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Newsroom Kerry Northrup November 1999
NewsGear 2000 update For more than 30 years, newspapers
revolution in newspaper production and in
Ifra has launched its Advanced Journalist
the appearance of most newspaper pages. around the world
Technology project (AJT), now in its sec-
have increasingly
“done little to help reporters write better
newsrooms might work in the digital infor-
been digitising edi-
stories," notes Tom Boyer, research editor
for the Seattle Times, USA, in a recent arti-
torial activities with
nologies for usefulness in this modern edi-
cle in the American Journalism Review.
torial setting and assembles its best finds
the introduction of
“More than two decades after the debut of
into the NewsGear demonstration suite as a
technologies such
the personal computer, many toiling at big,
profitable newspapers . are still chroni-
as electronic page layouts, databased
‘dumb terminals' - dedicated word proces-
photo archives,
plete, self-contained, mobile, multiple-me-
getting to the web from PCs halfway across
Macintosh com-
dia newsroom that fit into a standard-size
the newsroom, or on their (personal Inter-
puters for making infographics, satel-
cially available hardware and software as-
lite links to wire services, electronic
pendability, NewsGear '98-'99 could enable
tions in its work at newsrooms worldwide.
a reporter to operate almost independently
picture desks, net-
at remote news scenes without losing inti-
worked text editing
the journalist's desk. Major advancements
and web publishing.
in lightweight laptops, digital video and
ture, in communications tools, and in the
audio recording devices, portable scanners
and printers, wireless communications and
could be a boon to the productivity and ca-
networking, voice recognition, handwriting
pabilities of reporters and editors if given a
recognition, satellite positioning, browser-
chance. In fact, many of these technologies
are proving essential to position the tradi-
tional newsroom for the 21st century news
NewsGear designation to six new productsand technologies that either complementthe original suite or tackle other newsroomchallenges including the one Boyer identi-fied - lack of web and e-mail access for allreporters.
removable media disks, a slick media filedispatch option.
that turns the Palm PDA into an effectivestory authoring solution.
digital camera, expanding access to qualitydigital photography.
The Newsgear 2000 kit: the mobile, multiple-media
Portable e-Copier, allowing easy document
kit for the journalist of the new millennium. November 1999 Kerry Northrup Newsroom
> InfoGear's iPhone, a vanguard of good news to IT managers and budget-
upped itself by superseding the 7000CT and
the post-PC era today of efficient Internet
its 266MHz PII processor with the Portégé
> Cartia's ThemeScape technology vest in learning how to use the new news-
room gadgets - their training can have an
processor and bigger screen) remains in the
NewsGear the next year:
gy where there has been significant move-
evaluation session. In the past year it has
upgrade versus replacement
ment during the past year is in the realm of
ultralight heavyweight laptop computers.
annual review session, Ifra was prepared to
ticular newspaper's needs and priorities,
dump all the equipment collected last year
was selected in September 1998 as the core
there are several other machines that could
in favour of procuring the latest and great-
of the original NewsGear suite, it was the
be considered. These include the eMachines
est that vendors had to offer this year. The
only real contender. It was the first laptop
ing electronic or digital can stay on the
than 1 inch thick sporting a full Pentium II
leading edge for too many calendar pages.
processor, a 12.1-inch active matrix screen,
line that confusingly carries the same name
discover, however, that everything selected
media file handling, a full-size keyboard, a
on every model. This latest edition checks
slice architecture for adding or leaving be-
hind peripherals in different news situa-
inch thick, letting it barely qualify for a
place had to offer 12 months later. The Hi-
lightweight label. But it is a svelte news-
tachi MPEG digital recorder is still an ex-
sion room that would let it replace almost
cellent choice for multimedia newsgather-
any desktop machine of the time. Later it
ing. Dragon System's NaturallySpeaking is
was found that the 7000CT also offered di-
from NewsGear consideration last year be-
still among the most journalistically com-
hancing its appropriateness for more than
tions during the past 12 months is that the
verting handwritten notes into digital text.
dustry, however, no vendor can claim to be
vendors of speech-to-text software to come
the only anything for long. Less than three
out with Macintosh versions, filling a big
24-bit portable colour scanner powered by
hole in the PowerBook's capabilities. Rep-
its universal serial bus connection so that
Expo in Lyons, France, with the Portégé on
resentatives of Apple Europe credited last
centre stage, at least three machines came
though Storm itself has gone out of busi-
to market that would have fared well in the
ness). Nokia's Card Phone is still a top-
AJT evaluation process. Even Toshiba one-
ranked computer-telephony integration de-vice. DeLorme's Earthmate continues to beone of the smallest and easiest to use com-puter-compatible Global Positioning Satel-lite receivers. Digital Persona's U.are.U fin-gerprint reader still represents cutting edgebiometrics technology for access verifica-tion without passwords. NewsEngin con-tinues to hold a lead in browser interfacededitorial systems. And so on.
