Collagen is a natural substance derived from purified animal protein used to replace the collagen skin loses over time. It is injected just below the surface of the skin, filling unwanted lines and wrinkles as well as adding definition. Collagen is most frequently used to treat the lip border, deep smile lines, dimples, lines around the mouth, acne scars, cheek depressions and facial scars. When used with hyaluronic acid-based fillers, collagen replaces skin structure while the hyaluronic acid In our office we offer patients different both human based and bovine forms of collagen. These include: Zyplast – The most common used form of collagen. Zyplast requires patients to have a 6-week skin test to check for an allergic reaction to the bovine (cow) collagen. This product typically lasts from 2 to 4 months. CosmoPlast – The biggest advantage of this filler is that there is no risk of an allergic reaction. However, the effects of the CosmoPlast only last about two to six weeks (around two months for lips), and the cost is about 50% more then other Many patients strive for fuller lips and ask about the best treatment to attain the most natural-looking and full pout. The best treatment to create full lips is a combination of collagen and hylauronic acid. The collagen creates an outline and the hylauronic acid fills in the lips. This combination creates a natural-looking, full pout.
As explained, not all wrinkles will respond to collagen. Other alternatives include dermabrasion, chemical peeling, laser resurfacing, face-lifting, browlifting and necklifting. Treatments with Retin-A or Renova or alpha hydroxy acids may also produce some benefits for many problems.
Side effects experiences by patients who have had collagen treatment include, but are not limited to, headache, bruising, pain during injections, asymmetry (one side not exactly like the other), twitching and numbness. Also, the results of the injections may not last for as long or as well as expected.
A t l A n tA D e r m At o l o g y , V e i n & r e s e A r c h c e n t e r l l c w w w . D e r m A n D V e i n . c o m Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that already exists in the human body and is used to provide volume and fullness to the skin. It is injected into the skin to correct moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds. Common areas treated include folds in the cheek such as the nasolabial or melolabial folds and “marionette” lines at the corners of the mouth. It can also be used to enhance the lips, resulting in a natural and sensuous look. The duration of correction lasts on average 3-9 months depending on the type of hyaluronic acid used, but results may vary among individuals.
Restylane, a medium density hyaluronic acid, can last up to 6 months and since it is derived from naturally occurring substances in the body, patients do not need a skin test. Juvederm, recently approved by the FDA is a higher density hyaluronic acid and can last up to 9 months. This product is generally applied to nasolabial folds and deep wrinkles.
Many patients strive for fuller lips and ask about the best treatment to attain the most natural-looking and full pout. The best treatment to create full lips is a combination of collagen and hylauronic acid. The collagen creates an outline and the hyaluronic acid fills in the lips. This combination creates a natural-looking, full pout.
As explained, not all wrinkles will respond to hyaluronic acid. Other alternatives include dermabrasion, chemical peeling, laser resurfacing, face-lifting, browlifting and necklifting. Treatments with Retin-A or Renova or alpha hydroxy acids may also produce some benefits for many problems. Side effects experiences by patients who have had hyaluronic acid treatment include, but are not limited to: headache, bruising, pain during injections, asymmetry (one side not exactly like the other), twitching, numbness. Also, the results of the injections may not last for as long or as well as expected. A t l A n tA D e r m At o l o g y , V e i n & r e s e A r c h c e n t e r l l c w w w . D e r m A n D V e i n . c o m It is injected into the skin to correct moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds. Common areas treated include folds in the cheek such as the nasolabial or melolabial folds and “marionette” lines at the corners of the mouth. Some patients may achieve an optimal correction on their first injection. For other patients, variability in the rate of tissue growth may require additional treatments to achieve an optimal correction. Radiesse is composed of synthetic calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) microspheres suspended in a gel carrier. CaHA is a biomaterial with over twenty years of use in orthopedics, neurosurgery, dentistry, and ophthalmology, and is the primary mineral constituent of bone and teeth. The semi-solid nature of Radiesse is created by suspending CaHA in a common water based carrier, also used in a large array of products. Radiesse is synthetic CaHA that has similar characteristics to bone and teeth, and is naturally compatible with the body. It has been tested extensively in clinical trials for over seven years now with exceptional safety and efficacy results. In facial applications, Radiesse should provide a correction that lasts approximately one year. Individual results may vary, affected by age, metabolism, skin type, lifestyle and muscle activity. The gel carrier dissipates over a few months allowing for new tissue infiltration. The CaHA particles gradually break down and are metabolized over two to three years. No pre- testing is required due to Radiesse’s unique synthetic product formulation and biocompatibility profile. As explained, not all wrinkles will respond to semi permanent filler. Other alternatives are dermabrasion; chemical peeling; laser resurfacing; face-lifting, browlifting, necklifting, and other surgical resecting of the frown muscles of the frown muscles of the brow; treatments with Retin-A or Renova or alpha hydroxy acids may also produce some benefits.
Approximately 24 hours following injection of Radiesse, most swelling or redness will have subsided. Some patients return to work immediately following injection, while others may need 24 hours to recover.
There are few reported side effects. However, some common injection-related reactions may occur, such as bruising, edema, swelling, pain, itching, discoloration, and tenderness at the injection site. The results of the injections may not last A t l A n tA D e r m At o l o g y , V e i n & r e s e A r c h c e n t e r l l c w w w . D e r m A n D V e i n . c o m Volume loss is now known to be an important factor in how a person ages. The full cheeks of youth are lost leading to loss of structural support and sagging of the skin. In the past facelifts were utilized, however, pulled skin does not equate with a more youthful appearance. A facelift could not address the central face and patients were still left with deep nasolabial folds and marionette lines. The addition of new volumizers such as Sculptra® have allowed us to address the volume loss due to aging, leading to a more natural look compared to the windswept, pulled face of a facelift.
Sculptra is an injectable product that is intended to restore and correct the signs of facial fat loss. Sculptra is effective when used to fill wrinkles and furrows. It makes the skin appear smoother and firmer enabling it to resemble its previous elasticity. Sculptra is long lasting and well-tolerated; results can last 2-5 years. It’s made up of microspheres of poly-L-lactic acid. Because poly-L-lactic acid is the main ingredient in Sculptra, patients do not require allergy testing. In our office we offer Sculptra in different amounts, at varying costs. These amounts include: Sculptra® - 1 syringe (lip or upper eyes) The results of Sculptra are not immediate. At your first treatment visit, it may appear that Sculptra worked immediately because of swelling from the injections and the water used to dilute Sculptra. However, a few days following the treatment, when the swelling goes down and the water is absorbed by your body, you may look as you did before your treatment. Sculptra takes time to gradually correct the depression in your skin. Your doctor will decide the appropriate number of treatment sessions and the amount of Sculptra you will need at each session. Multiple sessions are often required and patients with severe facial fat loss may require 3 to 6 treatment sessions. Side effects of Sculptra may include: delayed appearance of small bumps under the skin in the treated area, bleeding, tenderness or discomfort, redness, bruising, or swelling may occur at the site of injection. Because the practice of medicine and surgery is not an exact science, reputable practitioners cannot guarantee results. The results of the injections may not last for as long or as well as expected. There are no promises or guarantees regarding the degree of improvement when using Sculptra.
As explained, not all wrinkles will respond to Sculptra. Other alternatives are dermabrasion; chemical peel, laser resurfacing, face-lift, browlift, necklift, and surgical resection of the frown muscles of the brow; treatments with Retin-A or Renova or alpha hydroxy acids may also produce some benefits.
A t l A n tA D e r m At o l o g y , V e i n & r e s e A r c h c e n t e r l l c w w w . D e r m A n D V e i n . c o m


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