Educating correctional health care providers and inmates about drug-drug interactions: hiv-medications and illicit drugs
A. Macher et al. / Californian Journal of Health Promotion 2005, Volume 3, Issue 2, 139-143
Educating Correctional Health Care Providers and Inmates About Drug-Drug
Interactions: HIV-Medications and Illicit Drugs
Abe Macher1, Deborah Kibble2, Karen Bryant3, Ana Cody4,
1U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2Prince William Manassas Regional Adult Detention Center 6Office of the Federal Public Defender for the District of Columbia Abstract
This paper demonstrates how federal clinicians are collaborating with correctional health care providers in a unique continuing education initiative regarding HIV-medications and drug-drug interactions. Three clinical cases are presented to illustrate the potential dangers associated with concomitant use of ritonavir (a frequently prescribed antiretroviral agent) and illicit drugs. Such clinical cases are regularly presented in an exemplar program that draws clinicians together to share current medical information and notes “from the field” regarding problems that correctional health care providers and administrators are likely to face. Collaboration between federal clinicians, correctional and community health officials has resulted in a unique forum for disseminating medical information, and represents a prototypical method for broad- based health education. 2005 Californian Journal of Health Promotion. All rights reserved. Keywords: drug interactions, correctional health care providers, illicit drugs, antiretroviral agents
The Challenges of Correctional Health Care
U.S. pass through the corrections system each
Health Care (NCCHC) has provided estimates
for the numbers of inmates released with
Since the clinical management of HIV disease
communicable diseases and the percentages
and hepatitis is constantly evolving, correctional
relative to the United States population with
health care providers and health services
those infections. Data from 1996 revealed that
administrators must have access to continuing
at least 1.3 million inmates released from
medical education. This paper examines a pilot
correctional facilities in that year were infected
continuing-education-project in Washington,
with hepatitis C virus (HCV) (NCCHC, 2002)
D.C., that involves collaboration between
and these former inmates represented 29 percent
federal clinicians, correctional providers, and
of all U.S. cases of HCV infection. Hepatitis B
health services administrators. The Correctional
virus (HBV) infection, on the other hand, was
found in 155,000 released inmates, accounting
representatives from correctional facilities in
for 15.5 percent of all U.S. cases. Significant
fractions of HIV infection (98,000; 13 percent)
Columbia. Dr. Abe Macher, who serves as a
and AIDS cases (39,000; 17 percent) were also
volunteer clinical consultant to the Sub-
reported among persons released from jails and
committee, has recruited representatives from
prisons. It has been estimated that approximately
the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the U.S. Marshals
one fourth of all HIV-infected persons in the
Service, the Veterans Administration, the Office of the Federal Public Defender for the District of
A. Macher et al. / Californian Journal of Health Promotion 2005, Volume 3, Issue 2, 139-143
Columbia, the Centers for Disease Control and
State-of-the-art treatment updates regarding
Prevention, local and state departments of
HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, bioterrorism, methicillin-
health, community-based clinics, and hospice
resistant Staphylococcus aureus, tuberculosis
organizations (see Table 1) to participate in
and other infectious disease issues are presented
monthly multidisciplinary meetings where
clinical cases are presented and discussed.
Participants of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’
Correctional Health Care Subcommittee Meetings
City, County, and Regional Detention Centers State Departments of Corrections Federal Bureau of Prisons U.S. Marshals Service Office of the Federal Public Defender for the District of Columbia Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Public Health Service Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Public Health Service Veterans Administration County and State Departments of Health Community-Based HIV Clinics (e.g., La Clinica del Pueblo; Whitman Walker) AIDS Drug Assistance Programs Hospice of the Chesapeake University and Community Hospitals American Correctional Association American Jail Association Public Safety Division, Council of Governments
A major concern of the Subcommittee is the
proper use of FDA-approved HIV-medications
antiretroviral treatment and avoidance of illicit
and their potential toxicities and drug-drug
interactions. An emerging dilemma within the
metropolitan Washington, D.C. area is the
Inter-Agency Collaborative Education: An
interaction between prescribed HIV-medications
Exemplar Program
(e.g., ritonavir) and illicit drugs such as
hallucinogenic amphetamine derivatives (e.g.,
considerable number of HIV-infected inmates
highlighted the problem within our nation’s
and former inmates are polysubstance abusers,
correctional facilities. The Caucus requested
they are at considerable risk for drug-drug
volunteers from the United States Public Health
interactions between their prescribed HIV-
Service (USPHS) to provide clinical assistance.
