Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2002. V. 5, N 4. P. 449-452.
A universal automated complex for control and
diagnostics of semiconductor devices and structures
R.V. Konakova, O.E. Rengevych, A.M. Kurakin, Ya.Ya. Kudryk
Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS Ukraine, 45 prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine
Phone: 38(044) 265 6182; fax: 38(044) 265 8342; e-mail:
Abstract. We present a universal automated complex for control and diagnostics. It is in-
tended to measure static, pulse and capacitance-voltage characteristics of two- and three-
terminal networks, both at room temperature and in 771000 K temperature range. A distin-
guishing feature of complex construction is the possibility for simulation of interrelation
between parameters of the objects studied. The complex has been tested when studying the
effect of γ- and microwave radiations on parameters of gallium arsenide SB-FETs, GaN-based
HEMTs and silicon carbide SBDs. Keywords: diagnostics of semiconductor devices, automation of measurements. Paper received 31.07.02; accepted for publication 17.12.02.
operation speed (no more than 20 measurements per sec-
ond [5]) are not optimal for their use in test rigs for ex-
Present-day manufacturing of semiconductor element
press check of parameters and characteristics of semi-
base is characterized by a wide range of products that
differ in their specifications and applications. Manufac-
The domestic complexes for control and diagnostics
turing dependence on rapidly varying market situation
are made on the basis of industrial curve tracers. They
requires new instrumentation for check and measurement
make it possible to take characteristics of semiconductor
to provide competitive ability. Such instrumentation
devices of practically all types over wide range of cur-
should be sufficiently flexible for easy integration into
rents and voltages. However, their operation speed is low
the existing measuring complexes, as well as possess wide
and, as a result, their use is costly [6, 7]. Solution of this
functional capabilities that would enable to modify com-
problem lies in development of domestic multifunctional
automated complexes characterized by high operation
Now at research laboratories, as well as in industry,
instrumentation of Western production for check and di-
Here we present the results of our activity in this line
agnostics is widely used [2-4]. Among the most popular
taking, as an example, development and fabrication of
instruments are, for instance, such as automated curve
both hard- and software for a universal automated com-
tracers HP 4145 and HP 4155 whose range of currents
plex for control and diagnostics of semiconductor devices.
(voltages) measured is 1012101 A (103102 V), the rela-
This complex is a logic extension of the test rigs for check
tive measurement error being no more than 0.5 %; pre-
and diagnostics that have been developed and fabricated
cise LCR-meters HP 4284, Genrad 1689 whose ranges
of resistances, inductances and capacitances measured
are 102105 Ω, 108105 H and 1014101 F, respec-
2. Construction and potentialities of the
tively, the relative measurement error being no more than
0.2 %. At the moment these instruments meet the require-
ments imposed on the facilities of such class and provide
The block diagram of our complex for control and diag-
high accuracy and reproducibility of the results of meas-
nostics is presented in Fig. 1. The complex is made on the
urements. However, their high cost and relatively low
2002, Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
R.V. Konakova et al.: A universal automated complex for control and .
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the complex. ADC analog-to-digital converter, DAC digital-to-analog converter, GPIB generalpurpose interface bus, I/U current-to-voltage converter, PA programmable amplifier.
basis of IBM-compatible computer (486DX80). Its func-
ties of the complex can be realized independently (or with
an incomplete set of functions). This fact may consider-
1) measurements of static I-V curves for two- and
three-terminal networks in the range of currents from
The complex construction involves two boards built
1×1011 to 2 A and voltages up to 50 V (two ranges: 010 V
into computer (bus ISA), a voltmeter Â7-21À, bridge Å7-
and 050 V), the relative measurement error being no
12, thermostat, unit to control thermostat, contact facil-
ity (when the devices on a wafer are measured, this is an
2) measurements of pulse I-V curves for two- and
automated probe À5). A board that is built into the com-
three-terminal networks in the range of currents from
puter has two 12-bit digital-to-analog converters (DACs),
1×104 to 2 A and voltages up to 10 V at pulse duration
a current-to-voltage converter, programmable amplifier,
(programmable) from 106 s to the case of continuous
12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and program-
current, the relative current measurement error being no
mable timer, as well as a general purpose interface bus
(GPIB) controller board. In this configuration the GPIB
3) measurements of C-V curves in the range of
controller is used only to connect a bridge Å7-12 for meas-
capacitances from 1014 to 107 F, the relative measure-
urement of C-V curves. However, application of the GPIB
controller (that is a traditional interface in various mod-
4) measurements of C-V curves and static I-V curves
ern devices, of domestic, as well as overseas, production)
enables to extend the complex capabilities by connect-
5) protection of sample tested against current over-
One of distinguishing features of the complex is ap-
6) possibility to perform measurements for both dis-
plication of standard computer interfaces for data ex-
change with the peripheral facilities. To illustrate, a volt-
7) possibility to perform simulation of interrelation
meter Â7-21À that is used when measuring static I-V curves
between the parameters of objects studied, as well as com-
of two- and three-terminal networks is served by an inter-
plete automation of measurements (no operator attention
face Centronics (printer port LPT1). The data given
is required during the measurement process for devices of
by a device are read from numeric printer interface in
binary-decimal code, multiplexed and transmitted to com-
8) high operation speed (to illustrate, a set of eight I-
puter through interface Centronics. Control over the
V curves 255 points for each is measured for 5 ms, i.e.,
automated probe À5 is also exerted through the printer
port (LPT1). At a later time we plan to completely rule
The complex was designed as a multifunctional facil-
out the boards built into computer. Their functions will
ity of open architecture. Such an approach enabled us to
be realized on the basis of microcontrollers connected to
make a flexibly adjustable system involving test rigs that
computer through serial port. Such modification will
complemented each other. They had a common compu-
made the complex still more universal and independent
ter and common software. Each of functional potentiali-
R.V. Konakova et al.: A universal automated complex for control and .
