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Veterinary Dermatology 2004, 15, 99 –107 Treatment of dermatophytosis in dogs and cats: review of published studies
Department of Medical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
(Received 31 January 2003; accepted 24 July 2003)
The recent literature on the treatment of dermatophytosis in dogs and cats was reviewed. Based upon
in vitro studies using isolated infected hairs and controlled or field in vivo studies, the following topical treatmentswere consistently found to be antifungal (i.e. antidermatophyte): lime sulfur (1:16), 0.2% enilconazole rinses, anda combined 2% miconazole/chlorhexidine shampoo. Animals or hairs were either bathed or rinsed once or twiceweekly. Itraconazole, griseofulvin and terbinafine were evaluated in controlled or field studies, most commonlyinvolving cats. Griseofulvin (50 mg kg−1) was reported to cure infected animals in 41–70 days. Itraconazole(10 mg kg−1 once daily or in a combined daily/pulse therapy 10 mg kg−1 once daily for 28 days and then week on/week off ) was reported to cure infected animals in 56 –70 days. Low-dose itraconazole (1.5 –3.0 mg kg−1) in 15-day cycles required 1–3 cycles (15 – 45 days). Various doses of terbinafine (5 – 40 mg kg−1) were reportedly usedto treat dogs or cats. The higher doses of terbinafine (> 20 mg kg−1) were required to achieve a mycological cure;the number of treatment days to cure varied from 21 to > 126 days. Lufenuron was reported anecdotally to bean effective cure, however, this was not substantiated in controlled studies. Finally, fungal vaccines were not foundto be effective against challenge exposure, however, there is evidence that they may be useful in treatment protocols. Keywords:antifungal, cat, dermatophytosis, disinfectant, dog, lufenuron, Microsporum, treatment, Trichophyton,vaccine. I N T RO D U C T I O N
However the most commonly isolated pathogens areMicrosporum canis, M. gypseum and Trichophyton ment-
Dermatophytosis is a superficial infection of the kerat-
agrophytes. Infection occurs via direct transmission of
inized tissues including nails/claws, hair and stratum
infective spores to a susceptible host. Reservoirs of
corneum of the skin. The fungi that cause these infec-
infection for both people and animals include cont-
tions are known as dermatophytes. There are three
aminated environments and objects, animals with sub-
genera that comprise the dermatophytes: Microspo-
clinical or clinical infections, and animals that are
rum, Epidermophyton and Trichophyton. Microsporum
mechanical carriers of the spores on their hair coat.
and Trichophyton spp. are usually separated on the
Disease prevalence is unknown as this is not a report-
basis of host preference and natural habitat.1 Anthro-
able disease in most countries in the world. It has been
pophilic species infect people and, less commonly, ani-
estimated that dermatophytosis accounts for ≈ 2% of all
mals. Zoophilic species are usually animal pathogens
skin infections;2 however, prevalence of the disease tends
but are capable of infecting people. Geophilic species
to be more common in warm tropical /subtropical climates
inhabit the soil and serve as a source of infection for
and /or where there are large numbers of feral animals.4
both animals and people. The purpose of this article is
Any age, sex, or breed of animal is susceptible to
to briefly review the key clinical aspects of the disease
infection. However, the disease tends to be more com-
and summarize recent studies on treatment options.
mon in young, sick, debilitated and old animals. Thepresence of other diseases may also affect susceptibilityto infection; dermatophytosis is three times more prev-
alent in cats with feline immunodeficiency virus than inuninfected cats.5 There is a strong clinical impression
that longhaired animals are more susceptible to infec-
Over 20 different species of dermatophytes have been
tion. This may be due to hereditary factors and/or the
reported to cause clinical disease in dogs and /or cats.2,3
simple fact that long hairs trap spores and are a ‘fungusfriendly’ environment. Studies with experimental mod-els of dermatophyte infections have reported difficul-ties in the establishment of infection when cats were
Correspondence: Karen A. Moriello, Department of Medical Sciences,
allowed to groom.6 It is possible that grooming may be
School of Veterinary Medicine, 2015 Linden Drive West, Madison,WI 53706 USA. E-mail:
an under recognized host defence mechanism.
