C:\rucksack history\rucskack files\1996\junrs96.wpd

High altitude-we all enjoy that tremendous loss of appetite, nausea, disturbed sleep and view from the summit, but there are risks in a general feeling of malaise; symptoms tend going to high altitude, and it's important to understand the physiological effects of high headache and Diamox. Both help to reducethe severity of the symptoms, but remember, First, what is High Altitude: Altitude is defined on the following scale High (8,000 - problem. Mild AMS does not interfere with 12,000 feet ), Very High (12,000 - 18,000 normal activity but the only cure is either feet), and Extremely High (18,000+ feet).
The concentration of oxygen at sea level isabout 21% and the barometric pressure HIGH ALTITUDE PULMONARY
averages 760 mmHg. As altitude increases, EDEMA (HAPE)
the concentration remains the same but thenumber of oxygen molecules is reduced. At 12,000 feet the barometric pressure is only include shortness of breath even at rest, oxygenate the body, you must breathe faster.
"tightness in the chest," marked fatigue, a feeling of impending suffocation at night, weakness, and a persistent productive coughbringing up white, watery or frothy fluid.
Confusion and irrational behavior are signs brain. In cases of HAPE, immediate descent susceptibility to altitude sickness. Some is a necessary lifesaving measure. Anyone to the nearest medical facility for proper others. If you haven't been to high altitude HIGH ALTITUDE CEREBRAL EDEMA
(ataxia), weakness and decreasing levels of dependent upon the elevation, the rate of consciousness including disorientation, loss ascent and individual susceptibility.
occurs after a week or more at high altitude.
be evacuated to the nearest medical facility sulfonamide drug, people who are allergic tosulfa drugs should not take Diamox.
Other Medications for Altitude Illnesses: PREVENTION AND TREATMENT
Ibuprofen is effective at relieving altitude 1) If possible, don't fly or drive to high artery pressure and relieves HAPE.
Breathing oxygen reduces the effects of moderate altitude illness, don't go higheruntil symptoms decrease ("Don't go up until going too high too fast. Given time, your 3) Stay properly hydrated. Acclimatization is often accompanied by fluid loss, so you YOU HAVE TO HAVE WATER
need to drink lots of fluids to remainproperly hydrated (at least 3-4 quarts per Other than air, nothing is more important to your survival than water. All the processes that occur within your body to maintain life 4) Take it easy; don't over-exert yourself normal adult is somewhere between 60 and70 percent water. If you weigh 170 pounds 5) Eat a high carbohydrate diet (more than On an average day you lose water from four SOME THINGS THAT MIGHT HELP
body functions: a quart or more in urine, a quart or more in sweat, a quart or more in breathe faster so that you metabolize more altitudes and especially if you're exerting especially helpful at night when respiratory yourself, you can increase that water loss to drive is decreased. Since it takes a while for as much as two quarts an hour. You need to Diamox to have an effect, it is advisable to start taking it 24 hours before you go toaltitude. The possible side effects are atingling of the lips and finger tips, blurring gallon of water a day while backpacking at a vision and alteration of taste. These side reasonable pace in moderate weather. In hot effects may be reduced with a 125 mg. dose.
If your fluid intake is adequate, the quart toa quart-and-a-half of urine you should spillper day will be light-colored to clear. Ifyour inner water level drops as little as 2percent below normal, you mayfeel tired and headachy. At 5 percent you'llprobably experience dizziness,disorientation and a substantial loss ofenergy. At 10 percent you may findit difficult to keep going. But remember while you're quaffing all thiswater, if you got it from that little streamyou just crossed that wonderful-looking wet micronasties just waiting to make you ill.
A well-prepared Climber, is always carrying the means to treat his or her fluid.
There are a lot of things that occur in the unit that do not involve a rescue mission.
From cutting grass at the rescue cache to helping produce the unit survival kit. The board has lots of extra unit projects that they would like the membership to get involved in. These include editing the unit's outdoor living manual (it hasn't been updated since party is the first Wednesday of the month training manual for the unit. If you would from 7:30 - 9:30 P.M. at 2905 Parkway Dr.
like to get more involved with the unit in directions call Shorty Williams at 564-0581.
There will be no kit party in July due toShorty's vacation KIT PARTY

Source: http://tmru.netfirms.com/rucksack/1996/JUNRS96.pdf

Chapter 6 824 wt2 maintenance

Maintenance Hardware Insertion Machine Maintenance Schedule Maintenance Schedule This maintenance schedule is applicable for Warning! standard machine shop operating conditions. DO NOT lubricate the Upper Tool When operating under severe conditions such asHolder with any lubricant other than aheavy dust and dirt, increase the schedule to(white).** Other products may in

690024rev1010 - how oxygen works in wound healing

The following is a summary overview of the current scientific literature regarding the efficacy of oxygen in wound healing. The primary modes of action listed below are detailed in the following pages. Literature references are included at the end. 1. Increases Cell Metabolism and Energy Production Oxygen is required for intracellular processes like biosynthesis, movement, and transport n

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