Curriculum vitae

Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH Major: Chemistry Minor: Mathematics Honors: Phi Society (Honorary Scholastic) University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Major: Organic Chemistry Minor: Analytical Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Honors: Phi Lambda Upsilon (Chemistry Scholastic) Department of Biochemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Honors: Sigma Xi (Scientific Research) Military Intelligence Service, U.S. Army Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Pre-doctoral Fellow, Allied Chemical & Dye Corp., Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Biochemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Senior Chemist, Radioisotope Service Research Laboratory, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN Scientist, Laboratory for Cancer Research, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN Principal Scientist, General Medical Research, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN Member and Basic Science Representative, Research and Education Committee, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN Senior Research Career Scientist, Veterans Administration MedicalCenter, Minneapolis, MN 2002 - 2004 Senior Medical Research Scientist, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Associate Professor, Medicinal Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Professor, Medicinal Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (Officially retired 6/04) Professor, Pharmacology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Professor, Toxicology, University of Minnesota, Duluth, MN (Officially retired 6/04) Member, Center for Drug Design, Academic Health Center, University of Minnesota 2007-to date Adjunct Professor, Center for Drug Design, Academic Health Center, University of Minnesota 1972 - 1984 Associate Editor, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, American Chemical Society (Acting Editor: 8/73 to 6/74) Senior Editor, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, American Chemical Society (Retired 6/04) Member, Health Sciences Policy and Review Council, University of Minnesota Graduate School, Minneapolis, MN Chairperson, Biomedical Research Committee, Alcohol and Other Drub Abuse Program (AODAP), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN AODAP Biomedical Grants Review Committee, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Ad Hoc Member, Initial Review Group (IRG), Biomedical Research Review Committee, Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration (ADAMHA) Member, Special Review Committee, "National Cooperative Drug Discovery Group (NCDDG)", National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Judge, Third Annual Graduate Student Awards, Mechanisms Section, Society of Toxicology Visiting Professor, College of Pharmacy, Washington State University, Pullman, WA (March 24-31) Editorial Board, Bioconjugate Chemistry, American Chemical Society Professional Societies: American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) American Chemical Society (ACS) American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET) American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism (ISBRA) International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX) New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS): Elected as Fellow, 1983 Research Society on Alcoholism (RSA) Society of Toxicology (SOT) Nitric Oxide Society Listed: American Men and Women of Science; Who's Who in the Midwest Graduate Faculty Appointment: Medicinal Chemistry: B Appointment (Full Member) Pharmacology: A Appointment (Associate Member) Toxicology: B Appointment (Full Member) Research Interests: Design and synthesis of a) trapping agents for the detoxification of xenobiotic substances that are activated to toxic metabolites in vivo, b) latentiated (prodrug) forms of biologically active substances such as nitroxyl (HNO), c) prodrugs of cysteine and glutathione as protective agents for cellullar oxidative stress, and d) cyanide antidotes based on β-mercaptopyruvate. Publications

Nagasawa, H. T. Ph.D. Thesis, Studies in Polypeptide Synthesis: Some Polyglycyl
Derivatives of Desoxyephedrine. University of Minnesota 1955.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Gutmann, H. R. On the Acylation of the Carcinogen, 2-
Aminofluorene, by Rat Liver In Vitro. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1957, 24, 631-632.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Gutmann, H. R. A Note on the Deacylation of the Carcinogen, 2-
Acetamidofluorene and Related Compounds by Rat Liver and Intestine. Biochim.
Biophys. Acta
1957, 25, 186-189.
Gutmann, H. R.; Burtle, J. G.; Nagasawa, H. T. Protein Binding of Model Quinone
Imides. I. The Synthesis of Some Fluorenoquinone Imides. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1958,
80, 5551-5555.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Morgan, M. A.; Gutmann, H. R. The Enzymatic Oxidation of o-
Aminophenols. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1958, 28, 665-666.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Gutmann, H. R. Preparation and Properties of S-Acetyl-N-
benzoylcysteamine. J. Org. Chem. 1958, 23, 487.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Gutmann, H. R. The Oxidation of o-Aminophenols by Cytochrome c
and Cytochrome Oxidase. I. Enzymatic Oxidations and Binding of Oxidation Products
to Bovine Serum Albumin. J. Biol. Chem. 1959, 234, 1593-1599.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Gutmann, H. R. The Oxidation of o-Aminophenols by Cytochrome c
and Cytochrome Oxidase. III. 2,3-Fluorenoquinone from 2-Amino-3-fluorenol and
Binding of Quinonoid Oxidation Products to Bovine Serum Albumin. J. Biol. Chem.
