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Acta Orthop. Belg., 2006, 72, 756-760 Doxycycline impairs tendon repair in rats
From the Faculty of Health Sciences, Linköping University, Linköping, SwedenDoxycycline exhibits various effects apart from its
MMPs are a group of zinc dependent neutral
antimicrobial activity, such as inhibition of matrix
proteinases that are capable of degrading almost all
metalloproteinases (MMPs). MMPs, mainly collage-
constituents of the extracellular matrix (22). MMPs
nases and gelatinases, are capable of degrading vir-
are fundamental in connective tissue remodelling
tually all constituents of the extracellular matrix and
and healing (6, 15). There is also evidence that
are critical to connective tissue remodelling and heal-
MMPs participate in tendon healing and remodel-
ing. We therefore hypothesised that doxycycline
ling (12, 16). Furthermore, in vitro studies have
would negatively influence the rat tendon healing
shown doxycycline inhibition of collagen synthe-
process and impede tendon regeneration. The Achilles tendon of 60 Sprague Dawley rats was tran-
sis (4, 11). Thus, inhibition of MMPs and of
sected transversely. The animals were treated with
collagen synthesis should be detrimental to tendon
doxycycline, 130 mg/kg body weight/day. The healing
healing and could negatively affect the long-term
tendons were evaluated mechanically at 5, 8 and 14 days. Doxycycline significantly decreased force at
The purpose of this study was to investigate the
failure (p < 0.005) and energy uptake (p < 0.001).
effect of clinically relevant concentrations of doxy-
Doxycycline serum concentration was 3.4 (SD 1.0)
cycline on the rat Achilles tendon healing process. µg/ml. In conclusion, tendon healing can be affected
Our hypothesis was that doxycycline would nega-
by doxycycline at clinically relevant serum concen-
tively influence the healing process and render the
trations. This observation might be of relevance to further studies exploring effects of MMP-inhibitors on tendon tissue. Keywords : tendon repair ; doxycycline ; matrix metalloproteinase (MMP).
■ Björn Pasternak, MS, PhD Student, Junior Investigator. ■ Mårten Fellenius, MS, Junior Investigator. INTRODUCTION
■ Per Aspenberg, MD, PhD, Professor. Division of Orthopaedics, Department of Neuroscience and
Doxycycline, a member of the tetracycline fam-
Locomotion, Faculty of Health Sciences, Linköping University,Linköping, Sweden.
ily, is a commonly used broad spectrum antibiotic.
Correspondence : Björn Pasternak, Division of Orthopae-
Alongside their antimicrobial effects, tetracyclines
dics, Department of Neuroscience and Locomotion, Faculty of
also inhibit matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs),
Health Sciences, Linköping University, SE-581 85 Linköping,
and among the clinically approved tetracyclines,
Sweden. E-mail :
doxycycline is the most potent in this regard (9).
Acta Orthopædica Belgica, Vol. 72 - 6 - 2006
No benefits or funds were received in support of this study
sagittally and transversely with a digital calliper, and thecross-sectional area was calculated assuming elliptical
The study was approved by the local animal ethics
geometry. The tendon was then fixed between two
committee for animal experiments, and followed the
clamps, one of them a custom made calcaneal clamp
holding the bone in 30° dorsiflexion relative to the direc-
Sixty female Sprague Dawley rats (Scanbur BK,
tion of traction and the other sandwiching the tendon’s
Stockholm, Sweden) weighing 221 (SD 10)g were used
proximal end between fine sand papers. The clamps
for this study. The animals were allowed to acclimatize
were attached to a material testing machine (100 R,
to laboratory conditions for 7 days prior to any experi-
DDL Inc. Eden Praire, MN, USA) and pulled at a con-
mental manipulation. The animals were randomised
stant speed of 0.1 mm/s until failure. Peak force, stiff-
cage-wise (two rats at a time) to six groups ; 5, 8 and
ness and energy uptake at 10% droop of the curve were
14 days doxycycline treatment and 5, 8 and 14 days
The treatment groups received doxycycline hyclate
Analysis of serum levels of doxycycline
(Sigma-Aldrich, Stockholm, Sweden), administered indeionised drinking water, starting one day before the
Shortly before sacrifice, five randomly chosen doxy-
operation. Control animals received deionised drinking
cycline-treated rats in the 14 days group were anes-
water. Water bottles from all cages were weighed once
thetised with isoflurane gas and blood was collected by
daily during the study period. Shortly before sacrifice,
cardiac puncture. The blood samples were centrifuged at
blood was collected from five randomly chosen rats of
2000 ϫ g for 10 minutes and the supernatant stored at
the doxycycline 14 days group for serum analysis of
-70° C until testing. Serum concentrations of doxycy-
cline were determined by way of an agar well diffusionassay using Bacillus cereus ATCC 11778 as the test
Surgical procedure
organism (Smittskyddsinstitutet, Solna, Sweden) (13).
