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Aji_438 364.370
Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation Changes the Prevalence ofSerum Autoantibodies in In Vitro Fertilization Patients
Kadri Haller1,2, Aili Sarapik1, Ija Talja1, Andres Salumets2,3,4, Raivo Uibo1
1Department of Immunology, Institute of General and Molecular Pathology, Centre of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, University of Tartu, Tartu,Estonia;2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia;3Nova Vita Clinic, Centre for Infertility Treatment and Medical Genetics, Haabneeme, Viimsi County, Harjumaa, Estonia;4Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Estonian Biocentre, Tartu, Estonia
Autoimmune mechanisms are involved in etiology of female infertility,
the medical problem frequently treated by in vitro fertilization (IVF). Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) with supraphysiological lev-
CorrespondenceRaivo Uibo, Department of Immunology,
els of sex hormones is achieved by IVF.
Institute of General and Molecular Pathology,
Centre of Molecular and Clinical Medicine,University of Tartu, Ravila Str. 19,
Anti-human-ovary and eight common autoantibodies [nuclear (ANA-H,
ANA-R on human HEp-2 cell line and rodent antigen, respectively),
smooth muscle (SMA), parietal cell, thyroid microsomal, mitochondrial,b2-glycoprotein-I, cardiolipin antibodies] found in IVF patients (n ¼
129) were analyzed with regard to the number of previous IVF proce-
dures and the age of the patient. The changes in autoimmune reactions
Haller K, Sarapik A, Talja I, Salumets A,
Uibo R. Controlled ovarian hyperstimulationchanges the prevalence of serum
Endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome were associated with a
autoantibodies in in vitro fertilization patients.
higher number of common serum autoantibodies compared with the tu-
bal factor infertility (Proportion test, P < 0.05). ANA-R was associatedwith unexplained infertility [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 8.79, P ¼ 0.038].
SMA correlated with endometriosis (aOR 37.29, P ¼ 0.008), male factorinfertility (aOR 20.45, P ¼ 0.018) and with the previous IVF procedures(aOR 2.87, P ¼ 0.013). There was an overall decrease in the number ofdetectible autoantibodies after COH (Proportion test, P < 0.05).
ConclusionCOH may have a suppressive effect on the humoral immunity by thetime of embryo transfer but more conclusive studies are needed.
ogenesis of infertility is not uniformly understood.
Some of the autoantibodies have been associated
A high prevalence of autoimmune mechanisms
with certain diseases as patients with endometriosis
responsible for reproductive failure has been demon-
often possess anti-nuclear (ANA) and anti-smooth
strated by others1 and conformed by us.2,3 However,
muscle autoantibodies (SMA). Ovarian autoantibod-
the impact of a particular autoantibody on the path-
ies have been associated with premature ovarian
American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 56 (2006) 364–370 ª 2006 The Authors
Journal compilation ª 2006 Blackwell Munksgaard
failure, antiphospholipid and thyroid autoantibodies
have been associated with recurrent pregnancyloss.1,4,5 Some studies suggest lesser importance of
specific autoantibodies and stress the key role ofoverall activation of the immune system in reduced
The Ethics Committee of the University of Tartu
approved the study and informed consent was
Steroid sex hormones have substantial impact on
obtained from all participants after the nature of the
both development and modulation of the immune
study was explained to them. A total of consecutive
system and general susceptibility to autoimmunity.
