Can a Computer be a Caregiver? Peter Whitehouse, MD Cynthia Marling Richard Harvey, MD Abstract
with memory or attention problems and progresses to in-volve language, skilled motor acts, and perception. Ac-
This paper critically examines the issues involved in
companying these cognitive problems are behavioral distur-
computer-assisted and automated caregiving for patients
bances, which vary widely but are quite common. These be-
with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. First, thenature of the problems experienced by those who care for
havioral disturbances include wandering, agitation and sleep
dementia patients is explicated. Next, a high-level overview
disturbances, as well as more serious and traditional psy-
of the ways in which computers might assist these caregivers,
chiatric conditions such as hallucinations, delusions and de-
now and in the future, is presented. Finally, the ethical issues
pression. Moreover, patients have varying degrees of insight
raised by the advent of automated caregiving are explored.
into the condition that they are suffering from. Even earlyin the disease, they may not recognize their own cognitive
der Care, Computing Ethics, Alzheimer’s Disease, AI in
The onset of dementia is often insidious, and it may only
be in retrospect that the problem is clearly defined to havebegun years before medical attention is sought. Several
changes in personality, memory and difficulty focusing at-
Comforting and caring for people affected by dementia is
tention are usually unaccompanied by any significant prob-
a human challenge that many more individuals will face as
lems with activities of daily living. As the disease pro-
the world continues to age. Alzheimer’s disease, the most
gresses, however, the cognitive problems grow both in sever-
common dementia, is estimated to affect up to 50% of those
ity and breadth, and the patient becomes unable to accom-
over the age of 85 (National Institute on Aging 2000). The
plish complex activities of daily living. In the severe stage of
most rapidly growing segment of the populations in west-
the disease, the patient loses most communication functions,
ern Europe and North America are those over the age of
is perhaps only able to repeat simple words, and cannot even
85. The rate of aging is even greater in the less industri-
perform basic activities of daily living such as toileting and
alized countries, such as China and India. Thus, more and
more human beings around the world will face this challenge
The act of caring for a patient with dementia requires pa-
of providing care for relatives, friends and clients affected
tience, creativity and fortitude. The illness often progresses
by these devastating conditions. The question we pose in
over five to ten years. The needs of the patient change, and
this essay is whether computers can assist in the process of
often the caregivers change as families are overwhelmed and
providing care for victims of progressive cognitive impair-
more and more formal caregivers are introduced to help fam-
ment. When we first asked the question, “Can a computer
ilies with their informal care. At first the patient may be at
be a caregiver?” just a few years ago, the question seemed
home, requiring minimal supervision, but then will require
largely rhetorical. It seems less so now, but it is still not easy
increasing attention and perhaps need community services
to answer, as technical innovations, social expectations and
like home visitors and day care. In the later stages of the
ethical considerations interplay. We will divide our com-
disease, patients frequently require residential care, which
ments into the nature of the caring relationship, the current
can take place in a variety of different organizations, in-
and potential future use of computers, and the ethical issues
cluding assisted living, nursing homes and special care units
that arise with this envisioned future use.
specifically designed for patients with progressive cognitiveimpairment. These special care units are being developed
The Nature of Care
without a clear sense of what defines them or what the crit-ical features are. Sometimes, there are only minor changes
Patients affected by dementia by definition are impaired in
in existing environment and programming. However, some
more than one cognitive area. The impairment usually starts
organizations have built entirely new buildings staffed in dif-
Copyright c 2002, American Association for Artificial Intelli-
ferent ways to avoid the medical model and create a space
gence ( All rights reserved.
that is friendly for patients with cognitive impairment. For
example, devices are used to help patients recognize their
own rooms, such as personal mementos in display cases be-
More recently, we developed a CD-ROM at the UMAC
side their doors. For patients who wander, facilities may
for counseling caregivers and other family members of
be designed with indoor and outdoor circular tracks that
Alzheimer’s disease patients about their own genetic risk
avoid dead-ends in which patients may enter other resident’s
of getting Alzheimer’s disease. A simulated interview be-
tween a professional and a caregiver is employed. Care-
Studies show that caregiver burden is a significant com-
givers can select frequently asked questions to get answers
ponent of the caregiving experience (Ory et al. 1999). Care-
about Alzheimer’s disease, genetics, genetic counseling and
giver burden can affect family members as well as pro-
fessional staff in the community and institutional services.
