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Microsoft word - prof robert a cocks-full list of publications.doc
Professor Robert A Cocks Publications in peer reviewed journals
Cocks R A. Study of 100 patients injured by London Underground Trains 1981-1986. British Medical Journal 1987; 295: 1527-1529.
Cocks R A. Trauma in the tube - the problems of railway suicide and its consequences. Stress Medicine 1989; 5: 93-97.
Cocks R A., Yates D W. How to perform diagnostic peritoneal lavage. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 1990; 44: 122-124.
Kotecha B, Cocks RA, Rothera M. The management of Epistaxis in Accident & Emergency departments. Archives of Emergency Medicine 1990; 7: 35-41.
Emberton M, Cocks R A. On camera. British Medical Journal 1991;303:862
Cocks R A, Glucksman E. What does London need from its ambulance service? (editorial) British Medical Journal 1993; 306: 1428-1429.
Sung J Y, Chung S C, Low J M, Cocks R A, Ip S M, Tan P, Li A K, Oh T E. Systemic absorption of Epinephrine after endoscopic submucosal injection in patients with bleeding peptic ulcers. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 1993; 39(1): 20-22.
Cocks R A. London Ambulance Service: evidence to the House of Commons Health Committee. Health Committee: Second Report 1995; (1): Appendix A528. London: HMSO.
Cocks R A. London Ambulance Service: supplementary evidence to the House of Commons Health Committee. Health Committee: Second Report 1995; (1): Appendix A528A. London HMSO.
10. Barton R N, Cocks R A, Doyle M O, Chambers H. Time course of the early pituitary-
adrenal and metabolic responses to accidental injury. The Journal of Trauma 1995; 39 (5):888-894.
11. Cocks R A, Taylor N. Scratch and bite wounds: first aid for animal handlers. Veterinary
12. Cocks R A. Emergency department resuscitative thoracotomy - an overview. Hong
Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine 1996; 3 (2): 29-34.
13. Cocks R A. Internal and external defibrillation. Proceedings of the Symposium on
Emergency Cardiac Electrotherapy 1996: 17-21.
14. Cocks R A. Prehospital care in Hong Kong. Prehospital Immediate Care 1997; 1: 8-11.
15. Cocks R A. Emergency planning in the NHS: does central guidance reach those who
need to use it? Health Trends 1997; 29 (1): 19-20.
16. Weatherburn G C, Watkins J, Bryan S, Cocks R A. The effect of PACS on the
visualisation of the lateral cervical spine and the management of patients presenting with trauma. Medical Informatics 1997; 22 (4): 359-368.
17. Cocks R A. Accident and Emergency Medicine in Hong Kong: a commentary. Journal
of Accident and Emergency Medicine 1997; 14 (5): 299.
18. Cocks R A. Major trauma in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine
19. Cocks R A. The immune response to trauma. Hong Kong Journal of Emergency
20. Cocks R A, Chan Y F. Alteration in leucocyte adhesion molecule expression following
minor, moderate and major trauma. European Journal of Emergency Medicine 1997; 4 (4):193-195.
21. Cocks R A, Thompson M, Kwan Y W. The flat electrocardiogram - systole or asystole?
Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 1998; 15 (3): 185-186.
22. Cocks R A, Chan Y F. Protective clothing for the Emergency Services - a study of fire
safety. Prehospital Immediate Care 1998; 2: 63-65.
23. Cocks R A, Chan Y F, Rainer T H. Leucocyte L-selectin is upregulated after
mechanical trauma in adults. The Journal of Trauma 1998; 45 (1): 1-6.
24. Rainer T H, Chan T Y F, Cocks R A. Do peripheral blood counts have any prognostic
value following trauma? Injury 1999; 30(3): 179-185.
25. Cocks R A. Yesterday’s emergency - today’s lessons. Today’s Emergency 1999;
26. Cocks R A. Medical care in civil disorder. Trauma 1999; 1(3): 255-263.
27. Cocks R A. Accidents that should never have happened. British Medical Journal 1999;
28. Rainer T H, Lam P K W, Wong E M C, Cocks R A. Derivation of a prediction rule for
post-traumatic acute lung injury. Resuscitation 1999; 42(3): 187-196.