129 infertile patients (mean age 33.0 years, SD ¼
Steroid hormones exert dose and time dependent
5.5) undergoing IVF-ET at Nova Vita Clinic between
actions both locally in the tissues in which they are
July 2004 and October 2005 were enrolled in the
produced and centrally after entering into the circu-
study. The indications for IVF within the study
lation.7 These hormones modulate immune system
group were as follows: 43.4% (n ¼ 56) tubal factor
after extended administration but also during the
infertility, 22.5% (n ¼ 29) male factor infertility,
menstrual cycle.8,9 Additionally, sex hormones are
16.3% (n ¼ 21) polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS),
implicated in the immune response with dual effects:
9.3% (n ¼ 12) endometriosis and 8.5% (n ¼ 11)
estrogens as enhancers of the humoral immunity and
unexplained infertility. Patients with other causes of
androgens and progesterone as immunosupressors.7,8
infertility as endometrial hyperplasia, myoma uteri,
At physiological level, estradiol and especially its
ovulatory dysfunction, autoimmune diseases (Hashi-
metabolite 16a-hydroxyestrone, may favor autoim-
moto’s thyroiditis) or chronic infections were exclu-
munity by increasing B cell differentiation and anti-
body production as well as by activating T cells.7 The
participated, 85 women (65.9%) were about to start
effect of progesterone on immunoglobulin (Ig) secre-
their first IVF procedure, 26 (20.2%) had had one,
tion is believed to be mediated by hormonal effects
10 (7.7%) had had two, and eight (6.2%) had had
on immunocompetent cells.9 Testosterone shifts sup-
three or more previous IVF procedures. All patients
pressor/cytotoxic CD4)CD8+ cells to predominate
had been suffering from infertility for at least 1 year
over the helper CD4+CD8) lymphocytes among
before entering the study. The pregnancy rate (posit-
mature thymocytes.8 The altered estradiol/testoster-
ive chorionic gonadotropin test) and clinical preg-
one ratio and peripheral conversion of sex hormones
nancy rate per embryo transfer were 40.5% (51/
are believed to be pathogenic factors for impaired im-
126) and 30.2% (38/126), respectively.
munosupression in several autoimmune diseases.7
Endometriosis and PCOS were diagnosed as repor-
In vitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVF-ET) has
ted previously.3 Tubal factor infertility due to the fal-
become a promising treatment for infertility of many
lopian tube occlusion was diagnosed either by
causes. During IVF-ET procedure, multiple follicles
hysterosalpingography or diagnostic laparoscopy.11
are enabled to grow and mature by stimulating the
The main cause for tubal occlusion was an episode
ovaries with the administration of exogenous fol-
of infection (pelvic inflammatory disease). Male fac-
licle-stimulating hormone (FSH). This procedure is
tor infertility was diagnosed when the woman
routinely known as controlled ovarian hyperstimula-
lacked known reasons for infertility, while her part-
tion (COH). COH is associated with rapid increase of
ner experienced decreased semen quality.12 Unex-
the production of gonadal sex hormones, with the
plained infertility was assumed if the woman lacked
level of estradiol exceeding at least five to 10 times
any of the abovementioned reasons for infertility
the estradiol level at the luteal stage of spontaneous
and her partner had normal semen quality, but the
menstrual cycle.10 In this context, the COH deter-
couple had suffered from infertility for more than a
mines the hormonal and immunological status at
which the embryo transfer takes place.
The blood samples were drawn twice from each
The prospective of the present study was to (i) des-
patient: (1) during the 3–5 days of the patient’s
cribe the autoimmune reactions in IVF patients with
spontaneous menstrual cycle before administering
different causes of infertility and to analyze the results
gonadotropin-relasing hormone (GnRH) agonists/
with regard to the number of previous IVF procedures
antagonists and starting the COH; and (2) on the
and the age of the patient, and (ii) detect the changes
day of oocyte retrieval immediately after the COH.
in autoimmune reactions caused by COH.
The ovarian hormonal stimulation was conducted
American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 56 (2006) 364–370 ª 2006 The Authors
Journal compilation ª 2006 Blackwell Munksgaard
according to either the conventional long protocol
161.1 ± 117.0 pmol/L, progesterone 1.6 ± 1.4 nmol/
using GnRH agonists [n ¼ 7 (5.4%)], or antagonists
L, and testosterone 1.5 ± 0.7 nmol/L. The levels
of the hormones increased significantly (paired t-test,
recombinant FSH. The levels of serum estradiol,
P < 0.0001) by the day of the oocyte pick-up (OPU):
progesterone, and testosterone were measured using
chemiluminescence immunoassay (Immulite 2000Ò
32.3 ± 19.1 nmol/L, and testosterone 3.3 ± 1.9 nmol/
station, Diagnostic Products Corporation, Los Ange-
L. The levels of estradiol, progesterone and testoster-
one at SPC were similar in all patient groups (data notshown). The level of estradiol at OPU was significantlyhigher in PCOS patients compared with the tubal
factor infertility group [medians 6533 (from 885
Stored sera were assayed for the presence of anti-
to 45520) pmol/L and 2818 (from 712 to 31130)
human ovary (AOA) and common autoantibodies:
pmol/L, respectively] (Wilcoxon test, P ¼ 0.017).
