Michigan State University333 Bostwick Ave NEGrand Rapids, MI 49503
B.A., PsychologyUniversity of California, Berkeley
M.A., Behavioral Neuroscience ProgramDepartment of PsychologyUniversity of California, Los Angeles
Ph.D., Behavioral Neuroscience ProgramDepartment of PsychologyUniversity of California, Los Angeles
Acting Chairperson, Department of Translational Science and MolecularMedicine, Michigan State University, College of Human Medicine
2009-2011: Professor (with tenure) and Director, Div. of Translational Science and
Molecular Medicine, Michigan State University, College of HumanMedicine
2009-2011: Volunteer Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry, University of Cincinnati, College
Director, Division of Neuropharmacology, Dept. of Psychiatry, University ofCincinnati, College of Medicine
Professor (with tenure), Department of Psychiatry, Division ofDevelopmental Neuroscience, University of Cincinnati
2002-2004: Associate Professor (with tenure), Departments of Neurological Sciences
and Pharmacology, Rush Medical College of Rush University
1997-2004: Associate Director, NIA Funded Post-Doctoral Training Program in Age-
Related Neurodegenerative Diseases, Rush Medical College of RushUniversity
Director, Liquid Chromatography Unit, Rush Pharmacology AnalyticalLaboratory Services, a sub-contractor for Rush Labs.
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Rush Medical Collegeof Rush University, Chicago, Illinois
Assistant Professor, Departments of Pediatrics, Rush Medical College ofRush University, Chicago Illinois.
Assistant Professor, Department of Neurological Sciences, Rush MedicalCollege of Rush University, Chicago Illinois.
Instructor, Department of Neurological Sciences, Rush Medical College ofRush University, Chicago Illinois.
Post-doctoral Fellow in the Center for Disorders of Respiratory Control inInfancy and Childhood at Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center,Chicago. Investigating physiologic and neurochemical consequences ofprenatal cocaine exposure.
Graduate student research under the supervision of Dr. Richard Olsen,Dept. of Pharmacology University of California, Los Angeles. Examiningthe long-term receptor alterations induced by continuous cocaineadministration.
Graduate student research under the supervision of Dr. Michael S. Fanselow, Dept. of Psychology, UCLA. Persisting alterations in fear-conditioning in animals exposed to continuous cocaine administrations.
Summer graduate student research with Dr. Ronald E. See, WashingtonState University. Effects of continuous cocaine administration onmonoamine function in striatum via microdialysis.
Graduate student research under the supervision of Dr. Gaylord D. Ellison, Dept. of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles. Thelong-term behavioral and biochemical effects of chronic cocaineadministration. TEACHING EXPERIENCE:
Neuroscience Graduate ProgramUniversity of Cincinnati
Course DirectorCurrent Topics in Neuroscience (Journal Club)
Neuroscience Graduate ProgramUniversity of Cincinnati
Course Co-DirectorThe Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology
Department of Neurological SciencesRush University, Chicago
Clinical Research Program: Tools for Research
Department of PharmacologyRush University, Chicago
Short Course--Pharmacologic Bases of Drugs of AbuseRush Medical College
Department of NeurosurgeryDepartment of Psychiatry
Graduate Course-Alternative curriculum for medical students: Clinical Neurology (80 contact hrs/year)
Course DirectorRush University - Department of Neurological Sciences
Academic/Research Seminar Series in the Neurosciences
Post-Doctoral Teaching FellowRush Medical College (2 years)
Graduate Course-Alternative curriculum for medical students: Clinical Neurology
Graduate Teaching Fellow (3 quarters)University of California, Los Angeles
Graduate Teaching Associate (4 quarters)University of California, Los Angeles
Lower Division-Introduction to Psychobiology
Graduate Teaching Assistant (6 quarters)University of California, Los Angeles
Physiological Psychology Laboratory Research Methodology and Neuroanatomy. GRANTS & AWARDS: Current Funded Awards:
Co-PIs:Jeff MacKeigan, Caryl Sortwell (Lipton Co-I) Funding Period: 7/1/2011 – 6/30/2013 Orphan Drug Development Grant Michael J Fox Foundation Fasudil as a Novel Therapeutic for the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease $943,684 TDC Description: This project will examine the ability of oral fasudil administration to provide neuroprotection from 6-OHDA and alpha-synuclein overexpression as well as examine any possible interactions with L-dopa.
PI: Timothy J. Collier P50 Morris K. Udall Center for Excellence (Lipton-Core Director) Funding Period 8-1-09 to 5-31-14 NIH/NINDS $5,000,000 TDC Aging and Parkinson’s Disease: Models of Therapeutics and Neurologic Comorbidity Prior Awards:
PI: Jack W. Lipton Funding Period: 05/01/05-09/30/11 NIDA (NIH) R01 DA017399 Neurochemical Sequelae of Prenatal MDMA DC Annual Amount: $200,000 Description: Examining the long-term central nervous system changes from prenatal MDMA administration with an emphasis on long-term changes in histology, neurochemistry and growth factors
PI: Kim B. Seroogy (Lipton Co-I)Funding Period 5-1-08 to 6-30-12NIH/NINDS R01
Stress-Induced Depression and Parkinsonian Symptomology DC Annual Amount: $250,000 Description: This research will investigate whether having depression worsens motor symptoms and hastens brain cell death in a rodent model of PD.
PI: Caryl Sortwell (Lipton Co-PI)Funding Period: 5/1/2007-4/30/2012
NINDS (NIH) R01 Pleiotrophin as a Neuroprotectant in PD DC Annual Amount: $200,000 Description: The proposal will examine the effects of pleiotrophin delivered via viral transfer to act as a neuroprotectant in an animal model of PD.
PI: Caryl Sortwell (Lipton Co-I) Funding Period: 5/1/2005-4/30/2007 Michael J Fox Foundation Gene Transfer of Pleiotrophin to Aged Parkinsonian Rats DC Annual Amount: $97,499.60 Description: This proposal will examine the viability of gene transfer of the trophic factor pleiotrophin in the striatal 6-OHDA lesion model of parkinsonism in aged rats subjects.
PI: Prasad Gabbita (Lipton Co-I) Funding Period: 2/1/2007 – 1/31/2009 Michael J Fox Foundation / P2D Inc. Small Molecule TNF-a inhibitors as PD neuroprotectant drugs DC Annual Amount: $75,000 Description: The University of Cincinnati will be responsible for the 6-ODHA rat model, unbiased stereology of SN Thir neurons and DA biochemical measures needed for this application submitted by P2D Inc. to MJFF. P2D’s proposal aims to identify a drug candidate to treat Parkinson’s Disease from their library of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) inhibiting compounds.