29. Rainer T H, Lam N, Cocks R A. Adrenaline upregulates monocyte L-selectin in vitro.
30. Griffith J F, Rainer T H, Ching A S C, Law K L, Cocks R A, Metreweli C. Sonography
compared with radiography in revealing acute rib fracture. American Journal of Roentgenology 1999; 173(6): 1603-1609.
31. Weatherburn G, Bryan S, Nicholas N, Cocks R. The effect of a picture archiving and
communication system (PACS) on diagnostic performance in the Accident and Emergency department. Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 2000; 17(3): 180-184.
32. Lo Y M D, Rainer T H, Chan L Y S, Hjelm N M, Cocks R A. Plasma DNA as a
prognostic marker in trauma patients. Clinical Chemistry 2000; 46(3): 319-323.
33. Cocks RA. The radiologist and the emergency physician: from pen-friends to cyber-
team. Journal of the Hong Kong College of Radiologists 2000; 3(1): 2-4.
34. Tan T H, Ong K L, Cocks R A. Acute non-traumatic knee pain in the elderly -
osteoarthritis? Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine 2000; 7(2): 107-109.
35. Cocks R A, Green P F. Proctitis and pyrexia caused by body packing of cannabis
resin. Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine 2000; 7(2): 114-115.
36. Weatherburn G, Bryan S, Nicholas A, Cocks R. The effect of a picture archiving and
communications system (PACS) on diagnostic performance in the accident and emergency department. Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 2000; 17: 180-184.
37. Cocks R A. The medical management of civil disasters in Hong Kong. Hong Kong
Journal of Emergency Medicine 2000; 7(3): 179-184.
38. Rainer TH, Chan SY, Kwok K, Suen DTK, Lam W, Cocks R. Severe trauma
presenting to the resuscitation room of a Hong Kong emergency department. Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine 2000; 7(3): 129-135.
39. Cocks RA, Rainer TH, Chan TYF, Maycock PF, Lam NYL. Increased plasma free
cyclic-AMP levels following major trauma and their relevance to the immune response. Resuscitation 2000; 45(2): 105-109.
40. Cocks R A. Improvised weapons in civil disorder. Journal of Royal Army Medical
41. Cocks RA. Reflections on twenty years of prehospital care. Hong Kong Journal of
42. Rainer TH, Lam NYL, Chan TYF, Cocks RA. Early role of neutrophil L-selectin in
posttraumatic acute lung injury. Critical Care Medicine 2000; 28(8): 2766-2772.
43. Cocks RA. Reflections on twenty years of prehospital care. Hong Kong Journal of
44. Cocks RA. Emergency medicine in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Medical Journal 2000;
45. Rainer TH, Jacobs P, Ng YC, Cheung NK, Lam PKW, Ng WS, Wong R, Tam MMK,
Cocks RA. Cost-effectiveness analysis of intravenous kwtorolac tromethamine and morphine sulphate for treating pain after limb injury: a double blind, randomised, controlled trial. British Medical Journal 2000; 321: 1247-1251.
46. Cocks RA. Accident prevention has lessons for clinical risk managers. NHSLA Review
47. Cocks RA. Developing new standards within CNST. NHSLA Review 2001; 21:11.
48. Chan SSW, Cheung WL, Cocks RA. Factors influencing the hospital admission
decision of low-risk patients with community acquired pneumonia: evaluating the usefulness of a prediction rule. Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine 2001; 8(2): 67-72.
49. Chan SS, Yuen EH, Kew J, Cheung WL, Cocks RA. Community-acquired pneumonia-
-implementation of a prediction rule to guide selection of patients for outpatient treatment. Eur J Emerg Med 2001; 8(4): 279-86.
50. Rainer TH, Lo YMD, Chan LYS, Lam NYL, Lit LCW, Cocks RA. Derivation of a
prediction rule for post-traumatic organ failure using plasma DNA and other variables. In Circulating Nucleic Acids in Plasma or Serum II. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 945. New York Academy of Sciences, 2001:211-220
51. Rainer TH, Ng MHL, Lam NYL, Chan TYF, Cocks RA. Role of monocyte L-selectin in
the development of post-traumatic organ failure. Resuscitation 2001;51(2):139-149.
52. Lam NYL, Rainer TH, Ng MHL, Leung Y, Cocks RA. Effect of stress hormones on the
expression of fibrinogen binding receptors in platelets. Resuscitation 2002; 55(3): 277-83.