2004 European Society of Veterinary Dermatology
Mere exposure to dermatophyte spores does not
screening tool and is helpful for identification of hairs
guarantee infection. An unknown but ‘critical mass’ of
for direct examination and/or culture; a negative test
spores must come into contact with a susceptible host.
does not rule out infection. Direct examination of hairs
The spores must evade host defence mechanisms that
and scales looks for the presence of fungal hyphae
include mechanical removal, competition with normal
and/or ectothrix spores. This procedure can be done
bacterial and fungal flora, exposure to fungistatic
with mineral oil, but is facilitated by the use of clearing
properties of epidermal lipids, low humidity of the skin
agents such as potassium hydroxide 10 or 20%, 0.5%
surface and acquired host immunity.7 Factors that
calcofluor white, or chlorphenolac. Definitive diagno-
favour infection include any pre-existing disease that
sis can be made via skin biopsy, but it is not as sensitive
will cause an increase in surface humidity, cause micro-
as a fungal culture. Skin biopsy is helpful in the diag-
trauma to the skin and/or compromise host immune
nosis of kerion reactions and granulomatous infections
surveillance.7 Once a nidus of infection has been estab-
because cultures are often negative.2 Histological
lished, the fungal species proceeds to invade the keratin
examination of shaved, clipped or surgically removed
of hairs and skin and establish and infection. Recovery
samples of claws may be the test of choice in cases
from infection is dependent upon a competent cell-
fungal paronychia, onychorrhexis or onychomadesis.2
Fungal culture is considered the ‘gold standard’ fordiagnosis and can be accomplished via toothbrushing
the hair coat and embedding the bristles in fungal cul-
Dermatophytosis in dogs and cats is primarily a follic-
ture plates or via plucking hairs for culture.2,3,8 Tooth-
ular disease and clinical signs are essentially a reflection
brush fungal culturing is favoured in the US, where as
of hair follicle damage and subsequent inflammation.
in UK Denman brushes are used and in France carpet
Pruritus may vary from none to severe.
squares are preferred. The basic theory is similar; a
In dogs, lesions may consist of any combination of
sterile object that is likely to trap spores is mechanically
papules, pustules, focal to wide spread areas of alo-
brushed over the coat. The two most commonly used
pecia, variable erythema, and variable scaling and
fungal culture media include Sabouraud’s dextrose
crusting.2,3 Kerion reactions (nodular lesions), partic-
agar and dermatophyte test medium. Recently, a study
ularly on the face, may mimic areas of deep pyoderma
was published that showed that increased incubation
and/or furunculosis or even autoimmune skin dis-
temperature (24 –27 °C) resulted in a more rapid colour
eases.2 These reactions are common in M. gypseum
change on a commercial dermatophyte test media
and Trichophyton spp. infections. Involvement of foot-
(DTM) developed for animals (Rapid Vet D, dms Lab-
pads, nails, and ungual folds may occur alone, or in
oratories, Inc. Flemington, NJ, USA) and improved
combination with lesions on the trunk. Onychomyco-
sporulation of fungi in that study.9 This study also
sis may lead to chronic nail fragility and deformity.
suggested that incubation at room temperature might
Dermatophytosis is less common in dogs than in cats.
account for false negative culture results.
It is often over-diagnosed; it is common for superficial
In the early 1900’s when many dermatophyte species
pyoderma to be misdiagnosed as dermatophytosis.
were first being described, it was not recognized that
Dermatophytosis, demodicosis and bacterial pyo-
strains transmitted from animals might change
derma can be clinically indistinguishable in dogs.
considerably after several host-to-host transfers. As a
In cats, lesions may consist of any combination of
result of these transfers, a species may lose its typical
scaling and crusting with or without alopecia; focal,
morphology. This resulted in the description of a large
multifocal or generalized alopecia; erythema; miliary
number of species and variants of dermatophytes,
dermatitis and onychomyhcosis.2,3 Dermatophytosis is
especially within the Microsporum genus. With the
one of the few skin diseases of cats in which hyperpig-
advent of molecular technology, it has been possible to
mentation may be seen.2,4 Focal pruritic lesions mimicking
compare the molecular and conventional taxonomy of
areas of eosinophilic plaques may be seen. Longhaired
dermatophyte species.10 In a recent study, morpholog-
cats may present with breakage and the complaint of
ical and physiological features of various species and
‘excessive shedding’. Ingestion of larger than normal
strains of the genus Microsporum were compared
amounts of hair may result in owner complaints of
with the results of molecular testing and DNA
constipation, weight loss, anorexia and vomiting; in
sequencing resulting in seven species being reclassified
the author’s experience these are more common in
or synonymized with M. canis, M. ferrugineum and
longhaired cats. Cats may also develop granulomatous
M. audouinii.11 As this technology becomes more
lesions (kerions, mycetomas, pseudomycetomas) of the
widespread, the microbiological community will
skin and subcutaneous tissues. This is a rare clinical
undoubtedly reclassify or rename many dermatophyte
presentation with a poor prognosis for cure.