of computer configuration and presence (or absence) of
The operation parameters of HEMTs found from the
experimental I-V curves (saturation current, transconduc-
Setting of a required temperature value in the thermo-
tance, cutoff voltage) and characteristic resistance dem-
stat can be made by a signal from computer, as well as
onstrated high reproducibility. Shown in Fig. 3 are typi-
manually. Control from computer is made by applying a
cal C-V curves for SiC-based diodes (a) and typical tem-
digital or analog signal (applying a corresponding volt-
perature dependence of I-V curves for SiC-based diode.
age from DAC). When hand-operating, control is exert-
ing by setting a code that is proportional to temperature.
Processes of temperature establishment are regulated by
U = 0 V
the microcontroller in the thermostat control unit. Feed-
back with computer is made only when a ready signal
comes from the thermostat. The temperature setting er-
ror in the 771000 K range is ± 0.5 K. Stability of tem-
perature maintenance is 0.1 K; this is twice as good as
that provided by the technique proposed in [12].
Application of a miniature Schottky-barrier (SB) di-
I S-
ode as a temperature sensor demonstrating linear tem-
perature dependence of voltage (at a constant value of
diode current) over the whole operating range made it
U = – 4 V
possible to rule out a compensation thermocouple. (One
of its junctions had to be at a constant temperature, or
this temperature had to be uninterruptedly monitored
say, with a semiconductor sensor, as it was made in [13].)
Fig. 2. I-V curves for a GaN-based transistor taken in the pulse
To provide the most complete use of complex potenti-
(full curve) and static (dashed curve) modes.
alities, we have developed common software. This made
it possible not only to exert efficient control over the sys-
tem, but also to perform simulation of interrelation be-
tween parameters. From the results of measurements the
following characteristics are calculated: saturation cur-
rent, transconductance, cutoff voltage, channel and con-
tact resistances for field-effect transistors (FETs);
Schottky barrier height, ideality factor, saturation cur-
2 ,C
rent and series resistance for diodes; temperature de-
pendence of parameters and their distribution over wa-
fer. When studying the effect of external factors (radia-
tion, microwave field, thermal annealing, ultrasound,
etc.), the complex enables one to obtain the database for
U , V
the above parameters and perform analysis of their depend-
ence on these factors. Software (common for the whole com-
plex) makes it possible to perform simulation of interrela-
tions between the parameters of the objects studied.
The complex has been tested when studying the effect
of γ- and microwave radiation on the parameters of low-
noise gallium arsenide SB-FETs and test pieces of FETs,
as well as high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs)
based on GaAs [14] and GaN. The device characteristics
were measured in the pulse mode. This made it possible
I, A
to practically completely exclude the effect of device struc-
ture heating. Shown in Fig. 2 are I-V curves taken in the
pulse (full curve) and static (dashed curve) modes for the
same transistor. One can see that at high drain-source
voltages a portion of I-V curve with negative differential
resistance is observed in the static mode. This results from
structure overheating with current. It should be noted that
such pattern is observed even with allowance made for
the fact that time of measurement for the whole set of I-V
curves (when the sample studied under load) is from 1 to
U , V
2 s, depending on the intervals between consecutive gate-
Fig. 3. Typical C-V curves for SiC-based diodes (a) and typical
source and drain-source voltage values.
temperature dependence of I-V curves for SiC-based diodes (b).
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LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Robert K. Velten Mullens, B. A., R. K. Velten, N. C. Hinkle, D. R. Kunney, and C. E. Szijj. 2004. Acaricide resistance in Northern Fowl Mite ( Ornithonyssus sylviarum ) populations on caged layer operations in Southern California. Poultry Sci. 83: 365-374. Weeks, A. R., R. K. Velten, and R. Stouthamer. 2003. Incidence of a new sex–ratio distorting endosymbiotic ba
Insects 2011 , 2 , 486-490; doi:10.3390/insects2040486 OPEN ACCESS insects ISSN 2075-4450 A Preliminary Study on Elimination of Colonies of the Mound Building Termite Macrotermes gilvus (Hagen) Using a Chlorfluazuron Termite Bait in the Philippines Partho Dhang Independent Consultant 2410, Hen Belarmino Street, Bangkal, Makati City 1233, Philippines; E-Mail: pa