Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic action of budesonidein children with Crohn’s disease
K . D I L G E R * , M . A L B E R E R , A . B U S C H à , A . E N N I N G E R § , R . B E H R E N S – , S . K O L E T Z K O , M . S T E R Nà ,
C . B E C K M A N N * * & C . H . G L E I T E R * *
Budesonide is effective as initial therapy of mild to moderate Crohn’s
disease in adults. Superior tolerability to conventional corticosteroids
might be attributed to extensive first-pass metabolism of budesonide by
To evaluate biotransformation and pharmacodynamic action of budeso-
Hospital Tu¨bingen, Otfried-Mu¨ller-Str.
Drug disposition and effects on endogenous cortisol were evaluated in
12 children with Crohn’s disease (5–15 years) after first intake of 3 mgbudesonide (single dose), and again after 1 week of thrice daily dosing
(steady-state). The parent drug and cytochrome P450 3A-dependent
metabolites were analysed in blood and urine.
administration (e.g. AUC0)¥ 7.7 Æ 5.1 h ng/mL, Cmax 1.8 Æ 1.2 ng/mL)did not change upon multiple dosing. Overall systemic elimination ofbudesonide reflected by clearance and half-life was not differentbetween children and adults. After 1 week of treatment reversible adre-nal suppression was observed – most pronounced in children agedbelow 12 years.
ConclusionsDisposition of oral budesonide appears to be similar between childrenand adults, but the doctor has to be aware of an increased risk for adre-nal suppression in paediatric patients.
safe dosing and weaning of budesonide in children,
effects on endogenous cortisol production have to be
Use of drugs in children requires a thorough con-
sideration of the pharmacokinetics and pharmaco-
Thus, the aim of our trial was to determine the
pharmacokinetic profile and pharmacodynamic action
Variation in body composition, and maturity of liver
of oral budesonide following single dose and steady-
and kidney are predominant factors accounting for
state dosing in children with Crohn’s disease. A
differences in drug disposition between children and
profound analysis of metabolite kinetics (formation of
adults.1 Simplified dosing approaches for paediatric
6b-hydroxybudesonide and 16a-hydroxyprednisolone
patients based on extrapolation from adult data do
via CYP3A) and comparison with data in adults will
not consider age-associated changes in absorption
be provided. This is the first report in children on
and drug elimination or pharmacodynamics. Lack of
pharmacokinetics of a modified release formulation of
comprehensive evaluations of drugs to treat children
with inflammatory bowel diseases is a concern. Inflammatory bowel diseases primarily affect youngadults, but in 15–25% of cases, the initial disease
Budesonide is a newer synthetic glucocorticoid with
a high ratio of local to systemic anti-inflammatory
Twelve female and male children aged below 16 years
activity.3 Oral formulations of budesonide are effective
with a diagnosis of mild or moderate Crohn’s disease,
as initial therapy of mild to moderate Crohn’s disease
confirmed by history, endoscopy, or histology evi-
of the ileum and ascending colon in adults.4, 5 Two
dence, and negative stool culture were enrolled in the
recent investigations in paediatric Crohn’s disease
study. Disease activity was assessed by the paediatric
reported similar remission rates with budesonide and
Crohn’s disease activity index (PCDAI) at screening.14
prednisone or prednisolone treatment; budesonide was
The patients were eligible if, at the investigator’s dis-
suggested as an alternative to conventional cortico-
cretion, they had to start treatment with a corticoster-
steroids in children because of superior tolerability.6, 7
oid. Exclusion criteria were: (i) severe Crohn’s disease;
The decreased risk for adverse drug reactions might be
(ii) any other disease of bacterial, fungal or viral ori-
attributed to the very low absolute bioavailability of
gin; (iii) hepatic or renal disease or other pathological
budesonide of about 10% which results from gastroin-
findings, which might interfere with pharmacokinetics
testinal efflux mediated by P-glycoprotein, the product
or drug safety; (iv) administration of corticosteroids
of the multidrug resistance 1 (MDR1) gene, and from
within 3 months prior to the study drug; (v) concom-
extensive biotransformation via cytochrome P450 3A
itant treatment with methotrexate, infliximab, antac-
(CYP3A) in gut and liver.8, 9 CYP3A enzymes are the
ids or colestyramine (cholestyramine); (vi) use of
most important enzymes in human drug metabolism.10
drugs during the last week prior to the first adminis-
However, changes in CYP3A activity during childhood
tration or during the trial, which might influence bio-
and adolescence are incompletely characterized.11 Data
concerning developmental expression of P-glycopro-
azathioprine or mercaptopurine (6-mercaptopurine),
tein which is the major drug transporter in human
the dose must have been stable prior to study entry
intestine are scarce.12 Therefore, clinical studies on
for at least 8 weeks. Mesalazine (mesalamine) was
disposition of budesonide in children including char-