species or strains. The application of molecular tech-nology has not been limited to the reclassification of
organisms. Polymerase chain reaction-based assays
Diagnostic methods associated with dermatophytosis
and chitin synthase 1 (Chs 1) assays have been devel-
have been reviewed in detail elsewhere.8 Wood’s lamp
oped that can reliably identify dermatophyte infections
examination looks for fluorescence on the hair shafts
in the skin and tissue.12–14 Although these tests will not
of M. canis-infected hairs. This examination is a
likely replace conventional testing, their value will be in
2004 European Society of Veterinary Dermatology, Veterinary Dermatology, 15, 99 –107
the identification of infections or strains in clinical
involved Persian cats.20–26 Chlorhexidine solution used
situations where typical morphological characteristics
as dip was evaluated as a sole topical therapy in a con-
are not present and/or in tissue specimens.
trolled study using an experimental M. canis infectionmodel.25 In that study, infected cats were dipped twiceweekly for 150 days after the hair coat was clipped. At
the end of therapy there was no significant difference
between the chlorhexidine treatment group and thecontrols. Chlorhexidine was found to be ineffective.
Unless otherwise stated, the reader should assume that
In two studies, enilconazole was evaluated as a sole
M. canis is the pathogen being discussed.
topical therapy (post whole body clipping) for thetreatment of naturally occurring M. canis infection in
Persian cats.23,24 In one study, cats were either dipped
Topical antifungal treatments for dermatophytosis
in 0.2% enilconazole (n = 10) twice weekly or in luke-
have been evaluated both in vitro using isolated infected
warm water (n = 4) for 8 weeks.23 In the enilconazole-
hairs and in various in vivo studies.4,15–26 Currently,
treated cats, fungal cultures were culture negative as
topical treatments are recommended as adjuvant to
remained negative to the end of the 10-week monitor-ing period. In contrast, 3/4 control cats were still
In vitro studies using isolated infected hairs or spores
culture positive at end of 10 weeks of monitoring;
There are five reports of studies using isolated infected
previous studies have shown that dermatophytosis is a
hairs or spores to evaluate topical antifungal therapies
self-limiting disease with cats self-curing somewhere
and one using a agar dilution method,4,15–19 four of
between 12 and 17 weeks post infection.25 In the sec-
these also reported on topical compounds used as
ond study, 22 Persian cats in a cattery were treated with
both on-animal and environmental treatments.15–18 The
0.2% enilconazole every 3 days for a total of eight
advantages of isolated infected hairs or spores for
applications.24 All of the cats improved clinically and
testing include removal difficulties encountered when
were culture negative by day 28 of therapy. In both
trying to treat live animals, insurance of appropriate
studies, cats were observed for adverse effects and
contact with the antifungal agent, and elimination of
serum chemistry panels were monitored. Enilconazole
the problem of continued spore production on the
was well tolerated but may have been associated with
host. Problems with this model include an inability
hypersalivation, anorexia, weight loss, emesis, idio-
to quantify and standardize the amount of infective
pathic muscle weakness and slightly elevated serum
material being tested, maceration of hairs causing the
alanine aminotransferase (ALT) concentrations.
release of spores within hairs leading that can result
In three additional studies, topical therapy was evalu-
in negative fungal cultures becoming ‘positive’ after
ated but in combination with systemic therapy (lufenuron
repeated soakings, and loss of material from stocki-
or griseofulvin).20–22,26 In one study, 14 Persian cats
nettes or other testing containers. Nevertheless, this
with naturally occurring dermatophytosis were treated
technique has provided valuable information on the
with griseofulvin alone (n = 7) or with griseofulvin and
efficacy of various commonly used antifungal com-
concurrent twice-weekly shampoo (n = 7) with a com-
pounds and this testing method is a useful screening
bined 2% miconazole/2% chlorhexidine product.20
tool for potential commercial products.
Cats were not clipped prior to therapy in this study. At
Lime sulfur (1:16) and enilconazole have been shown
the end of the study, the lesion scores in the group
to be consistently effective against M. canis in isolated
receiving concurrent topical therapy decreased signifi-
infective spore models.4,16–18 Miconazole shampoo was
cantly more quickly than in the group receiving sys-
evaluated in two studies. In one it was tested as a sole
temic therapy alone. The investigators reported no
agent using isolated infective spores and in the second
statistically significant difference between the two
it was tested combination with chlorhexidine using an
groups with respect to time to mycological cure; all
agar dilution technique in another.4,19 In both studies,
treated cats were ‘cured’. They concluded that topical
miconazole was found to be an effective antifungal agent.
concurrent therapy was beneficial and that, based
Captan, chlorhexidine (as a single agent), and povi-
upon the results of this study, clipping of the hair coat
dine iodine have been consistently ineffective anti-
is not always necessary. The authors admit that results
fungal agents when tested using isolated infective spores
from this study are hard to interpret. The investigators
and/or hairs.4,15–18 Sodium hypochlorite has shown
report that at the end of the study ‘none of the cats in
mixed results when used at a dilution of 1:10;4,15–18
either group was positive for M. canis’; however, they
however, this product is not licensed nor recommended
also report that four cats from one group and two from
as an on-animal treatment and is more appropriately
the other had positive coat cultures suggestive of ‘con-
tamination’ (not defined). Environmental contamina-tion and owner compliance were complicating factors.