53. Chan J, Cocks R. Is ICQ an effective communication tool in disaster management?
The Journal of Information Technology in Healthcare 2003; 1(2): 91-100.
54. Cocks RA. Acid test: how valuable are emergency blood investigations? Emergency
55. Cocks RA, Chan JTS. Weapons of mass disruption. Hong Kong Journal of Emergency
56. Cocks RA, Liew M. Commercial airline in-flight emergencies and the physician.
57. Aviation Safety Committee (Cocks RA, member), Aerospace Medical Association. A
discussion of cabin cruising altitudes for regular transport aircraft. Av Space Environ Med 2008 (in press)
Cocks R A. Suicide on the London Underground. Archives of Emergency Medicine 1986; 3 (1): 58-59.
Cocks R A. A Study of vehicle occupant injuries in Manchester. 6th World Congress on Emergency and Disaster Medicine", Hong Kong, Abstract: Congress Book 2. pubs. World Association for Emergency and Disaster Medicine, Hong Kong 1989. F20.06 pp 64-65.
Yates D W, Redmond A D, Cocks R A, Ryan B, Woodford M, Redmond C, Little R A. Auditing Major Trauma Care in the UK, Abstract: Congress Book 2, WAEDM, Hong Kong 1989: PO232 pp 157-158.
Barton R N, Doyle M O, Cocks R A, Chambers H, White A. Serial Changes in Plasma Substrates and Hormones Shortly After Accidental Injury. Circulatory Shock 1991; 34 (1): 57.
Weatherburn G, Bryan S, Cocks RA. A Evaluation of PACS at Hammersmith Hospital: assessment of radiology performance in the A&E department. Society for imaging and optical engineering (SPIE) Volume 1899; 1993: 452-458
Scott JJ, Cocks RA Pre-hospital Accident and Emergency Doctors - is there a need? -200 cases. Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine, 1994; 11 (1): A27 p21. Presented at the Fifth International Conference on Emergency Medicine, May 1994.
Arthur I A, Cocks R A. Resistance of Protective Clothing to Penetration by Chemicals. Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 1994; 11(1): D19 p28.
Scott JJ, Cocks RA The 'Dream City' Cinema Fire - Report of the involvement of DA18. Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 1994; 11 (1): D20 p28.
Cocks R A. Medical Incident Officers - the overview. The A & E Letter, Royal Society of Medicine 1994; 5 (2): 1.
10. Cocks R A. They won't shoot nurses - will they? International Symposium on
Healthcare Security into the 21st Century. Jesus College Cambridge 7-8 April 1994. Symposium Manual 1994; 250-267.
11. Cocks R A. London Ambulance Service: Evidence to the House of Commons Health
Committee. Health Committee: Second Report 1995; (1): 244. London: HMSO
12. Cocks R A, Chan Y F. Fire resistance in EMS clothing. Conference Proceedings of
the 6th International Conference on Emergency Medicine 1996; 078: 98.
13. Weatherburn G C, Watkins J, Bryan S, Cocks R A. Has digital radiology improved
imaging of the lower cervical spine in trauma patients? Conference Proceedings of EUROPACS 1996.
14. Cocks R A, Chan Y F. Fire resistance in EMS clothing. Conference Proceedings of the
6th International Conference on Emergency Medicine 1996; 078: 98.
15. Weatherburn G C, Watkins J, Bryan S, Cocks R A. Has digital radiology improved
imaging of the lower cervical spine in trauma patients? Conference Proceedings of EUROPACS 1996.
16. Cocks R A, Chan Y F. Alteration in leucocyte adhesion molecule expression following
moderate and major trauma. Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 1997; 14 (2): 124
17. Cocks R A, Chan C M. Trauma in Hong Kong - public health enemy no. 1? Journal of
Accident and Emergency Medicine 1998; 15 (2): 130-131.
18. Cocks R A, Chan T Y F. Trauma stress hormones alter the expression of adhesion
molecules on human leucocytes. Journal of Emergency Medicine 1998; 16(2S):29S.
19. Cocks R A, Ong K L. Emergency blood transfusion practice in Hong Kong - do we
need to teach with a local emphasis? Journal of Emergency Medicine 1998; 16(2S):29S .