The animals were anaesthetised with isoflurane gas
Statistical analysis
(Forene, Abbot Scandinavia, Solna, Sweden) and givenpreoperative subcutaneous injections of 9.6 mg trimeto-
Data were analyzed using a two-way ANOVA test.
prim-sulfoxide (Bimotrim vet., Ceva Vetpharma AB,
Because the variance in each group appeared to be pro-
Lund, Sweden) and 0.015 mg buprenorphine (Temgesic,
portionate to the mean value, the data was ln-trans-
Schering-Plough, Brussels, Belgium). The surgeon was
formed before analysis to produce equal variance. After
blinded for treatment during the operation. All groups
ln-transformation, no significant differences between
received the same surgical procedure of Achilles tendon
transection. The skin on the left hind paw was shavedand washed with chlorhexidine. A 3 mm transverse skinincision was made over the lateral side of the Achilles
tendon. The Achilles tendon complex was dissected freefrom other tissues and 8 mm of the plantaris tendon was
There were 4 exclusions in the 5 days group
removed. Thereafter, the Achilles tendon was cut trans-
(2 controls and 2 doxycycline rats) and 2 controls
versely 3 mm proximal to the calcaneal insertion. Thus,
in the 8 days group. This was due to post-operative
a tendon defect was created, which was left unsutured to
complications and technical problems during
become filled out by a tendon regenerate. The skin was
mechanical testing. There were no differences in
sutured. Animals were allowed free cage activity imme-
weight gain between doxycycline treated rats and
diately after the operation. At the evaluation day, ani-
All specimens ruptured in the newly formed ten-
don regenerate between the transection stumps.
Mechanical testing
Doxycycline significantly decreased force at
Directly following sacrifice, the tendon with the
failure and energy uptake over time. These results
attaching calcaneus was transected free from other tis-
were clearly evident already on day 5. Stiffness,
sues and removed. The callus diameter was measured
transverse area and stress at failure were not
Acta Orthopædica Belgica, Vol. 72 - 6 - 2006
Table I. — Results 5, 8 and 14 days post-transection of rat Achilles tendon. Force at failure and energy uptake were significantly
Treatment Decrease Decrease Decrease p* Stiffness
* p-values based on ANOVA of ln-transformed values.
affected significantly (table I). Doxycycline serum
gen, mostly type I (19). The impaired mechanical
concentration was 3.4 (SD 1.0) µg/ml.
properties imply, not unexpectedly, that MMPsplay an important role in removing the early callus
tissue, when it is to be replaced. Our results sug-gest, that this removal is also a prerequisite for
Rats exposed to therapeutic concentrations of
building strength. Thus, doxycycline appears to
doxycycline in serum demonstrated diminished
healing during the early stages of experimental ten-
Doxycycline is a promiscuous molecule with
don repair, as measured by force and energy uptake
several bioactive moieties. It has been shown to
at failure. The effects were not large, and perhaps it
inhibit several MMPs at pre- and post-translational
cannot be ruled out that they are due to unspecific
levels. Additionally, doxycycline can inhibit MMPs
side-effects of doxycycline. For example, doxycy-
by indirect mechanisms, e.g. by reducing the
cline might have caused the rats to be less active,
degradation of endogenous tissue inhibitors of met-
which could render their tendons weaker due to
alloproteinases (TIMPs) indirectly, further potenti-
decreased mechanical loading. However, we know
ating the MMP-inhibitory effect of doxycycline (9).
of no such effects and therefore believe that the
This probably impairs essential clearing up
results are due to doxycycline’s pharmacological
processes necessary for regeneration and may also
distort important remodelling mechanisms.
Impaired tissue mechanical properties were evi-
The current findings support previous communi-
dent already on day 5, corresponding to the inflam-
cations suggesting that MMP-inhibitors impair
matory and early proliferative stage of healing in
cutaneous wound contraction via effects on myofi-
this model. The measured mechanical properties
broblasts (15). The tendon callus and the dermal
describe the new tissue regenerate between the
granulation tissue show similarities suggesting that
stumps. This early tendon callus consists of a loose
MMP-inhibition should lead to similar effects.
collagenous network, rich in proteoglycans and
Other studies, however, show that both skin and
with a large proportion of collagen type III. When
intestinal wound strength are enhanced by MMP-
tendon repair enters the remodelling phase (in our
inhibitors (10, 20, 23). These contrasting results
model at about 1 week) (2), the loose callus is grad-
imply that the effects of MMP inhibitors might be
ually replaced by a more densely organized colla-
highly model-dependent. Our main finding is
Acta Orthopædica Belgica, Vol. 72 - 6 - 2006
therefore mostly that effects of some kind were
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Acta Orthopædica Belgica, Vol. 72 - 6 - 2006
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