
A Quick Guide for Plan Sponsors
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The Generic Incentive Program is designed to assist plans in What drug products does NPS recommend for targets?
increasing their generic utilization rates by combining the Generic Two or more drugs are considered therapeutical y equivalent if they Utilization Program and Therapeutic Interchange Program. In many can be expected to produce identical levels of clinical effectiveness cases, and with the prescribing physician’s approval, the Therapeutic and sound medical outcomes in patients. Plans may customize this list Interchange Program substitutes one single source brand-name by adding to it or taking products away. Some plans have chosen to product for another single source brand-name product or a generic utilize this program to also encourage members who are taking multi- equivalent, when available. The Generic Incentive Program adds an source brand-name medications that have a direct generic available to additional dimension to these programs to increase the motivation for switch to the generic. NPS recommends the fol owing drug categories a member to switch to a therapeutical y equivalent generic by offering for inclusion in the Generic Incentive Program.
Over the next five years the availability of Potential Targets for the Generic Incentive Program generic drugs wil be increasing. Many drugs that BRAND MEDICATIONS
are on a plan’s top twenty-five drug utilization list ANTIDEPRESSANTS (for depression, aniexty or other conditions)
by either number of prescriptions or total dol ars in Celexa®, Lexapro®, Paxil CR®, Paxil®, Prozac Weekly®, drug spend wil be coming off patent. A program such as the Generic Incentive Program can be a ANTIINFLAMMATORIES (to treat pain and inflammation)
great tool to enhance a plan’s current Intervention etodolac, ibuprofen, naproxen or nabumetone Program especial y on medications that members ANTIVIRALS (to treat or suppress herpes simplex virus)
take on a routine or maintenance basis. On average ENDOCRINE/THYROID (to treat thyroid conditions)
Levoxyl®, Synthroid®, Levothroid®, Unithroid® can be realized for every single source brand-name HYPERLIPIDEMICS (cholesterol lowering agents)
prescription that can be switched to a generic. Mevacor®, Zocor®, Pravachol®, Lescol®, Lescol XL® How does the program work?
PROTON PUMP INHIBITORS (gastrointestinal disorders)
Aciphex®, Prilosec®, Nexium®, Protonix®, With the Generic Incentive Program, plan sponsors Prilosec OTC™, omeprazole OTC, omeprazole waive the co-payment for the generic product for a NON-SEDATING ANTIHISTAMINES (allergies)
specific number of months if the member switches Clarinex®, Clarinex D®, Zyrtec®, Zyrtec D®, Allegra®, Allegra D® to a therapeutical y equivalent generic product. ACE INHIBITORS (for heart or high blood pressure conditions)
lisinopril, benazepril, enalapril, moexipril The average generic co-payment for a plan is NASAL PRODUCTS (allergies)
BQQSPYJNBUFMZQFSNPOUIQFSQSFTDSJQUJPO5IF Rhinocort®, Nasonex®, Nasacort AQ®, Beconase AQ® JODFOUJWF PG PGGFSJOH NFNCFST  DPQBZNFOU *Generic alternatives may not be the exact equivalent of a listed medication, however can be used for similar health conditions.
for a specified number of months when moving **When generic is available in the marketplace.
from a targeted brand-name drug to a generic NPS also recommends tablet splitting opportunities be utilized when available and appropriate to maximize plan savings on generic can be an excel ent way to motivate the member to switch. Additional y, the return on investment for a plan to waive What support and communication strategies are available?
the co-payment for a specified number of months is very positive and NPS will assist plans who wish to implement the Generic Incentive rewarding to both the plan and the member. Members then receive Program with targeted member communication letters. NPS will the continued benefit of paying the plan’s regular generic co-payment identify the candidates and provide a letter to the member that (versus the brand they were previously paying) for refil s after the incentive time frame has expired. (See example) t QSPHSBNEFTDSJQUJPOJODMVEJOHBOOPVODFNFOUPGUIFDPQBZJG the member moves to a generic within a specified time frame for a plan that offers the Generic Incentive Program for three months of co-pay waiver t JEFOUJmFTUPUIFNFNCFSUIFOBNFPGUIFUIFSBQFVUJDBMMZ Plan Savings Per Month for
Plan Savings Per Month for
First Three Months
Next Three Months
t SFDPNNFOEBUJPOUPUIFNFNCFSUPUBMLUPUIFJSIFBMUIDBSFQSPWJEFS about generics and about whether this change is appropriate Savings per month . $78.83
Savings per month .$78.83
given their medical history and/or medical conditions generic co-pay waiver . 7.00
Net plan savings per month .$71.83
Savings over first three months .$215.49

Savings over next three months .$236.49
Savings possibility over 6 months = $451.98
TF 800 546 5677
Copyrighted by Pharmaceutical Technologies, Inc. 2008. Illegal to reproduce. Tradenames are the registered trademarks of the respective product manufacturers.

Source: http://www.fcpotawatomi.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/genincentive.pdf


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