In the second study, four groups of cats from a cat-
There are seven published studies on the efficacy of
tery with naturally occurring dermatophytosis were
topical antifungal therapy in cats; five of these studies
treated with oral griseofulvin and one of four concurrent
2004 European Society of Veterinary Dermatology, Veterinary Dermatology, 15, 99 –107
topical treatments twice weekly: water (placebo), 2%
time was 41 days for 9 dogs and 3 cats with 100% of
miconazole, 2% chlorhexidene, 2% miconazole and
animals treated being cured. In the fourth study, the
chlorhexidene.21 The investigators found that the com-
authors reported that the cats were considered ‘cured’
bination shampoo was superior to the miconazole
but indicated that small numbers of M. canis colonies
shampoo alone; cats receiving twice weekly shampoos
consistent with coat contamination were isolated from
and griseofulvin began showing negative cultures as
4 of 7 making it unclear how to evaluate these results.20
early as 2 weeks after starting therapy. Miconazole
In four studies, griseofulvin was evaluated in conjunc-
shampoo was superior to chlorhexidine; chlorhexidine
tion with topical therapies (enilconazole, miconazole,
alone was no better than placebo; cultures did not start
chlorhexidine or 2% miconazole/chlorhexidine sham-
becoming culture negative until 4 weeks after starting
poo)21–22,26 or lufenuron.22 Again the total daily dose
was 50 mg kg−1. When combined with enilconazole or
In the third study, 100 Persian and other breed cats
lufenuron, mycological cure was not reported in any of
from two different catteries with naturally occurring
the cats after 5 weeks of therapy.22 However, it is
dermatophytosis were divided into two groups.22 The
important to note that 46 of the cats were Persians and
first group (n = 36) was treated concurrently with once
none of the 100 cats in the study was clipped prior to
weekly topical 0.2% enilconazole rinses for 4 weeks
therapy; the investigators noted marked environmental
and twice-daily microsized griseofulvin (25 mg kg−1 for
contamination. In the second study, unclipped Persian
5 weeks). The second group of cats (n = 64) was treated
cats were also the focus; the authors reported a cure at
concurrently with once weekly topical 0.2% enilcona-
the end of 70 days of griseofulvin and shampoo therapy,
zole rinses for 4 weeks and with two oral doses of lufen-
but as mentioned previously two cats had ‘M. canis
uron (60 mg kg−1 at day 0 and 30). None of the cats in
coat contamination’ making it difficult to draw conclu-
this study were clipped prior to, or during, therapy. ‘In
sions. In one, griseofulvin was combined with 2%
both catteries and in both groups, the mean number of
miconazole/2% chlorhexidine twice-weekly shampoo
fungal colonies decreased rapidly in the first 15 days of
therapy. Cats were reported as mycologically cured at
therapy, remained stable for the next 45 days, and then
the end of 42 days.26 In the last study, griseofulvin ther-
increased from day 60 until the end of therapy (day
apy was combined with twice weekly shampoos with
90).22 No cures were reported in this study in either
either chlorhexidine, miconazole or a combined sham-
group or cattery. This study was complicated by heavy
poo.21 The authors reported an improvement in all
environmental contamination in the face of efforts to
groups; however, the combined group ‘was superior’ to
disinfectant the environment; it is impossible to know
the other groups with this group showing negative cul-
if positive cultures post day 60 represented infection or
In the fourth study, 21 cats experimentally infected
Itraconazole. Itraconazole is triazole derivative that
with M. canis were divided into three groups: control,
works by altering fungal cell membrane permeability
systemic therapy alone and systemic therapy combined
through inhibition of ergosterol synthesis.41 At low
with twice weekly topical therapy with a 2% micona-
doses it is fungistatic and at higher does fungicidal.
zole/2% chlorhexidine shampoo.26 The investigators
Itraconazole’s antifungal activity against M. canis
did not report clipping the cats prior to treatment. In
infection in cats has been reported in three studies all
this study, cats treated with both griseofulvin and twice
of which were different.27–29 In first study, five cats with
weekly miconazole/chlorhexidine shampoo showed a
an experimental infection received 10 mg kg−1 once
significantly faster mycological and clinical cure than
daily and were reported to be mycologically cured after
in cats treated with just griseofulvin alone. Cats receiv-
56 days.29 In the second study, 15 cats with naturally
ing combined therapy were cured at the end of 9 weeks
occurring M. canis infections were treated with low-
of therapy compared with 11 and 12 weeks for single
dose itraconazole (1.5 – 3.0 mg kg−1) for once daily for
agent and control groups, respectively.
