
1626 W. BUS. HWY. 287, SUITE 102
PH: 972-923-2600

Appointment date: _____________________ Check in time: ________________ Check in at the
main entrance of Surgery Center of Waxahachie, 106 Lucas Street, Waxahachie, 972.351.8535.
This information has been prepared to assist you. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. If you have
any questions, please call the doctor’s office listed above during regular business hours.

You will be sedated for the procedure. You will not be allowed to drive yourself
Please make arrangements to have someone drive you home after the procedure. Allow
approximately 2-3 hours from arrival to departure.
Medications: Do NOT take Aspirin or Ibuprofen products at least 5 days prior to your procedure. If
you are taking a prescribed blood thinner, please call your physician to be sure it will be o.k. to stop 5
days. If you are taking medications for blood pressure, heart, or any other critical medications
continue to take them on your regular schedule, even the morning of the procedure with a sip of
water only. Do NOT take diabetes medication on the morning of the procedure until you are allowed
to eat again.
Preparation Day Before Procedure: You must be on a clear liquid diet only on the day before the
procedure. This includes all you want of broths, Jello, Popsicles, fruit juices without pulp, soda,
water, coffee, and tea. Please do not have anything red the day before. This may be confused for
blood during the procedure.
**You need to purchase two, 32 oz. bottles of Gatorade, any flavor, any color except red. You will
also need two 4.1 oz. bottles of Miralax, and four Dulcolax 5mg tablets. All of these are over the
counter medications available at any pharmacy or grocery store.
12:00 p.m. day before: Take the first two Dulcolax tablets. Mix one bottle of Miralax with one bottle
of Gatorade and shake for about 2-3 minutes. The Miralax will totally dissolve. Drink this bottle of
Gatorade over an hour to hour and a half. You will only taste the Gatorade.
6:00 p.m. day before: Take the second two Dulcolax tablets. Mix the second bottle of Miralax with
the second bottle of Gatorade and again shake for about 2-3 minutes. Drink this bottle again over an
hour to hour and a half.

After the procedure:
You may feel full/ bloated. This will pass as you expel the air that was
introduced into your colon during the procedure.
The findings from the examination will be explained to you and/or a family member before you leave
the hospital. If a biopsy is performed, it will be sent off and takes a few days to come back with
results. We will call or mail a letter to you with your results after the doctor has reviewed them.

Source: http://www.drfayiga.com/downloads/Gatorade_ColonoscopyInstructions.pdf


■ Chimiothérapie et dans les cancers ORL, alors que le libelléLimousin, ont été mises en œuvre en 2002 des cancers pulmonaires : de l’AMM le réserve aux cancers du sein etpour notamment améliorer les conditions de un état des lieux préoccupant préparation des chimiothérapies et mieuxinformer les établissements des démarches Dans une dépêche, l’agence APM-Reuters,


DRUG & THERAPEUTICS LETTER A Quarterly Bulletin from Drug Information Unit (DIU) Department of Clinical Pharmacology Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital Institute of Medicine, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu. January – March 2006 Contents Medication Overuse Headache Prescribing by Denatal Surgeon for HIV Infection Drug Committee, TUTH Eye problem

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