Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, UNIMAS This course is a continuation from the basic course, STB1083 Biochemistry. This course is designed to cover topics in the biochemical reactions within and between the cells that will be describe in details in this course. Products generated from the biosynthesis of either amino acids, protein, carbohydrate, fatty acid or lipids are broken down for the production of energy either in aerobic or anaerobic processes. Amongst the concepts to be taught and discussed include a description in details of the production of energy consists details of all the metabolic pathways including Glycolysis, TCA cycle or Krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, photosynthesis and etc. This will be followed by topics on mechanism of nucleotides with lectures in biosynthesis of purine and pyrimidine. This is an advanced biochemistry course that aims to equip students with sufficient knowledge and information for better understanding of the biochemical processes and metabolic pathways that involved in (Kursus ini adalah lanjutan dari kursus asas STB1083 Biokimia. Ia direkabentuk untuk mencakupi topik-topik berkaitan tindakbalas biokimia didalam dan diantara sel yang akan dibincangkan secara lebih mendalam dan terperinci. Hasil akhir dari biosintesis sama ada asid amino, protein, karbohidrat, asid lemak atau lipid akan didegradasikan untuk tujuan penghasilan tenaga baik secara proses aerobik mahupun anaerobik. Antara konsep-konsep yang akan dipelajari dan dibincangkan termasuklah kesemua kitaran metobolik penting di dalam penghasilan tenaga seperti glikolisis, kitaran asid sitrik atau kitaran Kreb, fosforilasi oksidatif, fotosintesis dan sebagainya. Ini akan seterusnya diikuti dengan topik mekanisma nukleotida Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, UNIMAS dengan syarahan dalam biosintesis purin dan pirimidin. Kursus ini adalah kursus biokimia lanjutan yang bertujuan untuk melengkapkan pelajar dengan pengetahuan untuk lebih memahami tentang proses biokimia dan kitaran metabolik yang By the end of this course, students will be able to: Interpret and compare the chemical processes and the interactions involved between the living cells in the production of energy and chemicals through the various Explain the chemical processes and the interactions involved between the living cells in the production of energy and chemicals through the various metabolic 120 Hour/s
-Glycolysis: details on the degradation including -Alcoholic fermentation and Pentose Phosphate alternate path for glucose oxidation.
-TCA (Krebs Cycle) Cycle: detailed description of and the production of asetyl-S-CoA and the cycle -Balancing reaction and regulation: anaplerotic or Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, UNIMAS regulation of glycolysis and TCA cycle. -Description of the electron transport system and phosphorylation intermediates and stucture -ATP synthesis and chemiosmotic mechanism. -Photosynthesis: the overall reactions (cyclic and -The light reaction and generation of ATP and -The dark reactions in both C3 and C4 plants, (glyoxcylate cycle), glycogen synthesis and -Nitrogen assimilation involving glitamine and of amino acid synthesis: ser/gly, val, asp/thr/ile.
-Amino acid oxidation and urea production including significant and mechanism, oxidative deamination glutamine and its function as nitrogen transporter.
-Nucleotide synthesis and metabolism including: synthesis by the de novo and salvage pathways, synthesis, nucleotide kinases, pyrophosphorylases, Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, UNIMAS deoxynucleotide synthesis including dTMP.
-Application of biochemistry in the field of medicine, -Information of biochemistry used and applied in forensic science, manufacture of industrial/cosmetic agricultural technology development and products, added products, wastewater treatments and etc.
-Laboratory demonstration of basic biochemistry preparation of buffers, agarose gel electrophoresis, purification and basic enzyme kinetics studies.
-Industrially important enzymes: production, final -Technology of enzyme hybrids and modification, immobilization, secondary metabolite biosynthesis and protein methods such as LC MS/MS and Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, UNIMAS Mathews, C. K., Kensal, E., van Holde and Ahern, K.
G.(2000). Biochemistry. 3rd Edition. USA : Berg, J. M., Tymoczko, J. T. and Stryer L. (2007).
Biochemistry. 6th Edition. USA: W. H. Freeman and Nelson, D. C., and Cox, M. M. (2004). Lehninger: Principles of Biochemistry. 4th Edition USA: W. H.
Voet, D. and Voet, J. G. (2005). Biochemistry. 3rd Edition.
Horton, R. H., Moran, L. A., Ochs, R. S., Rawn, J. D. and Scrimgeour K. G. (2006). Principle of Biochemistry 4nd New Jersey, USA: Prentice-Hall International Inc. Cambell, M. K. and Farrell, S. O. (2006). Biochemistry.
Fifth Edition. USA: Thompson Brooks/Cole.
Last updated: May 3, 2011, Tue, 4:25 PM


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