Lobmeyer MT, Wang L, Zineh I, Turner ST, Gums JG, Chapman AB, Cooper-Dehoff
RM, Beitelshees AL, Bailey KR, Boerwinkle E, Pepine CJ, and Johnson JA.
Polymorphisms in Genes Coding for GRK2 and GRK5 and Response Differences in
Antihypertensive-Treated Patients. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics; 2011,
Bovio J, Smith SM, Gums JG. Dabigatran Etexilate: A Novel Oral Thrombin Inhibitor
for Thromboembolic Disease. Ann Pharmacother 2011 (45):603-14.
Gums JG. Place of Dabigatran in Contemporary Pharmacotherapy. Pharmacotherapy
Turner S, Schwarz G, Chapman A, Beitelshees A, Gums JG, Cooper-DeHoff R,
Boerwinkle E, Johnson J, Bailey K. Signal-to-noise Analysis of Office, Home, and
Ambulatory Measurements of Blood Pressure Response to Antihypertensive Drug
Therapy. Journal of Hypertension (Submitted)
Karnes JH, McDonough CW, Gong Y, Vo TT, Langaee TY, Chapman AB, Gums JG,
Beitelshees AL, Bailey KR, Boerwinkle E, Pepine CJ, Turner ST, Johnson JA, Cooper-
DeHoff RM. Association of KCNJ1 Variation with Change in Fasting Glucose and New-
Onset Diabetes during HCTZ Treatment. Pharmacogenomics J. 2012; Aug 21:1-7.
Gums JG. Ceftaroline Fosamil: A Broad-Spectrum Cephalosporin with Methicillin-
Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Activity. Infect Dis Clin Pract 2012;20:122-130.
Duarte J, Zinch I, Burkley B, Gong Y, Langaee TY, Turner ST, Chapman AB,
Boerwinkle E, Gums JG, Cooper-DeHoff RM, Beitelshees AL, Bailey KR, Fillingim
RB, Kone BC, Johnson JA. Effects of Genetic Variation in H3K79 Methylation
Regulatory Genes on Clinical Blood Pressure and Blood Pressure Response to
Hydrochlorothiazide. J. Transl. Med. 2012, Mar 22;10:56-65.
Vandell AG, Lobmeyer MT, Gawronski BT, Langaee TY, Gong Y, Gums JG,
Beitelshees AL, Turner ST, Chapman AB, Cooper-DeHoff RM, Bailey KR, Boerwinkle
E, Pepine CJ, Liggett SB, Johnson JA. G Protein Receptor Kinase 4 (GRK4)
Polymorphisms: Beta-Blocker Pharmacogenetics and Treatment Related Outcomes in
Hypertension. Hypertension 2012, Oct; 60(4):957-64.
Turner ST, Schwartz GL, Chapman AB, Beitelshees AL, Gums JG, Cooper-DeHoof
RM, Boerwinkle E, Johnson JA, Bailey KR. Power to Identify a Genetic Predictor of
Antihypertensive Drug Response Using Different Methods to Measure Blood Pressure
Response. J. Transl. Med. 2012 (Submitted)
Duarte J, Turner ST, Tran B, Chapman AB, Bailey KR, Gong Y, Gums JG, Langaee
TY, Beitelshees AL, Cooper-DeHoff RM, Boerwinkle E, Johnson JA. Association of
Chromosome 12 Locus with Antihypertensive Response to Hydrochlorothiazide May
Involve Differential YEASTS4 Expression. The Pharmacogenomics Journal (Advance
online Publication) 21 February 2012; doi:10.1038/tpi.2012.4 Smith SM, Gong Y, Turner ST, Cooper-DeHoff RM, Beitelshees AL, Chapman AB,
Boerwinkle E, Bailey KR, Johnson JA, Gums JG. Blood Pressure Responses and
Metabolic Effects of Hydrochlorothiazide and Atenolol. Amer J Hyperten March
Gong Y, McDonough C, Wang Z, Hou W, Copper-DeHoff R, Langaee T, Beitelshees A,
Chapman A, Gums J, Bailey K, Boerwinkle E, Turner S, Johnson J. Hypertension
Susceptibility Loci and Blood Pressure Response to Antihypertensives- Results from the
Pharmacogenomic Evaluation of Antihypertensive Responses (PEAR) Study. Circ
Cardiovasc Genet.
