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Session 2: 10:15 am – 10:45 am Deworming Improving Health and Increasing Attendance Karthik Muralidharan & L.V. Subramanyam Intestinal worms are extremely prevalent in India, causing malnutrition, anemia, and stunted growth, and contributing to student absenteeism. Numerous treatments for worms are available, and schools are an efficient means to deliver these medications. Children treated with in-school deworming programs are observed to gain weight and attend school more frequently. Researchers: Edward Miguel (UCB), Michael Kremer (Harvard) Field Partners: International Christelijk Steunfonds Africa (ICS) in Kenya; Government of Andhra Pradesh for scale-up discussed below.
Policy Issue
70% of children under 5-years old suffer from iron
deficiency anemia. Intestinal worms also cause
Intestinal helminths—including hookworm, persistent diarrhea, leading to dehydration, roundworm, schistosomiasis and whipworm—
malnutrition and weight loss. Micronutrient
infect more than one in four people worldwide and
deficiencies are believed to cost India US$2.5
are particularly prevalent among school-aged billion annually, and child malnutrition is children in developing countries. Children infected
responsible for 22% of the country’s burden of
with intestinal worms suffer from malnourishment,
loss of appetite, iron deficiency anemia (IDA),
Vitamin A deficiency, stunted physical growth and
Evaluations and Evidence
reduced ability to learn. As a result, worms are
believed to have a negative impact on education,
The impacts of worms on health are well known. A
hindering child development as well as school
randomized study in Lucknow in the 1990s found
attendance. The losses in schooling which result
that more than a third of preschool children were
from these health problems are evident later in life:
infected with soil-transmitted helminths (STH).
non-randomized studies have shown that children
Children who were administered the deworming
chronically infected with worms are 13% less likely
drug Albendazole biannually for 2 years exhibited a
to be literate and earn 43% less as adults.
35% greater weight gain, equivalent to an extra 1
kg on average, compared to untreated children in
Worms are widespread in India, with infection rates
The impact of worms on school attendance was less
ranging from 5% in some states to as high as 90%
well established before 2001, when Kremer and
in regions of other states depending on regional
Miguel found health and attendance gains from
ecology. It is estimated that only 7-10% of infected
deworming school-aged children in a randomized
school children are currently treated with study in Kenya. Deworming increased school deworming medicines. Worms require vitamin A to
participation by at least 7 percentage points -
survive, and can rob their hosts of this essential
equivalent to a 25% reduction in student absence
nutrient. According to a World Bank report, 57% of
rates. Moreover, the entire community and those
preschool children in India have Vitamin A living up to 6 km away from the treatment schools deficiency, which can cause eye damage and a
benefited from “spillovers” of the deworming
higher risk of dying from measles or malaria.
treatment, as deworming reduces transmission of
Worms also cause chronic intestinal blood loss that
can result in iron deficiency anemia and cause
weakness, stunted physical growth and a In 2004, a randomized study in the slums of Delhi compromised immune system. In India, more than
found that 69% of the children in the sample were
anemic and 30% suffered from intestinal worm
based on high baseline worm loads. Studies in India
infections. Preschool children provided with a
indicate prevalence rates ranging from 5% - 90%.
package supplement consisting of iron, Vitamin A
At high prevalence rates, the benefits from
and deworming drugs gained roughly 0.5 kg more
deworming are very substantial, but even at low
than comparison children. Further, average pre-
prevalence rates, the costs are low enough and
school participation rates increased sharply by 5.8
administration simple enough to warrant a
percentage points among treated children, reducing
programmatic approach to deworming through
preschool absence by roughly 6 percentage points
schools. For instance, China has supported
(from a base absence rate of ~30%). Given the low
universal deworming even at infection rates of 5%.
cost of the intervention and the positive externalities, school-based deworming is a highly
The suggested policy action for India is therefore to
cost-effective way to improve school attendance,
conduct simple, regular surveys on worm load in
school children and based on these measured worm
loads, to conduct school-based deworming
Retrospective studies of the American South have
programs since deworming has been found to be
shown that the long-run gains to deworming are
most effective and efficient when administered
also quite substantial. Bleakley (2007) uses long-
through schools. School-age children typically have
run data from over a century ago and shows that
the heaviest intensity of worm infection, in part
hookworm eradication increased school attendance,
because transmission often happens when children
literacy, and ultimately long-run labor market are playing in soil or water contaminated with fecal returns to schooling. Groups with higher initial
matter. Schools offer a readily available, extensive,
levels of hookworm infection (who therefore and sustained infrastructure with a skilled benefited more from the eradication efforts) went
workforce that is already in close contact with the
on to earn substantially higher incomes as adults.
