
學 年 度 健 康 照 護 研 究 所 碩 士 班 考 試 每題 2 分,滿分 100 分 一、文法與字彙 1. Jack has a __ for language. He can speak Chinese, English, Japanese, and French very well. (A. problem B. talent C. wisdom D. intelligence) 2. I have two sisters. One is Mary, and __ is Lucy. (A. another B. others C. other D. the other) 3. I played the song without __ a single mistake. (A. make B. making C. made D. makes) 4. Your sister is playing in the park, __? (A. isn’t she B. does she C. can’t she D. will she) 5. Milk and cheese are __. (A. baked goods B. soft drinks C. dairy products D. junk food) 6. The police __ us from thieves. (A. gain B. protect C. protest D. prevent) 7. There were a lot of __ on the bus. (A. jails B. passes C. passengers D. angry) 8. I have __ in my stomach; that is, I am very nervous. (A. flies B. butterflies C. dragonflies D. ants) 9. Mary is __ because her sister, Jane, is smart and pretty. (A. excited B. lonely C. bored D. jealous) 10. Many __ were waiting to see the doctor. (A. nurses B. families C. patients D. treat) 11. John __ his English by listening to English songs every day. (A. improve B. improves C. improved D. improving) 12. The __ newspaper doesn't have much national news. (A. native B. county C. local D. cheap) 13. It's __ in Taipei during the summer. (A. climate B. homesick C. windy D. humid) 14. It's important to get a good __. (A. education B. natural C. social D. crowded) 15. India has a large __. (A. wide B. official C. population D. customer) 16. The clerk was __ and charged me too much. (A. polite B. dishonest C. normal D. crime) 17. I __ to my friend for lying to them. (A. trust B. advise C. apologize D. live) 18. Tom lost his wallet, and he didn't know __ to do. (A. how B. what C. where D. when) 19. Smiling is a way of showing that you are happy. (A. strange B. abnormal C. universal D. global) 20. This letter is written in French. I must find someone to __ it for me. (A. translate B. rewrite C. memorize D. recite) 21. Michael Jackson was not very __ in Taiwan. (A. lucky B. popular C. sorrowful D. lazy) 22. My jeans have a hole in them. I need to __ them. (A. mend B. build C. fill D. compensate) 23. The performance by the magician was both amazing and __. (A. tricky B. marvelous C. selective D. uninteresting) Passage 1
Images of tasty foods with lots of sugar in magazines and on TV make junk food look attractive. You may be fond of junk food but, the truth is, just two cans of Coke give us more sugar than our bodies need in one day. Sugar is said to turn into fat and cause us to gain weight. However, while many parents think that sugar makes kids excited, doctors say this isn't true. On the other hand, caffeine does not add taste to your coffee or tea, but does make kids excited. Sometimes people do not sleep well if they have too much caffeine during the day. In addition, caffeine is a bad choice on a hot day. Caffeine takes water from our bodies and can cause headaches. So, instead of having a Coke and hamburger, try something healthy for a change! 24. What is the tone of the author? (A. Pleased. B. Excited. C. Sad. D. Educational.) 25. Which is true, according to the passage? (A. Sugar causes some people to gain weight. B. Sugar causes headaches. C. Sugar makes kids excited. D. Sugar makes some people tired.) 26. What is the main idea of the passage? (A. To tell readers about junk food in school. B. To tell readers how junk food affects our bodies. C. To tell parents about kids' diets. D. To tell parents about Coke and hamburgers.) 27. According to the passage, why would caffeine give a person a headache? (A. It has too much sugar in it. B. It does not have any taste or color. C. It causes poor sleep habits. D. It takes water from our bodies.) Passage 2
We have only to walk around the streets of Taipei to see that the city is suffering from air pollution. All the big cities of Taiwan are badly polluted due to rapid industrialization. The effects of air pollution are easy to tell. We may experience uncomfortable throat, and coughing which in the long run can lead to lung disease. According to reports, living in downtown Taipei is as bad for our lungs as smoking 40 cigarettes a day. 28. The main factor that causes air pollution is probably (A. serious coughing B. uncomfortable throat C. rapid industrialization 29. Too much air pollution may (A. bring people to live in downtown B. cause people to suffer from lung disease C. only be seen around the streets of Taipei D. be caused by those who smoke 40 cigarettes a day). 30. Judging from the passage, people living in the downtown (A. easily become heavy smokers B. easily suffer from he; disease C. are easy to get coughing or sore throat D. can easily tell the effects of air pollution) Passage 3
In the past several decades, child labor was a serious problem in the factories of the United States. Companies hired small children to do many of the dirty and dangerous jobs, and for very low wages. These children worked ten to twelve hours a day and they were often injured by heavy machinery in the factories. Their parents allowed them to work because they themselves were poor, and needed the money. Over the last sixty years a number of laws have been passed to eliminate child labor in
America, and the problem has largely been solved. But there are still a few factories that break the law and hire children; these are often the children of parents who have illegally entered the country.