1960, 235, 3466-3471.
Alexander, C. S.; Nagasawa, H. T.; Filbin, D. Disribution and Excretion of
Aminonucleoside-8-C14 in Normal and Nephrotic Rats. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 1962,
111, 521-526.
Alexander, C. S.; Hunt, V. R.; Nagasawa, H. T. Dose-Response Relationship in
Aminonucleoside Nephrosis. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 1963, 112, 506-510.
Alexander, C. S.; Nagasawa, H. T. Aminonucleoside of Puromycin: Elimination of
Nephrotoxicity by Acetylation of the Aminoribose Moiety. Biochem. Pharmacol. 1964,
13, 548-551.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Osteraas, A. J. The Biological Arylation of Proteins In Vitro by a
Metabolite of the Carcinogen, N-2-Fluorenylacetamide. Biochem. Pharmacol. 1964, 13,
Dickie, N.; Alexander, C. S.; Nagasawa, H. T. Inhibition of Nucleic Acid Synthesis in
Escherichia coli B by Puromycin Aminonucleoside. Biochim. Biophys. 1965, 95, 156-
Derr, R. F.; Alexander, C. S.; Nagasawa, H. T. An Interaction Between Aminopurines,
Aminopyrimidines and Fluorescent Thin-Layer Plates. J. Chromatogr. 1966, 21, 146-
Dickie, N.; Norton, L. F.; Derr, R. F.; Alexander, C. S.; Nagasawa, H. T. The Effect of
Puromycin Aminonucleoside on the Incorporation of Labeled Precursors into Rat Kidney
RNA. Biochim. Biophys. 1966, 129, 288-293.
Dickie, N.; Norton, L. F.; Derr, R. F.; Alexander, C. S.; Nagasawa, H. T. The Inhibition
of Adenosine Deaminase by a Metabolite of the Nephrotoxic Drug, Puromycin
Aminonucleoside. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 1966, 123, 421-423.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Gutmann, H. R. Ortho-methoxy Derivatives of the Carcinogen, N-2-
Fluorenylacetamide: Latent Biological Arylating Agents. J. Med. Chem. 1966, 9, 719-
Nagasawa, H. T.; Elberling, J. A. Synthesis of Ring Homologs of Proline by the
Favorskii Rearrangement of -Halolactams. Tetrahedron Lett. 1966, 44, 5393-5399.
Alexander, C. S.; Swingle, K. F.; Nagasawa, H. T. Tetratogenic Effect of Puromycin
Aminonucleoside on Rat Kidney. Nephron 1966, 3, 344-351.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Swingle, K. F.; Alexander, C. S. Metabolism of Aminonucleoside-8-
C14 in the Rat and Guinea Pig. Biochem. Pharacol. 1967, 16, 2211-2219.
Derr, R. F.; Alexander, C. S.; Nagasawa, H. T. The Metabolism of Puromycin
Aminonucleoside in the Normal, "Pre-nephrotic" and Nephrotic Rat. Proc. Soc. Exp.
Biol. Med.
1967, 125, 248-252.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Alexander, C. S.; Swingle, K. F. Inhibition of Aminonucleoside
Nephrosis in Rats. The Lack of Effect of Hepatic Drug Metabolizing Enzyme Inhibitors
and Stimulators on Nephrotoxicity. Toxicol. Appl. 1967, 11, 336-345.
Derr, R. F.; Loechler, D. K.; Alexander, C. S.; Nagasawa, H. T. Inhibition of Rat Liver
Microsomal N-Demethylase by -Naphthylisothiocyanate: Studies with Puromycin
Aminonucleoside. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 1967, 126, 844-845.