deworming is feasible in India, considering 98% of
The combination of rigorous evidence from children now have access to a primary school randomized evaluations as well as historical within 1 km of their home, and several school-evidence based on long-term data suggests that
based initiatives have already been undertaken
deworming may be able to improve child health
and education outcomes in a highly cost-effective
There are a number of drug manufacturers in India that locally produce deworming drugs including Mebendazole, Albendazole and Praziquantel. The cost of deworming using existing government infrastructure is less than 50 cents (approximately Rs. 23) a year, per child. The major component of this cost is the initial training of school staff in administering the deworming medicines and the production of educational materials. It is also important to ensure alignment with other programs such as the National Filaria Control Program, since these programs also treat children with similar medication.
In Andhra Pradesh, the state government in
coordination with J-PAL’s partner organization—
Information campaign on school-based
Deworm the World (DtW)—has launched a school-
based mass deworming program. The program will
cover approximately one crore (10 million) school
children aged 6-14 years, and is being initially
Evidence from other contexts suggests that Mahbubnagar, Nalgonda, Nellore, Prakasam and
deworming could be a highly promising and cost-
Vizianagaram), before being extended to other
effective intervention, but some of these results are
parts of the state. The program is being run in
Pradesh has entered into a Memorandum of
collaboration between the Department of Health,
Understanding (MoU) to conduct large-scale
Medical and Family Welfare (DoHFW), the randomized evaluations of several educational Department of School Education (DoSE), and the
programs. The evaluation of school-based health
Department of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (DoSSA).
programs is being carried out under the auspices of
This partnership structure, in coordination with
this MoU. The programmatic roll out of deworming
partners including DtW and the World Bank, has
will be phased to cover 23 districts over the next
been critical in creating a solid foundation for the
three to four years depending on worm load
scale-up of a sustainable school health program to
prevalence, intensity and other factors, with the
improve children’s health and education.
evaluation districts being covered in the last phase
(since the evaluation districts have both treatment and comparison schools). Thus, the AP deworming program represents a good case study of a marriage between programmatic roll out (in some districts) and rigorous randomized evaluations (in other districts) in an Indian context. Operational lessons with regard to scale-up can be learned from the program roll out, while the impact of the program can be measured through the randomized evaluation. A similar approach may also make sense for other programs in other contexts, since most new
programs need to be phased in for administrative
School girls stand in line to take deworming medication in Nalgonda district, Andhra
Once this partnership was in place, DtW helped
train medical laboratory technicians drawn from
various districts through a one day training Shally Awasthi, RichardPeto, Vinod KumarPande, demonstration of how to process stool samples to
and Robert H.Fletcher: “Effectiveness and cost-
create worm prevalence surveys. The treatment was
effectiveness of albendazole in improving
administered by school teachers who were trained
nutritional status of pre-school children in urban
in advance, and local communities were properly
slums.” Indian Pediatrics, January 2000; 37:19-29
sensitized. The treatment was simple and safe: a
single dose of mebendazole administered once or
Hoyt Bleakley: “Disease and Development:
twice a year, depending on prevalence estimates.
Evidence from Hookworm Eradication in the
The success of the first phase of the Andhra
American South.” The Quarterly Journal of
Pradesh School-Based Deworming Program can be
seen by its coverage: 1,954,888 children enrolled in
schools and a total of 2,060,016 school-age Gustavo J. Bobonis, Edward Miguel, Charu Puri children were dewormed through the program. All
Sharma: “Iron Deficiency Anemia and School
six districts were reached through this program and
Participation.” Journal of Human Resources, 2006,
In addition to the programmatic roll out of “Mass Deworming: A Best Buy for Education and deworming, the AP program has been accompanied
Health.” J-PAL Policy Briefcase # 4.
by a rigorous randomized evaluation of the impact
of school-based health programs comprising Michael Kremer, Edward Miguel: “Worms: deworming, iron, and Vitamin A supplements. In
Identifying Impacts on Education and Health in the
partnership with the Azim Premji Foundation and
the World Bank, the Government of Andhra Econometrica, Vol.72, No.1, 2004, 159-217.
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (2006), 65, 35–41Health effects of vegetarian and vegan dietsTimothy J. Key*, Paul N. Appleby and Magdalena S. RosellCancer Research UK Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford, Richard Doll Building, Roosevelt Drive,Vegetarian diets do not contain meat, poultry or fish; vegan diets further exclude dairy productsand eggs. Vegetarian and vegan diets can var