31. What is an example of dangerous child labor? (A. Having a child clean vegetables at a family restaurant. B. Having a child pick strawberries on a farm. C. Having a child play the violin in a musical band. D. Having a child clean the 32. What is one of the many disadvantages of child labor? (A. Children earn too much money. B. Children miss school. C. Children learn to be too independent. D. Children learn to be too careless around machines.) 33. Why do parents who have illegally entered the country sometimes allow their children to work in factories? (A. They already broke one law so they don't care how many more laws they break. B. They cannot work legally themselves so they are poor and need the money that their children's jobs bring them. C. They do not want to earn money themselves so they send their children to work and earn money for them. D. Their children want to work and earn money so they can 34. Which one of the following is the closest to the meaning of the word "eliminate"? (A. limit B. promote C. get rid of 35. Which one of the following is the closest to the meaning of the word "illegal"? (A. missing B. careless C. accidental Passage 4
Rocko is the name of the largest gorilla at the Wildlife Animal Park, in California. Recently, he was separated from the other gorillas, and put in a large gorilla-pen of his own. He had become suddenly aggressive toward the other gorillas, taking
their bananas, pulling their toes, and biting them on their ears. Then one day, an animal trainer at the zoo realized what Rocko's problem was: he had a toothache! After a quick trip to an animal dentist, Rocko's sore tooth was extracted, and he rejoined his
36. Why was Rocko put in a pen by himself? (A. He was not being nice to the other gorillas. B. He wanted to be separated from the other gorillas. C. The animal trainers at the zoo were not nice to Rocko. D. There wasn't enough room for Rocko 37. What caused Rocko to return to his normal behavior? (A. He had a toothache. B. He had his ear bitten. C. He had a sore tooth removed. D. He had his bananas taken away.) 38. Which one of the following is the closest to the meaning of the word "aggressive"? (A. lonely B. improved C. shy 39. Which one of the following is the closest to the meaning of the word "extracted"? (A. added B. beautified C. cured 40. Which one of the following statements is true? (A. Rocko did not like other gorillas. B. Rocko behaved strangely because of toothache. C. The animal trainers were unfriendly to Rocko. D. Rocko was always separated from other gorillas.) Passage 4
Scientists al the Procter and Gamble company have developed a water treatment system (WTS) since nineteen ninety-five that they say is a powerful but simple way to save lives. Four grams of chemicals can treat ten liters of dirty water for a low cost, about ten cents. Experts say infections from dirty water kill several thousand children in developing countries every day. The company has been working with the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. C.D.C. researchers tested it in Guatemala, Pakistan and Kenya. Procter and Gamble researcher Greg Allgood says cases of diarrhea in those studies fell by about fifty percent.
Researchers from Johns Hopkins University in Maryland tested the system at a refugee camp in Liberia. Mister Allgood says that study found a reduction of more than ninety percent. Use of the system is being expanded worldwide. Findings were described last week at an A small container holds the chemicals as a powder that is mixed in dirty water for five minutes. Once the water is clear, it is filtered through a cloth to catch impurities that settle. The water is considered safe to drink twenty minutes later. Procter and Gamble scientist Greg
Allgood demonstrates treatment
The treatment contains bleach to kill disease-causing organisms. It also contains ferric sulfate which dirt and other particles stick to. Mister Allgood says the chemicals can remove lead and other dangerous metals and even agricultural Mister Allgood heads the Children's Safe Drinking Water program at Procter and Gamble. He says about forty million packets of the treatment have been given to countries for free. They have been used in emergencies and in areas with limited Clean water is a limited resource in many parts of the world. Scientists, policy experts and others discussed ways to provide clean water to the world’s poor. Organizers say more than twenty percent of the world population lacks clean drinking Governments, not private companies, must take the lead in improving the public's ability to have clean water. 41. Which one of the following statements is true? (A. The said WTS is costly. B. The WTS used chemicals to pollute water sources. C. The WTS causes health problems. D. The WTS saves lives.) 42. The WTS will be widely used in which of the following? (A. In USA and Canada. B. In areas with polluted water sources. C. In areas close to water sources. D. In refugee camps.) 43. Which one of the following statements is true? (A. The WTS uses cancer-causing chemicals. B. The WTS reduces water supply. C. The WTS causes environmental problems. D. The WTS can remove DDT in dirty water.) 44. How much chemicals will be used for treating one hundred liters of dirty water? (A. 4 grams. B. 40 grams. C. 40 packets. 45. Which one of the following statements is true? (A. The WTS consumed much energy. B. The WTS will be a great help for people in poor countries. C. The WTS purifies chemicals. D. The WTS produces much dirty water.) 46. Which one of the following statements is true? (A. The WTS is a simple and cost-effective solution for treating dirty water. B. The researchers promote WTS to make a great fortune. C. The WTS causes racial conflicts. D. Companies should be responsible for improving water quality.) 47. Which one of the following statements about the WTS is true? (A. The treated water may contain chemicals. B. The treated water shall be drinkable after further processing. C. The treated water is supplied for free. D. The Proctor and Gamble company is responsible for treating dirty water in the world.) 48. What does the phrase mean "cases of diarrhea in those studies fell by about fifty percent"? (A. Fifty percent of the
researchers in the studies got diarrhea. B. The number of studies was reduced by fifty percent. C. Fifty percent cases of diarrhea was found in the studies. D. People with diarrhea had reduced fifty percent according to the studies.) 49. Which one of the following is the closest to the meaning of the word "settle"? (A. stick B. float C. stay D. stir)
50. Which one of the following countries is considered a developing country? (A. The United States of America. B. Japan.

Source: http://mit1.meiho.edu.tw/%2Ffilectrl%2F95-%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87%E8%A9%A6%E9%A1%8C.pdf

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