Derr, R. F.; Loechler, D. K.; Alexander, C. S.; Nagasawa, H. T. Metabolism of
Aminonucleoside-8-C14 in the Mouse. The Relationship Between Metabolism and
Experimental Nephrosis. Biochem. Pharmacol. 1968, 17, 265-268.
Derr, R. F.; Loechler, D. K.; Alexander, C. S.; Nagasawa, H. T. Inhibition of
Aminonucleoside Nephrosis in Rats. IV. Prevention of N6-Methyladenosine. J. Lab.
Clin. Med.
1968, 72, 363-369.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Fraser, P. S.; Elberling, J. A. Chromatographic Properties of Some
Cyclic -Imino Acids Homologous to Proline, and their DNP-, DNS- AND PTH-
derivatives. J. Chromatogr. 1969, 44, 300-306.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Alexander, C. S.; Shirota, F. N.; Ghobrial, H.; Swingle, K. F.; Derr, R.
F. Metabolic Basis for the Lack of Nephrotoxicity of Acetylated Puromycin
Aminonucleoside in Rats. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 1970, 16, 1-9.
Derr, R. F.; Aaker, A.; Alexander, C. S.; Nagasawa, H. T. Synergism Between Cobalt
and Ethanol on Rat Growth Rate. J. Nutr. 1970, 100, 521-524.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Elberling, J. A.; Fraser, P. S.; Mizuno, N. S. Medium Ring Homologs
of Proline as Potential Amino Acid Antimetabolites. J. Med. Chem. 1971, 14, 501-508.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Shirota, F. N.; Alexander, C. S. Identification and Synthesis of the
Major Nucleoside Metabolite in Rabbit Urine After Administration of Puromycin
Aminonucleoside. J. Med. Chem. 1972, 15, 177-181.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Fraser, P. S.; Elberling, J. A. N-Phenyl-2-thio-1,2-azetidine-
carboximide, the Phenylthiogydantoin of Azetidine-2-carboxylic Acid. J. Org. Chem.
1972, 37, 516-519.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Shirota, F. N.; Matsumoto, H. Decomposition of
Methylazoxylmethanol, the Agycone of Cycasin, in D2O. Nature 1972, 236, 234-235.

Elberling, J. A.; Nagasawa, H. T. The Twelve- to Fifteen-Membered Ring Homologs of
Proline. J. Heterocycl. Chem. 1972, 9, 411-414.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Kohlhof, J. G.; Fraser, P. S.; Mikhail, A. A. Sythesis of 1-Hydroxy-L-
proline and Related Cyclic N-Hydroxyamino Acids. Metabolic Disposition of 14C-
Labeled 1-Hydroxy-L-proline in Rodents. J. Med. Chem. 1972, 15, 483-486.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Thompson, J. A. Reactions of Interest in Medicinal Chemistry. In
Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, Chapter 25, Vol. 7; Heinzelman, R., Ed.;
Academic Press: New York, NY, 1972, pp. 269-279.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Fraser, P. S.; Yuzon, D. L. A New Method for Nitrosation of Proline
and Related Secondary- -Amino Acids to N-Nitrosamine with Possible Oncogenic
Activity. J. Med. Chem. 1973, 16, 583-585.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Elberling, J. A.; Shirota, F. N. 2-Aminoadamantane-2-carboxylic Acid,
A Rigid, Achiral, Tricyclic - -Amino Acid with Transport Inhibitor Properties. J. Med.
1973, 16, 823-826.
Forsyth, G. W.; Nagasawa, H. T.; Alexander, C. S. Acetaldehyde Metabolism by the
Rat Heart. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 1973, 144, 498-500.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Fullerton, D. S. Reactions of Interest in Medicinal Chemistry. In
Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, Chapter 31, Vol. 8; Heinzelman, R., Ed.;
Academic Press: New York, NY, 1973, pp. 303-312.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Shirota, F. N.; Mizuno, N. S. The Mechanisms of Alkylation of DNA
by 5-(3-Methyl-1-triazeno)imidazole-4-carboxamide (MIC), a Metabolite of DIC (NSC-
45388). Non-involvement of Diazomethane. Chem. Biol. Interact. 1974, 8, 403-413.