allowed in dosages of 30–50 mg/kg. Intake of grape-
acterization of the relevant metabolic pathways are
fruit in the week prior to the first study day preclu-
Recently, paediatric gastroenterologists discussed a
trend to higher incidence of certain steroid-associated
side-effects such as moon face in children when com-pared with adults during both prednisolone and budes-
The children ingested 3 mg budesonide as a single oral
onide treatment.7 Symptoms of adrenal suppression
dose on day 1, thrice daily from days 2 to 7, and once
are dose-related in adults,13 but may be a special
in the morning of day 8. On day 1 and on day 8,
problem in childhood and during puberty. To support
ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 23, 387–395
B U D E S O N I D E I N C H I L D R E N W I T H C R O H N ’ S D I S E A S E
pharmacodynamic profiling were performed by deter-
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analysis
mination of budesonide, CYP3A-dependent metabolites(6b-hydroxybudesonide,
Pharmacokinetic analysis was based on plasma con-
and cortisol in plasma and urine before and during
centrations above the limit of quantification. Peak
24 h after drug administration. On day 1, one separate
plasma concentration (Cmax), trough plasma concentra-
blood sample was collected for deoxyribonucleic acid
tion (Cmin) and time of Cmax (tmax) were taken directly
extraction in order to determine MDR1 single nucleo-
from the plasma concentration–time curves. Area
tide polymorphisms (2677G>T,A and 3435C>T).16 All
under the plasma concentration–time curve (AUC) as
children were hospitalized during two study days (days
well as terminal elimination half-life (t1/2 ¼ ln[2]/k),
1 and 8). After an overnight fast, a standardized lunch
apparent oral clearance (Cl/f ¼ dose/AUC0)¥), and
was served but not until 4 h after intake of budeso-
nide. Blood samples were taken just before and 1, 2,
[AUC0)¥ k]) were calculated using standard non-com-
2.5, 3, 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 8 and 24 h after administration of
partmental analysis (WINNONLIN v. 3.1A, Pharsight Cor-
the study drug. For safety reasons, in one children
poration, Mountain View, CA, USA). Cl/f and Vd/f
aged 5 years blood collection for determination of
were normalized for body weight. The elimination rate
cortisol had to be restricted to two samples (0 and
constant (k) was determined by linear regression ana-
24 h). Blood samples (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
lysis of the terminal log-linear phase of the plasma
tubes) were centrifuged immediately. Urine was collec-
concentration–time curve. AUC describes the extent of
ted in two consecutive samples (0–8 and 8–24 h).
systemic drug exposure; Cl/f characterizes the ability
Plasma and urine were stored at )20 °C (<1 month)
to remove budesonide from the plasma in a given per-
until analysis. To ensure compliance during days 2–7,
iod; Vd/f is a function of plasma and tissue protein-
patients had to use a dispenser and fill in a medication
binding properties of the substance, but does not
diary. Any concomitant medication was administered
necessarily refer to any physiological compartment in
with a difference of at least 2 h to the study medica-
the body. Rate of accumulation was obtained by the
tion. Adverse drug reactions were recorded in all chil-
following ratio:18 Rac ¼ AUCss,0-8h,d8/AUC0-8h,d1. A lin-
administration was calculated as the ratio of AUCss,0-
AUC0)¥,d1. Ratios of metabolite formation
(AUCMet/AUCBudesonide, where Met is the metabolite)
Concentrations of budesonide, 6b-hydroxybudesonide,
such as AUC0-24h of 6b-hydroxybudesonide to AUC0-
and 16a-hydroxyprednisolone in plasma and urine
of budesonide were used as indices of CYP3A
were determined by validated liquid chromatography
metabolic activity. Urinary recoveries of the analytes
tandem mass spectrometry.17 After extraction from the
were based on the cumulative amount of the analyte
matrix, budesonide and its metabolites were quantified
excreted during the 24 h collection period (Ae0-24h),
using a triple-stage mass spectrometer SCIEX API III
and were expressed as percentage of the budesonide
PLUS (SCIEX, Thornhill, ON, Canada). The chromatog-
dose administered. Clearances to metabolites (ClMet)
raphy column was coupled via a heated nebulizer
being a measure of elimination of budesonide via bio-
interface to an atmospheric pressure ionization cham-
transformation were calculated by dividing Ae0-24h of
ber of the mass spectrometer. For determination of
the respective metabolite by AUC0-24h of budesonide
16a-hydroxyprednisolone a turbo ion spray interface
in plasma. Effects of budesonide on endogenous corti-
was used instead. The lower limit of quantification in
sol production were evaluated in each individual by (i)
plasma (urine) was 0.1 ng/mL (0.5 ng/mL) for budeso-
measuring morning cortisol plasma levels (8 AM), by
(ii) calculating AUC of cortisol in plasma during 24 h
(2 ng/mL) for 16a-hydroxyprednisolone. Between-day
and by (iii) measuring the cumulative amount of corti-
and within-day coefficients of variation of quality
sol excreted into urine during 24 h.
