ESSR Contact Information General Committee 2012–2013
Secretary GeneralMustafa CikirikciogluDivision of Cardiovascular Surgery,
President Treasurer Members-at-Large Secretary General Vice Presidents The European Society for
(WBA) session at which the best 6 basic science papers were presented. This
Surgical Research Returns ‘Home’:
session was chaired by the President of the ESSR (Charles Malata), the General Secretary (Mustafa Cikirikcioglu), the representatives of the sister
The 2012 ESSR Congress, Lille, France
societies, Dr. George Yang, President of the American Society of University Surgeons (SUS), and Professor Hennie Becker, President of the Surgical Re-search Society of Southern Africa (SRS-SA). The general theme of the WBA
The 47th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research (ESSR) was
session this year revolved around the subject of amelioration of liver
held this year in Lille, France, from June 6 to June 9. It marked the return of
ischemia-reperfusion injury. During this session, the prize winners from our
the ESSR to its founding country: the ESSR had been established in Nancy,
sister societies gave their presentations:
• SUS (USA): Dr. Rebecca Busch: ‘Inhibition of cold ischemia and reper-
Located to the north, Lille is one of the biggest cities in France and was
fusion injury mediated by matrix metalloproteinases by NFκB inhibitor
chosen as the European Capital of Culture in 2004. The congress was held
in the Université Faculté de Médecine at the Pôle Recherche of the Hôpital
• SRS (Southern Africa): Dr. Brendan Jackson: ‘A comparative study of
Claude Huriez. The Congress President was Professor François Pattou, as-
the therapeutic dose of warfarin in HIV positive versus HIV negative patients’
sisted by Thomas Hubert (Vice President) and Robert Caiazzo (Scientific
• Society of Academic and Research Surgery (SARS, UK): Dr. Mekhola
Mallik: ‘Regulatory B cells induce long-term allograft survival in a mouse
This year’s congress was well attended, with 211 oral and 89 poster
presentations and participants from every continent bar Antarctica: partici-
The congress then split up into parallel sessions on stem cells and cell
pants came from as far as the Côte d’Ivoire in Africa, Japan and Brazil,
therapy, liver transplantation, and urology in the morning; and sessions on
mirroring the increasing internationalization of the society.
liver metastases, cardiovascular surgery, new approaches and techniques in
For the first time in the history of the conference we had a workshop
surgery, mini-invasive urology, exocrine pancreas, anti-adherence and anti-
on ‘Good Practice in Clinical Trials’, run by Professor René Tolba, the ESSR
leakage devices, orthopaedic and trauma surgery, liver ischemia and regen-
Treasurer, and generously sponsored by B. Braun Melsungen. This workshop
eration, and endocrine tumors for the afternoon.
was intended to contribute towards the award of a certificate in Clinical
The evening of June 7 proved to be a social highlight with dinner at the
Research Methods. Other pre-congress events included workshops on: sin-
local restaurant ‘l’Omnia’. The congress participants were entertained by a
gle port surgery, organ resuscitation, instrumental micro-anastomosis cou-
colorful and boisterous musical band of talented medical students outside
pler/laser, transvaginal nephrectomy and peri-operative management.
the restaurant, and this was quite a spectacle. It was a befitting prelude to
The welcome reception took place in the auspicious surroundings of the
Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille, the largest French museum outside of Paris. We were graced by the presence of one of our key-note speakers, Professor
Friday morning commenced with the Best Clinical Research Paper Award
Jean-Michel Dubernard, and the representatives of the sister societies. The
plenary session, again chaired by the ESSR General Secretary (Mustafa Ciki-
specially arranged guided tour of the magnificent museum left everybody
rikcioglu), the SARS President (Professor Andrew Bradley of Cambridge), the
amazed. Of particular interest were the 1/600 scale models of the towns of
Japanese Representative (Professor Yuzo Yamamoto of Osaka University),
the ancient kingdom of France, and the unparalleled collection of modern
the President of the SRS (Professor Hennie Becker of Pretoria), the SUS
President (Dr George Yang of Stanford) and the ESSR President (Charles
The congress was opened by the Dean of the Lille Faculté de Médecine,
Professor Didier Gosset. He welcomed the participants to Lille and stressed the importance of international relationships and collaboration. In particular,
he highlighted the sister relationship between the Lille Faculty and the
• Professor Jean-Michel Dubernard (Lyon), world-renowned transplant
Medical Faculty of Osaka, Japan (with its exchange of faculty and students).
surgeon who spoke on ‘Composite tissue allografts: myth, dream and
This was immediately followed by the prestigious Walter Brendel award ESSRNews
• Professor Pierre-Alain Clavien (Zurich), who spoke on his widely ac-
• Thomas Hubert, who had excelled and distinguished himself in the
claimed work on ‘Clinical outcomes in surgical research’
organization of the Lille Congress, was duly elected to the ESSR General
• Professor Guy Magalon (Marseille) who spoke on the ‘Future of cell
Committee as a Member-at-Large, following a proposal by the outgoing
Congress President, François Pattou. He was seconded by the Society Pres-
• Professor Marc Pocard (France) who asked ‘Did the microenvironment
modulate response to surgery for liver metastasis?’