PI: Kathy Steece-Collier (Lipton Co-I) Funding Period: 1/1/2007-12/31/2008 Michael J. Fox Foundation Aberrant striatal morphology: Impact on therapeutic efficacy in Parkinson’s disease. DC Annual Amount $75,000 Description: Examining the impact of nimodipine on preserving neuronal spines of striatum after 6-OHDA lesions in rats.
PI: Jack W. LiptonFunding Period: 7/01/06-5/31/09NIDA (NIH)
Prenatal MDMA-Induced Changes in Axonal Guidance Cues DC Annual Amount: $150,000 Description: Examining the development of prenatal MDMA-induced changes in ephrin- b2, netrin-1 and slit protein and corresponding mRNA expression using in vivo and in vitro modeling.
P.I. Jack W. LiptonGeorge & Elizabeth Wile Fund-Endowed GiftUniversity of Cincinnati Foundation
Discretionary funds for pilot experiments in Parkinson’s Disease Therapeutics DC Annual Amount: $100,000 Description: Initial gift from a donor who is interested in fostering experiments focused on developing novel therapeutics for PD.
Title: Prenatal LPS-Induced Changes in Gene Expression Description: Examination of LPS induced changes in cytokine gene expression both in vivo and in vitro. Project Period: 7/01/03-6/30/05
Award: RO1 NS42125 P.I.: Collier Cumulative Amount: $1,750,460 Title: Neural Progenitor Cell Grafts for Parkinson's Disease Description: This proposal will examine utilizing cytokine-converted DA precursor cells as a tissue source for transplantation for Parkinson's disease. Project Period: 08/01/01-07/31/05
Agency: NIDA Award: R01 DA05446 P.I. Lipton Cumulative Amount $1,172,550 Title: Oxidant Stress and Cocaine-Induced Brain Injury In utero Description: Examining the long-term central nervous system changes from prenatal cocaine administration with an emphasis of how cocaine increases oxidative stress in the brain during pregnancy. Project Period : 04/01/00-03/31/05
Agency: NIA Award: R21 NS/ES43603 P.I.: Sortwell (Lipton Co-I) Cumulative Amount: $385,000 Title: Angiogenic Enhance of Dopamine Neuron Grafts Description: This proposal evaluates the efficacy of gene transfer of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) to dopamine neurons to promote their survival and functionality after grafting. Project Period: 05/01/02-04/30/04
Agency: NIAID Award: R01 AI051619 Cumulative Amount:$1,424,650 P.I.: William Hendey (Lipton Co-I) Title: Role of PMN in Neutrophil Adhesion
Description: Examining the mechanisms of inflammation and adhesion in a lung modelof inflammationProject Period: 01/01/03-12/31/07
Agency: NINDS Award: R01 NS43290 P.I.: Kordower (Lipton Co-I) Cumulative Amount: $1,784,090 Title: Dyskinesias in Lenti-GDNF Treated PD Monkeys Description: To determine whether lenti-GDNF mediated gene therapy can prevent or diminish dyskinesias primed by levodopa therapy prior to GDNF therapy Project Period: 04/01/02-03/31/07
DOD Research Grant Award Grant USAMRMC 00267027 Cumulative Amount: $450,000 P.I.: Carvey (Lipton, Co-PI) Title:TNF-alpha/IL1-beta induced dopamine cell loss: A potential model for the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Disease AIBS Neurotoxin Exposure Treatment Research Program
Agency: NIEHS (NIH) Grant 1R21-NS40806-01 P.I.: Zaoduung Ling (Lipton, Co-PI) Cumulative Amount: $435,000 Title: LPS exposure as a potential etiology for Parkinson’s Disease Postdoctoral Awards:
1995-8: NIDA National Research Service Award (Postdoctoral Fellowship)“In utero cocaine: Effects on dopamine and respiration"Grant 1F32-DA 07965-01A1National Institute on Drug AbuseBethesda, MD
1996: NIDA Director’s Travel Award to the College on Problems of Drug DependenceSan Juan, Puerto Rico
1994: Biomedical Research Support Grant. University Committee on Research. RushUniversity
Predoctoral Awards:
1992-3: NIDA National Research Service Award (Predoctoral Fellowship)"Persisting neurochemical changes from continuous cocaine"Grant #1F31-DA 05446
National Institute of Drug AbuseBethesda, MD
Ursula Mandel FellowshipFor research allied with the medical fieldUniversity of California, Los Angeles
1991: Sigma Xi Grant-in-aid of Research "The role of dopamine in the production of long-termalterations in brain biochemistryinduced by continuous cocaine"Sigma Xi Scientific Research SocietyResearch Triangle Park, NC
1988: UCLA University FellowshipUniversity of California, Los Angeles
ACADEMIC & COMMUNITY SERVICE: Post-Doctoral Fellows Trained:
Ewa Borys, M.D., 2002-2003, Currently Assistant Professor, Department of Pathologyand Laboratory Medicine, University of California, Davis, Davis CA.
Lin Pei, M.D., 2005-2007, Currently Assistant Professor, Center for the Neurobiology ofStress, Division of Life Sciences, University of Toronto at Scarborough, Ontario,Canada. Graduate Students Trained:
James B. Koprich, 2001-2005, Rush University Medical Center, Neuroscience GraduateProgram. Currently: Assistant Professor, Toronto Western Research Institute.
Valerie Thompson, 2006-2010, University of Cincinnati, Graduate Program inNeuroscience. Currently, AAAS fellow at the National Institutes of Health. Academic Service:
Outreach Scholarship Community Partnership Awards Committee,
Institute for Engineering and Health Faculty Search Committee, Michigan
Vice Chair, Reappointment Promotion and Tenure Committee, College of
Human Medicine, Michigan State University (2010-2012)
College Advisor Committee, College of Human Medicine, Michigan State
External Program Advisory Committee Member, NINDS Specialized
Neuroscience Research Program, Meharry Medical College,Nashville, TN (2008-2010)
Elected Chair of the University Faculty Grievance Committee, University of
Elected Vice-Chair of the University Faculty Grievance Committee,
Elected as Chairman of the Neuroscience Curriculum Evaluation
Elected Vice-Chair of the University Faculty Grievance Committee,
Appointed Extern Assessor: Promotions and Tenure, Univ. College of
Elected to Faculty Council, Rush Medical College, (2003-5).