nuclear (ANA-H, ANA-R on human HEp-2 cell line
Patients with endometriosis, male factor infertility
and rodent antigen, respectively), SMA, parietal cell
and unexplained infertility demonstrated similar
(PCA), thyroid microsomal (TMA) and mitochondrial
OPU-estradiol levels as the tubal factor infertility
(AMA) antibodies using the indirect immunofloures-
group (data not shown). The levels of progesterone
cence method as described previously.2 The antibody
and testosterone at OPU were similar in all patient
levels were expressed as negative or as positive at
lower (1:10) or higher (1:100) titers.
Indirect in-house ELISA was used to detect anti-
The Prevalence of Autoantibodies in Different
Patient Groups at Early Follicular Phase of
cardiolipin13 (ACA). The results were expressed in
values for weak and strong positive result were 10
All patients who represented autoantibodies followed
and 30 EIU for B2-GPI, and 30 and 60 EIU for
the GnRH antagonist protocol (94.6%), while the
ACA. All immunological tests are clinically avail-
patients in the GnRH agonist protocol group (5.4%)
able and have been periodically subjected to exter-
were negative for all measured autoantibodies. We
nal quality assessment by UK NEQAS (Sheffield,
did not detect any patients positive for AOA or AMA
antibodies. In the group of endometriosis and PCOS,there were more patients positive for at least oneautoantibody at the lower titer (endometriosis only)
and at the higher titer than in the group of the tubal
To evaluate the statistical difference between auto-
antibody levels before and after COH the R 2.3.1 A
To evaluate the putative associations between the
Language and Environment (Free Software Founda-
certain autoantibodies at SPC and the cause of infer-
tion, Boston, MA, USA) was used for proportion test
tility the logistic regression analysis was used. The
with continuity correction, Wilcoxon test, paired
logistic regression models for each antibody studied
t-test and logistic regression analysis. Patients with
were adjusted by the age and the number of previ-
tubal factor infertility participated in the study as a
ous IVF procedures. The number of previous IVF
reference group. A P-value of < 0.05 was considered
cycles was only associated with the higher frequency
of 1:10 SMA (adjusted OR 2.87, P ¼ 0.013). Higherprevalence of 1:10 SMA was also associated withendometriosis and male factor infertility (adjusted
OR 37.29, P ¼ 0.008 and 20.45, P ¼ 0.018) andshowed a tendency to be more frequent in PCOS
The Patients’ Hormonal Profile Before and After
(adjusted OR 11.19, P ¼ 0.067). Additionally, our
model revealed higher frequency of ANA-R 1:10
The following steroid hormone profiles of patients
antibodies in unexplained infertility group (adjusted
were recorded during the follicular phase of the spon-
OR 8.79, P ¼ 0.038) compared with the tubal factor
taneous menstrual cycle (SPC): estradiol (mean ± SD)
American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 56 (2006) 364–370 ª 2006 The Authors
Journal compilation ª 2006 Blackwell Munksgaard
Table I The prevalence of autoantibodies (Ab) in serum obtained during the 3–5 days of the patients’ spontaneous menstrual cycles
*Antibody-positivity at the lower titer was assessed by counting the number of positive tests at the following titers: 1:10 for ANA-R, ANA-H,SMA, TMA and PCA or ACA and B2GP I present at least at the weak positive value. **Antibody-positivity at the higher titer was assessed by counting the number of positive tests at the following titers: 1:100 for ANA-R, SMA,TMA, 1:10 for PCA and 1:40 for ANA-H or highly positive results for ACA and B2GP I autoantibodies. N.S., statistically not significant (P > 0.05).