15-day cycles of therapy.28 Eight of 15 cats were cured. Six of eight cats required only one cycle of therapy,
whereas the remaining two cats needed prolonged
There are 17 studies that report on the efficacy of gri-
treatment (two 15-day cycles and three 15-day cycles).
seofulvin, itraconazole, terbinafine, or lufenuron alone
In the third study, nine cats with naturally occurring
or in combination with other therapies.20–22,26–39
dermatophytosis were treated with itraconazole com-bined continuous /pulse therapy protocol.27 All cats
Griseofulvin. Griseofulvin is a fungistatic antifungal
received itraconazole 10 mg kg−1 once daily for 28 days
agent that inhibits nucleic acid synthesis and cell mito-
and then on ‘week on /week off’ basis. Eight of nine cats
sis metaphase by interfering with the function of spin-
were considered cured after 56 days and one cat was
dle microtubules.40 Griseofulvin was evaluated in
several studies;20–22,26,29 four studies identified treat-ment groups where it was used as a sole therapy as at a
Terbinafine. Terbinafine is an allylamine antifungal
dose of 50 mg kg−1.20,26,29,39 Mycological cure was sol-
agent that suppresses the biosynthesis of ergosterol
idly achieved in two of these studies in 63–70 days for
via inhibition of the fungal enzyme squaline epoxid-
cats. In the study by Balda et al.39 the mean treatment
ase. The drug is considered to be fungicidal against
2004 European Society of Veterinary Dermatology, Veterinary Dermatology, 15, 99 –107
dermatophytes.42 The use of terbinafine to treat feline
reported a recommended drug dose of 80–100 mg kg−1
M. canis dermatophytosis has been reported in four
once every two weeks until mycological cure.36 The
studies;30–34 two studies reported on different aspects
authors reported that the time to cure ranged from 6 to
of the same experimental infection.30,31 In one study,
37 days (mean 13.7 days) in dogs and cats with dermat-
three groups of cats were experimentally infected with
ophytosis. In a large retrospective survey conducted in
M. canis and monitored for 120 treatment days.30,31 In
Italy, veterinarians were asked about their clinical
this experiment, two doses of terbinafine were com-
observations with lufenuron as a treatment dermato-
pared with each other and an untreated control group.
phytosis in mammals.43 It is difficult to interpret the
The investigators reported that there was no difference
results of this study accurately as diagnosis of cases
when low dose terbinafine (10 –20 mg kg−1) was compared
could include documented infection or suspected
with the untreated control group. The cats receiving
infection. Furthermore, criteria for ‘cure’ were equally
high dose terbinafine (30 – 40 mg kg−1) were considered
variable; ‘cure’ could be defined as clinical resolution
cured after > 120 days (126 days) of therapy. In one of
of signs or mycological cure. In cases where mycologi-
the studies, serum and hair concentrations of terbin-
cal cure was determined, the mean time to recovery was
afine were reported. There was no significant difference
34.7 days (range 12–90 days). There are two reports of
in plasma concentrations between the low and high
controlled blinded studies evaluating the efficacy of
doses of terbinafine; however, the high-dose terbin-
lufenuron to prevent or alter the course of experimen-
afine group had a significantly higher concentration of
tally induced M. canis infections in cats.37,38 In one
terbinafine in hair compared to the low dose.31 In a
study, lufenuron was used as a pretreatment prior to
second study, 41 dogs and 24 cats were treated with ter-
challenge exposure and infection.38 Two oral doses of
binafine at a dose of 10–30 mg kg−1 once daily.32 No
lufenuron were evaluated (30 or 133 mg kg−1); after
adverse effects were noted and the mean length of ther-
2 months of pretreatment the kittens were challenged
apy for mycological cure for dogs was 53 days (21–126)
with infective M. canis spores. In this study, neither
and 63 days (28–84 days) for cats. In the third study,
dose of lufenuron prevented infection nor altered the
35 dogs or cats were treated with either griseofulvin
course of infection; however, it is important to note
(see above) or with one of two doses of terbinafine
that the challenge was markedly larger than what
(5 mg kg−1 and 20 mg kg−1)39 were used to treat dogs
would occur under field exposure. In a follow-up study,
or cats with naturally occurring dermatophytosis. Ter-
two groups of cats were pretreated with either oral or
binafine at either dose was effective in 81.3% of animals
injectable lufenuron prior to exposure to a subclinically
treated; animals responding to treatment required a
infected cat.37 Cats received four doses of lufenuron at
