Impotentie brengt een constant ongemak met zich mee, net als fysieke en psychologische problemen in uw leven terwijl generieke medicijnen al bewezen en geperfectioneerd zijn
¿Está buscando comprar Cialis en línea en España? Es importante asegurarse de que el sitio web que elija sea legítimo y seguro antes de realizar una compra. En, ofrecemos una amplia selección de medicamentos de calidad, incluido Cialis, para tratar la disfunción eréctil (DE).
Nuestro sitio web es fácil de usar y está diseñado para garantizar una experiencia de compra en línea segura y satisfactoria. Trabajamos con farmacias acreditadas y ofrecemos envío rápido y discreto para su comodidad.
También puede contar con nosotros para la privacidad de sus transacciones en línea. En, utilizamos tecnología de encriptación de datos de última generación para garantizar que sus transacciones sean seguras y privadas.
Si tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda para realizar un pedido, nuestro equipo de atención al cliente está disponible para ayudarlo en todo momento. Nos tomamos en serio su privacidad y solo ofrecemos medicamentos de alta calidad y auténticos.
Visite nuestro sitio web en para obtener más información sobre nuestros productos y servicios. Asegúrese de que su compra en línea de Cialis sea segura y confiable eligiendo como su farmacia en línea de confianza en España.
Microsoft word - facebook do and donts.docx
Facebook / AdvoCare Do's and Don'ts By Barry Tallis in AdvoFamily- staying connected · Edit Doc From Jason Horsely (He gets Social Media/Facebook/Internet). Why oh why are some people having so much more success via Facebook than I am? Can't say I haven't heard this question dozens of times so I figured, even before Charlie and I record our AdvoCare Facebook Training Call, I would jump on this subject
in a short message for everyone to peruse and put to use NOW! So why is it? Honestly, really only two likely reasons. First and foremost, you are posting things that appear salesy, such as links to your website or offers for discounts, and/or, second, you are simply not SHARING success stories and testimonials! It's that simple! DO NOT do the first, do A LOT of the second! (Charlie and I will cover the reasons in more detail in the call recording that is coming soon.) Facebook for AdvoCare Made Simple (product intros, I would NOT suggest Facebook Wall posts talking about the Business, typically comes across VERY gimmicky)
Post success stories (your clients and/or those of your fellow team
Give "Shout Outs" to those who have seen product success
Comment on fellow Team Members posts (ever notice how a handful of
us are ALWAYS commenting and offering congrats on other Team Members posts.there is a reason, AdvoCare becomes bigger than any one of us individually this way)
Post 1-3 stories or shouts-outs per day and 1-3 comments on others
per day (seriously 10 minutes worth of time)
DO NOT use the word AdvoCare in your post (you want questions)
DO NOT say things like "contact me for more info" (Let interested
people show you their interest through their questions. Remember, when the time is right for THEM, you simply want them to remember you and ALL of the success stories they have seen.)
Use the below real shout-outs, stories and testimonials starting right
now! (find more daily on the AdvoCare Challenge & Product Results Group)
DO NOT answer questions via a wall post! Let them know you will inbox
them with more info and DO SO IMMEDIATELY!
DO NOT try to do it alone! The moment you have that connection, find
the first opportunity to introduce 3rd party credibility and make AdvoCare bigger than just you!
Above all else, this requires consistent, dedicated effort if it is to work! If you don't have interest shown immediately, you don't give up! If you do, it will be because you are doing this for the WRONG reasons! Your goal, 100% of the time, should be to help others who want or are looking for help! If you are merely trying to "sell" or "push" AdvoCare, your integrity will forever be questioned. Get people who want results.results and watch others FLOCK to you! If you take the time to do the above daily, you will see interest! If you try to handle that interest alone, you will be back at square one quickly. If you introduce 3rd party credibility (email, Facebook, calls) you will see success! Some Sample for Immediate Use (merely copy and paste on your wall as is)
From Kimberly Martin Dean, "I personally have thyroid disease. I have
done the 24 day challenge and dropped 19 pounds. I now take MNS3, catalyst, thermoplus, spark, leptilean. My endocrinologist dropped my synthroid dosage in half after being on AdvoCare products. I've never felt better."
Congrats to Maru Pulido Frohring for completing the first 10 Days of
her 24 Day Challenge! Maru is already down 5 pounds and 10 inches! Way to go girl! Now we keep this going and feel the real experience of the challenge!!!
"My 24 day Advocare challenge is over and I am thrilled to report a loss
of NINE pounds!!!! I dropped 2 sizes in my clothes and that is what I most happy about!! While I do plan on enjoying this "cheat" day, I am actually looking forward to what is next on the journey of becoming and staying healthy!" - Shellie Watkins Herndon
Congrats to 24 Day Challenge participant Karen who has lost 10 lbs in
her first 10 days.yes I said 10 lbs.fantastic job Karen!
From Nicole Scott."I finally quit smoking cigarettes after 12 years of
smoking (half my life). It was the last step of kicking out my bad habits and building a new and better life. Yesterday after my Spark and Arginine Extreme I shaved 3 minutes off my mile and felt incredible. I'm so glad I was introduced to this's changed my life in ways I never thought was possible. :)"
Congrats to three 24 Day Challenge particpants who completed the
Challenge today: Lauren who lost 5.6 lbs and 6.5 inches, Jorge who lost 4 lbs and 8.75 inches and Yolee who lost 4 lbs and 11 inches.good job to all three of you for fantastic results and the start to the rest of your life.SIMPLY AMAZING!!!
From Tonya Dwyer, "On day 12 of my Challenge and I feel awesome! I
walk 3.5 miles on a daily basis and have since shaved 6 minutes off my walk time (pushing stroller too)! I feel less bloated and my energy level is sky rocketing!"
From Lisa Barnes. "My father after using the 24 day challenge and
staying on Advocare products lost 48 lbs in 6 weeks. More important he feels great and is going for a goal of 200 lbs. Go dad!!!!!!!!!"
Remember, as you have all heard before.facts tell, stories sell! People make decisions towards better nutrition and overall health and well-being based on emotion.the benefits, not the product! As always, questions? Just shout! Now go to it!!
CONGRESO DE LA REPÚBLICA DE GUATEMALA DECRETO NÚMERO 58-2005 EL CONGRESO DE LA REPÚBLICA DE GUATEMALA CONSIDERANDO: Que el terrorismo socava las bases en las que se fundamenta la sociedad y produce inestabilidad en la economía, la política, la cultura y en general, en el bienestar de los seres humanos; y que el número y la gravedad de los actos de terrorismo internacional de
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