(Ground and Surface Water Concerns)
For retail sale to and use only by certified applicators or persons under their direct supervision and only for those usescovered by the certified applicator's certification.
This product is a restricted use herbicide due to ground and surface water concerns. Users must read and follow allprecautionary statements and instructions for use in order to minimize potential for atrazine to reach ground and surface water.
For season-long weed control in Chemical fallow, PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS
Conifers, Corn, Fallowland, Guava, Lawns, Macadamia Hazards To Humans And Domestic Animals
CAUTION: Harmful if swallowed. Do not take internally. Causes
moderate eye irritation. Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing.
Avoid breathing of spray. Flagmen or loaders should avoid inhalation Atrazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of spray mist. Avoid application directly to animals or humans.
Related compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE)
Some materials that are chemical-resistant to this product are
OTHER INGREDIENTS: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride. If you want more options, follow TOTAL: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.0%
the instructions for Category A on the EPA chemical-resistance This product contains 4 pounds of active ingredients per gallon.
category selection chart.
Applicators using spray equipment mounted on their backs
must wear: Coveralls over long-sleeved shirt and long pants, chemical-
resistant footwear plus socks, and chemical-resistant gloves such
as polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride.
Mixers, loaders, all other applicators, flaggers, and other handlers
must wear: Long sleeved shirt and long pants, chemical-resis-
tant gloves such as polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride, shoes plus
socks, and chemical-resistant apron when mixing/loading, clean- EPA Reg. No. 19713-11
ing up spills, cleaning equipment, or otherwise exposed to the concentrate.
See engineering controls for additional requirements.
EPA Est. No. 19713-MS-1
Net Contents: _______
Discard clothing and other absorbent materials that have beendrenched or heavily contaminated with this product's concentrate.
Follow manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE.
If no such instructions for washables exist, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry.
Mixers and loaders supporting aerial applications at a rate greater
than 3 lbs. active ingredient per acre must use a closed system
that meets the requirements for dermal protection listed in the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for Agricultural Pesticides [40 CFR 170.240(d)(4)] • Wear the PPE required for mixers and loaders• Wear protective eyewear if the system operates under pressure, • Be provided and have immediately available for use in an emer- gency, such as a spill or equipment breakdown: chemical resistant Pilots must use an enclosed cockpit in a manner that is consistent with the WPS for Agricultural Pesticides [40 CFR 170.240(d)(6)].
Pilots must wear the PPE required on this labeling for applicators, however, they need not wear chemical-resistant gloves when using Flaggers supporting aerial applications must use an enclosed cab that meets the definition on the WPS for Agricultural Pesticides [40 CFR 170.240(d)(5)] for dermal protection.
When applicators use enclosed cabs in a manner that meets the requirements listed in the WPS for agricultural pesticides [40 CFR 170.240(d)(5)], the handler PPE requirements may be reduced or modifiedas specified in the WPS.
Drexel Chemical Company
Since this product acts mainly through root absorption, its effec-tiveness depends on rainfall or irrigation to move it into the root Users should: 1) Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing
zone. Should weeds develop, a shallow cultivation or rotary hoeing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet. 2) Remove clothing im- will generally result in better weed control.
mediately if pesticide gets inside. Then wash thoroughly and put This product is non-corrosive to equipment and metal surfaces, non- on clean clothing. 3) Users should remove PPE immediately af- flammable and has low electrical conductivity. Care should be taken ter handling this product. Wash the outside of gloves before re- to avoid using this product near adjacent desirable plants or in greenhouses, moving. As soon as possible, wash thoroughly and change into To avoid spray drift, do not apply under windy conditions. Avoid ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS
spray overlap, as crop injury may result.
Atrazine can travel (seep or leach) through soil and can enter groundwater Note: The Seller does not recommend the use of this product in combination
which may be used as drinking water. Atrazine has been found in with other herbicides or oils except as specifically described on the groundwater. Users are advised not to apply atrazine to Sand and label or in literature published by the Seller.
Loamy sand soils where the water table (groundwater) is close to FAILURE TO FOLLOW ALL USE PRECAUTIONS AND RESTRICTIONS the surface and where these soils are very permeable, i.e., well- ON THIS LABEL MAY RESULT IN POOR WEED CONTROL, CROP drained. Your local agricultural agencies can provide further information on the type of soil in your area and the location of groundwater.