Thompson, R. D.; Nagasawa, H. T.; Jenne, J. W. The Determination of Theophylline
and Its Metabolites in Human Urine and Serum by High Pressure Liquid
Chromatography. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 1974, 84, 584-593.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Elberling, J. A.; Shirota, F. N. Potential Latentiation Forms of
Biologically-Active Compounds Based on Action of Leucine Aminopeptidase. Dipeptide
Derivatives of the Tricycloaliphatic -Amino Acid, Adamantanine. J. Med. Chem. 1975,
18, 826-830.
Shirota, F. N.; Nagasawa, H. T. Synthesis of Ethambutol-14C Dihydrochloride [(+)-N,N'-
bis(1-Hydroxy-2-butyl)ethylene-U-14C-diamine Dihydrochloride]. J. Labelled Compd.
1975, 11, 457-459.
Jenne, J. W.; Nagasawa, H. T.; McHugh, R.; MacDonald, F.; Wyse, E. Decreased
Theophylline Half-life in Cigarette Smokers. Life Sci. 1975, 17, 195-198.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Goon, D. J. W.; Constantino, N. V.; Alexander, C. S. Diversion of
Ethanol Metabolism by Sulfhydryl Amino Acids. D-Penicillamine-directed Excretion of
2,5,5-Trimethyl-D-thiazolidine-4-carboxylic Acid in the Urine of Rats after Ethanol
Administration. Life Sci. 1975, 17, 707-713.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Kuo, T. H.; Shirota, F. N.; Alexander, C. S. An Intestinal Arylamidase
that Selectively Hydrolyzes Certain Aromatic Amides. Biochem. Pharmacol. 1976, 25,
Jenne, J. W.; Nagasawa, H. T.; Thompson, R. D. The Relationship of Urine Metabolites
of Theophylline to Serum Theophylline Levels. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 1976, 19, 375-
Vince, R.; Almquist, R. G.; Ritter, C. L.; Shirota, F. N.; Nagasawa, H. T. An Active
Puromycin Analog Derived from a Non-nephrotoxic Aminonucleoside. Life Sci. 1976,
18, 345-350.
Forsyth, G. W.; Nagasawa, H. T.; Alexander, C. S. Ethanol Metabolism by the Rat
Heart and Alcohol Dehydrogenase Activity. Can. J. Biochem. 1976, 54, 539-545.
Alexander, C. S.; Forsyth, G. W.; Nagasawa, H. T.; Kohloff, J. G. Alcoholic
Cardiomyopathy in Mice. Myocardial Glycogen, Lipids and Certain Enzymes. J. Mol.
Cell. Cardiol.
1977, 9, 235-245.
Alexander, C. S.; Sekhri, K. K.; Nagasawa, H. T. Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy in Mice.
Electron Microscopic Observations. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 1977, 9, 247-254.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Goon, D. J. W.; DeMaster, E. G.; Alexander, C. S. Lowering of
Ethanol-Derived Circulating Blood Acetaldehyde in Rats by D-Penicillamine. Life Sci.
1977, 20, 187-194.
Goon, D. J. W.; Nagasawa, H. T. A Simple, Rapid and Semi-Automated Method for the
Determination of Expired 14CO2 in Metabolism Studies with Laboratory Animals. Res.
Commun. Chem. Pathol. Pharmacol. 1977, 16, 745-748.
Shirota, F. N.; Nagasawa, H. T.; Elberling, J. A. Potential Inhibitors of Collagen
Biosynthesis. 4,4-Difluoro-L-proline and 4,4-Dimethyl-DL-proline and Their Activation
by Prolyl-t-RNA Ligase. J. Med. Chem. 1977, 20, 1176-1181.
DeMaster, E. G.; Nagasawa, H. T. Disulfiram-induced Acetonemia in the Rat and Man.