20. Cocks R A, Rainer T H, Maycock P F, Chan T Y F, Lam N Y L. Cyclic-AMP: the
missing link in neutrophil mobilisation after trauma? Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 1998; 15(6): 387.
21. Rainer T H, Chan T Y F, Cocks R A. The early leucocytosis of trauma: temporal
changes and their relationship to injury severity. Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 1998; 15(2):131.
22. Rainer T H, Chan T Y F, Cocks R A. Differential lymphocyte counts in the first three
hours following injury: a preliminary report. Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 1998; 15(2):131.
23. Rainer T H, Chan T Y F, Cocks R A. Temporal changes in the expression of L-selectin
following non-thermal injury. Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 1998; 15(2): 131-132.
24. Rainer T H, Griffiths J, Cocks R A, Metreweli C. Implementing the Ottawa ankle rules
in an Asian Accident and Emergency Medicine department. What potential for saving? Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 1998; 15(2): 132.
25. Rainer T H, Chan T Y F, Cocks R A. Leukocyte L-selectin is upregulated following
mechanical trauma in adults. Journal of Emergency Medicine 1998; 16(2S): 9S.
26. Rainer T H, Chan T Y F, Cocks R A. Temporal changes in the expression of L-selectin
following non-thermal injury. Journal of Emergency Medicine 1998; 16(2S): 76S.
27. Rainer T H, Lam N Y L, Cocks R A. Adrenaline upregulates the expression of L-
selectin on monocytes in vitro. Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 1998; 15(6): 415.
28. Rainer T H, Lam N Y L, Cocks R A. Monocyte surface L-selectin correlates with post-
traumatic multiple organ failure. Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 1998; 15(6): 405.
29. Rainer T H, Chan S Y, Kwok K, Suen T K, Lam W, Cocks R A. Severe trauma
presenting to the resuscitation room of a Hong Kong Emergency Department. Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 1998; 15(6): 405.
30. Rainer T H, Cocks R A, Tam M, Law K, Lam P, Wong E. Injury severity scores and
prediction of post-traumatic complications. Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 1998; 15(6): 387.
31. Rainer T H, Cocks R A, Man C Y, Cheung N K, Lam P, Wong E. Derivation of
prediction rules for post-traumatic lung injury. Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 1998; 15(6): 392-393.
32. Rainer T H, Cocks R A, Tam M, Law K, Lam P, Wong E. Injury severity scores and
prediction of post-traumatic complications. Conference Proceedings of the 1st Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine 1998; p75.
33. Rainer T H, Lam N, Cocks R A. Adrenaline upregulates the expression of L-selectin
on monocytes in vitro. Conference Proceedings of the 1st Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine 1998; p186.
34. Rainer T H, Lam N, Cocks R A. Monocyte surface L-selectin correlates with post-
traumatic multiple organ failure. Conference Proceedings of the 1st Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine 1998; p23.
35. Ong K L, Tan T H, Cocks R A. Are observation wards useful in the practice of
Emergency Medicine? A close look at our observation ward. Conference Proceedings of the 1st Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine 1998; P20: 181.
36. Ong K L, Cheung N K, Tan T H, Cocks R A, Cheung W L. Risk management in
Emergency Medicine - can observation wards play a part? Emegency Medicine 1998;16(2S): 72S.
37. Ong K L, Tan T H, Cocks R A, Cheung W L. Major incident - what is major?
38. Griffith J F, Rainer T H, Cheng A, Law K L, Cocks R A, Metreweli C. Ultrasound
versus radiography in rib fracture detection. British Journal of Radiology 1998.
39. Griffith J F, Rainer T H, Cheng A, Law K L, Cocks R A, Metreweli C. Comparison of
ultrasound and radiographs in rib fracture detection. Conference Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Hong Kong College of Radiologists 1998.
40. Griffith J F, Rainer T H, Cheng A, Law K L, Cocks R A, Metreweli C. Comparison of
ultrasound and radiographs in rib fracture detection. Conference Proceedings of the 49th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Royal Australasian College of Radiologists 1998.
41. Griffith J F, Rainer T H, Cheng A, Law K L, Cocks R A, Metreweli C. Ultrasound
diagnosis of rib fracture. Conference Supplement, 1st International Congress of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine 1998.