mean of 33 days of therapy. In a fourth study, 15 cats
monthly intervals prior to exposure to the infected cat
with naturally occurring dermatophytosis were treated
and monthly treatments thereafter for an additional
with terbinafine 30 mg kg−1 once daily for 14 days; 12
5 months. In this study, lufenuron did not prevent
cats completed the study.34 Cats were followed for a
infection in either treatment group. In addition, infec-
total of 90 days and at the end of this time 11 of 12 cats
tions in the control and two treatment groups resolved
were mycologically cured. None of the cats was culture
at about the same time. What was noticed in this study
negative at the end of 14 days of therapy. The first
was that infections were established more slowly in the
mycological cures were noted at day 60 days. In the last
lufenuron-treated groups when compared with the
study, 9/20 laboratory cats were found to be culture
control group. In a final study involving 100 cats in two
positive for M. canis, but lesion free. All of the cats
catteries with naturally occurring dermatophytosis,
were treated with terbinafine 8.25 mg kg−1 once daily
lufenuron was used in conjunction with topical enilco-
for 21 days.33 Cats were reported to be mycologically
nazole.22 Although the investigators reported a decrease
cured at end of monitoring, 63 days. All of these stud-
in fungal culture counts over 90 days and clinical reso-
ies reported the drug to be well tolerated with vomiting
lution of signs, cures were not reported. Lufenuron. Lufenuron is a benzoylphenylurea drug
There are three studies reporting on the use of fungal
that disrupts chitin synthesis and is used for flea con-
vaccines in cats to prevent dermatophytosis.44–47 In
trol. Chitin is a critical component of the outer cell wall
addition, a killed dermatophyte vaccine for treatment
of fungi and it possible drugs that disrupt chitin syn-
of M. canis in cats is available in the United States (Fel-
thesis might also have antifungal activity. The use of
O-Vax, MC-K, Fort Dodge Laboratories, Fort Dodge
lufenuron in the treatment of dermatophytosis has
IO, USA). This product is licensed for use for the treat-
been described in several studies.35–38,43 In 2000, a ret-
ment and prevention of lesions, but not disease. In
rospective study suggested that lufenuron treatment
Russia, there is also a live attenuated vaccine for both
was strongly associated with recovery in a large
treatment and prevention of small animal dermatophy-
number of dogs and cats with a number of fungal infec-
tosis; however, there is also limited information avail-
tions, including dermatophyte infections.35 In that
able on this vaccine.47 In two of studies, an experimental
report, dogs and cats received lufenuron at doses com-
killed cell-wall vaccine was evaluated first in a direct
patible with the manufacturer’s recommended dose for
application challenge exposure model and then in a less
routine flea control. In a follow-up study, the authors
intense cohabitant challenge model.44,45 In neither
2004 European Society of Veterinary Dermatology, Veterinary Dermatology, 15, 99 –107
study was the vaccine protective against challenge
for use. Topical therapy should be used in conjunction
exposure. In a third study, an experimental combined
with systemic therapy; if cost constraints do not allow
live-inactivated dermatophyte vaccine and a killed
for concurrent systemic therapy, twice weekly applica-
commercially available dermatophyte vaccine (Fel-O-
tions of either lime sulphur or enilconazole can be used
Vax) were evaluated for prophylactic immunity and
until a mycological cure (2–3 negative consecutive fun-
any therapeutic benefit.46 Neither vaccine prevented
infection or provided a more rapid cure when com-pared with each other or untreated controls. However,
vaccination was associated with a slightly reduced
Systemic antifungal therapy is the treatment of choice
severity of initial infection when compared with con-
for dermatophytosis. Griseofulvin, itraconazole and
trols. Interest in vaccination as a treatment or prophy-
terbinafine are all effective systematic antifungal
laxis continues to be an area of intense interest,
primarily because of success in farmed foxes.48,49
Griseofulvin. Griseofulvin therapy is rapidly beingreplaced by itraconazole and terbinafine therapy but it
is still an effective antifungal agent. The most com-monly used dose regimen is daily
Based upon the current information available for thetreatment of dermatophytosis I have made the follow-
• micro size 50 mg kg−1 orally every 24 h or divided
ing treatment conclusions based upon my interpreta-
tion of the studies. Other clinicians may have differing
• ultramicro size 10–15 mg kg−1 orally every 24 h or