Appointed to the University Information Services Committee (2000-2002). Appointed to the Purchasing Reform Committee (1999-2001). Appointed to the Committee on Educational Appraisal, Rush Medical
Appointed to the Public Affairs Committee-Neurobehavioral Teratology
Society (2000) Appointed to the Medical School CurriculumCommittee, Rush Medical College (1999-2000).
Appointed to the Advisory Committe, Department of Pharmacology (1998-
Appointed to the Research Committee, Department of Neurological
Appointed to the Faculty Council of Rush Medical College, Rush Medical
Appointed to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Rush
Community Service:
Chair of the Local School Council for Volta Elementary School, Chicago
Elected to the Local School Council for Volta Elementary School, CPS
Percy Julian Day, Special Lecturer, Oak Park River Forest High School
District Science Fair Judge, Chicago Public School District (1999-present). JOURNAL REVIEWER:
Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior
GRANT REVIEW EXPERIENCE: Review Committee Chair, NIH, NIA, SBIR ZAG1 ZIJ-1 (M1), Translational Research in Aging (2012) Ad hoc Reviewer, NIH, NINDS, NSD-C (2007-present) Review Committee Chair, NIH, NINDS, ZNS1 SRB-B NIH Blueprint-Biomarkers of
Ad hoc Reviewer, NIH, CSR, ZRG1, SCOR: Sex And Gender Factors Affecting
Ad hoc Reviewer, NIH, CSR, CNNT (2001-2007)Ad hoc Reviewer, NIH, CSR, BDCN-F(2001-2002). Ad hoc Reviewer, NIH, CSR, DBD (2004, 2008, 2010)Reviewer, Burroughs-Wellcome Research Fund (1998)
ASSOCIATIONS: American Society for Neural Transplantation and Repair Society for Neuroscience International Brain Research Organization Neurobehavioral Teratology Society New York Academy of Sciences Sigma Xi Society for Neuroscience INTERESTS AND SKILLS:
Research Interests: Development of experimental therapeutics for Parkinson’s Disease,etiology of Parkinson’s Disease. Investigating the long-term central nervous systemchanges (prenatal and postnatal) produced by drugs of abuse. Fetal dopamine neurondevelopment.
Skills: In vivo microdialysis, ELISA, LC/MS, HPLC (electrochemical, fluorescence andultraviolet), western blot, Real Time RT-PCR, Taqman Low-Density PCR Arrays, directtissue autoradiography, homogenate receptor binding, neuronal cell culture, stereotaxicsurgery, electrode implantation, colorimetric assays, immunohistochemistry, unbiasedstereology. PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Peer Reviewed):
Patterson TA, Lipton JR, Bennett EL, Rosenzweig MR. Cholinergic receptor antagonistsimpair formation of intermediate-term memory in the chick. Behav Neural Biol1990;54(1):63-74.
Lipton J, Zeigler S, Wilkins J, Ellison G. A silicone pellet for continuous cocaine:comparison with continuous amphetamine. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1991;38(4):927-30.
Zeigler S, Lipton J, Toga A, Ellison G. Continuous cocaine administration producespersisting changes in brain neurochemistry and behavior. Brain Res 1991;552(1):27-35.
Lipton JW, Ellison GD. Continuous cocaine induces persisting changes in behavioralresponsivity to both scopolamine and diazepam. Neuropsychopharmacology1992;7(2):143-8.
Lipton JW, Olsen RW, Ellison GD. Length of continuous cocaine exposure determines thepersistence of muscarinic and benzodiazepine receptor alterations. Brain Res1995;676(2):378-85.
Lipton JW, Davidson TL, Carvey PM, Weese-Mayer DE. Prenatal cocaine: effect onhypoxic ventilatory responsiveness in neonatal rats. Respir Physiol 1996;106(2):161-9.
Lipton JW, Yuengsrigul A, Ling ZD, Weese-Mayer DE, Carvey PM. Prenatal cocaineexposure and postnatal hypoxia independently decrease carotid body dopamine inneonatal rats. Neurotoxicol Teratol 1996;18(3):283-7.
Pappert EJ, Tangney CC, Goetz CG, Ling ZD, Lipton JW, Stebbins GT, Carvey PM. Alpha-tocopherol in the ventricular cerebrospinal fluid of Parkinson's disease patients:dose-response study and correlations with plasma levels. Neurology 1996;47(4):1037-42.
Pappert EJ, Buhrfiend C, Lipton JW, Carvey PM, Stebbins GT, Goetz CG. Levodopastability in solution: time course, environmental effects, and practical recommendations forclinical use. Mov Disord 1996;11(1):24-6.
10. Weese-Mayer DE, Silvestri JM, Kenny AS, Ilbawi MN, Hauptman SA, Lipton JW, Talonen
PP, Garcia HG, Watt JW, Exner G, Baer GA, Elefteriades JA, Peruzzi WT, Alex CG, HarlidR, Vincken W, Davis GM, Decramer M, Kuenzle C, Saeterhaug A, Schober JG. Diaphragm pacing with a quadripolar phrenic nerve electrode: an international study. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 1996;19(9):1311-9.
11. Pappert EJ, Lipton JW, Goetz CG, Ling ZD, Stebbins GT, Carvey PM. The stability of
carbidopa in solution. Mov Disord 1997;12(4):608-10.
12. Ling ZD, Potter ED, Lipton JW, Carvey PM. Differentiation of mesencephalic progenitor
cells into dopaminergic neurons by cytokines. Exp Neurol 1998;149(2):411-23.
13. Lipton JW, Robie HC, Ling Z, Weese-Mayer DE, Carvey PM. The magnitude of brain
dopamine depletion from prenatal cocaine exposure is a function of uterine position. Neurotoxicol Teratol 1998;20(4):373-82.
14. Lipton JW, Robie HS, Ling Z, Weese-Mayer DE, Carvey PM. Uterine position determines
the extent of dopamine reduction after chronic prenatal cocaine exposure. Ann N Y AcadSci 1998;844:314-23.
15. Lipton JW, Ling Z, Vu TQ, Robie HC, Mangan KP, Weese-Mayer DE, Carvey PM.
Prenatal cocaine exposure reduces glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) inthe striatum and the carotid body of the rat: implications for DA neurodevelopment. BrainRes Dev Brain Res 1999;118(1-2):231-5.
16. Ling ZD, Collier TJ, Sortwell CE, Lipton JW, Vu TQ, Robie HC, Carvey PM. Striatal trophic
activity is reduced in the aged rat brain. Brain Res 2000;856(1-2):301-9.