42. Rainer T H, Griffith J, Cocks R A, Metreweli C. Would the Ottawa ankle rules be
effective if implemented in Hong Kong Accident and Emergency departments? Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine 1998; 5(2): 77-80.
43. Law K L, Rainer T H, Griffith J, Metreweli C, Cocks R A. Does ultrasound have a role
in the clinical diagnosis and management of fractured ribs? Academic Emergency Medicine 1999; 6(5): 480.
44. Cocks R A, Tong S K. Police Medical Support in Hong Kong. Prehospital and Disaster
45. Cheung N K, Rainer T H, Tam M M, Ng W S, Mak P S, Lam P K, Cocks R A. Efficacy
and safety of titrated doses of intravenous ketorolac tromethamine compared with intravenous morphine sulphate after limb injury. Academic Emergency Medicine 1999; 6(5): 526.
46. Cocks R A, Lam N Y, Tan L, Chan R, Yuen J. Wounding characteristics of ex-military
fragmentation grenades used by criminals in Hong Kong. Abstracts Book, Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of A & E Meeting, London, 3-4 December 1999.
47. Tam M M K, Rainer T H, Jacobs P, Ng Y C, Cheung N K, Lam P K W, Ng W S, Wong
R, Cocks R A. Cost effectiveness analysis of titrated intravenous doses of ketorolac tromethamine versus morphine sulphate in the management of pain after blunt limb injuries. Abstracts Book, Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of A & E Meeting, London, 3-4 December 1999.
48. Rainer T H, Chan L Y S, Hjelm N M, Cocks R A, Lo Y M D. Plasma DNA as a marker
for the early prediction of post-traumatic complications. Abstracts Book, Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of A & E Meeting, London, 3-4 December 1999.
49. Rainer T H, Law K L, Griffith J F, Metreweli C, Cocks R A. Does ultrasound have a
role in the clinical diagnosis and management of fractured ribs? Abstracts Book, Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of A & E Meeting, London, 3-4 December 1999.
50. Tam M K, Lam P, Ho H F, Cocks R A, Cheung W L. Observer variability in injury
coding and its effect on subsequent trauma outcome analysis. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2000; 35(5): S9.
51. Rainer T H, Lo Y M D, Chan L Y S, Lam P K W, Wong E K, Hjelm N M, Cocks R A.
Use of plasma DNA analysis in the derivation of early prediction rules for posttraumatic organ failure. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2000; 35(5): S15.
52. Graudins A, Ryan J, Plunkett P, Cocks R A, McKay C. Self-harm: a tale from five cities
around the world. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2000; 35(5): S19.
53. Cocks R A, Rainer T H, Burchett N, Chan T Y F. T-lymphocyte suppression following
moderate and major trauma. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2000; 35(5): S55.
54. Chan S S W, Yuen E H Y, Kew J, Wong T W, Metreweli C, Cheung W L, Cocks R A.
Community-acquired pneumonia - implementation of a prediction rule to guide selection for outpatient treatment. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2000; 35(5): S55.
55. Cocks RA. Railway disasters. Abstracts Book, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
Second International Congress, 2-5 Novembr 2000; 70:17.4.
56. Tam MMK, Rainer TH, Jacobs P, Ng YC, Cheung NK, Lam PKW, Ng WS, Wong R,
Cocks RA. Cost-effectiveness analysis of titrated doses of ketorolac tromethamine
and morphine sulphate in the management of pain after blunt limb injuries. Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 2000; 17(1): 58-59.
57. Rainer TH, Law KL, Griffiths J, Metreweli C, Cocks RA. Does ultrasound have a role in
the clinical diagnosis and management of fractured ribs? Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 2000; 17(1): 68.
58. Rainer TH, Lo YMD, Chan LYS, Lam PKW, Wong EK, Hjelm NM, Cocks RA. Use of
plasma DNA analysis in the derviation of early prediction rules for post-traumatic organ failure. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2000; 35(5): S15.
59. Cocks RA, Rainer TH, Burchett N, Chan TYF. T-lymphocyte suppression following
moderate and major trauma. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2000; 35(5): S55.
60. Tam MMK, Rainer TH, Jacobs P, Ng YC, Cheung NK, Lam PKW, Ng WS, Wong R,
Cocks RA. Cost-effectiveness analysis of titrated doses of ketorolac tromethamine and morphine sulphate in the management of pain after blunt limb injuries. Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 2000; 17(1): 58-59.