medications and illicit drugs. In addition to
Dr. Macher, a USPHS physician, volunteered to
educating the correctional providers and
create a regional correctional HIV program, and
administrators, physicians educate inmates,
volunteered to serve as clinical consultant to the
A. Macher et al. / Californian Journal of Health Promotion 2005, Volume 3, Issue 2, 139-143
P450 2D6 (CYP2D6), an isoenzyme responsible
for demethylenation – the principal pathway by
Subcommittee. He recruited clinicians from the
which MDMA is metabolized. Thus, ingestion
region to join the Subcommittee. Since 1998,
of MDMA in recreational amounts by a person
taking ritonavir can lead to toxic effects due to
monthly basis to address HIV/AIDS as well as
high plasma concentrations of MDMA. This
other infectious disease issues, including
patient’s death was consistent with a severe
bioterrorism. Dr. Macher presents patients’
serotoninergic reaction to MDMA. Adverse
Subcommittee. The following three clinical
sympathetic overload and include tachycardia,
cases focus on drug-drug interactions between
diaphoresis, tremor, hypertension, arrhythmias,
the prescribed antiretroviral agent ritonavir and
parkinsonism, and urinary retention. The most
serious potential outcome of MDMA ingestion
is hyperthermia and the associated “serotonin
Clinical Case One: Ecstasy and Ritonavir
syndrome” manifested by grossly elevated core
The patient, a man with HIV-infection with a
body temperature, rigidity, myoclonus, and
history of alcohol abuse and illicit use of
autonomic instability; patients may develop
“Ecstasy”(3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine
rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure, hepatic
failure, adult respiratory distress syndrome, and
Clarity; Adam; Essence; Ecky; Bicky; Yaoto-
Wang) was prescribed an antiretroviral treatment
regimen that included the protease inhibitor
Clinical Case Two: Methamphetamine, Amyl
ritonavir. Two weeks after starting treatment
Nitrate, and Ritonavir
with ritonavir, he went to a club and took three
A man with HIV-infection and a history of
MDMA (Ecstasy) tablets. In the past (prior to
being prescribed ritonavir) he had taken MDMA
antiretroviral treatment regimen that included
on several occasions without untoward effects.
ritonavir. Four months later, he was witnessed
injecting himself twice with methamphetamine
Four hours after his arrival at the club, a nurse
(Meth, Crystal) as well as sniffing amyl nitrate.
His friends left him at approximately 3:00 a.m.,
profusely, tachypneic (approximately 45 breaths
apparently asleep, lying on his stomach on the
per minute), tachycardic (in excess of 140 beats
floor. The next day he was found dead in the
per minute), and cyanosed. He was able to talk
same position in which he had been left.
in full sentences and gave a history of having
taken two MDMA tablets with little effect, so he
took a further half-tablet (estimated total dose
amphetamine at a level of 0.5 mg/L in his blood
(Hales, Roth, & Smith, 2000). This patient had
content of the remaining half tablet), after which
also been abusing amyl nitrate. Amyl nitrate is
he began to “feel shaky.” Within 25 minutes of
metabolized to nitric oxide which inhibits
the first assessment he had an apparent tonic-
clonic convulsion, but was able to respond to
questions. He became increasingly tachypneic,
methamphetamine metabolism. These drug-drug
and his carotid pulse rate was approximately 200
interactions probably led to the high plasma
per minute. A few minutes later he vomited and
concentrations of methamphetamine.