17. Vu TQ, Ling ZD, Ma SY, Robie HC, Tong CW, Chen EY, Lipton JW, Carvey PM.
Pramipexole attenuates the dopaminergic cell loss induced by intraventricular 6-hydroxydopamine. J Neural Transm 2000;107(2):159-76.
18. McGuire SO, Ling ZD, Lipton JW, Sortwell CE, Collier TJ, Carvey PM. Tumor necrosis
factor alpha is toxic to embryonic mesencephalic dopamine neurons. Exp Neurol2001;169(2):219-30.
19. Gayle DA, Ling Z, Tong C, Landers T, Lipton JW, Carvey PM. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-
induced dopamine cell loss in culture: roles of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-1beta, and nitric oxide. Brain Res Dev Brain Res 2002;133(1):27-35.
20. Ling Z, Gayle DA, Ma SY, Lipton JW, Tong CW, Hong JS, Carvey PM. In utero bacterial
endotoxin exposure causes loss of tyrosine hydroxylase neurons in the postnatal ratmidbrain. Mov Disord 2002;17(1):116-24.
21. Lipton JW, Vu TQ, Ling Z, Gyawali S, Mayer JR, Carvey PM. Prenatal cocaine exposure
induces an attenuation of uterine blood flow in the rat. Neurotoxicol Teratol2002;24(2):143-8.
22. Lipton JW, Gyawali S, Borys ED, Koprich JB, Ptaszny M, McGuire SO. Prenatal cocaine
administration increases glutathione and alpha-tocopherol oxidation in fetal rat brain. BrainRes Dev Brain Res 2003;147(1-2):77-84.
23. Koprich JB, Campbell NG, Lipton JW. Neonatal 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine
(ecstasy) alters dopamine and serotonin neurochemistry and increases brain-derivedneurotrophic factor in the forebrain and brainstem of the rat. Brain Res Dev Brain Res2003;147(1-2):177-82.
24. Koprich JB, Chen EY, Kanaan NM, Campbell NG, Kordower JH, Lipton JW. Prenatal 3,4-
methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy) alters exploratory behavior, reduces
monoamine metabolism, and increases forebrain tyrosine hydroxylase fiber density ofjuvenile rats. Neurotoxicol Teratol 2003;25(5):509-17.
25. Carvey PM, Chang Q, Lipton JW, Ling Z. Prenatal exposure to the bacteriotoxin
lipopolysaccharide leads to long-term losses of dopamine neurons in offspring: a potential,new model of Parkinson's disease. Front Biosci 2003;8:s826-s837.
26. Ling Z, Chang QA, Tong CW, Leurgans SE, Lipton JW, Carvey PM. Rotenone potentiates
dopamine neuron loss in animals exposed to lipopolysaccharide prenatally. Exp Neurol2004;190(2):373-83.
27. Ling ZD, Chang Q, Lipton JW, Tong CW, Landers TM, Carvey PM. Combined toxicity of
prenatal bacterial endotoxin exposure and postnatal 6-hydroxydopamine in the adult ratmidbrain. Neuroscience 2004;124(3):619-28.
28. Carvey PM, Chen EY, Lipton JW, Tong CW, Chang QA, Ling ZD. Intra-parenchymal
injection of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin 1-beta produces dopamine neuronloss in the rat. J Neural Transm 2005;112(5):601-12.
29. He B, Counts SE, Perez SE, Hohmann JG, Koprich JB, Lipton JW, Steiner RA, Crawley
JN, Mufson EJ. Ectopic galanin expression and normal galanin receptor 2 and galaninreceptor 3 mRNA levels in the forebrain of galanin transgenic mice. Neuroscience2005;133(2):371-80.
30. Perez SE, Lazarov O, Koprich JB, Chen EY, Rodriguez-Menendez V, Lipton JW, Sisodia
SS, Mufson EJ. Nigrostriatal dysfunction in familial Alzheimer's disease-linkedAPPswe/PS1DeltaE9 transgenic mice. J Neurosci 2005;25(44):10220-9.
31. Ling Z, Zhu Y, Tong C, Snyder JA, Lipton JW, Carvey PM. Progressive dopamine neuron
loss following supra-nigral lipopolysaccharide (LPS) infusion into rats exposed to LPSprenatally. Exp Neurol 2006;199(2):499-512.
32. Williams MT, Herring NR, Schaefer TL, Skelton MR, Campbell NG, Lipton JW, McCrea
AE, Vorhees CV. Alterations in body temperature, corticosterone, and behavior followingthe administration of 5-methoxy-diisopropyltryptamine ('foxy') to adult rats: a new drug ofabuse. Neuropsychopharmacology 2007;32(6):1404-20.
33. Collier TJ, Lipton J, Daley BF, Palfi S, Chu Y, Sortwell C, Bakay RA, Sladek JR, Jr.,
Kordower JH. Aging-related changes in the nigrostriatal dopamine system and theresponse to MPTP in nonhuman primates: diminished compensatory mechanisms as aprelude to parkinsonism. Neurobiol Dis 2007;26(1):56-65.
34. Davis JF, Tracy AL, Schurdak JD, Tschop MH, Lipton JW, Clegg DJ, Benoit SC. Exposure
to elevated levels of dietary fat attenuates psychostimulant reward and mesolimbicdopamine turnover in the rat. Behav Neurosci 2008;122(6):1257-63.
35. McNamara RK, Sullivan J, Richtand NM, Jandacek R, Rider T, Tso P, Campbell N, Lipton
J. Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency augments amphetamine-induced behavioral sensitization
in adult DBA/2J mice: relationship with ventral striatum dopamine concentrations. Synapse2008;62(10):725-35.
36. Bhide NS, Lipton JW, Cunningham JI, Yamamoto BK, Gudelsky GA. Repeated exposure
to MDMA provides neuroprotection against subsequent MDMA-induced serotonindepletion in brain. Brain Res 2009;1286:32-41.
37. Ling Z, Zhu Y, Tong CW, Snyder JA, Lipton JW, Carvey PM. Prenatal lipopolysaccharide
does not accelerate progressive dopamine neuron loss in the rat as a result of normalaging. Exp Neurol 2009;216(2):312-20.
38. McNamara RK, Able J, Liu Y, Jandacek R, Rider T, Tso P, Lipton JW. Omega-3 fatty acid
deficiency during perinatal development increases serotonin turnover in the prefrontalcortex and decreases midbrain tryptophan hydroxylase-2 expression in adult female rats:dissociation from estrogenic effects. J Psychiatr Res 2009;43(6):656-63.