This product must not be mixed or loaded within 50 feet of intermit- SPRAY DRIFT MANAGEMENT
tent streams and rivers, natural or impounded lakes and reservoirs.
Avoiding spray at the application site is the responsibility of the This product must not be applied aerially or by ground within 66 feet applicator. The interaction of many equipment- and weather-related of the points where field surface water runoff enters perennial or factors determine the potential for spray drift. The applicator and intermittent streams and rivers or within 200 feet around natural or the grower are responsible for considering all these factors when making impounded lakes and reservoirs. If this product is applied to highly erodible land, the 66-foot buffer or setback from runoff points must The following drift management requirements must be followed to be planted to crop or seeded with Grass or other suitable crop.
avoid off-target drift movement from aerial applications to agricul- Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment washwaters.
tural field crops. These requirements do not apply to forestry appli- This product must not be mixed/loaded or used within 50 feet of all cations, public health uses or to applications using dry formulations.
wells including abandoned wells, drainage wells and sinkholes. Op- The distance of the outermost nozzles on the boom must not erations that involve mixing, loading, rinsing or washing of this product exceed three-fourths the length of the wingspan or rotor.
into or from pesticide handling or application equipment or contain- Nozzles must always point backward parallel with the air stream ers within 50 feet of any well are prohibited, unless conducted on and never be pointed downwards more than 45 degrees.
an impervious pad constructed to withstand the weight of the heaviestload that may be positioned on or moved across the pad. Such a Where states have more stringent regulations, they should be ob- pad shall be designed and maintained to contain any product spill or equipment leaks, container or equipment rinse or washwater and The applicator should be familiar with and take into account the in- rainwater that may fall on the pad. Surface water shall not be al- formation covered in the Aerial Drift Reduction Advisory Informa-
lowed to either flow over or from the pad, which means the pad tion section below.
must be self-contained. The pad shall be sloped to facilitate mate- Aerial Drift Reduction Advisory Information
rial removal. An unroofed pad shall be of sufficient capacity to Information on Droplet Size
contain at a minimum 110% of the capacity of the largest pesti-cide container or application equipment on the pad. A pad that is The most effective way to reduce drift potential is to apply large covered by a roof of sufficient size to completely exclude precipi- droplets. The best drift management strategy is to apply the largest tation from contact with the pad shall have a minimum containment droplets that provide sufficient coverage and control. Applying largerdroplets reduces drift potential, but will not prevent drift if applications capacity of 100% of the capacity of the l a r g e s t p e s t i c i d e c o n - are made improperly, or under unfavorable environmental conditions tainer or application equipment on the pad. Containment capacities (see Wind, Temperature and Humidity, and Temperature Inversions).
as described above shall be maintained at all times. The above-specified minimum containment capacities do not apply to vehicles Controlling Droplet Size
when delivering pesticide shipments to the mixing/loading sites. Additional Volume - Use high flow rate nozzles to apply the highest practical State imposed requirements regarding wellhead setbacks and op- spray volume. Nozzles with higher rated flows produce larger droplets.
erational area containment must be observed.
Pressure - Do not exceed the nozzle manufacturer's recommended This pesticide is toxic to aquatic invertebrates. Do not apply directly pressures. For many nozzle types, lower pressure produces larger to water, to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal ar- droplets. When higher flow rates are needed, use higher flow rate eas below the mean high water mark. Do not apply when weather nozzles instead of increasing pressure.
conditions favor drift from treated areas. Runoff and drift from treated Number of nozzles - Use the minimum number of nozzles that areas may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in neighboring areas.
Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment wash water.
Nozzle Orientation - Orienting nozzles so that the spray is released TILE-OUTLETTED TERRACED FIELDS CONTAINING STANDPIPES
parallel to the airstream produces larger droplets than other orientations One of the following restrictions must be used in applying atrazine and is the recommended practice. Significant deflection from horizontal to tile-outletted terraced fields containing standpipes: will reduce droplet size and increase drift potential.