Res. Commun. Chem. Pathol. Pharmacol. 1977, 18, 361-364.
Shirota, F. N.; Nagasawa, H. T.; Elberling, J. A. Potential Inhibitors of Collagen
Biosynthesis. 5.5-Difluorolysine and 5.5-Dimethyllysine and Their Activation by Lysyl-t-
RNA Ligase. J. Med. Chem. 1977, 20, 1623-1627.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Muldoon, W. P.; Shirota, F. N. Nitramino Acids. Synthesis and
Biological Evaluation of 1-Nitroproline, 1-Nitropipecolic Acid and N-nitrosarcosine. J.
Med. Chem.
1977, 20, 1588-1591.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Alexander, C. S.; Goon, D. J. W.; DeMaster, E. G. Lowering of Blood
Acetaldehyde Levels as a Therapeutic Approach to Alcoholism. In Alcohol and
Aldehyde Metabolizing Systems
, Vol. III; Thurman, R. G., Williamson, J. R., Pratt, H.,
Chance, B., Eds.; Academic Press: New York, NY, 1978, pp 529-536.
Alexander, C. S.; Nagasawa, H. T.; DeMaster, E. G. Lowering of Blood Acetaldehyde
Levels--A Possible Approach to Prevention of Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy. In Recent
Advances in Studies on Cardiac Structures and Metabolism
, Vol. 12, Cardiac
Adaptation; Kobayashi, T.; Ito, Y.; Rona, G.; Eds.; University Park Press: Baltimore,
MD, 1978, pp 345-350.
DeMaster, E. G.; Nagasawa, H. T. Isoprene, an Endogenous Constituent of Human
Alveolar Air with a Diurnal Pattern of Excretion. Life Sci. 1978, 22, 91-98.
DeMaster, E. G.; Nagasawa, H. T. Inhibition of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase by
Propiolaldehyde, a Possible Metabolite of Pargyline. Res. Commun. Chem. Pathol.
1978, 21, 497-505.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Goon, D. J. W.; DeMaster, E. G. 2, 5,5-Trimethylthiazolidine-4-
carboxylic Acid, a D(-)-Penicillamine-directed Pseudometabolite of Ethanol.
Detoxication Mechanism for Acetaldehyde. J. Med. Chem. 1978, 21, 1274-1279.
Elberling, J. A.; Zera, R. T.; Magnan, S. D. J.; Nagasawa, H. T. Phthaloyl-L-glutamic
Anhydride (2-Phthalimidoglutaric Anhydride). Org. Prep. Proceed. Int. 1979, 11, 67-70.
Shirota, F. N.; DeMaster, E. G.; Nagasawa, H. T. Propiolaldehyde, a Pargyline
Metabolite that Irreversibly Inhibits Aldehyde Dehydrogenase. Isolation from a Hepatic
Microsomal System. J. Med. Chem. 1979, 22, 463-464.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Elberling, J. A.; DeMaster, E. G. Structural Requirements for the
Sequestration of Metabolically-generated Acetaldehyde. J. Med. Chem. 1980, 23, 140-
Shirota, F. N.; DeMaster, E. G.; Elberling, J. A.; Nagasawa, H. T. Metabolic
Depropargylation and Its Relationship to Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Inhibition In Vivo. J.
Med. Chem.
1980, 23, 669-673.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Elberling, J. A.; Shirota, F. N. Latentiated Forms of the Transport
Inhibitory -Amino Acid, Adamantanine. J. Pharm. Sci. 1980, 69, 1022-1025.
DeMaster, E. G.; Shirota, F. N.; Nagasawa, H. T. Microsomal N-Depropargylation of
Pargyline to Propiolaldehyde, an Irreversible Inhibitor of Mitochondrial Aldehyde
Dehyddrogenase. In Alcohol and Aldehyde Metabolizing Systems, Vol. IV; Thurman, R.
G., Ed.; Plenum Press, 1980, pp 219-228.
Zera, R. T.; Nagasawa, H. T. N-Acetyl-DL-penicillamine and Acetominophen Toxicity in
Mice. J. Pharm. Sci. 1980, 69, 1005-1006.
