Communicable diseases are by far the most important causes of mortality,morbidity and disability in Africa; they account for over 60% of the burden of disease. Almost 95% of deaths caused by communicable diseases can be attributed to a few but most prevalent diseases. These are HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Respiratory Infections, diarrhea diseases, tuberculosis and the vaccine preventable childhood diseases i.e measles, maternal/neonatal tetanus, pertusis and poliomyelitis.
Vast majority of the victims are among the poorest and most vulnerable people to whom access to drugs and health settings for prevention and cure is steadily denied. Furthermore in addition to suffering and death, communicable diseases perpetuate poverty through a vicious cycle of poverty and ill health and increase social instability. Sustainable development is hardly feasible if those diseases are not brought under control; that makes the communicable diseases a matter of national security for any affected country. WHO Regional Office for Africa (AFRO) is involved into the quest for appropriate response to these diseases through its Division of Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases (DDC) and a broad partnership with International Institutions, governmental and non governmental organizations, other UN Agencies,Donor groups, etc… DDC mission is to provide technical orientation and support to countries of the Region based on the resolutions and recommendations of the Governing Bodies regarding prevention and control of communicable diseases. Technical Support to countries is provided in the setting of norms, standards, guidelines and tools for communicable diseases prevention and control, in activities related to communicable diseases surveil ance, including strengthening of laboratory capacities, for the management, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of communicable diseases, and in epidemic preparedness, prevention and control. DDC Division also develops a computerised database for surveil ance of communicable diseases of major public health importance; it is promoting a sustainable sharing of information by circulating the Regional Epidemiological Bulletins; and finally it makes provision of material and technical means to back up country eradication/elimination programmes. MOST PREVALENT COMMUNCABLE DISEASES AND WHO/AFRO RESPONSE 6. HIV/AIDS
The magnitude:HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the African Region. About 10% of those aged 15 to 49 years are infected, and in Southern Africa at least 20% are infected. Seventy percent of the World dayly 14 000 new infections occur in Africa;it looks like “Africa is experiencing 11 September casualties two fold, everyday”. New infections amount to 3 million yearly; that puts the case load already at 30 mil ion. An estimated 2,3 million African died of AIDS in 2001. This also resulted into more than 12 mil ion children orphaned and left without love, care and support. WHO/AFRO response: Continuous advocacy by WHO resulted in growing commitment from African Ministers of Health, Heads of States and the International Community; it also help to build up strong partnership and mobilize resources for fight against HIV-AIDS. WHO/AFRO trained nationals on the relevant strategies to combat the epidemic; it provided necessary support including seed money to countries to set up comprehensive programmes according to the Regional HIV/AIDS strategy framework and played an important role in discussions with pharmaceutical industries to secure access to the ARV for treatment of poor people living with HIV/AIDS. HIV1-HIV2 are present in Africa with type1 prevailing by 99%. Strategies for laboratory detection of an HIV infection were promoted, with a Belgium WHO Collaborative Centre in charge of assessing reagent liability before use in screening or diagnosis. A Regional Network of HIV-AIDS Public Health Laboratories was established in 2001, in view of helping to properly monitor the efficacy of the ARV treatment.
7. TUBERCULOSIS The magnitude: Tuberculosis remains an important cause of adult and childhood morbidity and mortality in the African Region: about 200 millionpersons are infected with the tubercle bacil us and approximately 1.6 million cases of infectious diseases occur each year with 600.000 dead. In several African countries the number of reported TB cases has doubled, even trebled in the past decade, mainly due to the HIV epidemic: 50% to 80% of TB cases are attributable to HIV in dual infection; 40% of deaths of people living with HIV/AIDS is due to TB. WHO/AFRO response: Through the Global Stop TB Initiative which is a coalition of partners from international agencies, governmental and non- governmental organisations and civil society including Research Institutions, Industry and donors, WHO is promoting the DOTS strategy, the most effective strategy available for controlling TB today. DOTS means “directly observed treatment, short course” Treatment success under DOTS strategy range from 56% to 83% with drop in treatment interruptions from 23% to 2%. All 46 countries of the Region are implementing the DOTS strategy. First line laboratory tests for screening remain crucial at community level. Laboratory settings play an important role in diagnosing dual infections for correct care and in the follow-up of the dreaded problem of multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB).