61. Rainer TH, Law KL, Griffiths J, Metreweli C, Cocks RA. Does ultrasound have a role in
the clinical diagnosis and management of fractured ribs? Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 2000; 17(1): 68.
62. Rainer TH, Lo YMD, Chan LYS, Lam PKW, Wong EK, Hjelm NM, Cocks RA. Use of
plasma DNA analysis in the derviation of early prediction rules for post-traumatic organ failure. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2000; 35(5): S15.
63. Cocks RA, Rainer TH, Burchett N, Chan TYF. T-lymphocyte suppression following
moderate and major trauma. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2000; 35(5): S55.
64. Rainer TH, Chan LYS, Hjelm NM, Cocks RA, Lo YMD. Plasma DNA as a marker for
the early prediction of post-traumatic complications. Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 2000; 17(1):59.
65. Rainer TH, Lam NYL, Chan TYF, Cocks RA. The role of neutrophil L-selectin in post-
traumatic organ failure. Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 2000; 17(6): 437-438.
66. Rainer TH, Lo YMD, Chan LYS, Lam PKW, Wong EK, Hjelm NM, Cocks RA. Use of
plasma DNA analysis to derive early prediction rules for post-traumatic organ failure. Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine 2000; 17(6): 434.
67. Cocks RA, Lam NYL. The ethics of war and police - do 21st century bullets meet 19th
century ideals? Emergency Medicine Journal 2001; 18(2): 154.
68. Rainer TH, Jacobs P, Ng YC, Cheung NK, Lam PKW, Ng WS, Wong R, Tam MMK,
Cocks RA. Cost-effectiveness analysis of intravenous ketorolac tromethamine and morphine sulphate for treating pain after limb injury: a double blind, randomised, controlled trial. British Medical Journal 2000; 321: 1247-1251. In 2001 Year Book Of Anesthesiology And Pain Management. Wood M et al eds. Mosby: Missouri (In press).
69. Rainer TH, Cocks RA, Chan TYF. Do peripheral blood counts have any prognostic
value following trauma? Injury 1999; 30(3): 179-185. In 2001 Year Book Of Pathology And Clinical Pathology. Bissell MG et al eds. Mosby: Missouri (In press).
70. Rainer TH, Lo YMD, Chan LYS, Lam PKW, Wong EK, Hjelm NM, Cocks RA. Use of
plasma DNA analysis to derive early prediction rules for post-traumatic organ failure. Conference proceedings of the 19th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine incorporating the 23rd Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Society for Emergency Medicine 2002; 52.
71. Rainer TH, Jacobs P, Ng YC, Cheung NK, Tam MMK, Lam PKW, Ng WS, Wong R,
Cocks RA. Cost-effectiveness analysis of ketorolac tromethamine versus morphine sulphate in patients with blunt limb injuries. Conference proceedings of the 19th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine incorporating the 23rd Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Society for Emergency Medicine 2002; 11.
72. Lam NYL, Rainer TH, Ng MHL, Leung Y, Cocks RA. Adrenaline and noradrenaline
upregulate platelets for fibrinogen binding. Emergency Medicine Journal 2002; 19(Supplement 1): A22.
73. Rainer TH, Lo YMD, Chan LYS, Lam PKW, Wong EK, Hjelm NM, Cocks RA. Use of
plasma DNA analysis to derive early prediction rules for post-traumatic organ failure. Emergency Medicine 2003; 15(Suppl): A7.
74. Rainer TH, Jacobs P, Ng YC, Cheung NK, Tam MMK, Lam PKW, Ng WS, Wong R,
Cocks RA. Cost-effectiveness analysis of ketorolac tromethamine versus morphine sulphate in patients with blunt limb injuries. Emergency Medicine 2003; 15(Suppl): A25-26
75. Cocks RA. Analysis of 103 Helicopter Emergency Medical Flights. Proceedings of the
3rd Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine 2004; 91
76. Cocks RA. Survivability in aircraft accidents. Av Space Env Med 2006;77(3):235
77. Cocks RA, Choi J. In a spin. A study of winch spin disorientation in helicopter
aircrewmen. Av Space Env Med 2006;77(3):141
78. Cocks RA, Jagathesan T, Hopkirk J. Big Bullae. Proceedings of the 35th. International
Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine, Bangalore 2006.