controls were below 15%. Cortisol in plasma and inurine was determined using a fluorescence polariza-
tion immunoassay (TDx/TDxFLx, Abbott Laboratories,Abbott Park, IL, USA). Sensitivity of the test was
It has been demonstrated that in a paediatric pharma-
cokinetic study with frequent blood collection a group
ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 23, 387–395
of 12 subjects will provide reliable information on the
lines of the Declaration of Helsinki, and International
parameters reported.19 The pharmacokinetic and phar-
Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines for
macodynamic parameters are given as mean Æ s.d. or
Good Clinical Practice (GCP). Details of the study drug
median with 95% confidence interval in parentheses.
and study design were outlined to the child and the
Wilcoxon test was used to compare the parameters on
parents by the investigator prior to screening. All par-
day 1 (single dose) with the corresponding parameters
ents or legal guardians gave written informed consent.
on day 8 (steady-state). Morning concentrations of
Children gave either written consent or assented
cortisol in plasma were compared across treatment
(C0h,d1, C24h,d1, C0h,d8, C24h,d8) by non-parametric ANO-VA. In addition, differences in our results on disposi-
tion of budesonide and formation of metabolites in
children and our previously published results on phar-
macokinetics of oral budesonide in adults were testedfor significance by Mann–Whitney test; in eight
Four female and eight male children with Crohn’s dis-
ease (PCDAI, 16.9 Æ 11.7) completed the study accord-
parameters of budesonide and its metabolites follow-
ing single-dose administration of 3 mg of budesonide
Individual demographic and clinical characteristics are
are available from baseline of a drug interaction study
presented in Table 1. The study drug was well toler-
using the same methods.20 The P-value of <0.05 was
ated. There was no serious adverse drug reaction.
regarded as statistically significant. Statistical compar-ison was carried out by use of the software package
GRAPHPAD INSTAT (GraphPad Software, Inc., San Diego,
Pharmacokinetic parameters of oral budesonide and twoCYP3A-dependent metabolites are given in Table 2 forcomparison of single-dose administration and steady-
state dosing. Plasma concentration–time curves of
The study protocol was approved by the Institutional
budesonide, 6b-hydroxybudesonide and 16a-hydroxy-
Ethics Committees of the respective centres. The trial
prednisolone are illustrated in Figures 1–3. Mean Cl/f of
was conducted in accordance with the ethical guide-
budesonide describing the ability of the body to remove
Table 1. Demographic and clinical features of the paediatric population
5-ASA, mesalazine; AZT, azathioprine. * Not on the study days (days 1 and 8).
ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 23, 387–395
B U D E S O N I D E I N C H I L D R E N W I T H C R O H N ’ S D I S E A S E
kinetic parameters of budeso-nide and two CYP3A-
Data are given as mean Æ s.d. or as median with 95% confidence interval in paren-theses. Cmax, peak plasma concentration; tmax, time of peak plasma concentration; AUC0)¥,area under the plasma concentration–time curve extrapolated to infinity; t1/2, terminalelimination half-life; Cl/f, apparent oral clearance; Vd/f, apparent volume of distribu-tion; Ae0-24h, amount excreted into urine during 24 h; Css,max, peak plasma concentra-tion at steady-state; tss,max, time of peak plasma concentration at steady-state; Css,min,trough plasma concentration at steady-state; AUCss,0-8h, area under the plasma concen-tration–time curve at steady-state during the dosing interval of 8 h; CYP3A, cytochromeP450 3A.