or higher titer, representing the phenomenon of
The Dynamics of Autoantibody Levels During the
antibody-increase after the COH; (ii) patients with
unchanged number of detectible autoantibodies after
The increased ANA-R, ANA-H, SMA, TMA and PCA
the COH either at lower or at higher titer; or (iii)
antibody levels after the COH were measured as chan-
patients with fewer autoantibodies detected at OPU
ges in titers from negative to positive at the lower tit-
than at SPC either at lower or at higher titer, repre-
er, or from positive at the lower titer to positive at the
senting the phenomenon of antibody-decrease after
higher titer. The decrease in antibody levels was
the COH. The number of patients with increased
assessed by the opposite changes in titers. The increase
antibody titer was compared with the number of
of ACA and B2GP I levels were assessed in two ways:
patients with decreased antibody titer using the pro-
(i) by changes from negative to weak positive reading,
portion test. Our results showed an overall reduction
and from weak positive to highly positive reading
in autoantibodies during the COH, as there were sig-
(comparisons were done using proportion test); and
nificantly more patients who showed a decrease in
(ii) as a continuous values (comparisons were done
detectible autoantibodies after the COH compared
using paired t-test). The decrease of ACA and B2GP I
with the patients with increased number of autoanti-
levels were detected opposite way to the increase. The
bodies (Table II). Same results were obtained for
levels of SMA, PCA, TMA, ACA and B2-GP I antibod-
patients following only the GnRH antagonist proto-
ies did not change during the COH. However, the
ANA-H level decreased significantly (proportion testbetween the patients with decreased and increasedantibody levels, P < 0.05). In comparison, the level of
Table II The comparison of the frequency of patients showing
B2-GP I antibody raised during the COH (mean
the increase or the decrease in number of detected
levels ± SD before and after COH were 2.0 ± 8.4 and
2.3 ± 6.9 EIU, P ¼ 0.031, paired t-test), but this
change was insufficient to increase the number of
tests above the cut-off (proportion test, P > 0.05). The
same changes in ANA-H and B2-GP I antibody levels
were detected for patients studied with only the
GnRH antagonist protocol (data not shown).
The number of patients was counted for both situations follow-ing the COH: amore autoantibodies were detected at OPU than
The Changes in Autoantibodies During the COH
at SPC either at lower or higher titer, or bfewer autoantibodieswere detected at OPU than at SPC either at lower or higher
After the COH, we counted patients falling into the
following groups: (i) patients with more autoanti-
*Statistically significant difference (proportion test, P < 0.05)
bodies detected at OPU than at SPC either at lower
American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 56 (2006) 364–370 ª 2006 The Authors
Journal compilation ª 2006 Blackwell Munksgaard
the level of ANA-H decreased, while only the level
of B2-GPI increased slightly. Regardless of the high
A large variety of non-organ- and organ-specific
prevalence of autoantibodies in the group of IVF
autoantibodies are associated with female infertil-
patients1 and the hazardous effect of anti-ovarian,14
ity.1,14 Therefore, it has been challenging to look for a
ANA and antiphospholipid1,16 antibodies on embryo
particular antibody most strongly associated with cer-
as well as on early pregnancy, only a few studies
tain cause of infertility.1,4,5 Concordant with previous
have been conducted so far to explore the effect of
studies, we found that a low titer of ANA (detected
COH on the levels of common autoantibodies. Fisch
by rodent antigen substrate) was strongly associated
et al.21 showed no significant changes in the levels
with the unexplained infertility. The association was
of ANA or ACA during the hormonal stimulation.
