The National Health Service (General Medical Services)
The Secretary of State for Health, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by sections 29 and 126(4) of the National Health Service Act 1977(a) hereby makes the following Regulations— Citation, commencement and extent 1.—(1) These Regulations may be cited as the National Health Service (General Medical
Services) Amendment (No.3) Regulations 2001 and shall come into force on 1st November2001.
(2) These Regulations extend to England only(b). Amendment of the National Health Service (General Medical Services) Regulations 1992 2.—(1) In Schedule 11 of the National Health Service (General Medical Services)
Regulations 1992(c), after “Sildenafil (Viagra)” in columns 1 and 2 respectively insert “, Apomorphine Hydrochloride (Uprima)”.
Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Health
(a) 1977 c.49; see section 128(1), as amended by the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 (c.19) (“the
1990 Act”). Section 26(2)(g) and (i); and by the Health Act 1999 (c.8) (“the 1999 Act”), Schedule 4, paragraph 38(2), forthe definitions of “prescribed” and “regulations”. Section 29 was extended by the Health and Medicines Act 1988(c.49), section 17; and amended by the Health Services Act 1980 (c.53), sections 1 and 7 and Schedule 1, paragraph42(b); by the Health and Social Services and Social Security Adjudications Act 1983 (c.41), Schedule 6, paragraph 2; bythe Medical Act 1983 (c.54), section 56(1) and Schedule 5, paragraph 16(a); by S.I. 1985/39, article 7(3); by the HealthAuthorities Act 1995 (c.17), Schedule 1, paragraph 18; and by the National Health Service (Primary Care) Act 1997(c.46), Schedule 2, paragraph 8. Section 126(4) was amended by the 1990 Act section 65(2) and the 1999 Act Schedule 4,paragraph 37(6).
(b) As regards Wales, the functions of the Secretary of State under sections 15(1), 29 and 126(4) of the 1977 Act were
transferred to the National Assembly for Wales under S.I. 1999/672, article 2 and Schedule 1, as amended by the 1999Act, section 66.
(c) S.I. 1992/635: relevant amending instruments are S.I. 1992/2412, 1993/2421, 1994/2620, 1997/981, 1999/1627, 2000/1645 EXPLANATORY NOTE (This note is not part of the Regulations)
These Regulations further amend the National Health Service (General Medical Services)Regulations 1992 (“the principal Regulations”) which regulate the terms on which doctorsprovide general medical services under the National Health Service Act 1977.
Regulation 2 includes Uprima in Schedule 11 to the principal Regulations, which lists drugswhich may only be prescribed in certain circumstances.
As a result of the transfer of certain functions of the Secretary of State in relation to Wales tothe National Assembly for Wales, these amendments apply to England only.
Printed and published in the UK by The Stationery Office Limitedunder the authority and superintendence of Carol Tullo, Controller ofHer Majesty’s Stationery Office and Queen’s Printer of Acts of Parliament.
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