1 . Do not apply this product within 66 feet of standpipes in tile-outletted Nozzle Type - Use a nozzle type that is designed for the intended application. With most nozzle types, narrower spray angles produce 2 . Apply this product to the entire tile-outletted terraced field and larger droplets. Consider using low-drift nozzles. Solid stream nozzles immediately incorporate it to a depth of 2 to 3 inches in the en- oriented straight back produce larger droplets than other nozzle 3 . Apply this product to the entire tile-outletted terraced field under Boom Length
a no-till practice only when high crop residue management prac-tices are used. High crop residue management practice is described For some use patterns, reducing the effective boom length to less as a crop management practice where little or no crop residue is than three-fourths of the wingspan or rotor length may further reduce removed from the field during and after crop harvest.
Application Height
ATRAZINE 4L Herbicide will control most annual Broadleaf and Grass
Applications should not be made at a height greater than 10 feet weeds in Corn, Sorghum, Sugarcane and certain other crops as specified above the top of the largest plants unless a greater height is required on this label. This product may be applied before or after weeds for aircraft safety. Making applications at the lowest height that is safe reduces exposure of droplets to evaporation and wind.
In each case where a range of rates is given, the lower rate should Swath Adjustment
be used on Coarse textured soil and soil low in organic matter and When applications are made with a crosswind, the swath will be displaced the higher rate should be used on Fine textured soil and soil high in downwind. Therefore, on the up and downwind edges of the field, the applicator must compensate for this displacement by adjusting the Following many years of continuous use of this product and chemi- path of the aircraft upwind. Swath adjustment distance should increase, cally related products, biotypes of some of the weeds listed on this with increasing drift potential (higher wind, smaller drops, etc).
label have been reported which cannot be effectively controlled by this and related herbicides. Where this is known or suspected and Drift potential is lowest between speeds of 2 to 10 mph. However, weeds controlled by this product are expected to be present along many factors, including droplet size and equipment type determine with resistant biotypes, we recommend the use of this product in drift potential at any given speed. Application should be avoided below combinations or in sequence with other registered herbicides which 2 mph due to variable wind direction and high inversion potential.
are not triazines. If only resistant biotypes are expected to be present, Note: Local terrain can influence wind patterns. Every applicator should
use a registered non-triazine herbicide. Consult with your State Ag- be familiar with local wind patterns and how they affect spray drift.
ricultural Extension Service for specific recommendations.
Temperature and Humidity
When making applications in low relative humidity, set up equipment Nitrogen solutions or complete liquid fertilizers may replace all or to produce larger droplets to compensate for evaporation. Droplet part of the water as a carrier for pre-emergence and pre-plant appli- evaporation is most severe when conditions are both hot and dry.
cations of this product on Corn and Sorghum. Check the compatibil- Temperature Inversions
ity of this product with liquid fertilizer and/or nitrogen solution as Applications should not occur during a temperature inversion because shown below before use. Do not apply in nitrogen solution or com- drift potential is high. Temperature inversions restrict vertical air mixing, plete liquid fertilizer after Corn or Sorghum emerges, or crop injury which causes small suspended droplets to remain in a concentrated cloud. This cloud can move in unpredictable directions due to thelight variable winds common during inversions. Temperature inversions Compatibility Test: Since liquid fertilizers can vary, even within
are characterized by increasing temperatures with altitude and are the same analysis, always check compatibility with herbicide(s) common on nights with limited cloud cover and light to no wind. They each time before use. Be especially careful when using complete begin to form as the sun sets and often continue into the morning.
suspension or fluid fertilizers as serious compatibility problems Their presence can be indicated by ground fog; however, if fog is are more likely to occur. Commercial application equipment may not present, inversions can also be identified by the movement of improve compatibility in some instances. The following test as- smoke from a ground source or an aircraft smoke generator. Smoke sumes a spray volume of 25 gallons per acre. For other spray that layers and moves laterally in a concentrated cloud (under low volumes, make appropriate changes in the ingredients.
wind conditions) indicates an inversion, while smoke that moves upward Check compatibility using this procedure:
and rapidly dissipates indicates good vertical air mixing.
1. Add 1 pint of fertilizer to each of 2 one-quart jars with tight lids.
Sensitive Areas
2. To one of the jars, add 0.25 teaspoon or 1.2 milliliters of a com- This pesticide should only be applied when the potential for drift to patibility agent approved for this use, such as Compex® or Unite® adjacent sensitive areas (e.g. residential areas, bodies of water, known (0.25 teaspoon is equivalent to 2 pints per 100 gallons of spray).
habitat for threatened or endangered species, non-target crops) is minimal (e.g. when wind is blowing away from the sensitive area).