The magnitude: Malaria is a major public health problem in Africa: population living in areas at risk of malaria is about 500 mil ion ; population prone to malaria epidemics and non-immune to the malaria parasite nears 110 million in 23 countries. An estimated 270-480 million cases of the disease occur in the continent annually and cause about one million deaths with 70% among children under 5. Pregnant women, seasonal workers and refugees are most vulnerable to malaria. WHO/AFRO response: The World Bank and WHO-AFRO have developed a long-term col aboration to fight malaria since 1995. Advocacy efforts have resulted in high commitment at al levels. Examples are: The OAU Summit in 1997 which established the African Initiative for Malaria Control in the 21st Century. In 1998 the DG of WHO launched Roll Back Malaria Project; a special summit of Heads of States and Governments adopted the “Abuja Declaration” linked to a plan of Action. Main interventions are focussing on capacity building, promotion and use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN), drug policy and case management, monitoring and evaluation of malaria programme. Laboratory tests are needed for parasite detection in the blood and measurement of anemia and hemoglobin.
The magnitude: They are part of the six childhood diseases. 80% of children who visit health services are suffering from one of them. OF the 3 mil ion childhood deaths, pneumonia accounts for 15%, diarrhea diseases for 12%. WHO response: AFRO is promoting the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI), known as a cost-effective strategy contributing to the reduction of morbidity and mortality in children.
The magnitude: They are major causes of morbidity, mortality and disability among children in the African Region. Poor routine immunisation (EPI) performance for many years has resulted in one million deaths attributable to measles, Hib disease, hepatitis B and pertusis, neonatal tetanus, meningococcal diseases and yel ow fever. Annually there are 445000 deaths from measles, 110.000 from maternal and neonatal tetanus, 106 000 to 190 000 from pertusis, 30 000 from yellow fever and 150 000 from Hib diseases WHO/AFRO response: Based on immunisation system strengthening through strong partnership with UNICEF, THE ROTARY, WORLD BANK and donors from the civil society, social mobilisation is focussing on polio eradication with countries conducting, National Immunisation Days (NID) with OPV. For follow up and control, AFP surveillance is organised with laboratory investigation of all cases for confirmation of genuine polio infection.Measles is also registered for elimination.
The magnitude: Five tropical diseases i.e lymphatic filariasis, schistosomiasis, human Africa trypanosomiasis, soil-transmitted helminths and onchocerciasis are responsible for a substantial proportion of disease burden in the African Region.
LYMPHATIC FILARIASIS (LF), also known as Elephantiasis, puts more than 500 mil ion people at risk in Africa; close to 28 million are already affected and incapacitated by the disease. Its prevalence is on the increase trend. HUMAN AFRICA TRYPANOSOMISIS(HAT) also known as sleeping sickness, threatens over 60 million people in 36 countries of Sub- Saharan Africa. Only three or four mil ion people at risk are under surveil ance. Most people with sleeping sickness die before being diagnosed at a health facility. There are 300 000 – 500 000 cases occurring each year and most of them are not reported. In DR Congo and Angola HAT is a leading cause of mortality in some areas. SCHISTOSMIASIS(or Bilharziasis) is endemic in 41 countries in Africa, infecting more than 150 million people in rural Agricultural and peri- urban areas. Out of these, 10 to 15 million are symptomatic. In many areas schistosomiasis affects a large proportion of children under 15 years of age. An estimated 300-400 mil ion people in Africa are at risk from the disease. ONCHOCERSIASIS, also known as River Blindness is present in 30 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa: 18 million are infected, 6,5 million suffer from severe itching or dermatitis and 270 000 are blind. SOIL-TRANSMITTED HELMINTHS (STH) or intestinal worms which include ascaris (roundworm), trichuris (whipworm) and hookworms are widespread. Transmission is boosted by lack of sanitary facilities and poor hygienic practices. Two billion people (mostly children) are affected worldwide, 300 million remain chronically ill and 155 000 die annually. WHO/AFRO response: Lymphatic filarasis is registered for elimination by 2020. Trypanosomiasis is under close surveillance since 1982 according to resolution passed by the World Health Assembly. Schistosomisis is taken up by a chemotherapy campaign using praziquantel. The Onchocerciasis Control Programme (OCP), sponsored by WHO, World Bank, UNDP, FAO and more than 20 donors, and launched in 1974 to cover 7 countries in West Africa, succeeded in wiping out onchocerciasis from 11 countries. Since December 1995 it is replaced by the African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control (APOC) which is non-vertical and uses ivermectin through community based strategy in mass campagn.