80. Cocks RA. Whispers of the heart. A study of cardiac murmurs in aircrew. Av Space
81. Cocks RA. A bridge too far? Aeromedical certification decisions in aircrew with
myocardial bridging. Proceedings of the 36th. International Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine Vienna 2007.
82. Cocks RA. Grandfathering of crashworthiness standards: High time for retirement? Av
Cocks R A, Ong K L, Tan T H. Imaging in Trauma. 1999. Oxford University Press: Oxford ISBN
Cocks RA, Li A K C. Medical aspects of landslide disasters. In: World Disaster Medicine. SUMS: Guangzhou 1998.
Cocks RA. Aviation and Diving Medicine. In: Police Oriented Tactical Emergency Medicine Manual. Hong Kong Police College 2006;pp96-104. ISBN 962-8741-06-3 (English and Chinese language editions)
Cocks RA. Air-transfer skills. In: Inter-facility Patient Transport. AHNH 2006;pp56-65. ISBN 962-8741-07-1 (English and Chinese language editions)
Cocks R A, Lloyd G J, Anthony-Samy B R, McIntyre N. Problem Orientated Medical Record Self - Instructional Manual. Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit, CUHK 1997.
Cocks R A. Topics for the Accident and Emergency Medicine Curriculum. pp 72, illustrations 33, colour. Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit 1997.
Cocks R A. Protective clothing for ambulance services and medical teams - a study of fire safety. Report. pp 26, colour plates 9, tables 6, diagrams 3. Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit, CUHK 1997.
Cocks RA. Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit: the first five years 1995-2000. 64 pages; color. Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2000.
Cocks RA. Service straight for the heart. Cathay Pacific Crews News 2004;1:20-21
10. Cocks RA. Officer Down! – Food poisoning and International travel. Cathay Pacific
11. Cocks RA. Care for another? Alcohol, Flying and Health. Cathay Pacific Crews News
12. Cocks RA. Can I fly on this, Doc? Cathay Pacific Crews News 2004;4:24-26
13. Cocks RA. You’re positively certifiable! The medical certification of pilots. Cathay
14. Cocks RA. To Screen, or not to Screen? The value of health screening of pilots in
aviation safety. Cathay Pacific Crews News 2005;2:22-24
15. Cocks RA. The mighty Delta (Aircraft cabin pressurization article). Cathay Pacific
16. Cocks RA. Deadly Slumber. Fatigue in Medicine and the Transport Industry. Cathay
17. Cocks RA. James Tytler: Surgeon, aviator, editor and founder of the Mile High Club.
18. Cocks RA. Only when I sleep. Kai Talk (CX in-house flight safety journal) 2006;3:25-
19. Cocks RA. Flying Low. Stress and depression among aircrew. Cathay Pacific Crews
20. Cocks RA. Risks and benefits. Cathay Pacific Crews News 2008;1:16-18
Air Accident Investigation Reports (Co-authored as Investigation team member)
21. Civil Aviation Department. Report on the accident to Eurocopter EC155B1 helicopter,
B-HRX, operated by the Government Flying Service of Hong Kong near Hong Kong International Airport 0n 26 August 2003. Aircraft Accident Report 1/2006.
22. Civil Aviation Department. Report on the accident to Robinson R44 helicopter, B-HJS,
operated by Topjet Aviation Limited at Pak A, Sai Kung, Hong Kong on 11 June 2005. Aircraft Accident Report 1/2007.
Camouflage: Pay-for-Delay Jonathan Tickner annual savings to purchasers of drugs that would result fromeliminating reverse payment settlements could be in the region ofIn Gurney v Grimmer [see Endnote 1], Lawrence LJ said that whena matter has been compromised it “ assumes that a mutualconcession has been made by both parties and that each party hasgot something less than he claimed ”
HONDURAS UPDATER from the desk of Sr. Doris Regan, OP Dear Friends, bought their gift according tothe money they had saved!28, a coup d’etat on June 28th and our HIVClinic was destroyed by fire on August 21st. fire but are still in the midst of the coup d’e-tat and the political crisis that lingers with-Doris May Regan Kindergarten’s school yearand laughed and laughed