3. To both jars add the appropriate amount of herbicide(s). If more MIXING PROCEDURES (All Uses)
than one herbicide is used, add them separately with dry herbi- 1. Be sure sprayer is clean and not contaminated with any other cides first, flowables next and emulsifiable concentrates last. After materials or crop injury or sprayer clogging may result.
each addition, shake or stir gently to thoroughly mix. The appro- 2 . Fill tank one-fourth full with clean water, nitrogen solution or complete priate amount of herbicides for this test follows: Dry Herbicides: For each pound to be applied per acre, add 1.5
4 . Be certain that the agitation system is working properly and creates a rippling or rolling action on the liquid surface.
Liquid Herbicides: For each pint to be applied per acre, add 0.5
5 . Pour product directly from container into tank.
teaspoon or 2.5 milliliters to each jar.
6 . Continue filling tank until 90% full. Increase agitation, if 4. After adding all ingredients, put lids on and tighten and in- necessary, to maintain surface action.
vert each jar ten times to mix. Let the mixtures stand 15 7 . Add emulsifiable oil, oil concentrate or tank mix herbicide(s) minutes and then look for separation, large flakes, precipi- after this product is thoroughly suspended.
tates, gels, heavy oily film on the jar or other signs of in- compatibility. Determine if the compatibility agent is needed 9 . Empty tank as completely as possible before refilling to prevent in the spray mixture by comparing the two jars. If either mixture buildup of oil or emulsifiable concentrate residue. Maintain separates, but can be remixed readily, the mixture can be agitation to avoid separation of materials.
sprayed as long as good agitation is used. If the mixtures 10. If an oil or emulsifiable concentrate film starts to build up in are incompatible, test the following methods of improving tank, drain it and clean with strong detergent solution or compatibility: A) Slurry the dry herbicide(s) in water before addition, or B) Add half of the compatibility agent to the fertilizer 11. Clean sprayer thoroughly immediately after use by flushing and the other half of the emulsifiable concentrate or flowable system with water containing a detergent.
herbicide before addition to the mixture. If incompatibility isstill observed, do not use the mixture.
GROUND APPLICATION: Use conventional ground sprayers equipped
with nozzles that provide accurate and uniform application. Be cer- Adding emulsifiable oil (petroleum-derived, petroleum-derived oil tain that nozzles are uniformly spaced and are the same size. Cali- concentrate or single or mixed crop-derived oil concentrate) to post- brate sprayer before use and recalibrate at the start of each season emergence water-based sprays in Corn and Sorghum may improve and when changing carriers. Unless otherwise specified, use a mini- weed control. However, under certain conditions, the use of ei- mum of 10 gallons of spray mixture per acre for all pre-plant incor- ther type of oil may seriously injure the crop. To minimize this porated, pre-plant surface, pre-emergence and post-emergence applications possibility, observe the following directions.
(with or without oil or surfactant) with ground equipment. Use a pump Use one of the following properly emulsified: 1. A suitable oil concentrate containing at least 1% suitable emulsi- 1. Maintain 35 to 40 psi at nozzles.
2. Provide sufficient agitation in tank to keep mixture in suspension.
2. Petroleum-derived oil containing at least 1% suitable emulsifier.
3. Provide a minimum of 20% bypass at all times.
Note: In the event of a compatibility problem when mixing oil with
Use centrifugal pumps which provide propeller shear action for dis- this product and water, a compatibility agent such as Compex or persing and mixing this product. The pump should provide a mini- Unite should be used. Any of the above oils contaminated with wa- mum of 10 gallons per minute per 100 gallon tank size circulated through ter or other materials can cause compatibility problems and/or crop a correctly positioned sparger tube or jets.
Use screens to protect the pump and to prevent nozzles from clog- DIRECTIONS FOR USE
ging. Screens placed on the suction side of the pump should be 16- mesh or coarser. Do not place a screen in the recirculation line. Use It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner incon-sistent with its labeling.