39. Thompson VB, Heiman J, Chambers JB, Benoit SC, Buesing WR, Norman MK, Norman
AB, Lipton JW. Long-term behavioral consequences of prenatal MDMA exposure. PhysiolBehav 2009;96(4-5):593-601.
40. Davis JF, Choi DL, Schurdak JD, Fitzgerald MF, Clegg DJ, Lipton JW, Figlewicz DP,
Benoit SC. Leptin Regulates Energy Balance and Motivation Through Action at DistinctNeural Circuits. Biol Psychiatry 2010.
41. Deleidi M, Hallett PJ, Koprich JB, Chung CY, Isacson O. The Toll-like receptor-3 agonist
polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid triggers nigrostriatal dopaminergic degeneration. J Neurosci2010;30(48):16091-101.
42. McNamara RK, Jandacek R, Rider T, Tso P, Cole-Strauss A, Lipton JW. Omega-3 fatty
acid deficiency increases constitutive pro-inflammatory cytokine production in rats:Relationship with central serotonin turnover. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids2010.
43. Spieles-Engemann AL, Behbehani MM, Collier TJ, Wohlgenant SL, Steece-Collier K,
Paumier K, Daley BF, Gombash S, Madhavan L, Mandybur GT, Lipton JW, Terpstra BT,Sortwell CE. Stimulation of the rat subthalamic nucleus is neuroprotective followingsignificant nigral dopamine neuron loss. Neurobiol Dis 2010;39(1):105-15.
44. Davis JF, Choi DL, Shurdak JD, Krause EG, Fitzgerald MF, Lipton JW, Sakai RR, Benoit
SC. Central melanocortins modulate mesocorticolimbic activity and food seeking behaviorin the rat. Physiol Behav 2011;102(5):491-5.
45. Davis JF, Choi DL, Schurdak JD, Fitzgerald MF, Clegg DJ, Lipton JW, Figlewicz DP,
Benoit SC. Leptin regulates energy balance and motivation through action at distinctneural circuits. Biol Psychiatry 2011;69(7):668-74.
46. Gombash SE, Lipton JW, Collier TJ, Madhavan L, Steece-Collier K, Cole-Strauss A,
Terpstra BT, Spieles-Engemann AL, Daley BF, Wohlgenant SL, Thompson VB,
Manfredsson FP, Mandel RJ, Sortwell CE. Striatal Pleiotrophin Overexpression ProvidesFunctional and Morphological Neuroprotection in the 6-Hydroxydopamine Model. Mol Ther2011.
47. Huot P, Johnston TH, Lewis KD, Koprich JB, Reyes MG, Fox SH, Piggott MJ, Brotchie JM.
Characterization of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) enantiomers in vitroand in the MPTP-lesioned primate: R-MDMA reduces severity of dyskinesia, whereas S-MDMA extends duration of ON-time. J Neurosci 2011;31(19):7190-8.
48. Koprich JB, Fox SH, Johnston TH, Goodman A, Le BB, Dolle RE, DeHaven RN,
DeHaven-Hudkins DL, Little PJ, Brotchie JM. The selective mu-opioid receptor antagonistADL5510 reduces levodopa-induced dyskinesia without affecting antiparkinsonian actionin MPTP-lesioned macaque model of Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord 2011;26(7):1225-33.
49. McNamara RK, Jandacek R, Rider T, Tso P, Cole-Strauss A, Lipton JW. Atypical
antipsychotic medications increase postprandial triglyceride and glucose levels in malerats: Relationship with stearoyl-CoA desaturase activity. Schizophr Res 2011;129(1):66-73.
50. McNamara RK, Jandacek R, Rider T, Tso P, Cole-Strauss A, Lipton JW. Differential
effects of antipsychotic medications on polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis in rats:Relationship with liver delta6-desaturase expression. Schizophr Res 2011;129(1):57-65.
51. Spieles-Engemann AL, Steece-Collier K, Behbehani MM, Collier TJ, Wohlgenant SL,
Kemp CJ, Cole-Strauss A, Levine ND, Gombash SE, Thompson VB, Lipton JW, SortwellCE. Subthalamic Nucleus Stimulation Increases Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor in theNigrostriatal System and Primary Motor Cortex. J Parkinsons Dis 2011;1(1):123-36.
52. Thompson VB, Koprich JB, Chen EY, Kordower JH, Terpstra BT, Lipton JW. Prenatal
exposure to MDMA alters noradrenergic neurodevelopment in the rat. Neurotoxicol Teratol2012;34(1):206-13.
53. Choi DL, Davis JF, Magrisso IJ, Fitzgerald ME, Lipton JW, Benoit SC. Orexin signaling in
the paraventricular thalamic nucleus modulates mesolimbic dopamine and hedonicfeeding in the rat. Neuroscience 2012;210:243-8.
Carvey, P.M., Z.D. Ling, D.A. Gayle, and J.W. Lipton. Prenatal Lipopolysaccharide as a
new potential animal model of Parkinson’s disease. In: Catecholamine Research:From Molecular Insights to Clinical Medicine . P Nabeshima Ed., KluwerAcademic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2002.
Lipton, J.W., Robie, H.S., Ling, Z.D., Weese-Mayer, D.E., Carvey, P.M.: 1998. Uterine
Position Determines the Extent of Dopamine Reduction after Chronic PrenatalCocaine Exposure. In: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. The
Neurochemistry of Drugs of Abuse: Cocaine, Ibogaine, and SubstitutedAmphetamines. S.F. Ali (ed.), New York Academy of Sciences, N.Y., Vol. 844:314-323.