Figure 1. Plasma budesonide concentration–time curves
Figure 2. Plasma 6b-hydroxybudesonide concentration–
in 12 children with Crohn’s disease following a single
time curves in 12 children with Crohn’s disease following
oral dose of 3 mg budesonide on day 1 (solid circle) and
a single oral dose of 3 mg budesonide on day 1 (solid cir-
on day 8 (open circle) after thrice daily dosing during
cle) and on day 8 (open circle) after thrice daily dosing
days 2–7. Data are presented as mean Æ s.d.
during days 2–7. Data are presented as mean Æ s.d.
the drug from plasma was 0.18 L/min/kg in children
drug accumulation (1.5 Æ 0.6, budesonide; 2.2 Æ 0.8,
following a single oral dose of 3 mg. Median t1/2 of
6b-hydroxybudesonide; 1.5 Æ 0.4, 16a-hydroxypredn-
budesonide was 1.9 h on day 1, and it was not signifi-
isolone; Rac). The linearity factor based on AUC was
cantly longer on day 8 (2.5 h, 95% CI: 2.0–4.3 h).
1.0 Æ 0.5 for budesonide, 0.9 Æ 0.2 for 6b-hydroxybu-
Steady-state dosing did not result in relevant systemic
desonide and 1.1 Æ 0.3 for 16a-hydroxyprednisolone,
ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 23, 387–395
Figure 3. Plasma 16a-hydroxyprednisolone concentra-
Figure 4. Ratios of cytochrome P450 3A (CYP3A)-
tion–time curves in 12 children with Crohn’s disease fol-
dependent metabolite formation (AUCMet/AUCBudesonide
lowing a single oral dose of 3 mg budesonide on day 1
where Met is the metabolite) following a single oral dose
(solid circle) and on day 8 (open circle) after thrice daily
of 3 mg budesonide in 12 children with Crohn’s disease
dosing during days 2–7. Data are presented as
(black) and eight healthy adults20 (white). Data are pre-
sented as mean values and s.d. (*P < 0.05).
3435 TT genotype (patient 9) was carrier of MDR1
behaviour of budesonide might be well predicted by
2677 TT. Looking over the plasma concentration–time
curves in these children, absorption of budesonide was
There were no significant differences in the pharma-
not found to be lower in MDR1 3435 CC with puta-
cokinetic parameters following a single dose of 3 mg
tively high intestinal expression of P-glycoprotein21
than in MDR1 3435 TT. Remarkably delayed absorp-
ease and healthy adults20 (e.g. Cmax, 1.76 Æ 1.17 ng/
tion of budesonide was observed in a boy (patient 10)
mL vs. 1.07 Æ 0.63 ng/mL; Cl/f, 0.18 Æ 0.08 L/min/kg
vs. 0.22 Æ 0.11 L/min/kg; Vd/f, 40.1 Æ 23.2 L/kg vs.
12 days) until the evening before first administration
46.7 Æ 27.9 L/kg; children vs. adults). In accordance
of budesonide. On day 1 but not on day 8, budesonide
with results in adults,20 mean urinary recovery of
in plasma was below the limit of quantification during
budesonide (sum of budesonide and both metabolites)
in children was about 12% of the dose administered. The amount of unchanged budesonide excreted into
urine is negligible. Ratios of metabolite formation(AUCMet/AUCBudesonide) reflecting activity of CYP3A
Effects of budesonide on endogenous cortisol are
were not different between single-dose administration
summarized in Table 3. After 1 week of thrice daily
and steady-state dosing in children. Formation of
dosing of 3 mg budesonide, morning cortisol levels
6b-hydroxybudesonide was significantly increased in
in plasma decreased significantly (17 Æ 13 lg/dL vs.
