South East London Sector A meeting of NHS Bromley CCG Governing Body 18 November 2013 ENCLOSURE 11 REVIEWED PGDS FOR: CHLORAMPHENICOL EYE DROPS & FUSIDIC ACID EYE DROPS
SUMMARY: The following Patient Group Directions are submitted for ratification;
Chloramphenicol 0.5%w/v Eye Drops & Chloramphenicol 1 % w/w Ophthalmic
Fusidic acid 1%w/w viscous eye drops - Review
Both PGDs became due for review in October 2013. The Tracking Forms are attached for each PGD showing the process of review and summarising the main changes. Copies of the full PGDs are available from the author if required (see contact details below) These reviewed PGDs have been recommended for ratification by the Quality Assurance Subcommittee.
The Governing Body is invited to ratify the PGDs as submitted.
PATIENT GROUP DIRECTION: Chloramphenicol 0.5% eye drops/ chloramphenicol 1% eye ointment patient group direction (PGD) under Primary Eye care Acute Referral Scheme (PEARS). Document Number: to be assigned Is the document: a) NEW b) REVIEWED c) TO BE WITHDRAWN (please indicate) Summary of what the document is about (attach a separate sheet if necessary): PGDs are used by optometrists in their clinical practice, when they need to supply patients with chloramphenicol 0.5% eye drops/ chloramphenicol 1% eye ointment to treat for specific eye conditions. Each document has an inclusion and exclusion criteria providing detailed guidance on when optometrists should provide the medication within their competency. The document contains guidance on who to refer patients to if they can’t supply, and information for patients on how to administer medication. Equality Impact Assessment Does your initial equality impact assessment indicate an equality impact is likely? No (please indicate). If ‘yes complete full Equality Impact Assessment (see Equality Impact Assessment Procedure) and attach to this tracking form. Privacy Impact Assessment [PIA] Please read the Privacy Impact Assessment guidance attached to this tracking form. Does your initial review indicate a Privacy Impact Assessment is required? No (please indicate). If ‘yes’ complete an appropriate level assessment and attach to this tracking form. A copy of the PIA must also be sent to the SIRO. Please indicate here that you have done so. Copy of PIA if required sent to SIRO : Yes / No. N/A If the document is REVIEWED please give brief details of amendments made (if necessary attach a separate sheet giving full details of any significant amendments which result in change in practice). The PDG was updated using the following references with a small number of amendments: 1. British National Formulary, available at[accessed 23/08/2013]
2. Chloramphenicol Eye Drops BP 0.5% w/v, Summary of Product Characteristics from electronic
Medicines compendium (eMc), Last updated 05/07/2013, available from [accessed 22/08/2013].
3. Chloramphenicol Ophthalmic Ointment, Summary of Product Characteristics from electronic
Medicines compendium (eMc), Last updated 20th August 2010, available from [Accessed 22/08/2013].
If the document is TO BE WITHDRAWN please give reasons for removal from the register (attach a separate sheet if necessary): N/A Author’s Name: Maeve Kinsey
Contact Tel No: 1689 880698 Contact Email:
Prescribing Advisor Clinical Commissioning Group
Optometric Advisor NHS England, London Area Team
Chair of the Prescribing and Medicines Management Group
PLEASE LIST NAME(S) OF ALL GROUPS/INDIVIDUALS ASKED TO COMMENT: Name and Job Title Please give details of comments received (attaching a separate sheet if necessary)
Optometric Advisor NHS England, London Area Team
Chair of the Prescribing and Medicines Management Group
APPROVED BY (TICK AS APPROPRIATE) Committee/Group Committee Signature of Meeting Date Date Approved Committee I take full responsibility for ensuring the quality of the content and format of this document and confirm that it is set out in the current, corporate style. Author Signature: Maeve Kinsey WRITTEN CONTROLS TRACKING FORM – WC1 PATIENT GROUP DIRECTION: Fusidic acid 1%w/w viscous eye drops patient group direction (PGD) under Primary Eye care Acute Referral Scheme (PEARS) ____________________________________________________________________ Document Number: to be assigned
Is the document: a) NEW b) REVIEWED c) TO BE WITHDRAWN (please indicate) Summary of what the document is about (attach a separate sheet if necessary):
PGDs are used by optometrists in their clinical practice, when they need to supply patients with Fusidic acid 1%w/w viscous eye drops to treat for specific eye conditions. Each document has an inclusion and exclusion criteria providing detailed guidance on when optometrists should provide the medication within their competency. The document contains guidance on who to refer patients to if they can’t supply, and information for patients on how to administer medication. Equality Impact Assessment
Does your initial equality impact assessment indicate an equality impact is likely? No (please indicate). If ‘yes complete full Equality Impact Assessment (see Equality Impact Assessment Procedure) and attach to this tracking form. Privacy Impact Assessment [PIA] Please read the Privacy Impact Assessment guidance attached to this tracking form. Does your initial review indicate a Privacy Impact Assessment is required? No (please indicate). If ‘yes’ complete an appropriate level assessment and attach to this tracking form. A copy of the PIA must also be sent to the SIRO. Please indicate here that you have done so. Copy of PIA if required sent to SIRO : Yes / No. N/A If the document is REVIEWED please give brief details of amendments made (if necessary attach a separate sheet giving full details of any significant amendments which result in change in practice). The PDG was updated using the following references with a small number of amendments: 1. British National Formulary, available at[accessed 26/08/2013]
2. NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries, available from[accessed
3. Fucithalmic® Eye Drops 1%, Summary of Product Characteristics from electronic
Medicines compendium (eMc), Last updated 10th August 2010, available from [ Accessed 27/08/13]
If the document is TO BE WITHDRAWN please give reasons for removal from the register (attach a separate sheet if necessary): N/A Author’s Name: Maeve Kinsey
Contact Tel No: 01689 880698 Contact Email:
Prescribing Advisor Clinical Commissioning Group
Optometric Advisor NHS England, London Area Team
Chair of the Prescribing and Medicines Management Group
PLEASE LIST NAME(S) OF ALL GROUPS/INDIVIDUALS ASKED TO COMMENT: Name and Job Title Please give details of comments received (attaching a separate sheet if necessary)
Optometric Advisor NHS England, London Area Team
Chair of the Prescribing and Medicines Management Group
APPROVED BY (TICK AS APPROPRIATE) Committee/Group Committee Signature of Meeting Date Date Approved Committee I take full responsibility for ensuring the quality of the content and format of this document and confirm that it is set out in the current, corporate style. Author Signature: Maeve Kinsey Date: 7/11/13
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2004, 18(3), 463–465᭧ 2004 National Strength & Conditioning Association PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECTS OF CAFFEINE ON CROSS- COUNTRY RUNNERS LARRY J. BIRNBAUM AND JACOB D. HERBST Department of Exercise Physiology, College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, Minnesota 55811. ABSTRACT. Birnbaum, L.J., and J.D. Herbst. Physiologic effects capsules), and