• It was decided to revive the Country Representative mechanism in
• Dr. Morgan Rouprêt (France) who delivered his talk ‘To infinity and
order to increase membership, facilitate abstract submission and foster at-
• Dr. Sébastien Parratte (France) who spoke about the ‘Cinematic anal-
• The ESSR Fellowship Award winner was Dr. Bendix Slegtenhorst of
Rotterdam. He will be investigating whether ‘Older organs are more sensitive
• Dr. David Val-Laillet (France) who spoke on ‘Experimental surgery and
to the consequences of prolonged ischemia: the role of dendritic cells’. This
brain imaging applied to nutrition studies in the minipig model’
research will be conducted as a collaboration between the University of
• Professor Jan Deprest (Belgium) who discussed ‘Fetal surgery – animal
Rotterdam (Netherlands) and Harvard University (USA), and laboratory work
will be performed in the laboratory of Dr. Stefan G. Tullius at Harvard Uni-
• Professor Gordon Wishart (Cambridge) presented his group’s pioneer-
ing work on ‘Predict: a population-based validation of a prognostic model
In summary, the 47th Congress covered the full spectrum of surgical
for early breast cancer that includes Her-2’
research, from laboratory to clinical research, and spanned essentially all
• Professor Benoit Barrou spoke on ‘Recent advances in organ preserva-
The invited lecturers gave stimulating and highly inspiring lectures. As
The official congress dinner was held in the sumptuous settings of
per tradition, there remained a strong emphasis on the ‘young people’ –
L’Hermitage Gantois. This former hospice was built in the 15th century and
researchers, students, and residents – who represent the future of the
served up until very recently to ‘cure the souls of the dying’. L’Hermitage
Gantois has since been renovated and converted into a public museum and
In this article, the President and Secretary General, assisted by the SARS
five-star hotel. A magnificent five-course dinner was served in what previ-
Prize winner, Mekhola Mallik, report on the recent ESSR Congress. We ce-
ously used to be the ward, a room adjoining the beautiful old chapel. Enter-
mented our relationship with our sister societies. For the first time, all three
tainment was provided in the form of a live rock band comprised of medics
sister society presidents attended the congress – they were active in chairing
from the local hospital. The following prizes were awarded at the congress
the scientific sessions, adjudicating the prize sessions, and substantially
raised the overall standards of the sessions through their questions. Their
• Walter Brendel Award: Dr. Lisa Rancan of Madrid, Spain, ‘Sevoflurane
interaction was highly appreciated. We can also boast this year of having
prevents liver inflammatory response induced by lung ischemia/reperfusion
played host to the prize-winners from all three sister societies as detailed
• Best Clinical Research Paper: Dr. Gregory Baud, Lille, France, ‘Intra-
Of note were the key-note lectures from leading authorities in their
muscular islet autotransplantation: clinical assessment of graft function and
fields. As an anecdote, Professor Jean-Michel Dubernard accepted his invita-
comparison with intraportal allotransplantation’
tion to speak at the congress within as little as a few minutes of the invita-
• B. Braun Award for the best medical devices paper: Dr. Catherine
tion from François Pattou. The motivating factor that spurred him to accept
Horodyckid, Paris, France, ‘A new unfocused medical ultrasound device for
was the fact that his first ever scientific meeting presentation as a young
opening of the blood brain barrier: a preclinical toxicological study on dogs’
researcher had been in fact at an ESSR congress many years ago.
• Young Investigator Award (less than 35 years of age): Dr. Mathieu
The Lille team also started a new tradition of a group photograph taken
Manassero, Paris, France, ‘Bone regeneration using a resorbable scaffold:
outside the congress centre. We hope to continue this every year.
Our congratulations and special thanks go to François Pattou, Congress
• Poster Prize 1: Umut Ozsoy, Antalya, Turkey, ‘Facial nerve repair over
President; Thomas Hubert, Vice President; Robert Caiazzo, Scientific Coor-
an aorta Y tube conduit reduces the degree of collateral axonal branching
dinator; and the entire team at the Faculty of Medicine, University Hospital
of Lille, for a successful congress. We all felt very welcome throughout our
• Poster Prize 2: Jin-Ichi Hida, Osaka, Japan, ‘Does lateral lymph node
stay. France is indeed the ‘spiritual home’ of the ESSR, the society having
dissection improve survival in rectal cancer? Examination of node metas-
been founded and the congress held there a record five times!
We look forward to the 48th Congress in Istanbul, Turkey, next year,
The General Assembly meeting was held on Friday, June 8. The high-
under the presidency of Osman Yuksel. We trust that this congress will inspire
lights of the meeting were the following:
many and will equally encourage new society members from all over Europe
• A decision was made to further explore the contracts with Karger and
the British Journal of Surgery regarding the official journal of the Society and repository of the congress abstracts
C.M. Malata, M. Mallik, M. Cikirikcioglu
• Eight applicants were accepted as members• The congress venue for the 50th ESSR Congress was decided to be
Liverpool, UK, chaired by Thomas Theologou
Protocolos terapéuticos en el asma infantil Amparo Escribano Montaner*, Marcel Ibero Iborra**, Jesús Garde Garde**, Silvia Gartner*, José Ramón Villa Asensi*, Javier Pérez Frías*(*SENP, **SEICAP) Objetivos generales del Se aconseja utilizarlos “a demanda”, cuando tratamiento existen síntomas, ya que su uso pautado, o deforma continuada, se asocia a un peor controlL
Informations concernant le traitement par laser CO2 fractionné Le traitement consiste à réaliser l'abrasion partielle sous forme de petits trous d'une zone cutanée en général localisée sur le visage à l'aide d'un laser ablatif appelé CO2. Indication esthétique : vieillissement cutané (rides, taches brunes) Indications médicales : cicatrices rouge d’acné par l'intermédi