50-mesh or coarser screens between the pump and boom and where ANY USE OF THIS PRODUCT IN AN AREA WHERE USE IS PRO- required, at the nozzles. Check nozzle manufacturer’s recommenda- HIBITED IS A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW. Before using this product, you must consult the Atrazine Watershed Information Center (AWIC) For band applications, calculate the amount to be applied per acre to determine whether the use of this product is prohibited in your watershed. AWIC can be accessed through, or 1-866-365-3014. If use of this product is prohibited in your water- shed, you may return this product to your point of purchase or con- AERIAL APPLICATION: Use aerial application only where broadcast
tact Drexel Chemical Company for a refund.
applications are specified. Apply in a minimum of 1 quart of water Failure to follow the "DIRECTIONS FOR USE", use precautions and for each quart of this product applied per acre. For post-emergence restrictions for use on this label may result in poor weed control, treatments on Corn and Sorghum, apply recommended rate in a crop injury or illegal residue. Do not apply this product through any minimum of 2 gallons of water per acre. Avoid applications under type of irrigation system.
Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other conditions where uniform coverage cannot be obtained or where excessive persons, either directly or through drift.
Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For Avoid application to humans or animals. Flagmen and loaders should any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency avoid inhalation of spray mist and prolonged contact with skin.
responsible for pesticide regulation.
rate of this product shown in "TABLE 1" up to 45 days prior to planting.
On Coarse textured soils, do not apply more than two weeks prior to Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the planting. If unsatisfactory length of weed control results from adverse Worker Protection Standard (WPS), 40 CFR Part 170. This standard environmental conditions following early treatment, a follow-up applica- contains requirements for the protection of agricultural workers on tion of an appropriately labeled herbicide may be used. If the follow-up farms, forests, nurseries, greenhouses and handlers of agricultural treatment includes atrazine, do not exceed the labeled rate for Corn pesticides. It contains requirements for training, decontamination, indicated in "TABLE 1".
notification and emergency assistance. It also contains specific in- If weeds are present at the time of treatment, apply in tank mix com- structions and exceptions pertaining to the statements on this label bination with a contact herbicide (for example, paraquat or glyphosate).
about personal protective equipment (PPE) and restricted entry inter- Observe directions for use, use precautions and restrictions for use on val (REI). The requirements in this box only apply to uses of this product that are covered by the WPS.
Note: To the extent possible, do not move treated soil out of the row
Do not enter or allow worker entry into treated areas during the REI or move untreated soil to the surface during planting or weed control Exception: If the product is soil-injected or soil-incorporated, the WPS,
under certain circumstances, allows workers to enter the treated area Broadleaf and Grass Control: Broadcast in the Spring after plowing
if there will be no contact with anything that has been treated.
at the rate indicated in "TABLE 1". Application may be made before, PPE required for early entry to treated areas that is permitted under during or after final seedbed preparation. Avoid deep incorporation of the WPS and that involves contact with anything that has been treated, this product. For best results apply within two weeks prior to planting.
such as plants, soil or water is: Coveralls, chemical-resistant gloves PRE-EMERGENCE OR AT-PLANTING
made of any waterproof material, and shoes plus socks.
Broadleaf and Grass Control: Apply during or shortly after planting,
prior to weed emergence, at the rate indicated in "TABLE 1".
The requirements in this box apply to uses of this product Broadleaf and Grass Control: Apply before weeds exceed 1.5 inches
that are NOT within the scope of the WPS for agricultural use in height and before Corn exceeds 12 inches in height at the rate in pesticides (40 CFR Part 170). The WPS applies when this product is used to produce agricultural plants on farms, forests, nurseriesor greenhouses.
Do not enter or allow others to enter treated area until sprays have FOR CONT O
For A ll So li App c
1. Land treated with this product should not be planted to any crop except Corn or Sorghum until the following year, or injury 2. If this product is applied after June 10, do not rotate with crops other than Corn or Sorghum the next year, or injury may occur.
3. In the High Plains and Intermountain areas of the West where rain- fall is sparse and erratic or where irrigation is required, use this product to control weeds in Corn or Sorghum only when Corn or Sorghum is to follow Corn or Sorghum, or a crop of untreated Cornor Sorghum is to precede other rotational crops.
4. In Eastern parts of the Dakotas, KS, Western MN and NE, Corn or Sorghum treated with this product should not be followed with Soy- beans if the broadcast rate applied was more than 4 pints per acre (or comparable rate in a band), or injury may occur.