MichBio Expo, Moderator and Presenter, NCATS-CAN, Opportunities for AcceleratingDrug Development, East Lansing, MI (2012)
Saint Mary’s Foundation Board of Trustees Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI. ResearchUpdate, Bridging Neuroscience Research between the College of Human Medicine andSaint Mary’s Hospital (2012)
Saginaw State, Midland Hospital, Midland, MI Udall Center Community Outreach:Update on Parkinson’s Disease Research Programs in Michigan (2012)
Parkinson's Association of West Michigan, Grand Rapids, MI. Udall Center CommunityOutreach: Update on Parkinson’s Disease Research Programs in Michigan (2010)
Doran Foundation Annual Lecture, Cascade, MI. Research Update, Potential Etiologyand Experimental Therapeutics for Parkinsons Disease (2010)
Northwestern Michigan College, Traverse City, MI Udall Center Community Outreach:Update on Parkinson’s Disease Research Programs in Michigan (2010)
Munson Medical Center, Traverse City, MI Grand Rounds, Statewide Initiatives in PDResearch. (2010)
Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI. Udall Center Community Outreach:Update on Parkinson’s Disease Research Programs in Michigan (2009)
Marquette General Hospital, Marquette, MI. Grand Rounds, Prenatal MDMA andParkinson’s Disease. (2009)
Lansing Parkinson's Disease Support Group, Lansing, MI. Udall Center CommunityOutreach: Update on Parkinson’s Disease Research Programs in Michigan (2009)
Kennedy Center, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Mechanisms and Consequencesof Embryonic Exposure to MDMA ( April 2007)
University of Cincinnati, Mini-Medical College Speaker Series, The to A-Z of Drugs ofAbuse (September 2006)
Neurobehavioral Teratology Society, Tucson Arizona, Developmental Sequelae ofPrenatal MDMA Exposure in the Rat (June 2006)
University of Cincinnati, Dept. of Neurology. Title: Mechanisms and Consequences of
Harvard/McLean Hospital. Title: Prenatal MDMA Exposure and its Consequences onthe Developing Neonate (January, 2004)
Chicago Chapter for the Society for Neuroscience: Prenatal Cocaine Exposure and itsConsequences of Organ Blood Flow and Oxidative Stress. (February 2002)
University of Pittsburgh/Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. Title: Mechanisms andconsequences of in utero cocaine exposure on fetal and neonatal rats (September2000)
Percy Julian Day, Oak Park/River Forest High School. Title: Consequences of cocaine-exposure on rat neurodevelopment: Methodologic consdirations (May 2000).
Rush University, Chicago, IL. Pharmacology Works-in-Progress Title: Cocaine-inducedTeratology and Uterine Position. (August 1998)
Society for Pediatric Research, Washington DC, Title: Hypoxia and cocainesynergistically reduce dopamine in the carotid body. (May 1997)
Rush University, Chicago, IL. Pediatric Grand Rounds Title: The Consequences ofPrenatal Cocaine Exposure. (October, 1996)
Rush University, Chicago, IL. Neurological Sciences Lecture Series. Title: Persistingphysiological and behavioral alterations produced by exposure to continuous cocaine. (July, 1993)
University of California, Los Angeles. Title: Long-Term benzodiazepine receptoralteration are dependent upon the duration of cocaine pre-exposure. (May, 1992)
Washington State University. Title: Long-term alterations in biochemistry and behaviorfrom continuous cocaine administration: Implications for a model of stimulant psychosis(July 15, 1991). Selected Presentations at Scientific Meetings (from over 100):
V.B. Thompson, C.E. Sortwell, T.J. Collier, K. Steece-Collier & J.W.
Lipton. The role of target-derived factors in MDMA-mediatedstimulation of dopamine neuron process extension. Society forNeuroscience Abstracts, 2009.
V.B. Thompson, C.E. Sortwell, T.J. Collier, K. Steece-Collier & J.W.
Lipton. Time course of MDMA-mediated increase in DATexpression in primary mesencephalic cultures. Transmembrane
Transporters in Health and Disease, 2009.
V.B. Thompson, C.E. Sortwell, T.J. Collier, K. Steece-Collier & J.W.
Lipton. Target tissue is required for MDMA-mediated increases inDA neuron process extension in vitro: The potential role oftransgelin-3. American Society for Neural Transplant and RepairAbstracts, 2009.
S.E. Gombash, A. Cole-Strauss, J.W. Lipton, T.J. Collier, K.
Steece-Collier, B.T. Terpstra, A.L. Spieles-Engemann, B.F. Daley,S.L. Wohlgenant, V.B. Thompson, R.J. Mandel, F. Manfredsson, &C.E. Sortwell. Determination of peak developmental levels ofpleiotrophin for optimized gene transfer therapy and inParkinsonian animal models. American Society for NeuralTransplant and Repair Abstracts, 2009.
A.L. Spieles-Engemann, M.M. Behbehani, T.J. Collier, K.Steece-Collier, S.
L. Wohlgenant, V.B. Thompson, J.W. Lipton, & C.E. Sortwell. DeepBrain Stimulation of the Rodent Subthalamic Nucleus UpregulatesStriatal and Pallidal BDNF. American Society for Neural Transplantand Repair Abstracts, 2009.
A.L. Spieles-Engemann, M.M. Behbehani, T.J. Collier, K.Steece-Collier, S.
L. Wohlgenant, V.B. Thompson, J.W. Lipton, G.T. Mandybur, B.T. Terpstra and C.E. Sortwell. STN DBS Halts Dopamine NeuronDegeneration and Upregulates Striatal BDNF. 15th Quadrennialmeeting of the World Society for Stereotactic and FunctionalNeurosurgery meeting, 2009.
A.L. Spieles-Engemann, M.M. Behbehani, T.J. Collier, K.Steece-Collier, S.
L. Wohlgenant, V.B. Thompson, J.W. Lipton, & C.E. Sortwell. DeepBrain Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus in a Rodent Model:Effects on Trophic Factors. 13th International Congress ofParkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders 2009.
V.B. Thompson, J. Koprich, E.Y. Chen, B. Terpstra, K. Lynch & J. Lipton.
Evidence for increased noradrenergic innervation of the prefrontalcortex and hippocampus in the rat following prenatal exposure toMDMA. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 2008.
J.W. Lipton, L. Pei, V.B. Thompson, E.Y. Chen, A. Yu, K. Steece-Collier.
Prenatal MDMA alters monoamine neurochemistry and increases
midbrain DA neurons in young (P35) rats. Society for NeuroscienceAbstracts, 2008.
V.B. Thompson, J.B. Koprich, K. Steece-Collier, L. Pei, V.P. Young, A. Yu,
J.W. Lipton. Prenatal exposure to MDMA results in persistentchanges to developing monoamine systems. InternationalSymposium on Drugs of Abuse Abstracts, 2008.
V. B. Thompson, S. Benoit, A.B. Norman, K. Lynch, J. Heiman, B.
Chambers, M.K. Norman, W.R. Buesing & J.W. Lipton. Prenatalexposure to MDMA results in lasting behavioral changes in the rat. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 2007.
B.T. Terpstra, J.W. Lipton, K.L. Paumier, N.D. Levine, K.A. Lynch, V.B.
Thompson, S.L. Wohlgenant & C.E. Sortwell. The small moleculeinosine protects mesencephalic dopamine neurons from aParkinsonian insult in vitro. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts,2007.
V.B. Thompson, E.G. Tolod, K.R. Lynch, C.E. Sortwell, T.J. Collier & J.W.