At the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
Contributing to the burden is the inability to communicate
in London, we have developed CANDID, the Counselling
effectively with dementia patients and the frustration that
this engenders. Moreover, patients may be unable to rec-
information, advice and clinical management service for
ognize their caregivers, even their spouses of 50 years, and
younger people with dementia that began operation in 1995
may heap abuse upon the individuals who love them most
and who are the most intimate with them. In the later stages that provides information
of the disease, patients have problems with personal hygiene
for caregivers. There is also a team of trained nurses and
and become incontinent of urine and stool. Increasing phys-
counsellors who answer questions over the internet or by
ical disabilities may prevent patients from moving about in-
telephone. For patients who have registered at our hospi-
dependently, so that considerable physical energy can be re-
tal, we aim to provide sound clinical management advice, as
While these early efforts are educational and advisory,
The Current and Future Use of Computers
we are moving toward systems that can provide more di-rect care. One computer capacity we can take advantage
At first glance, caring for a patient with dementia appears to
of is memory, which is one of the difficulties dementia pa-
be a uniquely human experience. Past personal relationships
tients have. Computer memory can be used to supplement
with the patient enables family caregivers to be sensitive to
and improve the memories of patients with dementia. For
the patient’s moods and needs. However, researchers are
example, the patient who is having difficulty remembering
already building systems that can understand and emulate
people’s names could have images of significant people and
human emotions (Picard 1997). It may not be long before
their names stored in a memory-enhancing program. Train-
practical caregiving systems are enhanced with this capabil-
ing programs tailored to each individual patient could be de-
ity. Of course, computers already play a significant role in
providing health care for patients. They may be most evi-
In early stages of the disease, small digital recorders
dent in tracking medical records and the financial aspects of
and/or personal digital assists (PDAs) may provide memory
health care. They are also routinely used for medical imag-
aid to individuals (even those with normal age-related mem-
ing, analyzing samples of blood and urine, providing access
ory impairment like the authors). One such device, primar-
to the medical literature, and a host of other useful functions
ily suited for those with frontal lobe brain injuries, is already
(van Bemmel and Musen 1997). What we wish to explore
marketed for this purpose (Attention Control Systems, Inc.
here, between the routine and the dream, are the imminent
2001; Levinson 1997). At the UMAC, we are exploring the
near-term possibilities for computers to provide “hands on,”
further use of PDAs. Much of the attention in the area of
direct care to patients, assisting in day-to-day activities.
dementia is now on preventing age-related cognitive deteri-
We do not believe that computers should fully replace
oration by identifying individuals at risk for progressive de-
human beings, but rather provide assistance in a variety of
mentia like Alzheimer’s disease. The label Mild Cognitive
ways. We have long been using computers to provide educa-
Impairment (MCI) is applied to individuals who have some
tional information, advice and moral support to caregivers.
degree of cognitive difficulty but not enough to be labeled
At the University Memory and Aging Center (UMAC), there
as demented. Individuals with MCI are at increased risk of
has been an online virtual caregiver support group for fif-
developing progressive dementia. PDAs have technical ca-
teen years. This system was developed by Dr. Kathleen
pabilities that may provide useful assistance to people with
Smyth, of the UMAC, in concert with the Cleveland chap-
MCI. Screen resolutions, static and video image capabili-
ter of the Alzheimer’s Association (Smyth and Harris 1993;
ties and sound allow the creation of psychologically salient
Smyth, Feinstein, and Kacerek 1997). It began as part of
sources of information for individuals with MCI. These can
the Cleveland Free-Net, one of the world’s first city-wide
include not only the standard PDA functions to help track
free public access computer networks. As such, it was a
contacts and schedule, but also visual reminders, like pho-
text-based bulletin board, accessed by caregivers from ter-
tographs of relatives and other family related information.
minals in their homes. This in itself was significant, as care-
Removable media such as Smart Media Cards or Sony Mem-
givers are frequently unable to leave patients unsupervised
ory Sticks can store integrated programs of information to
to attend meetings and participate in support group activi-
help an individual deal with particular circumstances. For
ties. Early system users labeled themselves the “computer
example, a removable memory device could provide infor-
family.” This system has since been updated to run over the
mation about specific locations, like a relative’s house, the
individual’s own house or any other location frequented by
and social interaction for the lonely. Our own preliminary
the individual. Location specific information could include,
research on a Robotic Caregiver’s Assistant (RCA), at Ohio
for example, the names and photographs of particular people
University and the UMAC, aims to extend this work by
focusing on the special needs of the cognitively impaired.