Itraconazole. Based upon the studies reviewed, itraco-
The endpoint of treatment in all studies was two or
nazole therapy is flexible. The most commonly effective
three negative consecutive fungal cultures obtained at
dose was 5–10 mg kg−1 and the following dosing sched-
weekly or bi-weekly intervals. This recommendation
ules are recommended as treatment options:
• daily dosing: itraconazole 5–10 mg kg−1 orally
The optimum treatment protocol for dogs or cats with
• combined continuous/pulse therapy: itraconazole 5 –
dermatophytosis involves a combination of clipping of
10 mg kg−1 orally every 24 h for 28 days and then on
the hair coat, twice weekly topical antifungal therapy,
an alternate week regimen (1 week off and 1 week on);
concurrent systemic antifungal therapy and environ-
• cycle therapy: itraconazole 5–10 mg kg−1 orally
mental decontamination. Fungal culture monitoring
every 24 h for 15 days, followed by fungal cultures
should be performed every 2– 4 weeks until mycological
Terbinafine. Terbinafine is the newest systemic anti-
Although no controlled study exists that proves that
fungal agent to be used in dogs and cats. This drug is
clipping of the hair coat shortens the duration of infec-
well tolerated by cats and dogs. When this drug is used
tion, clinical studies strongly support the recommen-
at 30–40 mg kg−1 significantly higher concentrations of
dation that cats with long hair and/or generalized
drug are found in hairs when compared to lower doses.
dermatophytosis should be clipped. Although not nec-essary in all cases of dermatophytosis, clipping of the
• Terbinafine 30 – 40 mg kg−1 orally every 24 h.
It may be possible to use terbinafine (30–40 mg kg−1
orally) as a substitute for itraconazole in continuous/
In vitro and in vivo studies have documented that lime
sulphur, enilconazole, and miconazole have consistentantifungal activity in the treatment of dermatophyto-
sis. The most commonly recommended treatment
In placebo-controlled studies, lufenuron did not pre-
schedule is twice weekly whole-body applications of
vent or alter the course of infection. Controlled studies
one of these products. Lime sulfur and enilconazole
did document that cats receiving lufenuron had infec-
should not be rinsed from the hair coat and a contact
tions were established more slowly in the lufenuron-
time of 10 min for miconazole shampoos is recom-
treated groups when compared with the control group,
mended for efficacy. Captan, chlorhexidine (as a single
but a difference in treatment outcome was not noted.
agent), and povidine iodine have been consistently
Whether this benefit justifies the cost of lufenuron ther-
ineffective antifungal agents when tested using isolated
apy or can be ‘manipulated’ into a therapeutic advan-
infective spores and/or hairs and are not recommended
tage is not known. At this time, lufenuron therapy is
2004 European Society of Veterinary Dermatology, Veterinary Dermatology, 15, 99 –107
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Une revue de la littérature récente sur le traitement des dermatophytoses chez le chien et le chat est
présentée. En se basant sur des études in vitro portant dur des poils infectés et sur des études controlées ou deterrain in vivo, les traitements topiques suivants peuvent être considérés comme antifongiques (i.e. antidermat-ophyte): lime sulfur (1:16), lotion d’enilconazole à 0.2% et shampooing à 2%miconazole/chlorhexidine. Les ani-maux ou des poils étaient soit baignés soit rincés une ou deux fois par semaine. L’itraconazole, la griséofulvineet la terbinafine ont été évalués dans des essais controlés ou des essais terrain, la plupart du temps chez le chat. La griséofulvine (50 mg kg–1) a permis une guérison des animaux infectés en 41 à 70 jours. L’itraconazole(10 mg kg–1 une fois par jour ou en traitement pulsé 10 mg kg–1 une fois par jour pendant 28 jours puis une semaineavec traitement, une semaine sans traitement) a permis de guérir les animaux infectés en 56 à 70 jours. L’utilisationde l’itraconazole à faible dose (1.5 à 3.0 mg kg–1) pendant des cycles de 15 jours a nécessité 1 à 3 cycles (15 à45 jours. Des doses variables de terbinafine ont été utilisées pour traiter des chiens ou des chats (5 mg kg–1 à40 mg kg–1). Des doses élevées (>20 mg kg–1) étaient nécessaires pour obtenir une guérison mycologique. Le nombrede jours de traitement variait de 21 à >126 days. Le lufenuron a également anecdotiquement été rapporté commeun traitement efficace bien que cet effet ne soit pas confirmé par des études controlées. Enfin, la vaccination anti-dermatophyte n’a pas prouvé son efficacité dans un modèle expérimental, bien qu’il existe des preuves qu’ellepuisse être efficace comme traitement adjuvant.
