"Gaza-Jericho Agreement, 4 May 1994
established four broad agenda items addressing the
The Oslo I Agreement, which only applied to the water and
availability of water data, water management practices,
wastewater resources and systems in the Gaza and Jericho
water supply, and regional water management and
areas, tackled the water issue in the context of environmental
cooperation. The main activities to date are as follows:
protection and prevention of environmental hazards. It allowedfor the drilling of new wells as long as they caused no harm to
#The Regional Water Data Banks Project works to
Israel's current water utilization. It confirmed the need to adopt,
improve the availability and applicability of water data
apply and ensure compliance with internationally recognized
information to support the decision-making process for
standards for acceptable levels of land, air, water, and sea
the Palestinian Water Authority, the Israeli Hydrological
pollution, and standards for solid and liquid waste treatment
Service and the Jordanian Ministry of Water and
and disposal. A subcommittee was to deal with all issues of
mutual interest; the institutional mechanism was anEnvironmental Expert Committee to be convened when the need
# The Middle East Desalination Research Center
arises. Oslo I focused more on the "no harm principle" and the
(MEDRC), established in Oman in late 1996 to coordinate
continuation of current water entitlements than on substantive
and sponsor research in the area of desalination.
"The Interim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Taba, 28 September 1995 In the Oslo II Agreement both parties recognized the need to protect the environment, utilize natural resources on a sustainable and environmentally sound basis, and cooperate in sewage, solid waste and water issues. The agreement explicitly states that Israel recognizes Palestinian water rights, to be negotiated in the final status talks without further elaboration on the nature of these rights, or the principles governing the rights and obligations of both parties. Article 12 expressly recognized water as a natural resource.
Annex III, Appendix I, Article 40 of the agreement deals withwater allocation but refers to the immediate needs of the
#The Middle East Regional Study on Water Supply and
Palestinians without considering the principle of equitable and
Demand Development undertaken by Germany (1998)
reasonable utilization of the water resources by both sides.
to determine long-term strategies for the development
Amounts of 70-80 mcm/yr were allocated for the Palestinians
of additional water resources and future joint water
with 28.6 mcm/yr identified as immediate needs. The two parties
resource management, considering issues such as
agreed to establish a Joint Water Committee (JWC) to serve
population growth, water use and water quality.
as an institutional mechanism for the interim period, mainly tooversee the implementation of Article 40.
# A comparative survey of regulatory and legalframeworks of water laws, pricing and management in
" Israeli-Jordanian Peace Treaty, Arava/Araba Crossing,
Israel, Jordan and Palestine, funded by Norway. 26 October 1994 In the Israeli-Jordanian
#Optimization of Intensive Agriculture under Varying
Water Quality Conditions, established in 1996 and
managed by Luxembourg to demonstrate how brackish
and saline water can be used to support sustainable
farming. A demonstration farm at Beit Hanoun, Gaza, is
led by Al-Azhar University and used to support
technology transfer in the field of water use.
! Israeli and Palestinians Positions
agreed upon principles,with the quantity and quality to be respected. They further
The official Israeli position, reflected in their negotiation style
agreed to find practical and just solutions to their water problems,
in the last seven years, objects to equitable and reasonable
not to harm each other's water resources, and to cooperate in
utilization of the shared water resources. An official stated
regional and international research and development projects,
goal of the Israeli government has been ". to prepare legal
investigating existing and new water resources, water
and political bases which will guarantee Israeli control and
availability, conservation of water resources, etc.
administration of water resources in Judea and Samaria,regardless of the future political status of these areas." (State
" The Multi-Lateral Negotiations
of Israel, Cabinet Minutes, 14 May 1989). The water issue
The Working Group on Water Resources (WGWR), established
is only discussed to serve the immediate needs of the
by the multilateral negotiation track with the US as gavel holder
Palestinians, but not as a permanent solution, which has
and Japan and the European Union as co-organizers, has
been postponed for the final status negotiations.
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