5. Injury may occur to Soybeans planted the year following an appli- cation on soils having a calcareous surface layer.
6. Do not plant Sugar beets, Tobacco, Vegetables (including Dry beans), Spring-seeded small grains or Small-seeded legumes and grasses the year following application of this product, or injury may occur.
If no atrazine was applied prior to Corn emergence, apply a maxi- PRODUCT PER ACRE WITH OIL)
mum of 4 pints of this product per acre broadcast. If a post-emer- Broadleaf or Grass Weeds Controlled: Annual morningglory,
gence treatment is required following an earlier herbicide application, Barnyardgrass** (Watergrass), Cocklebur*, Giant foxtail*, Green fox- the total atrazine applied may not exceed 2.5 pounds atrazine active tail**, Groundcherry, Jimsonweed, Kochia, Lambsquarters, Large (Hairy) ingredient per acre per calendar year.
crabgrass*, Mustard, Nightshade, Pigweed, Purslane, Ragweed, Sicklepod*, POST-EMERGENCE WITH EMULSIFIABLE OIL OR OIL CONCEN-
Velvetleaf** (Buttonweed), Wild oats, Witchgrass** (Panicum capillare) TRATE IN WATER: Add the following volume of one of the type oils

Broadleaf Weeds Controlled: Annual morningglory, Cocklebur, Jim-
sonweed, Lambsquarters, Mustards, Pigweed, Ragweed, Smartweed, Velvetleaf* **Partial control only.
**Partial control only on Medium and Fine textured soils.
Where there are state/local requirements regarding atrazine use (includ- Note: Crop-derived or petroleum-derived oil concentrates should contain
ing lower maximum rates and/or greater setbacks) which are different at least 1%, but not more than 20%, suitable emulsifier or surfac- from this label, the more restrictive/protective requirements must be tant blend. Petroleum-derived oils should contain at least 1% suit- Certain states may have established rate limitations within specific geographical Broadleaf and Grass Control: For post-emergence control of those
areas. Consult your State Lead Pesticide Control Agency for additional weeds listed under "THIS PRODUCT APPLIED ALONE — CORN AND information. It is a violation of this label to deviate from State regula- GRAIN SORGHUM; PRE-PLANT SURFACE-APPLIED, PRE-PLANT IN- CORPORATED OR PRE-EMERGENCE", broadcast 4 pints of this product per acre plus emulsifiable oil or oil concentrate after weed emer- PRE-PLANT SURFACE APPLIED
gence, but before weeds reach 1.5 inches in height and before Corn Broadleaf and Grass Control: Use on Medium and Fine textured soils
with minimum-tillage or no-tillage systems only in CO, IA, IL, IN, KS,KY, MN, MO, MT, ND, NE, SD, WI and WY. Apply the recommended Broadleaf Control: For post-emergence control of those weeds listed
under "THIS PRODUCT APPLIED ALONE — CORN AND GRAIN SORGHUM; POST-EMERGENCE WITH EMULSIFIABLE OIL OR OIL CONCENTRATE IN WATER", broadcast 2.4 pints of this product per acre plus emulsifiableoil or oil concentrate before Lambsquarters and Pigweed reach 6 inches in height and before all other weeds reach 4 inches in height. A cultivation may be necessary if all weeds are not controlled or if weeds regrow.
Use Precautions and Restrictions for Applications of This Prod-
uct Plus Emulsifiable Oil or Oil Concentrate in Water to Corn
1. Do not use oils in sprays when treating inbred lines or any breed- 2. Adding other insecticides, herbicides, liquid fertilizers or other materials is not recommended with this product and emulsifiable oil in water because they cause compatibility problems or crop injury.
3. Store and handle emulsifiable oil carefully. Oil contaminated with even a small amount of water may not emulsify properly when added 4. Do not use oil in sprays containing this product when Corn is under stress from prolonged cold, wet weather, poor fertility or other factors or when Corn is wet and succulent from recent rainfall, as crop 5. Do not exceed 2.5 pounds of active ingredient (5 pints of this product) per acre per calendar year.
