Asthma Attack
We have formed our policy and procedures for Asthma through the Warrington Schools Policy, St Joseph’s Catholic Primary school have adopted this policy and we feel it would benefit both the children and our staff to adopt this policy for our own club for familiarity for al involved. Asthma maybe manifested through the fol owing symptoms: • Coughing • Tight Chest • Wheezing or whistling noise • Shortness of breath especial y after exercise Asthma can be triggered through animals and cigarette smoke, we have a no smoking policy at the club and animals are not kept at the club. There are two main treatments for asthma: • Preventers – e.g. Intal/Cromogen, Becotide, Pulmicort, Flixotide • Inhalers – e.g. Ventolin, Salamol, Terbutaline, Bricanyl To ensure we care for any child or staff member with asthma we wil : Ensure that through induction for staff or the admissions and registration process we are aware of those who suffer from Asthma and al staff members of the club are also made aware. Treatment is discussed and an extended medical form is completed for any child/staff member who suffers from Asthma. This discussion wil also include any prevention required around exercise or activities the club may undertake. We wil make al staff aware of our policy and procedure and how to manage an asthma attack through our induction process, we wil also ensure staff have access to any training or information that is required. It is the responsibility of the staff member who suffers from asthma or child’s parents/carer/guardians to inform the club of changes to their medication or treatment. These changes should be recorded on a new extended medical form. We wil discuss with the staff member effected or child with their parents/carers/guardians where it is best for their medication to be kept, it maybe on themselves or given to the session supervisor. Al Staff who assist or accompany a child whilst they take their medication wil also check the expiry date before the child does so. We wil ensure that no other child or staff member accesses or takes any medication that is not prescribed for them. Jul-12 Page 1 of 2
Pets – we currently have no pets within the club however if such an activity was to take place that included animals discussions with parent/carers/guardians and staff members effected by asthma would take place first to ensure everyone’s safety and if the activity could go ahead, a risk assessment for the activity would be completed and such precautions for those with asthma must be written into the risk assessment. Art materials – aerosols and similar products can cause problems for those suffering from asthma, a wel -ventilated area wil help to minimise the risk and this should be taken into consideration in the risk assessment for this activity. Asthma Attack – What to Do!
1. Keep Calm 2. Listen to the child. Let them sit down in the position they find most 3. Assist with usual reliever treatment, normal y a blue inhaler, check their extended record for information on dosage which is held in their file in the club filing cabinet. Due to the severity of symptoms the child may take their inhaler effectively therefore repeat the treatment. 4. Stay with the child, wait for 5-10 minutes 5. If the symptoms disappear, the child can go back to what they were doing. 6. If the symptoms improve but not completely disappear, assist with another dose of the reliever. Continue to monitor the child’s symptoms. 7. Complete extended medication form 8. Inform parents and ask them to sign the extended medication form Recognising and Dealing With a Severe Asthma Attack
Anyone of the below is a sign of a serve attack • Reliever medication does not work • The child cannot eat/drink/walk/talk due to asthma symptoms • Difficulty in breathing • Child frightened or exhausted • Child very pale or blue • The child says themselves that it is a bad attack • A staff member must stay with the child, send for assistance and reliever • Call 999 for an ambulance, inform parents/carers/guardians • Continue with reliever therapy, 1 puff every 30 seconds by spacer device or every 5 minutes with other devices; do not be concerned by overdosing. • Someone must accompany the child to hospital and remain with the child Jul-12 Page 2 of 2


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