Lipton. MDMA (ecstasy) increases the growth, survival andexpression of the SLC6A3 gene in primary mesencephalic culturesvia binding to the dopamine transporter. American Society forNeural Transplant and Repair Abstracts, 2007.
C.E. Sortwell, J.W. Lipton, V.B. Thompson, B.T. Terpstra, J. O'Malley, K.
Steece-Collier, S.M. Wohlgenant, B.F. Daley, R.J. Mandel & T.J. Collier. Pleiotrophin gene transfer provides neuroprotection fornigrostriatal dopamine neurons. American Society for NeuralTransplant and Repair Abstracts, 2007.
J.W. Lipton, T.J. Collier, E. Tolod, V.B., Thompson, N.G. Campbell, K.L,
Paumier & C.E. Sortwell. MDMA (Ecstasy) enhances dopamine cellsurvival and neurite outgrowth in vitro. Society for NeuroscienceAbstracts, 2006.
McNamara, R. K., Sullivan, J., Richtand, N. M., Campbell, N. and Lipton,
J.W. Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency increases dopamineconcentrations in the nucleus accumbens and augmentsamphetamine-induced sensitization in DBA/2J mice. BiologicalPsychiatry 59: S242, 2006.
T.J. Collier; J.W. Lipton; B.F. Daley; S. Palfi; Y. Chu; C.E. Sortwell; J.R.
Sladek; and J.H. Kordower .Diminished neural compensatorymechanisms during aging as a prelude to parkinsonism. Societyfor Neuroscience Abstracts, 2006.
18. K.L. Paumier; C.E. Sortwell; T.J. Collier; E.G. Tolod; N.G. Campbell; and
J.W. Lipton. MDMA (Ecstasy) enhances dopamine cell survival andneurite outgrowth in vitro. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 2006.
19. J.W. Lipton; J.B. Koprich; E.Y. Chen; N.M. Kanaan; J.H. Kordower; and
N.G. Campbell Prenatal MDMA-induced increases in mesocortical DAaxon density in the prefrontal cortex: evidence for target-derivedcollateral sprouting. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 2005.
20. Z. Ling; Y. Zhu; C. Tong; J.A. Snyder; V. Gottmukkala; P. Sagi; J.W. Lipton;
and P.M.Carvey Progressive dopamine (DA) neuron loss in theprenatal lipopolysaccharide rat model of Parkinson’s Disease. Societyfor Neuroscience Abstracts, 2005.
21. J.W. Lipton; N.G. Campbell; and J.B.Koprich; A single subcutaneous
injection of MDMA to pregnant rat dams results in significant fetalexposure: A pharmacokinetic analysis. Society for NeuroscienceAbstracts, 2004.
22. J.B.Koprich; C.Chung; L.Lin; O.Isacson; E.Chen; N.G.Campbell;
N.M.Kanaan; J.H.Kordower; J.W.Lipton. Increases in dopamine fiberdensity from prenatal MDMA exposure are associated with alteredexpression of axonal guidance cues.Society for NeuroscienceAbstracts, 2004.
23. J.B.Koprich; N. G. Campbell; and J.W. Lipton. Increases in brain-derived
neurotrophic factor and alterations in monoamine neurochemistry inthe forebrain following neonatal exposure to MDMA. Society forNeuroscience Abstracts, 2003.
24. J.B.Koprich; E.Y. Chen; N.M. Kanaan; N. G. Campbell; J.H. Kordower and
J.W. Lipton. Juvenile rats prenatally exposed to MDMA showalterations in exploratory behavior, reductions in monoaminemetabolism, and increases in forebrain tyrosine hydroxylase fiberdensity. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 2003.
25. J.B.Koprich; N.M. Kanaan; N. G. Campbell; and J.W. Lipton. Prenatal
±MDMA exposure reduces striatal and NAc monoamine metabolismand increaseslocomotor activity in P21 rats. NBTS Abstracts, ##,2003.
26. J.B.Koprich; N. G. Campbell; N.M. Kanaan; and J.W. Lipton. Prenatal
±MDMA exposure alters neurodevelopment in striatum, nucleusaccumbens and frontal cortex and increases locomotor activity in P21rats. ASNTR Abstracts, Experimental Neurology, 181, 2003, 96.
27. J.B.Koprich; S.Gyawali; J.W.Lipton. Chronic perinatal MDMA exposure in
rats reduces both serotonin and dopamine in the frontal cortex but notin the brainstem. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 809.14, 2002.
28. S.Gyawali; J.B.Koprich; J.W.Lipton. Differential effects of prenatal cocaine
and benzoylecgonine exposure on fetal monoamines. Society forNeuroscience Abstracts, 289.8, 2002.
29. J.W.Lipton; E.Borys; S.O.McGuire; J.B,Koprich; M.P.Ptaszny; S.Gyawali.
Prenatal cocaine exposure reduces brain %-tocopherol levels and
increases tocopherolquinone in full gestation fetuses. Society forNeuroscience Abstracts,534.2, 2002.
30. M.E. Ptaszny, J.B.Koprich; S. Gyawail; J.W. Lipton. Successive cocaine
exposures progressively reduce oxidative stress as measured byGSH:GSSG, implicating cocaine as a potential ischemicpreconditioning agent. NBTS Abstracts, 25, 2002.
31. T.J. Collier; B.F. Daley; S.G.Gyawali; Lipton, J.W.; E.Y. Chen; Z.D. Ling;
P.M. Carvey; C.E. Sortwell; S.O. McGuire; A. Fletcher-Turner; D.M. Yurek; L. Leventhal; M.E. Emborg; B.C. Blanchard; K. Steece-Collier;S. Palfi; J.R. Sladek; J.H. Kordower. The impact of aging on thetherapeutic environment: the features of parkinsonism in adult andaged MPTP-treated monkeys. American Society for NeuralTransplantation and Research, 2002.
32. Z.D.Ling; Y.E.Chen; J.W.Lipton; D.A.Gayle; T.M.Landers; Q.Chang;
C.W.Tong; S.Gyawali; M.Ptaszny; P.M.Carvey. Pro-inflammatorycytokine injection into the substantia nigra leads to dopamine neuronloss. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 27,194.15, 2001.
33. P.M.Carvey; J.W.Lipton; D.A.Gayle; T.M.Landers; C.W.Tong; S.Gyawali;
M.Ptaszny; Q.Chang; Z.D.Ling. In utero lipopolysaccharide(LPS)followed by post-natal toxin exposure produces additivedopamine neuron losses in rats. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts,27,194.16, 2001.