independent of the age of the patient and the number
Similarly, Monnier-Barbarino et al.22 concluded the
of previous IVF procedures. Because ANA has been
absence of influence of ovarian stimulation (per-
associated with early implantation failure,1 these
formed by classical long GnRH agonist protocol) on
antibodies may promote infertility in otherwise clinic-
anti-ovarian autoimmunity. We were not able to
ally healthy woman. We also showed an association
compare two protocols used in ovarian stimulation –
between the presence of lower titer SMA and endo-
GnRH antagonists and agonists, because of only
metriosis and male factor infertility. In addition, SMA
seven (5.4%) patients followed the agonist protocol
was the only antibody in our study which correlated
none of whom represented the autoantibodies stud-
positively with the previous use of IVF procedures in
ied. Thus, our results are restricted to GnRH antag-
an age-independent fashion. The association between
the production of SMA and infertility due to the male
The activating effect of estrogens on the humoral
factor could not be easily explained. In the group of
immune system has been reported by studying
patients with male factor infertility, unexplained or
women during menstrual cycles, by evaluating the
undetected subfertility of the woman cannot always
patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or sys-
be ruled out. In addition, there is clear evidence that
temic lupus erythematosus, and by using animal
the production of SMA can be caused by persistent
models.7–9 The level of serum estradiol is typically
viral infection and these antibodies alter the fallopian
within the physiological range in abovementioned
tube function.1 Although we were not aware of any
autoimmune diseases7 and serum levels used in ani-
viral infections among our IVF patients one cannot
mal studies were five to 14 times lower than the lev-
exclude some similarities between the immune sys-
els found during pregnancy.23–25 However, it has
tem dysregulation in chronic inflammation and endo-
been demonstrated for chronic inflammatory dis-
metriosis or repeated IVF procedures. An increase of
eases that depending on the concentration, estradiol
autoantibodies after repeated IVF attempts has previ-
can exert the opposite effect on immune system.7 In
our study, the production of estradiol increased rap-
Rather than the presence of one particular autoan-
idly during COH and the levels reached the values of
tibody, the detection of activation of immune sys-
10 times higher than those at luteal stage of sponta-
tem, in general, can help to predict the patient’s
neous menstrual cycle. In addition to the supraphys-
fecundity and the outcome of IVF-ET treatment.6,17
We analyzed the association between the cause of
immunosuppressive testosterone and progesterone7,8
infertility and the autoimmune reaction, with regard
also increased. Therefore, the specific changes in the
to the number of autoantibodies detected. Our
levels of all three sex hormone associated with COH
results showed that infertile patients with endomet-
may explain the decrease in number of autoantibod-
riosis and PCOS were associated with significantly
higher number of common serum autoantibodies
Although the effect of sex hormones on immune
compared with the women with tubal factor infertil-
reactions can take place within a short period of
ity. The higher prevalence of autoantibodies in these
time9,24 the produced autoantibodies could stay
patient groups compared with the fertile controls has
in the circulation for a longer period. The time
been demonstrated by many authors.2,18–20
period for COH in our study was 9–12 days. IgG has
It was somewhat surprising to us, that the number
a half-life of 7–23 days, depending on the specific
of autoantibodies detected after the COH showed an
subclass.26 However, in case of autoimmunity, the
overall decrease. Of all the autoantibodies studied,
considerable increase in the catabolic rate of IgG
American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 56 (2006) 364–370 ª 2006 The Authors
Journal compilation ª 2006 Blackwell Munksgaard
3 Haller K, Mathieu C, Rull K, Matt K, Be´ne´ MC,
expected half-life to less than a third of the normal
Uibo R: IgG, IgA and IgM antibodies against FSH:
value.27–29 Our data along with the data from litera-
serological markers of pathogenic autoimmunity or of
ture suggest that COH may have an effect on the
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This study was supported by the Estonian Science
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Foundation (Grants no. 6498 and 6514) and the
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Estonian Ministry of Education and Science (Core
grants no. 0182582Cs03 and 0182586s03). We thank
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Aftercare Following Endodontic (Root Canal) Treatment What To Expect • It is not uncommon for a tooth to be uncomfortable or even exhibit a dull ache immediately after receiving root canal therapy. The amount of discomfort after is often related to the amount of discomfort prior to treatment and will usually • Your tooth will be tender to biting pressure and may even appear