a complete equipment matrix of NewsGear'98-'99 or e-mail a request
due to the demanding selection process Ifrauses for NewsGear equipment. Humility of-fers the observation that newsgatheringtechnology is not moving so quickly afterall as to negate a financial investment be-fore it can recoup itself. Aside from being
Kerry Northrup, in Starship Enterprise regalia, presents future tools of the newsroom at IFRA99.
Newsroom Kerry Northrup November 1999
appearing to still be in good shape, News-
let-proof Palm operating system, this key-
Gear 2000 was recast as an upgrade rather
board-enabled package requires nearly zero
than a replacement of the current hardware
support from the IT department or harried
newsroom editors, making it even more re-liable than the computer we used to call
Four new clicks for NewsGear 2000
duces four new “clicks” to Ifra's newsgath-
Hewlett Packard’s small-sized CapShare e-copier.
Drive. It is a portable storage drive in the
away from selecting a digital still camera
pensive high-end units marketed to profes-
those on the Toshiba Portégé 7000 series,
and then Clik! disks can be inserted in the
produce images suitable for newspaper re-
sponse to reviews of the original NewsGear
duces a generation of relatively inexpen-
package by some Ifra members who felt its
sive and easy-to-use digital cameras with
emphasis on wireless file transfer via GSM
more than 2 million pixels in their imaging
was too ambitious. They said there needed
LandWare’s GoType! keyboard expands the capabilities
to be a way for a remote reporter/photog-
of 3Com’s Palm III personal digital assistant.
newspaper reproduction needs. The Coolpix
rapher to offload a number of large image
or video files for physical transport back to
board simply by flipping up the GoType!'s
cameras, the Coolpix 950 also provides for
serial plug. The PDA's screen is easily read-
with PC slots since no software is required.
able and the nearly full-size keyboard is
lens. The built in 3x Zoom-Nikkor lens is a
and the 40MB disks are a mere $10 each.
portable solution for any remote reporter
Coolpix also allows intimate professional-
who needs to write a story. When finished,
while its consumer-oriented roots mean it
onto the Palm III for transmitting the story
incorporates a host of intelligent automatic
Computing family of personal digital assis-
settings and image stabilisation features to
tants. The GoType! was introduced to Ifra
this year, a selection now made official in
mobile phone adapters cost about $150.
cataloguing features and stores photos on
only $80 ($10 more for a version compati-
ble with the Palm V), and a newspaper can
can then be inserted into a floppy disk or
package last year. Many reviewers said it
digitally enable its entire corps of stringers
PC card adapter for transfer to a desktop or
because it was not needed when the laptop
was around, while away from the laptop it
was too difficult to input text through its
portable computer popular with journalists
Graffiti gesture-recognition software. November 1999 Kerry Northrup Newsroom
print and electronic publishing many fold.
computer via a high-speed infrared link.
grade comes from the activation button of
optical character recognition. And PDF is
made for sending in the highly trained pro-
perfect for incorporating into an editorial
Copier. This is the new name for the inno-
database for reference or for posting on a
cialised high-end equipment on those criti-
cal news stories and difficult shots that a
previously called the CapShare 910 Infor-
news organisation simply cannot afford to
to-use tool supporting the expanding jour-
miss. Last year in its initial review of work-
note that, like the GoType! keyboard, the
nalistic role of document source collection.
flows for future newsrooms, the AJT work-
ing group concluded that there would con-
designation earlier this year when it first
The Internet gap
journalists even as there is a trend towards
now confirms its position in Ifra's journal-
trying to outfit reporters for newsgathering
by lack of access to email and the web. It is
not far-reaching to say that these commu-
ounces and is a slim 5.6-by-3-by-1.4 inch-
across a document. Internally the CapShare
nications channels are becoming as criti-
es. With that size, quality and price mix, a
stitches together the various swipes to cre-
what reporter would like to try doing his
ting 10 or 12 digital cameras on the street
file. It can hold up to 50 pages at a time
for the price of just one high-end unit and
and can transfer those to a number of de-
therefore increase its source of images for
vices such as a smart phone, a printer or a
papers are loath to bring the Internet to
Newsroom Kerry Northrup November 1999
indicate both waiting voicemail and e-mail
ThemeScape map indicates a topic or group
broad but not very high plateau would in-
dicate a group of somewhat but not closely
related stories for which there is no great
shows topics that are not dealt with very
ously. In addition to the cost of the phone,
much if at all in the news database.