Devices that have been used by the individual throughout
Making sure the patient is safe, not only from falls, but also
life and that do not have to be learned anew are likely to be
from dangers like kitchen hazards, cigarette fires and wan-
most successful. In the years to come, many patients with
dering, is a primary concern. This would someday permit
dementia will in fact have had PDAs and home computers
patients to be supervised by human beings with less inten-
with which they are familiar. Computer displays that are
sity. The RCA is envisioned as an intelligent monitor, as-
personalized and display identically wherever the patient is
sisting the human caregiver by identifying events that are
would also help. Just as computer interaction has been made
unusual and alerting them to the possibility of danger.
easier for children, so too could interface mechanisms be
The computer might also assist in making life more pleas-
modified to permit easier access for patients with dementia,
ant for dementia patients. For patients who wish to stay in
even those who are relatively unfamiliar with computers.
touch with current events, the computer could monitor cur-
Other enabling technologies for caregivers are computer
rent events that fit the interest profile of an individual patient.
vision, speech recognition, and intelligent robotics. A com-
Moreover, the computer could present the material in a for-
puter could monitor the visual and auditory world in the pa-
mat suitable to the patient’s cognitive level and reading abil-
tient’s space and learn to adjust to specific patterns. It could
ity. As the disease progresses and the patient’s abilities to
track and learn the patterns of activity that the patient en-
remember recent events diminishes, patients frequently ex-
gages in and identify changes in those patterns. For exam-
ist in a past world. Many patients in long-term care facilities
ple, if the patient fell to the floor unconscious, that event
think that their parents are still alive and work through con-
could be detected by sensors with software tuned to recog-
flict situations in their minds with people who are long dead.
nize falling or the ensuing silence and lack of motion.
The computer, with some forethought on the part of family
Ongoing research projects are currently addressing this
members, could store static images, voice tracks, videos of
possibility. One of these is the Aware Home Research Ini-
family events, and favorite songs and movies. Thus, as the
tiative (Georgia Institute of Technology Future Computing
patient becomes more demented, the computer could choose
Environments Group 2001; Kidd et al. 1999). Here, a three-
to play selections that reflect the patient’s tastes at that par-
story house, or “living laboratory,” has been outfitted with
ticular moment. As the patient dwells more and more in the
video cameras and a variety of sound, motion and touch sen-
past, it is likely that music and movies from years ago would
sors. While this project focuses on home computing technol-
be found more pleasant than current movies, for example.
ogy for all ages, surveillance and assistance of the elderly is
Moreover, the computer could track the patient’s response
to the multi-media event, for example, noting vocalizations
At the Alzheimer’s Society, we are working on the Safe
and whether or not the patient actually watches the screen,
at Home project, in cooperation with the Northampton Bor-
to determine whether the selection of audio visual material
ough Council, the Northamptonshire County Council, and
the Northampton Healthcare NHS Trust (Northampton Bor-
At the UMAC, we are exploring the use of individual-
ough Council 2001). We have outfitted a demonstration
ized DVD archives for patients. Increasingly, families are
house with a clock/calendar for patient orientation, an alarm
maintaining archives of personal history. Frequently, these
that sounds if a patient gets out of bed at night, a gas de-
are not well organized, but computers can assist in their or-
tector and shut off device, and a doorside pressure mat that
ganization, storage and display. Previous writing projects,
alerts caregivers if a patient leaves the house. In one study,
school records, birthday cards, home videos, photographs,
eighteen dementia patients and their caregivers were invited
and favorite music can all be digitized. Inexpensive writable
to visit the house and try out these devices. Fourteen care-
DVD technology allows the creation of personal archives for
givers agreed to install one or more devices in their own
use in situations where patients could obtain information,
homes for a trial. Over the next six months, the health care
pleasure or both from reviewing significant family events.