34. T.J.Collier; B.F.Daley; S.Gyawali; J.W.Lipton; Z.D.Ling;
P.M.Carvey;C.E.Sortwell; M.R.Pitzer; S.O.McGuire;A.Fletcher-Turner; D.M.Yurek; L.Leventhal; M.E.Emborg;B.Blanchard; K.Steece-Collier; S.Palfi; J.R.Sladek Jr.; J.H.Kordower. Aging and the response to mesostriatal dopamine system lesion inmptp - treated monkeys. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts,27,749.4, 2001.
35. S.Gyawali; Z.D.Ling; D.A.Gayle; M.Ptazsny; M.D.Camargo; P.M.Carvey;
J.W.Lipton. Prenatal cocaine exposure promotes glutathioneoxidation and increases tnf - α production in near - term fetal rat brain. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 27,978.19, 2001.
36. Carvey, PM, DA Gayle, JW Lipton, and ZD Ling. Prenatal infection with
postnatal toxin exposure as a new animal model for Parkinson’sdisease. Am Soc for Neural Transpl & Repair Abstracts (8)6-2, 32,2001.
37. Z.D. Ling; D.A. Gayle; S.O. McGuire; J.W. Lipton; K.P. Mangan; C.W. Tong;
P.M. Carvey In Utero Bacterial Endotoxin Exposure ReducesOffspring DA neurons: A Possible Etiology of Parkinson’ Disease,Soc. Neurosci. Abstr 26, 381.19, 2000.
38. Ling, Z, Gayle, D. Lipton J.W., and Carvey, P.M. In utero gram negative
endotoxin reduces DA neurons post-natally. Mov. Disorders15:(Suppl. 3); 18; 2000.
39. Gayle, D., ZD Ling, JW Lipton, and PM Carvey. In utero exposure to
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induces dopamine (DA) cell loss: A possibleanimal model of environmentally induced Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Seventh Annual Conference of the American Society for NeuralTransplantation and Repair Abstracts 7:18, 2000
40. S.O. McGuire; Z.D. Ling; J. Lipton; P.M. Carvey TNF-Induced Toxicity in
Mesencephalic DA Neurons is Ameliorated by cAMP. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr 26, 667.8, 2000.
41. Lipton, JW, Vu TQ, Mayer JR, Ling ZD, Carvey PM & Weese-Mayer DE.
Cocaine-Induced Reductions in Fetal Dopamine (DA) and Glial CellLine-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF) are a Result of AttenuatedUterine Blood Flow. Society for Pediatric Research, 2000.
42. Ling, Z.D., J.W. Lipton, C.W. Tong, and P.M. Carvey: Estradiol Reduces
Levodopa and Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide-induced DA Neuron andLoss. Soc. for Neuroscience Abstracts, 133.2.; October 1999.
43. Lipton, J.W., K. Mangan, T.O. Vu, Z.D. Ling, D.E. Weese-Meyer and P.M.
Carvey: Cocaine-Induced Reductions in Uterine Blood Flow InduceOxidative Stress in Fetal Rat Placenta. Soc. for NeuroscienceAbstracts, 832.15. October 1999.
44. Lipton, JW, Ling,ZD, Robie, HC, Vu, TQ, Weese-Mayer, DE, Carvey PM.
Prenatal cocaine exposure reduces both carotid body and striatalGDNF in near-term rat fetuses, Soc. Neurosci. Abstr 24,780.3, 1998.
45. Ling, ZD, Collier, TJ, Sortwell,CE, Daley, B, Lipton, JW, Vu, TQ, Robie, HC,
Carvey PM. 1998 Striatal-derived neurotrophic activity is reduced inthe aged rat brain, Soc. Neurosci. Abstr 24,772.8, 1998.
46. Lipton, JW, Robie, HS, Ling, ZD, Weese-Mayer, DE and PM Carvey The
magnitude of brain dopamine depletion from prenatal cocaineexposure is a function of uterine position, International Society forNeurochemistry Abs, 43, Satellite Meeting, Hamilton, Bermuda, 1997.
47. Lipton, JW, ED Potter, DE Weese-Mayer and PM Carvey. 1996 Cocaine
kills dopamine neurons in vitro by either apoptosis/necrosis: apossible uterine position phenomenon in fetal rats. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 22:1884, 1996.
48. Carvey, PM, ED Potter, and JW Lipton. The effects of prenatal cocaine
exposure on the development of DA neurons. Presented at the 8thAnnual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society. Cancun, Mexico,1996.
49. Lipton, JW; Weese-Mayer, DE; Carvey, PM. The impact of single cocaine
injection on serum and brain levels of drug-naive and drugexperienced rats and their fetuses: A quantitative GC/MS study.
50. Pappert, E.J.; Buhrfiend, C.; Lipton, J.W.; Carvey, P.M.; and Goetz, C.G.:
The stability characteristics of levodopa solution . MovementDisorders Abstracts, 9:484, 1994.
51. Lipton JW; Yuengrsigul A; Weese-Mayer DE; Carvey PM. Prenatal cocaine
exposure alters both carotid body dopamine and the ventilatoryresponse to hypoxia in neonatal rats. Neuroscience Abstracts, 20,250.12, 1994.
52. DeCola JP; Lipton JW; Fanselow MS. Chronic cocaine alters fear
conditioning in rats. Neuroscience Abstracts, 19, 1993.
53. Lipton JW; Fanselow MS; Olsen RW. Long-term benzodiazepine and
muscarinic receptor alteration from chronic cocaine administration aredopamine dependent. Neuroscience Abstracts, 19, 1993.
54. Lipton, JW; See, RE. Continuous cocaine administration alters striatal
extracellular dopamine metabolism. Neuroscience Abstracts, 18(2):540.17, 1992.
55. Lipton, JW; Waterman M; Olsen, RW; Ellison GD. Continuous cocaine
induces persisting changes involving muscarinic and benzodiazepinebinding sites. Neuroscience Abstracts, 17(2): 1428, 1991.
56. Zeigler, SD; Lipton, JW; Toga, AW; Ellison GD. Continuous cocaine
administration produces persisting changes in brain neurochemistryand behavior. Neuroscience Abstracts, 16(1):586, 1990.
57. Lipton, JW; Zeigler SD; Wilkins, J; Ellison GD. A silicone pellet for
continuous cocaine administration: comparison with continuousamphetamine. Neuroscience Abstracts, 16(1):255, 1990.
58. Patterson, TA; Lipton, JW; Bennet EL; Rosenzweig MR. Cholinergic
receptor action on one-step taste avoidance learning in the chick. Neuroscience Abstracts, 14(1):61,1988.
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