2012; 5:686-91.
Cooper-DeHoff R, Hou W, Baille R, Beitelshees A, Gong Y, Shahin M, Turner S, Chapman A, Gums J, Boyle S, Zhu H, Wikoff W, Boerwinkle E, Fiehn O, Frye R,
Kaddurah-Daouk R, Johnson J. Pharmacometabolomics and Pharmacogenomics Reveals
a Novel Signature for Predicting Beta-Blocker Associated Impaired Fasting Glucose.
Clin Pharmacol Therap 2012 (Submitted)
Dietrich E, Gums J. Intranasal Fentanyl Spray: A Novel Dosage Form for the Treatment
of Breakthrough Cancer Pain. Ann Pharmacother 2012; 46:1382-91.
Ganesh S, Tragente V, Hou W, Gums, J, et. al. Loci Influencing Blood Pressure
Identified Using a Cardiovascular Gen-centric Array. Human Molecular Genetics 2012
Shafiu M, Johnson R, Johnson J, Gums J, Langaee T, Gong Y, Turner S, Chapman A.
Urate Transporter Gene SLC 22A12 Polymorphisms Associated with Obesity and
Metabolic Syndrome in Caucasians with Hypertension. Kidney Blood Press Res 2012;
35:477-482 (doi: 10.1159/000337370)
Le MT, Lobmeyer MT, Campbell M, Cheng J, Wang Z, Turner ST, Chapman AB,
Boerwinkle E, Gums, JG, Gong Y, Johnson RJ, Johnson JA. Impact of Genetic
Polymorphisms SLC2A2, SLC2A5, and KHK on Metabolic and Herrodynamic
Phenotypes in Hypertensive Individuals. Plus One 2013: 8(1): e52062
Ganesh SK, Tragante V, Guo W, Guo Y, Lanktree MB, Smith EN, Johnson T, Castillo BA, Barnard J, Baumert J, Chang YP, Elbers CC, Farrall M, Fischer ME, Franceschini N, Gaunt TR, Gho JM, Gieger C, Gong Y, Isaacs A, Kleber ME, Leach IM, McDonough CW, Meijs MF, Mellander O, Molony CM, Nolte IM, Padmanabhan S, Price TS, Rajagopalan R, Shaffer J, Shah S, Shen H, Soranzo N, van der Most PJ, Van Iperen EP, van Setten J, Vonk JM, Zhang L, Beitelshees AL, Berenson GS, Bhatt DL, Boer JM, Boerwinkle E, Burkley B, Burt A, Chakravarti A, Chen W, Cooper-Dehoff RM, Curtis SP, Dreisbach A, Duggan D, Ehret GB, Fabsitz RR, Fornage M, Fox E, Furlong CE, Gansevoort RT, Hofker MH, Hovingh GK, Kirkland SA, Kottke-Marchant K, Kutlar A, Lacroix AZ, Langaee TY, Li YR, Lin H, Liu K, Maiwald S, Malik R; METASTROKE,
Murugesan G, Newton-Cheh C, O’Connell JR, Onland-Moret NC, Ouwehand WH,
Palmas W, Penninx BW, Pepine CJ, Pettinger M, polak JF, Ramachandran VS, Ranchalis
J, Redline S, Ridker PM, Rose LM, Scharnag H, Schork NJ, Shimbo D, Shuldiner AR,
Srinivasan SR, Stolk RP, Taylor HA, Thorand B, Trip MD, van Duijn CM, Verschuren
WM, Wijmenga C, Winkelmann BR, Wyatt S, Young JH, Boehm BO, Caulfield MJ,
Chasman DI, Davidson KW, Doevendans PA, Fitzgerald GA, Gums JG, Hakonarson H,
Hilege HL, Illig T, Jarvik GP, Johnson JA, Kastelein JJ, Koenig Wl; Lifelines Cohort
Study, März W, Mitchell BD, Murray SS, Oldehinkel AJ, Rader DJ, Reilly MP, Reiner
AP, Schadt EE, Silverstein RL, Snieder H, Stanton AV, Uitterlinden AG, van der Harst
P, van der Schouw YT, Samani NJ, Johnson AD, Munroe PB, de Baker Pl, Zhu X, Levy
D, Keating BJ, Asselbergs FW. Loci Influencing Blood Pressure Identified Using a
Cardiovascular Gene-Centric Array. Hum Mol Genet. 2013 Jan 8. (Epub ahead of print)
PubMed PMID: 23303523.