6. Post-emergence application to Corn must be made before Corn TANK MIXTURE WITH THIS PRODUCT FOR CORN
This product may be tank-mixed with these herbicides for control of certain Broadleaf and Grass weeds in Corn: THIS PRODUCT PLUS SIMAZINE 4L OR 90DF PLUS PARAQUAT
For kill of existing vegetation and residual weed control where Corn will be planted directly into a cover crop, established sod or in previous crop residues, add this product and simazine to water in spray tank, agitating until thoroughly mixed. Then add paraquat and a non-ionic surfactant, such as Surf-Ac® 820. Continue agitation during application. Broadcast 2 to 4 pints of this product plus 1.1 to 2.2 pounds of Simazine 90DF (or 2 to 4 pints of Simazine 4L or 1.25 to 2.5 pounds of Simazine 80W) plus a suitable amount of paraquat in 20 to 60 gallons of water per sprayedacre. Refer to the paraquat label for the appropriate rates to utilize in Use tank mix directions appearing on the labels of the above herbi- this tank mixture. Apply before, during or after planting, but before Corn cides when tank-mixing with this product. Observe all precautions emerges. Add 0.5 pint of a non-ionic surfactant, such as Surf-Ac 820, and limitations on labeling of products used in a particular tank mix.
per 100 gallons of spray mixture. Use the higher rate of paraquat When tank-mixing or sequentially applying atrazine or products con- specified on the label if existing vegetation is 4 to 6 inches tall. This taining atrazine to Corn, do not exceed an application rate of 2 pounds mixture will not control weeds taller than 6 inches. Refer to paraquat and atrazine active ingredient per acre for any single application, and the simazine labels for further limitations, use precautions and restrictions.
total pounds of atrazine applied must not exceed 2.5 pounds per acreper year. When tank-mixing or sequentially applying atrazine or prod- THIS PRODUCT PLUS SIMAZINE 4L, 80W OR 90DF PLUS GLYPHOSATE
ucts containing atrazine to crops other than Corn or Sorghum, the to- Use as tank mixture for pre-emergence and post-emergence control of tal pounds of atrazine (lbs a.i./A) must not exceed the specific seasonal certain Broadleaf and Grass weeds where Corn will be planted directly rate limits as noted in the use directions.
into a cover crop, established sod or in previous crop residues. Refer Note: When the labels of the above herbicides refer to Atrazine 80W,
to glyphosate label for all directions, weeds controlled, use precautions, use equivalent rates of this product. One pound of Atrazine 80W restrictions and limitations. In the absence of these tank mix instructions on generic labeling, follow the advice given below.
In addition to the weeds listed under "THIS PRODUCT APPLIED ALONE — CORN AND GRAIN SORGHUM; PRE-PLANT SURFACE-APPLIED, 1 . To avoid crop injury and illegal residues, do not apply more than PRE-PLANT INCORPORATED OR PRE-EMERGENCE" and "THIS PRODUCT 2.5 pounds per acre of active ingredient (5 pints per acre of this APPLIED ALONE — CORN AND GRAIN SORGHUM; POST-EMERGENCE product) per calendar year, with a maximum single application of WITH EMULSIFIABLE OIL OR OIL CONCENTRATE IN WATER", this 2.0 pounds per acre (4 pints per acre of this product) and 1.6 lbs.
combination also controls Carpetweed, Crabgrass and Fall panicum.
a.i./A (3.2 pts. of this product/A) on highly erodible soils with < Broadcast tank mix before planting, at-planting or after planting, but before crop and weeds emerge, at rates in "TABLE 2". Use the 1:1 2 . When tank-mixing or sequentially applying atrazine or products containing ratio for control of most weeds. Use the 1:2 ratio for expected heavy atrazine to Corn, do not exceed an application rate of 2 pounds infestations of Crabgrass and Fall panicum. Cultivate shallowly if atrazine active ingredient per acre for any single application, and the total pounds of atrazine applied must not exceed 2.5 pounds PRE-PLANT SURFACE APPLIED
Use on Medium and Fine textured soils with minimum-tillage or no- 3 . When tank-mixing or sequentially applying atrazine or products containing tillage systems only in CO, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MN, MO, MT, ND, atrazine to crops other than Corn or Sorghum, the total pounds of NE, SD, WI and WY. Apply the recommended rate of this product atrazine (lbs a.i./A) must not exceed the specific seasonal rate limits and simazine shown in "TABLE 2" up to 45 days prior to planting.
