Pucar F, Kagan R, Lim H, Clarke AE. Peanut challenge: a ret-
rospective study of 140 patients. Clin. Exp. Allergy 2001; 31: REFERENCES
22 Sporik R, Hill DJ, Hosking CS. Specificity of allergen skin testing
1 Gowland MH. Food allergen avoidance: risk assessment for life.
in predicting positive open food challenges to milk, egg and
Proc. Nutr. Soc. 2002; 61: 39–43.
peanut in children. Clin. Exp. Allergy 2000; 30: 1540–6.
2 Sampson HA. Managing peanut allergy. BMJ 1996; 312: 1050–1.
23 Taylor SL, Hefle SL, Bindslev-Jensen C et al. Factors affect-
3 Hourihane JO, Dean TP, Warner JO. Peanut allergy in relation to
ing the determination of threshold doses for allergenic foods:
heredity, maternal diet, and other atopic diseases. results of a
how much is too much? J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2002; 109:
questionnaire survey, skin prick testing, and food challenges. BMJ
1996; 313: 518–21.
24 Gold MS, Sainsbury R. First aid anaphylaxis management in
4 Dobbie ARC. Provision of self injectable adrenaline for children at
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risk of anaphylaxis: its source, frequency and appropriateness of
(EpiPen). J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2000; 106: 171–6.
use, and effect. AMB Child Health 1998; 4: 289–94.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (Intermediate) Product: 1,1'- METHYLENEBIS (ISOCYANATOBENZENE) 26447-40-5 This product contains the following toxic chemical or chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372: BENZOYL CHLORIDE 2. PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT: N/D - Not Determined N/A - N
OTTO GIARDINI IN QUATTRO GIORNI FRA PASSEGGIATE CON ESPERTI, EDITORIA, ARTE, MUSICA E DEGUSTAZIONI Dopo il successo del 'edizione autunnale del o scorso anno, torna a Venezia da giovedì 8 a domenica 11 giugno 2006 il "FESTIVAL DEI GIARDINI" in versione primaverile per far ammirare i giardini segreti di Venezia nel momento magico del e fioriture. È promosso dal Wigwam Club