McDonough C, Burbage S, Duarte J, Gong Y, Langaee T, Turner S, Gums J, Chapman
A, Bailey K, Beitelshees A, Boerwinkle E, Pepine C, DeHoff R, Johnson J. Association
of Variants in NEDDAL with Blood Pressure Response and Adverse Cardiovascular
Outcomes in Hypertensive Patients Treated with Thiazide Diuretics. J. of Hypertension.
2013, Jan 30 (Epub ahead of print)
Gums JG. Changing the Direction of Clinical Pharmacy Outside the United States: Time
to Step Up. (Editorial) Pharmacotherapy 2013; 33(2): 122-125.
Del-Aguila JL, Beitelshees AL, Cooper-DeHoff RM, Chapman AB, Gums JG, Baley K,
Gong Y, Turner ST, Johnson JA, Boerwinkle E. Genome-Wide Association Analyses
Suggests NELL1 Influences Adverse Metabolic Response to HCTZ in African
Americans. Pharmacogenomics J. 2013, Feb 12 doi: 10.1038/tpj.2013.3.
Dietrich E, Gums JG. Intranasal Fentanyl Spray (Letter). Ann Pharmacother 2013; 47:
doi: 10.1345/aph.1R069C.
Gong Y, McDonough CW, Beitelshees AL, O’Connell JR, Karnes JG, Turner ST,
Chapman AB, Gums JG, Bailey K, Boerwinkle E, Johnson JA, Cooper-DeHoff RM.
Fasting Glucose Loci Associated with Glucose Change After Antihypertensive Treatment
(April 2013) Diabetes Care (Submitted).
McDonough CW, Gillis NK, Alsultan A, Chang SW, Kawaguchi-Suzuki M, Lang JE,
Shahin MHA, Buford TW, El Rouby NM, Sá ACC, Langaee TY, Gums JG, Chapman
AB, Cooper-DeHoff RM, Turner ST, Gong Y, Johnson JA. Atenolol-Induced HDL-C
Change in the Pharmacogenomic Evaluation of Antihypertensive Responses (PEAR)
Study. (April 2013) (Submitted J. Lipid Research).
Turner ST, Boerwindkle E, O’Connell JR, Bailey KR, Gong Y, Chapman AB,
Beitelshees AL, Schwartz GL, Gums JG, Padmanabhan S, Hiltvnen TP, Ciherio L,
Donner KM, Hedner T, Lanzani C, Melando O, Saarela J, Ripattis, Wahlstrand B, Manunta P, Kuntulak K, Dominiczak AF, Cooper-DeHoff RM, Johnson JA. Genomic Associaton Analysis of Common Variants Influencing Antihypertensive Response to Hydrochlorothiazide. Hypertension (April 2013) (Accepted). Vandell A, McDonough CW, Gong Y, Langaee TY, Lucas AM, Chapman AB, Gums
, Beitelshees AL, Bailey KR, Johnson RJ, Boerwinkle E, Turner ST, Cooper-DeHoff
RM, Johnson JA. Pharmacogenomics of Hydrochlorothiazide-Induced Hyperuricemia in
African Americans. (May 2013) (Submitted).
Karnes JH, Gong Y, Arwood MS, Gums JG, Limacher MC, Johnson JA, Cooper-
DeHoff RM. Comparison of Short and Long-Term Adverse Metabolic Effects during
Thiazide Diuretic Treatment (May 2013) (Submitted Pharmacotherapy).


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