Advanced Energy Efficient Renovation
of Buildings
The ccem-retrofit project is based on national and international research and development projects that are collaborating to promote and improve cost effective low energy renovation of existing buildings. The project focuses on typical apartment blocks representing approximately 40 % of the European dwelling stock. It concentrates on:• Minimising the primary energy consumption (in the range of 30–50 kWh/(m²·year) for heating, cooling and hot water, per gross floor area), • Optimising the integration of solar energy use,• Improving electrical building components and control functions• Increasing living comfort by better space use,• Assuring good thermal and acoustical comfort, good indoor air quality and daylighting conditions, • Assuring a fast, high quality and cost-effective construction process. The project is structured in three parts: A2: High Performance Thermal Insulation
A Technology development; B System integra-tion; C Market analysis and tools.
Space for extensive insulation is often not avail-able or too expensive in existing buildings. New A1: Advanced Geomatics
technologies such as vacuum insulation panels (VIP) offer the possibility to achieve highly insu- This subtask is responsible for efficient and ac- lating walls by slim overall wall thickness and/or curate 3D measuring technologies that will allow Collaborating Partners
a more efficient renovation process due to the availability of reliable data for renovation de- Specific goals are the development of compo- sign, the industrial production process and the nents and envelope solutions that allow a re- duction of 50 % of the construction thickness, optimization of the thermal performance and For the as-built documentation of the targeted minimization of condensation risks of in-situ and renovation buildings a toolbox of measurement pre-fabricated assemblies, and a service life of technologies has been arranged. A terrestrial 3D assembled VIP-constructions in the order of 50 laser scanning system has been evaluated and Main Investigator
Specification data of existing products were First tests on a pilot project were used to try collected, criteria and requirements as well as Project Partners
out several techniques, processes and instru- possible design solutions were discussed for a ments. Possible workflows for the integration of façade integrated ventilation module with VIP 3D-geomatics and therefore for the extraction insulation. Regarding materials optimization, and management of the 3D-data have been in- VIP specimens with a reduced fraction of fumed silica and with fiber-aerogel compound core Monitoring data from VIP insulation layers inte- ccem-retrofit
grated in two building sites are now running for more than 3 years (flat roof insulation) and 1 year (freezing room floor insulation). In short, the data show that VIPs perform as extrapolated from laboratory aging experiments, and a serv-ice life of several decades can be expected even with rather high humidity and temperature lev-els observed in the flat roof. A3/4: New roof and façade constructions,
solar integration