children when compared with recent data in adults20
9 Æ 12 lg/dL, day 1 vs. day 8, P < 0.01). Likewise,
(2.9 Æ 1.0 vs. 1.9 Æ 0.9, P ¼ 0.0373, Figure 4). In the
areas under the effect curves (AUC0-24h) were lower
paediatric population, ClMet were 0.24 Æ 0.12 L/h/kg
on day 8 when compared with day 1 (P < 0.05). On
for 6b-hydroxybudesonide, and 1.2 Æ 1.2 L/h/kg for
day 8, in five of 12 children (the three youngest
16a-hydroxyprednisolone; comparison with adults20
patients, and two older children; patients 1, 3, 8, 10
and 12) plasma cortisol at 8 AM was below the limit
To assess a pharmacogenetic impact on disposition
of detection. In each subject, withdrawal of budeso-
of budesonide, we contrasted opposite homozygous
nide resulted in a return to normal values of morn-
MDR1 genotypes. All children with MDR1 3435 CC
ing plasma cortisol within 24 h (C24h,d8). Urinary
genotype (patients 1–3) were also carriers of MDR1
excretion of cortisol was not affected by intake of
2677 GG, and one patient with the variant MDR1
ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 23, 387–395
B U D E S O N I D E I N C H I L D R E N W I T H C R O H N ’ S D I S E A S E
lites amounts to only 1–10% of the parent drug.9
Table 3. Effect of budesonide on endogenous cortisol in
Overall systemic elimination of budesonide reflected
by Cl/f and t1/2 was not different between children and
(AUC ratio) was found to be 1.5-fold higher in
children than in adults. Difference in formation of
Met/AUCBudesonide) has been proven to be a good
measure of CYP3A activity.20 However, it is difficult
to gain insight into age-related differences in CYP3A
activity comparing children with Crohn’s disease and
healthy adults. Consistent with our data, absolute bio-
availability of a different delivery system of oral
budesonide was similar (9 Æ 5% vs. 11 Æ 7%) in eight
children with Crohn’s disease (12.4 Æ 1.8 years) and
six adults with Crohn’s disease (33.2 Æ 12.6 years).22
The trend to lower bioavailability of oral budesonide
in the paediatric population observed by those investi-gators might now be explained by enhanced biotrans-
On day 1 and on day 8, a single oral dose of 3 mg budeso-nide was given after thrice daily dosing during days 2–7.
formation via CYP3A enzymes in children. However,
metabolic pathways of budesonide were not analysed
C0h, predose cortisol plasma concentration (8 AM); C24h, cort-
isol plasma concentration at 24 h (8 AM); AUC0-24h, area
CYP3A is the most abundant human CYP enzyme
under the cortisol plasma concentration–time curve during
accounting for approximately 30% of the total CYP
24 h; Ae0-24h, amount of cortisol excreted into urine during
content in adult liver.23 Clinical trials with substrates
24 h; LOQ, limit of quantification (0.77 lg/dL). *P < 0.05 vs. day 1; **P < 0.01 vs. day 1.
of CYP3A are needed to evaluate precisely if develop-
No profiling in one children aged 5 years.
mental changes necessitate dose adjustments across thespan of childhood and adolescence. The CYP3A sub-family,
CYP3A4, CYP3A5 and CYP3A7, is variably expressed
at different stages of life. CYP3A4 is the major isoform
This study provides comprehensive data on the pharma-
in the adult liver, whereas expression of CYP3A5 is
low in adult Caucasians due to a genetic polymorph-
budesonide in children with Crohn’s disease. The phar-
ism.24 CYP3A7 is expressed in the fetal liver, peaks
macokinetic parameters of budesonide following single-
shortly after birth and then declines rapidly to levels
dose administration did not change significantly upon
that are undetectable in most adults.25 Clearly, the
multiple dosing. We observed no relevant drug accumu-
most dramatic developmental changes occur during the
lation during steady-state dosing. Therefore, in the pae-
first year of life.26 The few data available comparing
diatric population plasma concentration of budesonide
duodenal and hepatic expression of CYP3A in older
at steady-state may be predicted from single-dose data.
children and adolescents with that in adults are con-
After short-term treatment with budesonide, 3 mg thrice
flicting.12, 25, 27, 28 Many healthy children of different
daily during 1 week, reversible adrenal suppression was
ages would be needed in a clinical trial aiming at an
observed in the paediatric patients; morning plasma
accurate examination of matural changes of CYP3A.