Kaplan, E.; DeMaster, E. G.; Nagasawa, H. T. Effect of Pargyline on Hepatic
Glutathione Levels in Rats Treated Acutely and Chronically with Ethanol. Res.
Commun. Chem. Pathol. Pharmacol.
1980, 30, 577-580.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Goon, D. J. W.; Shirota, F. N. Epimerization of C-2- of 2-Substituted
Thiazolidine-4-carboxylic Acids. J. Heterocycl. Chem. 1981, 18, 1047-1051.

Zera, R. T.; Nagasawa, H. T. Inhibition of Paraldehyde Metabolism in Mice by SKF-
525A. IRCS Med. Sci. 1981, 9, 988.
Zera, R. T.; Nagasawa, H. T. Metabolism of Paraldehyde to Acetaldehyde by Rat Liver
Microsome. Res. Commun. Chem. Pathol. Pharmacol. 1981, 34, 531-541.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Magnan, S. D. J.; Foltz, R. L. Differentiation of - from -Glutamyl
Dipeptides by Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Biomed. Mass Spectrom. 1982,
9, 252-256.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Goon, D. J. W.; Zera, R. T.; Yuzon, D. L. Prodrugs of L-Cysteine as
Liver Protective Agents. 2(R,S)-Methylthiazolidine-4(R)-carboxylic Acid, a Latent
Cysteine. J. Med. Chem. 1982, 25, 489-491.
DeMaster, E. G.; Nagasawa, H. T. Effect of Phenobarbital Treatment on Pargyline-
induced Acetaldehydemia after Ethanol in Sprague-Dawley and Fischer 344 Schf Rats.
Res. Commun. Subs. Abuse 1982, 3, 211-217.
Shirota, F. N.; DeMaster, E. G.; Nagasawa, H. T. Studies on the Cyanamide-Ethanol
Interaction. Dimethylcyanamide as an Inhibitor of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase. Biochem.
1982, 31, 1999-2004.
Magnan, S. D. J.; Shirota, F. N.; Nagasawa, H. T. Drug Latentiation by gamma-
Glutamyl-transpeptidase. J. Med. Chem. 1982, 25, 1018-1021.
DeMaster, E. G.; Kaplan, E; Shirota, F. N.; Nagasawa, H. T. Metabolic Activation of
Cyanamide by Liver Mitochondria: A Requirement for the Inhibition of Aldehyde
Dehydrogenase Enzymes. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 1982, 107, 1333-1339.
DeMaster, E. G.; Sumner, H. W.; Kaplan, E.; Shirota, F. N.; Nagasawa, H. T. Pargyline-
induced Hepatoxicity. Possible Mediation by the Reactive Metabolite, propiolaldehyde.
Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 1982, 65, 390-401.
DeMaster, E. G.; Nagasawa, H. T.; Shirota, F. N. Metabolic Activation of Cyanamide to
an Inhibitor of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase In Vitro. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 1983,
18 (Suppl. 1), 273-278.
Halberg, J.; DeMaster, E. G.; Nagasawa, H. T.; Halberg, F. Individualized and Group
Circadian Rhythm and Corresponding Chronodems for Isoprene in Human Alveolar Air.
Biochimica Clinica, 1983, 7, 905-914.
DeMaster, E. G.; Shirota, F. N.; Redfern, B.; Goon, D. J. W.; Nagasawa, H. T. Analysis
of Hepatic Reduced Glutathione, Cysteine, and Homocysteine, by Cation Exchange
High Pressure Liquid Chromotography with Electrochemical Detection. J. Chromatogr.
1984, 308, 83-91.

Nagasawa, H. T.; Goon, D. J. W.; Muldoon, W. P.; Zera, R. 2-Substituted Thiazolidine-
4(R)-Carboxylic Acids as Prodrugs of L-Cysteine. Protection of Mice Against
Acetaminophen Hepatotoxicity. J. Med. Chem., 1984, 27, 591-596.
Shirota, F. N.; Nagasawa, H. T.; Kwon, C. H.; DeMaster, E. G. N-Acetylcyanamide, the
Major Urinary Metabolite of Cyanamide in Rat, Rabbit, Dog and Man. Drug Metab.