The aim is to develop in collaboration with in-dustry partners a set of modular roof and façade solutions that are to a large extend suitable for industrial prefabrication. This set of building en-velope solutions should ensure, besides energy A6: Advanced control systems
efficiency, added values such as optimal space use, extensive integration of solar systems and The research and development project BELCon- daylighting. The envelope modules will also al- trol, carried out by EPFL/LESO-PB (Lausanne) low the integration of adapted and modernized and Adhoco (Winterthur) is the base for a contribution to the ccem-retrofit and ccem-House2000 projects.
A matrix of building products represented by the industry partners has been developed. The The development of control algorithm was fin- building products are systematically related to ished successfully. Operational tests in an in- the renovation module typology developed in habited building in Winterthur and energy com- sub-project B1/2. The catalogue will be part of the final retrofit documentation for designers, that will facilitate the evaluation of appropriate B1/2: Building typology and renovation
A creative design process focussing on the The building typology provides basic data for façade development for a potential demonstra- the evaluation of the renovation potential of the tion building in Lucerne has been started. existing building stock, for the definition of ret-rofit strategies and the envelope characteristics A5: Integrated HVAC solutions
of specific building types. The typology is not limited to building structure, it considers also New modular heating, ventilating, and air condi- the needs of owners and tenants and processes tioning (HVAC) systems, using the best technol- such as retrofit design, building use and main- ogy available, have to be designed to cover the need for heating, cooling, hot water and venti-lation. Solar thermal and photovoltaic systems The parameters needed to define the structure have to be integrated where appropriate and the and processes of the existing building stock possibilities for minimizing electricity consump- have been identified and coordinated with exist- tion and possible electricity production have to ing data bases (Federal office of statistics BFS, Swiss engineers and architects association SIA). The focus is on apartment buildings with more than 3 apartments, constructed between 1919 The existing heating and hot water system and 1990, and less than 8 apartment floors. has to a large extent to be replaced. Con- These buildings represent 52 % of all existing cepts for a new, optimised heating and a ventilation system will be developed.
The existing heating and hot water system is The building stock evaluation considers 5 main partially reused (and improved) and only the levels (urban situation, situation of building in ventilation system is newly installed.
neighbourhood, building block, building struc- Competence Center for Energy and Mobility CCEM ture and apartment). The data base describes Up to date, the project has developed the fol- ccem-retrofit
36 building characteristics. Presently, a system model for a holistic renovation approach and the relevant parameters are being developed.
Changing demand from stakeholders in the mar-ket, public opinion and politics lead to increasing Strategies for sustainable building renovation pressures to adopt energy efficient renovation and requirements for prefabrication will be based strategies. Hence, the number of energy-effi- on the building stock analysis. Architectural cient renovation strategies increases and thus guidelines will be coordinated with the technol- reduced the demand for energy resources by ogy development work packages A. The applica- the building stock, while at the same time in- tion potential will be evaluated in collaboration creasing the economic competitiveness of en- with the socio-economic work packages C.
C1: Markets and policies in Switzerland and
The key to a successful diffusion of energy-ef- ficient renovation technologies is to keep the number of unsatisfactory implementations as The energy-efficiency potential of building ren- low as possible and proactively develop a win- ovations is considerable and to a large extent win image for energy-efficient renovation strat- cost-effective, both from a private owner per- spective and even more so from a long-term and societal perspective. However many barri- ers still prevail and hinder a more rapid diffusion of energy efficiency renovation, especially in the Walter Ott, Yvonne Kaufmann, Checkliste nach- sector of rented multi-family house buildings. haltige Gebäudeerneuerung für gemeinnützige Typical barriers are, among others, high up- Wohnbaugenossenschaften, econcept, 25. Juni front investment costs and the lack of experi- ence owners have with this kind of renovations. Walter Ott, Yvonne Kaufmann, Checkliste und Moreover the costs of energy efficiency renova- Entscheidungstool nachhaltige Gebäudeerneuer- tions vary considerably, depending on building ung - Grundlagen und Illustration, econcept, 25. Mark Zimmermann, Peter Schwehr, Robert Fisch- The aim of the project is to analyze the potential er: Approaches to the problem of the occupied and effective markets for energy-efficient build- building site, Ecosan ’07, Weiz, Austria, October ing renovations and to evaluate political meas- ures to improve the diffusion of such technolo- H. Simmler, In situ Performance Assessment and Service Life of Vacuum Insulation Panels (VIP) in Build-ings, Proc. 8th International Vacuum Insula- C3: Retrofit advisor
tion Symposium (IVIS), D-Wuerzburg, September 2007.
A multi-criteria decision tool is developed that will S. Brunner, H. Simmler, In situ performance as- help to determine refurbishment/reconstruction sessment of vacuum insulation panels in a flat strategies. It considers three different decision roof construc-tion, Vacuum (accepted 31 October, levels: financial, environmental and social/cul- tural aspects. An alpha-version was developed Gottwald Reinhard, Knabl Thomas, 3D-Messtech- with financial support by the Swiss Federal Of- nik bei der energieeffizienten Sanierung von fice of Energy. The alpha-version is available on Altbauten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Excel basis for use by interested experts. des Laserscannings‘,3. Internationaler-Workshop ‚Terrestrisches La-serscanning‘, Fulda/D, 12/07‚ C4: Modelling the diffusion of energy-effi-
Presentation & Proceedings (ISBN-13: 978-3- cient building refurbishment
Mark Zimmermann, Peter Schwehr, Robert Fisch- The aim of this research project is to identify er: Approaches to the problem of the occupied critical factors and processes that determine the building site, Ecosan ’07, Weiz, Austria, October change rate of the energy efficient code within the existing building stock of multi family hous- Edeltraud Haselsteiner, Neue Qualität für alte es. A policy frame-work will be developed that Gebäude: Ökosan – Hochwertige energetische allows strategy and policy analysis towards a Sanierung von grossvolumigen Gebäuden, Forum Competence Center for Energy and Mobility CCEM


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DE L’ALIMENTATION, DE LA PECHE ET DE LA RURALITE Direction générale de l’alimentation Sous-direction de la santé et de la protection animales Bureau de la santé animale NOTE DE SERVICE Bureau de la pharmacie vétérinaire et de l’alimentation animale DGAL/SDSPA/N2005-8046 Adresse : 251, rue de Vaugirard 75 732 PARIS CEDEX 15 Date: 11 février 2005 Suivi

David D. Dyck, Jr., DO,* and Lori A. Boyajian-O’Neill, DO, FAOASM*† dial tubercle of the calcaneus. The plantar fascia extends from( Clin J Sport Med 2004;14:305–309)this tubercle to the metatarsal heads, forming the longitudinalarch that provides support for the foot. Excessive load or ten-sion on this aponeurosis can lead to the condition commonlyPlantarfasciitisaffectsanestimated2mi

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