costs for patients in this experimental group were compared
There are many other ways in which computers could po-
to those of patients in a control group without access to the
tentially help. For example, one problem dementia patients
devices. Costs for the experimental group rose by 4%, com-
have is that of dressing appropriately. A computer could
pared to 46% for the control group, primarily because more
maintain an inventory of the patient’s clothes and identify
control group patients were institutionalized during this pe-
what the patient is wearing as well as help the patient in se-
riod. Two thirds of participating caregivers felt the technol-
lecting clothes that match. It could engage the patient in
ogy they used helped to delay institutionalization.
speech and other forms of activity therapy to maintain com-
The Nursebot project is specifically tailored to the needs
munication capabilities as long as possible. It could track
of the cognitively intact elderly (Pollack et al.
changes in a patient’s speech as the patient becomes more
Nursebot Project: Robotic Assistants for the Elderly 2000).
demented. It could test patients’ cognitive ability to monitor
Falling is a hazard for many elderly, and detecting falls is
effects of a new drug therapy, thus allowing research to be
one part of this effort. An intelligent robotic assistant is
planned that could provide surveillance, daily reminders, re-
More futuristic challenges also await. Some degree of
mote doctor visits, manipulation of objects for the arthritic,
cognitive change accompanies aging in all of us. Many actu-
ally believe that Alzheimer’s disease is a continuum, rather
greater ethical problems. The need for patients to receive
than a discrete disease, as the concept of MCI suggests. The
help and support has to be balanced with our moral require-
question then becomes whether and how computers can care
ment to maintain their confidentiality.
for people with milder memory and attention problems. As
An issue less frequently discussed is that of the inter-
the baby boomer generation achieves elderly status, might
play between technology and pharmacology (Whitehouse
computers be the first to recognize the subtle shifts in the
and Marling 2000). Most efforts to improve the quality of
cognitive abilities of their users? Will computers diagnose
life of an individual with cognitive impairment focus on im-
dementia based on a pattern of inefficiencies in their use?
proving the care system and the administration of appropri-
More importantly, will computers be able to adapt to their
ate medications. A computer could be a link in the complex
aging users, presenting information in ways that account for
relationship between technology and pharmacology. A com-
their changing cognitive abilities? More importantly still,
puter could track medication use and assess the patient at
can computers take advantage of the positive aspects of ag-
relevant intervals to assess the effectiveness of the therapy.
ing, like the potential for wisdom to emerge from a lifetime
Moreover, drugs may allow patients to attend more to the
of experiences? Can computers help people reflect on their
computer. A system that could help a patient dress appropri-
lives, make associations, and contribute to the personal, in-
ately, for example, would only work if the patient attended to
tellectual and even spiritual development of us all as we age?
it, but dementia patients may have attention deficits. In chil-dren with Attention Deficit Disorder, stimulant drugs like
Ethical Issues in the Use of
methylphenidate have been found to improve attention in
Computers for Caregiving
classroom settings. Many clinicians believe that the cur-rent generation of drugs used to treat Alzheimer’s disease,
From the above discussion, it seems clear that even with cur-
namely cholinesterase inhibitors such as donepezil, galan-
rent capabilities and particularly with future ones, comput-
tamine and Reminyl, act by enhancing attention.
ers will be able to provide a greater role in caring for pa-
drugs used to treat psychosis and behavioral disturbances in
tients with dementia. After all, one only needs to recognize
dementia patients, such as the neuroleptics, may also affect
the ubiquity of televisions in nursing facilities, day care pro-
attention in various ways. Thus, for the caregiving situation
grams and homes. If the passive television set were replaced
of the future, we need to recognize that interactions between
by an active computer with peripherals allowing it to intel-
computer-enhanced caregiving and the use of medications
ligently monitor the environment, it is quite possible that
the quality of lives of patients and caregivers would improve
New and complex ethical issues could develop around the
considerably. But what are the ethical issues that might be
relationship between the patient and the computer. The com-
puter is, after all, an information processing entity just like
The first issue is that of invasion of privacy. A computer
human beings and other animals. In biomedical ethics, we
with a video camera that is constantly on would represent
consider the moral position of animals based on their own
some kind of intrusion into the private space of an individ-
particular interests and possibilities for suffering. Clearly
ual. Would this be “Big Brother” watching the demented
animals have moral status in our discussions in a variety
patient for purposes of control rather than for purposes of
of areas of human life. Could we ever imagine a situa-
increasing autonomy and quality of life? Finding an appro-
tion in which a computer would achieve moral status? Cer-
priate balance would clearly be an issue, but one that could
tainly it could be viewed as a possession of an individ-
be resolved on an individual basis, because the situation mir-
ual human being. Thus a demented patient, who became
rors in many ways the issues involved in human supervision
very dependent on the computer, and all of the memo-
of patients with dementia. Individual contracts with patients
ries and images it stored, would suffer greatly if this com-
and caregivers could be developed to allow a computer to
monitor certain things and not others. For example, many
imagine a situation in which the computer itself would be
actions occur in the bathroom, and one would have to define
viewed as an individual entity with rights? It may seem
what level of visual supervision occurred in this space.