., 1984, 12, 337-344.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Elberling, J. A.; DeMaster, E. G. Latent Inhibitors of Aldehyde
Dehydrogenase as Alcohol Deterrent Agents. J. Med. Chem. 1984, 27, 1333-1339.
DeMaster, E. G.; Shirota, F. N.; Nagasawa, H. T. The Metabolic Activation of
Cyanamide to an Inhibitor of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase is Catalyzed by Catalase.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 1984, 122, 358-365.
Nagasawa, H. T.; Smith, W. E.; Kwon, C. H.; Goon, D. J. W. Acetylative Cleavage of
Arylsulfonylureas to N-Acetylarylsulfonamides and Isocyanates. J. Org. Chem. 1985,
50, 4993-4996.
DeMaster, E. G.; Shirota, F. N.; Nagasawa, H. T. Catalase Mediated Conversion of
Cyanamide to an Inhibitor of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase. Alcohol 1985, 2, 117-121.
Nagasawa, H. T.; DeMaster, E. G.; Kwon, C. H.; Fraser, P. S.; Shirota, F. N. Structure
vs. Activity in the Sulfonylurea-Mediated Disulfiram-Ethanol Reaction. Alcohol 1985, 2,
Nagasawa, H. T.; Kwon, C. H.; DeMaster, E. G.; Shirota, F. N. Prodrugs of Cyanamide
as Long-Acting Alcohol Deterrent Agents. Biochem. Pharmacol. 1986, 35, 129-132.
DeMaster, E. G.; Shirota, F. N.; Nagasawa, H. T. The Role of Propiolaldehyde and
Other Metabolites in the Pargyline Inhibition of Rat Liver Aldehyde Dehydrogenase.
Biochem. Pharmacol. 1986, 35, 1481-1489.
DeMaster, E. G.; Redfern, B.; Shirota, F. N.; Nagasawa, H. T. Differential Inhibition of
Rat Tissue Catalase by Cyanamide. Biochem. Pharmacol. 1986, 35, 2081-2085.
Kwon, C. H.; Nagasawa, H. T.; DeMaster, E. G.; Shirota, F. N. Acyl, N-Protected alpha-
aminoacyl, and peptidyl Derivatives as Prodrug Forms of the Alcohol Deterrent Agent,
Cyanamide. J. Med. Chem. 1986, 29, 1922-1929.
Shirota, F. N.; DeMaster, E. G.; Kwon, C. H.; Nagasawa, H. T. Metabolism of
cyanamide to cyanide and an inhibitor of aldehyde dehydrogenase (AlDH) by rat liver
microsomes. Alcohol Alcoholism 1987, Suppl. 1, 219-223.
Shirota, F. N.; DeMaster, E. G.; Nagasawa, H. T. Cyanide is a Product of the Catalase
Mediated Oxidation of the Alcohol Deterrent Agent, Cyanamide. Toxicol. Lett. 1987, 37,
Nagasawa, H. T.; Elberling, J. A.; Roberts, J. C. ß-Substituted Cysteines as
Sequestering Agents for Ethanol-Derived Acetaldehyde In Vivo. J. Med. Chem. 1987,
30, 1373-1378.
Kwon, C.-H.; Nagasawa, H. T. Facile Synthesis of 2-Iminohydantoins. Synth.
. 1987, 17, 1677-1682.
Roberts, J. C.; Nagasawa, H. T.; Zera, R. T.; Fricke, R. F.; Goon, D. J. W. Prodrugs of
L-cysteine as protective agents against acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity. 2-
(Polyhydroxyalky)- and 2-(Polyacetoxyalkyl)-Thiazolidine-4(R)-Carboxylic Acids. J.
Med. Chem
. 1987, 30, 1891-1896.
DeMaster, E. G.; Shirota, F. N.; Nagasawa, H. T. Oxidation of cyanamide by a cumene
hydroperoxide supported catalase reaction yields cyanide and an inhibitor of aldehyde
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