with a variety of real news databases, visit
The iPhone provides e-mail and web access – without
2000 upgrade is an Internet-based technol-
and editors are under increasing pressure
staff and networked sources, the AJT pro-
provides an amazingly intuitive presenta-
ject's scenario-building effort for future
tion of the relationship among and distri-
newsroom anticipates a need for tools such
bution of news stories by showing a collec-
to support Internet protocols and to allow
tion of stories and other news material in
for the necessary bandwidth. It certainly
would raise security concerns and perhaps
map of the current news wires and instant-
necessitate implementation of a complicat-
is like looking down on Earth from a satel-
ly appreciate which are the hot stories and
ed firewall system and proxy servers.
lite and being able to see all the mountains
which are being covered with lower inten-
show up quickly as a hill that suddenly ap-
pears and then quickly grows into a white
email client, Web browser and digital tele-
the inclines into darkening shades of tan,
trend early might get a jump on preparing
valley will appear as a dark area snaking
special handling for the story. Or she might
recognise a good story that is not getting
overall effect is almost three-dimensional
look too much different from a fancy tele-
understand how to differentiate hills and
which one might expect Caller ID informa-
ics his newspaper has published in the past
tion or a phone call log to be displayed.
And indeed, the iPhone has all the features
tent analysis tool and search engine that
of a well-appointed telephone including a
relates content through linguistic parsing.
interest material. Now an overlay appears
Where it differentiates itself from the com-
petition is in how it displays the results of
tion's coverage for the same period. Some
peaks are in the same places and are just as
from under the front edge of the phone pro-
vides the hint of something more. Inside is
news stories and finding that a large num-
some are not. It is thus instantly obvious
ber of them pertain to certain specific top-
any Internet service provider via a standard
their attentions similarly or differently and
high-volume, apparently high-interest top-
tion made, the grayscale LCD touch-screen
less coverage, fewer related news files, will
ing the results of a reader survey so that it
email from any typical POP e-mail server. It
is quickly apparent where subscribers' in-
can also be used to surf the Web, including
Java-enabled sites and pages with multime-
attention is concentrated. Perhaps a varia-
dia content such as video and sound.
that are related to each other will appear
news stories based on actual geographic lo-
screen-corner message light that blinks to
cation of the communities affected, intu-
November 1999 Kerry Northrup Newsroom
itively showing valleys of sparse coverage
Ifra Centre for Advanced News Operations.
agers and journalists pull pieces to fit their
The Cartia technology is fascinating.
made to individual newspapers in 12 coun-
visions of Third Millennium news publish-
The fact that a non-publishing, non-jour-
tries and to large organisations such as the
ing, to help make that future a reality.
nalistic company has applied it so effec-
tively to news databases is eye-opening.
at IFRA99 adds to that growing collection
During the next year, Ifra's AJT project will
achieved its primary goal of sparking de-
Cartia to investigate further applications of
and newspapers. An expected percentageof observers react with concern or healthy
NewsGear and the NewsGear logo areResponse to NewsGear
scepticism about news reporters and editors
registered trademarks of Ifra and the IfraCentre for Advanced News Operations. All
project was started as a direct response to
in the 21st Century. Most are excited about
other trademarks and product names men-
expanding their newsgathering capabilities
tioned in this article are the property of the
fore interest in Ifra's NewsGear hardware
tools that are reliable, effective and easy to
Operations is a resource for innovation ineditorial organisation and news technology.Comments on this article or a related topic
suitcase of gadgets that newspapers buy as
may be directed to Kerry Northrup via
the most requested services provided by the
a set and try to implement. It is a suitcase
National sheep improvement program in the USA: with emphasis on hair sheep evaluations Paper presented at 3 SINCORTE, Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil, November 2007 (published with the approval of the Coordination of 3 SINCORTE)2 PhD, President of the NSIP Board of DirectorsAbstract - After 40 years of use in the livestock industry, the major technology for identifying superior performance
Nómadas. Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas | 22 (2009.2) LECTURA BIOPOLÍTICA DE LOS ACTOS DE GOBIERNO DEL EX PRESIDENTE DEL PERÚ ALBERTO FUJIMORI. A PROPÓSITO DE LA SENTENCIA CONDENATORIA EMITIDA POR LA CORTE SUPREMA DE JUSTICIA DEL PERÚ Hesbert Benavente Chorres Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México Resumen.- El presente estudio pretende establecer, en