cortisol below the limit of detection in each patient
It remains to be determined if Crohn’s disease affects
duodenal CYP3A activity. Mean absolute bioavailabili-
Budesonide is a high extraction drug. It undergoes
ty of a high dose of oral budesonide (18 mg) was
extensive first-pass metabolism by CYP3A enzymes
reported to be significantly increased (21% vs. 12%,
P < 0.05) in six adult patients with Crohn’s disease in
prednisolone. Glucocorticoid activity of the metabo-
comparison with eight healthy adults.29 Therefore, it
ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 23, 387–395
might be speculated that the difference in formation
reactions. Vigilance of healthcare professionals is the
of metabolites we observed between children with Cro-
most important factor in avoiding adverse drug reac-
hn’s disease and healthy adults is further enlarged
tions. Plasma cortisol concentrations are a sensitive
between children with Crohn’s disease and adults with
measure of systemic corticosteroid effects in children.33
Crohn’s disease. Inflammatory bowel diseases might
The method is used to detect adrenal suppression
not only affect intestinal CYP3A but also intestinal
before the appearance of clinical symptoms. Therefore,
drug efflux by P-glycoprotein. To date, investigations
the finding that morning plasma cortisol was not
in Crohn’s disease addressing the interplay between
detectable on day 8 in five of 12 children including all
drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporter proteins
children below 12 years of age needs special attention.
The extent of adrenal suppression in adults is known to
MDR1 genotyping was performed due to the partic-
be related to the dose of budesonide.13 Using the stand-
ular relevance of intestinal P-glycoprotein for oral
ard dosage of oral budesonide in Crohn’s disease which
drug therapy.30 It has been shown that a 2677G>T,A
is 9 mg/day, our children with a mean body weight of
single nucleotide polymorphism in exon 21 and a
48 kg received obviously a higher dose per kilogram
3435C>T single nucleotide polymorphism in exon 26
body weight than adults. The observation that young-
of the MDR1 gene affect expression of P-glycoprotein
est but not most light-weighted children displayed
and thereby pharmacokinetics of commonly used
highest adrenal suppression might indicate particular
drugs.31 There was no hint for a pharmacogenetic
sensitivity in the subset of young children. Although
effect on absorption of budesonide in our study popu-
all children recovered from adrenal suppression within
lation. Considering the small number of children, our
24 h, a prolonged effect cannot be excluded after lon-
preliminary results of MDR1 genotyping should be
ger treatment with budesonide. Thus, it seems advisable
to reduce the dose gradually at the end of treatment
The finding that in one child receiving metronidaz-
with budesonide and monitor morning plasma cortisol
ole the lag time of enteric-coated budesonide was con-
siderably prolonged is interesting and warrants further
In conclusion, our pharmacokinetic and pharmaco-
investigation. Unfortunately, repetition of the study in
dynamic data may be used to ensure effective and safe
that subject (boy) was impossible because of resection
treatment with budesonide in children with Crohn’s
of the ileum a short time later. One might consider an
disease. Disposition of oral budesonide appears to be
unexpected drug interaction of budesonide and met-
similar between children (5–15 years) and adults.
ronidazole in this case. Alternatively, absorption on
However, the doctor has to be aware of an increased
the first study day might have been affected by altered
risk for adrenal suppression during and after intake of
intraluminal pH, delayed gastric emptying or intestinal
budesonide in paediatric patients. It is important to
transit independent of a concomitant drug.
note that in children corrections in dosing made for
Both in adults and in children with Crohn’s disease,
body weight or body surface may not accurately
the frequency of adverse drug reactions following
reflect differences in pharmacodynamics.
effective doses of budesonide has been found to belower than that following effective doses of conven-
tional steroids.32 From the pharmacodynamic analysisof our study it is apparent that children with Crohn’s
The study was supported by Dr Falk Pharma GmbH,
disease who are prescribed budesonide have to be
Freiburg, Germany. Genotyping was performed by
monitored very carefully for steroid-related adverse
Dr G. Schaeffeler, Stuttgart, Germany.
3 Fedorak RN, Bistritz L. Targeted deliv-
ery, safety, and efficacy of oral enteric-
patients: clinical, therapeutic, and psy-
ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 23, 387–395
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Clinical Trials at Mission Hope Cancer Center n For Colleagues in the Community: 1st Line/2nd Line Breast. A Phase This publication is designed to inform our col eagues in the medical commu-III randomized, Double Blind Placebo Controlled Study of fulvestrant in nity, and especial y physicians who are considering treatment options for their patients with cancer, about current clinica
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