had a cardiopulmonary arrest. Attempts at
Clinical Case Three: Ecstasy, GHB, and Ritonavir
Postmortem toxicology revealed MDMA in his
A man with HIV-infection began taking an
blood at a concentration of 4.56 mg/L (ten times
antiretroviral treatment regimen that included
the anticipated concentration). The protease
ritonavir. Harrington, Woodward, Hooton, and
inhibitor ritonavir is an inhibitor of cytochrome
A. Macher et al. / Californian Journal of Health Promotion 2005, Volume 3, Issue 2, 139-143
Horn (1999, p. 2221) reported that five days
These three clinical cases underscore the hazards
of mixing illicit drugs with prescribed HIV-
medications. Given the variations in drug
absorption and metabolism that exist between
hydroxybutyrate, or GHB), the man became
individuals, it is impossible to accurately predict
unresponsive and exhibited a brief episode
the effect of drug combinations in any one
of repetitive, clonic contractions of both legs
person. This is particularly important with
regard to the use of illicit drugs, which are often
taken by groups of people. Individuals within
responsive only to painful stimuli, with
the group may be falsely reassured by others that
shallow respirations and a heart rate of only
intubated and transferred to a local hospital.
A prudent approach for HIV providers would be
to caution their patients that the known and
potential drug interactions between illicit
next three hours, his vital signs normalized
substances and HIV-medications are complex
and unpredictable. Co-administration of HIV-
Upon questioning, he admitted to ingesting
medications with illicit substances should be
strongly discouraged. Consequently, correctional
health care providers should utilize each clinical
admission, he ingested one half teaspoon of
visit with their inmate-patients as opportunities
immediately before becoming unconscious.
preparation for post-release continuity-of-care.
He stated that he took the GHB to counter
the agitating effects of MDMA, which had
Each year, some 630,000 persons are released
ingestion. The patient noted that prior to his
from state and federal prisons (Office of Justice
use of ritonavir, he had taken a similar
million persons are arrested, and are admitted
occasions and he had never experienced any
and discharged from county jails and juvenile
adverse reactions. He also noted that his
friends had consumed similar amounts of the
Investigation, 2004). Rates of illicit drug use in
same preparation of GHB every two to three
this population are very high (see James, 2004),
and these detainees and inmates also engage in
The patient maintained that the duration
(>29 hours) of the stimulatory effect of the
Following admission to a correctional facility,
inmates represent a “captive audience” and
interventions that attempt to reduce their risky
in the past (prior to his antiretroviral
behaviors should be undertaken. Correctional
treatment with ritonavir). He explained that
officials and clinicians must first, however, have
a clear understanding of the risks that their
correctional health care initiative in Washington,
experience clinical features typical of GHB
DC, is an exemplar program that unites local,
state, and federal agencies and organizations and
consciousness, seizure-like activity, and
promotes ongoing education, communication,
respiratory depression. Ritonavir probably
cooperation, collaboration, and continuity-of-
care. We recommend that correctional facilities
unite in their respective regions by accessing
A. Macher et al. / Californian Journal of Health Promotion 2005, Volume 3, Issue 2, 139-143
area’s clinical and educational resources
equivalent organizations) and pooling their
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Henry, J. A., & Hill, I. R. (1998). Fatal interaction between ritonavir and MDMA. Lancet, 352, 1751-
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Author Information Abe Macher U.S. Department of Health and Human Services E-Mail: Deborah Kibble Prince William Manassas Regional Adult Detention Center Karen Bryant Hospice of the Chesapeake Ana Cody La Clinica del Pueblo Todd Pilcher Whitman Walker Clinic Danielle Jahn Office of the Federal Public Defender for the District of Columbia
Prevalence of crab asthma in crab plant workers in Newfoundland and Labrador André Cartier 1, Samuel B. Lehrer 2, Lise Horth-Susin 3,Mark Swanson 4, Barbara Neis 5, Dana Howse 5, Michael Jong 5 1 Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal2 Tulane University, New Orleans3 Valley Regional Hospital, Kentville4 Mayo Clinic5 Memorial University ABSTRACT Objectives. The aim of the study was to determine