Impotentie brengt een constant ongemak met zich mee, net als fysieke en psychologische problemen in uw leven terwijl generieke medicijnen al bewezen en geperfectioneerd zijn

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Launch of New Jewelry Line in
the Middle East Epitomizes New
Trend towards Social Responsibility
amongst Emerging Entrepreneurs
The Starry Night Bracelet
The world is at a tipping point. Overpopulation elry is inspired by the designer’s eclectic lifestyle. has created a multiplier effect with regards to the Native to Kashmir, yet a citizen of Saudi Arabia, the needs of the underprivileged. Foundations and young entrepreneur has integrated the heritage charities can no longer handle the multitude of of both cultures into her classically elegant pieces. requirements essential to the livelihood of un- Using high quality silver and zircon, the collection derprivileged communities across the globe. The includes designs that make bold statements, as well responsibility to help these individuals in need is as more subtle styles for customers who prefer a now being shouldered by the new generation of more delicate touch. The second collection, avail- entrepreneurs, who view accountability as an inte- able soon, will incorporate the use of 18 carat gold gral part of their business operations.
and diamonds to create an additional ‘wow’ factor launched bespoke jewelry company, Sheen. Es- Every piece is handmade, avoiding capitalistic mass tablished this year by budding designer Nosheen production techniques, to maintain exclusivity and Bakhsh, Sheen’s modest beginnings would have provide a differentiating element to Sheen’s collec- never predicted its current success. What started tion. Orders can even be customized according to the personal preferences of clients. Every item has short years into a thriving business venture with a a wonderful story behind its creation and a Sheen design can often be spotted from a distance, stand- ing out for its quality, motif and materials. Not content with simply crafting unique designs, create breathtaking designs that are both func- Nosheen wanted to do more than merely estab- tional and fashionable, Sheen’s collection of jew- lish a lucrative jewelry line. Her ambitions included giving back to those less fortunate, a mindset em- bedded after numerous visits to her indigenous and war torn state of Kashmir. After observing the brutality of war, and the effects that it has on the region’s inhabitants, Nosheen wanted to in- corporate a way to support those who cannot support themselves into her enterprise. Further encouraged to implement a philanthropic facet to her business as a result of her father, a notable doctor in the Kingdom, who has always involved his children in charitable endeavors and instilled a strong sense of gratitude and humility in his off- spring, Nosheen decided to show her support for aid organizations by donating 10% of all sales pro- ceeds to a select charity of her choice – currently Medisans Sans Frontieres (also commonly known as Doctors Without Borders). An obvious choice that hits close to home given her father’s career, MSF is a Nobel-prize winning institution that pro- vides healthcare services to remote locations and politically unstable nations that suffer from life Constantly on the lookout for new foundations to support, Sheen welcomes customer feedback and collaborates with clients on identifying organi- zations to contribute towards. The primary ob- jective is to seek out charities that do not garner much public attention, in order to bring augment- ed awareness to causes that are underrepresented in our modern society. True to the brands tag line, Sheen truly represents the concept of “Small Pur- With the company’s online order system, that de- livers globally, anyone worldwide can help make a difference to the lives of those who need it most. Through a simple purchase, not only will you ben-- vide essential health services to communities who would otherwise be bereft of such amenities. Support Sheen’s cause and shop the collection online at: and like the company’s Or alternatively follow Sheen on Instagram: The Anchor’s Aweigh Turquoise Necklace



Traitement des piqûres de bourdons et allergies 1. Piqûres de bourdons ou d'abeilles Chez les bourdons, comme chez les abeilles mellifères et les guêpes, seules les reines et les ouvrières ont dard. Les mâles n’en ont donc pas. Le dard a une fonction de défense. Lors d’une piqûre, une petite quantivenin est injectée dans le corps par le biais du dard. Chez l’homme, la pi


Akne vulgaris (AV) adalah penyakit inflamasi kronis pada folikel pilosebasea yang biasanya terjadi pada dewasa muda. Penyebabnya belum diketahui dengan pasti dan dapat disebabkan oleh banyak faktor. Karakteristik penderita AV beragam, dilihat dari usia, jenis kelamin, jenis lesi, dan predileksi. Jenis penatalaksanaannya terdiri dari pengobatan lokal, sistemik, dan fisik. Tujuan penelitian ini ada

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