The magnitude: As of December 2000, 57516 cases were registered, that puts the prevalence at 0,92 per 10 000 inhabitants. Twelve countries were concerned with seven in Africa. Since 1991 Leprosy is registered for elimination as a public health problem. WHO/AFRO response: WHO is collaborating with a Global Alliance including the Sassakawa Memorial Health Foundation of Japan, Novartis/Novartis Foundation, International NGO, DANIDA and the World Bank. Through this partnersip dapsone,rifampicin and clofazimine are made available and freely accessible to all patients who can be traited according to the recommended standard MDT treatment protocol.
♦ CHOLERAmay occur every where in Africa in the context of civil strifes, population movements and war destructions with poor hygienic conditions and lack of sanitation facilities. About 150 000- 200 000 cases are reported every year with 2000 - 3000 deaths.
♦ MENINGOCOCCAL MENINGITISwith recurrent epidemics in countries of the meningitis belt. New threat is born with the W 135 strain, not covered by the current vaccine. There are yearly 50 000-120 000 cases occurring with 5000-8000 deaths.
♦ SHIGELLOSIS due to shigel a dysenteriae type 1 is always present at very low rate which goes up quickly when living conditions worsen. Every year case load amounts to 130.000-300.000 with 500-1000 deaths.
♦ HAEMORRAGIC FEVERS LASSA FEVERwith 10-70 cases and up to 100% mortality EBOLA FEVER with risk of epidemic outbreaks deeply rooted in the rain forests of Central Africa.Case management has improved with time and lessons learned from previous outbreaks. YELLOW FEVERagainst which a good vaccine is available. Nonetheless about 20-45 cases are reported each year with less than 10 deaths.
♦ PLAGUE, still a public health problem in the DRC and Madagascar. Over 400.000 cases reported each year and 300-600 deaths. LABORATORY SERVICES IN THE AFRICAN REGION 14. African Region is bearing the world heaviest burden of disease mainly due to communicable diseases.Of course the laboratory services should play a pivotal role in the control of these diseases if they could efficiently deliver reliable tests everywhere they are needed for acurate diagnosis and correct management of patient care.Actually laboratory performance in the Region is impaired by resource constraints even if the health laboratories are operating at al levels of the national health system. 15. In 1998 following a deadly epidemic in the countries of the meningitis belt,Ministers of Health in Central and Western Africa met and agreed on more cordination at sub-regional level among national laboratories and a flow of information necessary for proactive measures in tackling future epidemics.From then on all efforts to enforce the lab services and improve their performance have focussed on four points: 16. –setting up a genuine institutional framework which can promote a national laboratory policy with a central board and advisory and technical units. 17. –creating a national laboratory network based on solidarity and complementarity between laboratories at different levels of the national health system,with a national reference laboratory responsible for the coordination of all activities within the network. 18. –in clarifying the laboratory mission at each level of the national health system, identifying and establishing a minimum package of tests/procedures linked to the appropriate equipments for the district laboratory. 19 –training lab technicians on quality management to apply quality control procedures and register to external quality assessment schemes, disseminating norms and promoting standardisation.
MARKNADSDOMSTOLENS DOM 2008: ÖVERKLAGAT BESLUT Stockholms tingsrätts, avd. 5, beslut den 19 juni 2008 i mål T 2918-08, bilaga (ej bilagd här) KLAGANDE MARKNADSDOMSTOLENS AVGÖRANDE 1. Marknadsdomstolen upphäver tingsrättens beslut. 2. AstraZenica AB (publ) ska ersätta Medartuum AB för dess rättegångskostnader i Marknadsdomstolen med etthundratjugotusen (120 00
Pyridostigmine in the Treatment of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia: A Single-Center Experience KHALIL KANJWAL, M.D.,* BEVERLY KARABIN, PH.D.,* MUJEEB SHEIKH, M.D.,* LAWRENCE ELMER, M.D., PH.D.,† YOUSUF KANJWAL, M.D.,* BILAL SAEED, M.D.,* and BLAIR P. GRUBB, M.D.* From the *Electrophysiology Section, Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, The University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio; and