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-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ENGLISH: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ana Elena Soare is 2 years and 7 months old and was diagnosed on the 10th of December 2012 with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. This year Santa brought sadness and despair in the Soare family. A message from her mother, Iulia Soare: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, on the 10th of December 2012, I learned that my little sunshine Ana Elena Soare that is only 2 years and 7 months old, has "acute lymphoblastic leukemia". Three words that resound obsessively in my head for a week, three words so harsh and unjust for such a sweet and innocent soul. I find it very difficult to get it together but I have to fight! We have to save her, I can’t conceive any other option. We already admitted her to Fundeni Hospital Pediatric Department II. We finished the prednisone treatment and tomorrow after the test results (we'll see how good the response to this drug was and depending on that, what type of chemotherapy she will begin) we are starting the first round of cytostatics. At the end of the cytostatics treatment (ie approx. 4 weeks) we should be ready to go abroad with her. Doctors at Fundeni Hospital are the best in Romania but I want the adequate conditions for treating this disease so her chances would be 100%. We are waiting for the translated medical report in order to request permission and approval to transfer her abroad, choosing one of the clinics: San Matteo in Pavia Italy, Ausburg in Germany and St ANA in Austria. From what I understand these were clinics in Europe with the best results in treating our type of diagnosis. Unfortunately from what I understand the AKH clinic in Austria is specialized in adults and young people over 18 years. We need everyone's help to collect the amount that is required to treat Ana abroad. At a first estimate this amount is 80.000 euros. The duration of treatment depends very much on the reaction that her body will have. To facilitate fundraising my husband Bogdan opened two accounts (USD and Euro) at BRD Groupe Societe Generale, where you can deposit any amount that you can do without, bearing the title of a donation. The accounts are: RO63BRDE426SV55718364260 - RON RO59BRDE426SV55718444260 - EURO BIC code: BRDEROBU, BANK - BRD Dolphin Square Branch, account holder Soare Bogdan Virgiliu You can also donate via PayPal here: If you cannot donate, please send this message to your network. Any amount, no matter how small can help in the fight with time and the disease. Also, Ana Elena needs transfusions, blood type B3, negative RH is required. Unfortunately, the Fundeni Institute has provided only the first transfusion, the rest is achievable only via blood donors (any blood type). You can donate blood at the Institute of Hematology Transfusion Prof. Dr. CT Nicolau: Bucharest, Sector 1, Str. Constantin Caracas, no. 2-8; Phone: 021.319.31.62, Fax: 021.319.17.79 E-mail: Open hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 to 2:00 p.m. Donors must mention that the blood collection is made for Ana Elena Soare (admitted in the Fundeni hospital, pediatric section 2, 6th floor, Dr.Anca Colita). For people who want to donate in cities other than Bucharest, the procedure is the same, they can donate to the local transfusion centre, mentioning that the blood is for Ana Elena Soare, they will make sure that enough blood will reach my child. Attached you can find the medical report from 13.12.2012 and a file with this information, if you wish to distribute it. Thank you in advance for any kind of aid you and pray all the ANA, I want to believe in miracles. Iulia Soare ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We appeal to you all, we know that there are good hearted people and we are absolutely convinced that we will find help in each of you. Some of you have children, others will want children, but you can imagine all the grief and despair the family is going through. Within weeks Ana will have to go to a hospital abroad where, as you probably heard, the costs are enormous. So please everyone who can, let's help her and redeem her right to live! Everyone can help in four ways: - Praying for Anna - Donating blood to Ana’s "account" at the National Institute of Blood Transfusion * Collection is for Ana Elena Soare (Fundeni hospital, pediatric section no.2, 6th floor, Dr.Anca Colita) - Donating money for Ana - Distributing Ana’s story Thank you very much! Ana’s friends 18th of December, 2012 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ROMANIAN -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ana Elena Soare are 2 ani si 7 luni si a fost dignosticata in data de 10.12.2012 cu Leucemie Acuta Limfoblastica. Mos Craciun anul acesta a adus tristetea si disperarea in familia Soare. Mesajul mamei, Iulia Soare: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luni 10.12.2012, am aflat ca micuta mea raza de soare Ana Elena Soare care nu are decat 2 ani si 7 luni, are “Leucemie Acuta Limfoblastica”. Trei cuvinte care imi rasuna obsesiv in cap de o saptamana, trei cuvinte atat de dure si nedrepte pentru un sufletel atat de dulce si nevinovat. Imi vine foarte greu sa ma adun dar trebuie sa lupt! Trebuie sa o salvam, alta varianta nu pot concepe. Suntem deja la Spitalul Fundeni Sectia II pediatrie . Am terminat tratamentul cu prednison si de maine dupa rezultatul analizelor (vom vedea cat de bine a raspuns la acest medicament si in functie de aceasta ce schema de chimioterapie va urma) incepem prima cura de citostatice. La finalul acestei cure ( adica aprox 4 saptamani) trebuie sa fiu gata sa plec cu ea in strainatate. Medicii de la Fundeni sunt cei mai buni din Romania dar eu vreau si conditii adecvate pentru tratatrea acestei boli astfel incat sansele ei sa fie 100%. Asteptam raportul medical tradus pentru a putea solicita acceptul pentru transfer in strainatate in functie de raspuns urmand sa alegem intre: San Matteo -Pavia Italia, Ausburg - Germania si SF ANA Austria. Din cate am inteles acestea au fost clinicile din Europa cu cele mai bune rezultate pe diagnosticul nostru. Din pacate din cate am inteles clinica AKH din Austria este specializata pe adulti si tineri peste 18 ani. Avem nevoie de sprijinul fiecaruia pentru a putea aduna suma care ne este necesara pentru tratamentul in strainatate. La o prima estimare aceasta suma este de 80.000 Euro. Durata tratamentului depinde foarte mult de reactia pe care organismul ei o va avea. Pentru a facilita strangerea de fonduri sotul meu Bogdan a deschis doua conturi (lei si euro) la BRD, in care puteti depune orice suma de care va puteti lipsi, cu titlul de donatie. Conturile sunt : RO63BRDE426SV55718364260 – RON RO59BRDE426SV55718444260 – EURO Cod BIC: BRDEROBU, BANCA – BRD Sucursala Piata Delfinului, conturi deschise pe numele SOARE BOGDAN VIRGILIU Puteti dona si prin PayPal la: In cazul in care nu aveti posibilitatea de a dona, am rugamintea de a transmite acest mesaj retelei voastre. Orice suma, indiferent de valoarea ei ne poate ajuta in lupta cu timpul si cu boala. De asemenea, Ana Elena, are nevoie de transfuzii, grupa de sange necesara este B3 Rh negativ. Din pacate, Institutul Clinic Fundeni a pus la dispozitie doar prima transfuzie, restul fiind realizabile doar cu ajutorul donatorilor. Puteti dona sange la Institutul de Hematologie Transfuzionala Prof. Dr. C.T. Nicolau : Bucuresti, Sector 1, Str. Constantin Caracas, Nr. 2-8; Telefoane: 021.319.31.62,, Fax: 021.319.17.79, E-mail: Orar: Luni-Vineri 7:30-14:00 Donatorii trebuie sa faca mentiunea ca recoltarea sangelui, se face pentru Ana Elena Soare (internata la Spitalul Fundeni, sectia 2 pediatrie, etaj 6, Dr.Anca Colita). Deocamdata sangele donat zilele trecute ne ajuta foarte mult apreciem orice donatie de sange care se poate face incepand de saptamana viitoare. Pentru persoanele care vor sa doneze din provincie procedura este aceeasi, acestia putand dona la centrul local de transfuzii, ei facand mentiunea specificata mai sus sangele va ajunge la copilul meu. Atasat regasiti raportul medical din 13.12.2012 si un fisier cu aceste informatii, daca doriti sa-l distribuiti. Va multumim anticipat pentru orice forma a ajutorului vostru si sa ne rugam cu totii pentru ANA, eu vreau sa cred in minuni. Iulia Soare ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facem un apel catre voi toti pt ca stim ca exista oameni cu suflet bun si suntem absolut convinsi ca vom gasi ajutor in fiecare dintre voi. Unii dintre voi aveti copii, altii va doriti copii, cu totii insa va puteti imagina durerea si disperarea din familia micutei. In cateva saptamani Ana va trebui sa plece la o clinica din strainatate unde, dupa cum probabil ati mai auzit, costurile sunt enorme. Deci, va rugam pe toti cei care aveti posibilitatea, haideti sa o ajutam si sa ii redam dreptul la viata!!! Fiecare dintre noi poate ajuta in 4 moduri: - Rugandu-ne pt Ana - Donand sange in "contul" Anei la Institutul National de Transfuzie Sanguina *recoltarea se face pentru Ana Elena Soare (internata la Spitalul Fundeni, sectia 2 pediatrie, etaj 6, Dr.Anca Colita) - Donand bani pentru Ana - Distribuind povestea Anei Va multumim din suflet! Prietenii Anei 18 Decembrie 2012


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