Se revisó la literatura reciente sobre el tratamiento de la dermatofitosis en perros y gatos. Basándonos
en estudios in vitro utilizando pelos infectados aislados y estudios controlados o de campo in vivo, los siguientestratamientos tópicos fueron considerados antifúngicos (es decir, antidermatofitos): sulfuro de lima (1:16), 0.2%enjuagues con enilconazol, y un champú con una combinación de un 2% de miconazol/clorexidina. Los animaleso los pelos fueron bañados o enjuagados una o dos veces a la semana. El itraconazol, la griseofulvina, y la ter-binafina fueron evaluados en estudios de campo o estudios controlados, la mayoría implicando gatos. La grise-ofulvina (50 mg kg–1) curó animales infectados en 41 a 70 días. Se ha publicado que el itraconazol (10 mg kg–1una vez al día o en una combinación de terapia diaria/intermitente a 10 mg kg–1 una vez al día durante 28 díasy después semana sí/semana no) cura los animales infectados en 56 a 70 días. El itraconazol a dosis bajas (1.5 a
2004 European Society of Veterinary Dermatology, Veterinary Dermatology, 15, 99 –107
3.0 mg kg–1) en ciclos de 15 días requería de 1 a 3 ciclos (15 a 45 días). Se ha publicado el uso de varias dosis deterbinafina (5 mg kg–1 a 40 mg kg–1) para tratar perros y gatos. Las dosis más altas de terbinafina (>20 mg kg–1)eran necesarias para conseguir una curación micológica; el número de días de tratamiento para conseguir lacuración variaba de 21 a >126 días. Anecdóticamente se ha descrito que el lufenuron puede ser efectivo, aunqueesto no pudo ser confirmado mediante estudios controlados. Finalmente, las vacunas fúngicas no fueron efectivascontra la exposición, aunque existen pruebas de que pueden ser útiles en protocolos de tratamiento. Zusammenfassung
Neue Veröffentlichungen über die Behandlung der Dermatophytose bei Hunden und
Katzen werden besprochen. Basierend auf in vitro Studien mit isolierten infizierten Haaren und kontrolliertenoder Feld-Studien in vivo erwiesen sich folgende topische Behandlungen übereinstimmend als antimykotisch(d.h. gegen Dermatophyten) wirksam: Schwefelkalk (1:16), 0,2% Enilkonazol Spülungen und ein Shampoo miteiner Kombination von 2%Miconazol/Chlohexidin. Tiere oder Haare wurden ein- bis zweimal wöchentlich geba-det oder gespült. Itraconazole, Griseofulvin, und Terbinafine wurden in kontrollierten oder Feld-Studien zumeistbei Katzen evaluiert. Griseofulvin (50 mg/kg) heilte infizierte Tiere innerhalb von 41 bis 70 Tagen. Itrakonazol(10mg/kg 1xtäglich oder in einer kombinierten Therapie mit täglicher Gabe und Pulstherapie mit 10mg/kg1xtäglich über 28 Tage und dann alternierend mit und ohne Therapie im wöchentlichen Wechsel) heilt Tiere inner-halb von 56 bis 70 Tage. Niedrig dosiertes Itrakonazol (1,5 bis 3,0 mg/kg) in 15-tägigen Zyklen erfoderte 1 bis 3Zyklen (15 bis 45 Tage). Verschiedene Dosierungen von Terbinafine (5 bis 40mg/kg) wurden zur Behandlungvon Hunden und Katzen eingesetzt. Es war die höhere Dosis von Terbinafine (>20mg/kg) nötig, um eine mykol-ogische Heilung zu erzielen. Die Anzahl an Behandlungstagen variierte von 21 bis >126 Tage. Es wurde gele-gentlich berichtet, dass Lufenuron erfolgreich zur Behandlung eingesetzt wurde, dies konnte durch kontrollierteStudien nicht untermauert werden. Zum Schluss erwiesen sich Pilz-Vakzine als nicht wirksam bei Belastungsex-position, es gibt jedoch Anzeichen, dass sie als Bestandteil von Behandlungsprotokollen nützlich sein könnten.
2004 European Society of Veterinary Dermatology, Veterinary Dermatology, 15, 99 –107
DE LA PORTADA ¿Hubiera partici pado Bolívar? Sin dudarlo un solo segundo, estamos seguros de que Simón Bolívar jamás se hubiera prestado para apostar el destino de la Patria en unas elecciones organizadas y supervisadas por el imperio español. Para darle soporte fiel a nuestras más absolutas y radicales convicciones, reprodu- cimos aquí el decreto de guerra a muerte contra Esp