far-fetched, but on the other hand, differences in capabil-
Maintaining the confidentiality of patient records is an-
ities between biological and physical devices for process-
other major issue. There is the potential to archive vast
ing information may be more challenging to define than
amounts of information about individual patient behav-
we imagine. Clearly biological creatures, from amoebae
iors. Like privacy, confidentiality is not a new ethical issue
to human beings, are programmed for growth, develop-
for those who employ computer technology in health care
ment and death. They have interests and intents. Com-
(Goodman 1998). However, it is one that has been especially
puter agent researchers draw from this biological basis in
significant for us with the CANDID service. Over twelve
the popular Belief Desire Intention (BDI) model. Here, soft-
hundred people call our telephone helpline each year, and
ware and/or robotic agents are given human-like motivations
at least a thousand people access our Web site every week.
to independently pursue their own goals (Bratman 1987;
People with dementia rarely call, and therefore, we are of-
ten giving advice and information to third parties. The staff
Could a computer measure the quality of life of its care
must be constantly vigilant: discussing patient details with
recipient and gain reward from this? Could the reward be
a spouse is likely to be acceptable, but discussing a patient
distribution of its caring approaches to other information
with more distant relatives or a separated spouse presents
systems in “support” groups? Could systems of computers
compete for resources based on health outcomes of popula-
Pollack, M. E.; McCarthy, C. E.; Tsamardinos, I.; Ramakr-
tions of patients under their care? When these things become
ishnan, S.; Brown, L.; Carrion, S.; Colbry, D.; Orosz, C.;
possible, where do we draw the line between excluding an
and Peintner, B. 2002. Autominder: A planning, monitor-
information processing entity from moral dialogue and al-
ing, and reminding assistive agent. In Proceedings of the
lowing them in our ethical conversations? Perhaps we will
Seventh International Conference on Autonomous Intelli-
have to ask the computers of the future that question. gent Systems. To be published in March.
Rao, A. S., and Georgeff, M. P. 1995. BDI agents: From
theory to practice. In Proceedings of the First InternationalConference on Multi-Agent Systems, 312–319. Cambridge,
This work was funded, in part, by the Takeyama Founda-
tion and by the Alzheimer’s Society of the UK. The authorsgratefully acknowledge this support. The authors would also
Smyth, K. A., and Harris, P. B. 1993. Using telecomputing
like to thank Jared Bendis and David Chelberg for technical
to provide information and support to caregivers of persons
with dementia. The Gerontologist 33:123–127.
Smyth, K. A.; Feinstein, S. J.; and Kacerek, S. References
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van Bemmel, J. H., and Musen, M. A., eds. Reason. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Handbook of Medical Informatics. Heidelberg, Germany:
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Feeling better – Lifestyle management for chronic mental disorders In this module we have learned about three risk factors associated with poor physical health: overweight, lack of physical activity and smoking. All three factors are more common in patients with chronic mental disorders than in the general population and may be associated with a tangible reduction of life expectancy.
Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate for Preventionof HIV Infection in Women: A Phase 2, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled TrialLeigh Peterson1*, Doug Taylor1, Ronald Roddy2, Ghiorghis Belai1, Pamela Phillips1, Kavita Nanda1,Robert Grant3,4, Edith Essie Kekawo Clarke5, Anderson Sama Doh6, Renee Ridzon7, Howard S. Jaffe8,1 Family Health International, Durham, North Carolina, United States