Refer to "THIS PRODUCT ALONE" section for information if weeds 4 . For best control of Velvetleaf and Cocklebur, the application rate should develop following the early treatment. On Coarse textured cannot be less than 2 pounds per acre of active ingredient, either soils, do not apply more than 2 weeks prior to planting. Refer to "THIS PRODUCT APPLIED ALONE — PRE-PLANT SURFACE APPLIED" 5 . Following harvest, plow (moldboard or disk-plow) and thoroughly section of the Corn label for additional details.
till soil in Fall or Spring to minimize possible injury to Spring-seeded If weeds are present at time of treatment, apply in a tank mix combina- rotational crops, regardless of rate used.
tion with a contact herbicide (for example, paraquat or glyphosate). Ob- 6 . For Field corn do not harvest for forage within 60 days of application.
serve directions for use, precautions and restrictions on the label of the For Sweet corn, do not harvest forage within 45 days of application.
Note: To the extent possible, do not move treated soil out of the
(Grain and Forage Types)
row or move untreated soil to the surface during planting, or weed PRE-PLANT SURFACE APPLIED
Broadleaf and Grass Control: Use on Medium and Fine textured
soils with minimum-tillage or no-tillage systems only in CO, IA, IL, Apply to the soil and incorporate in Spring before, during or after IN, KS, KY, MN, MO, MT, ND, NE, SD, WI and WY. Apply the recommended final seedbed preparation. Avoid deep incorporation. For best results, rate of this product shown in "TABLE 3" up to 45 days prior to planting.
apply within two weeks prior to planting.
If an unsatisfactory length of weed control results from adverse PRE-EMERGENCE
environmental conditions following early treatment, a follow-up application Apply during or shortly after planting, but before crop and weeds of an appropriately labeled herbicide may be used. If the follow-up treatment includes atrazine, do not exceed the labeled rate for Cornindicated in "TABLE 1".
Under dry conditions, irrigation after application is recommended to POST-EMERGENCE
Broadleaf and Grass Control: Apply before weeds exceed 1.5 inches
If weeds are present at time of treatment, apply in a tank mix com- in height at the rate indicated in "TABLE 4". Application must be made bination with a contact herbicide (for example, paraquat or glypho- to Sorghum before reaching 12 inches in height.
sate). Observe directions for use, use precautions and restrictions on the label of the contact herbicide.
Note: To the extent possible, do not move treated soil out of the
row or move untreated soil to the surface during planting or weed B adcast a
Broadleaf and Grass Control: Broadcast in Spring after plowing at
rate in "TABLE 3". Apply before, during or after final seedbed prepa- ration. If soil is tilled or worked after application, avoid deep incor- poration. For best results, apply within two weeks prior to planting.
Broadleaf and Grass Control: Apply during or shortly after plant-
ing, but prior to weed or crop emergence at rate shown in "TABLE 3".
Broadleaf and Grass Control:
Apply at rate shown in "TABLE 3"
before weeds exceed 1.5 inches in height and before Sorghum ex- POST-EMERGENCE
Broadleaf Weed Control with This Product Plus Emulsifiable Oil

or Oil Concentrate in Water: Broadcast 2.4 pints of this product
per acre for control of Broadleaf weeds. Apply before Pigweed and Lambsquarters reach 6 inches in height and before all other weedsreach 4 inches in height. In CO, Western KS, NM, OK, TX and desert For A ll So li App c
regions of AZ and CA, apply when Sorghum is 6 to 12 inches in height, but before it reaches 12 inches. In all other areas, apply after Sorghum reaches the 3-leaf stage. Add emulsifiable oil at a rate of 1 gallon per acre for ground applications and 0.5 gallon per acre for aerial applications or add 1 quart per acre of oil concentrate for ground applications. A cultivation may be necessary if all weeds are not controlled or if regrowth of weeds occurs.
uct Plus Emulsifiable Oil or Oil Concentrate in Water to Sor-
ghum—See "Use Precautions and Restrictions For Applications of
This Product Plus Emulsifiable Oil in Water to Corn".
Broadleaf Weed Control with This Product Plus Surfactant (CO,
Western KS, NM, OK, TX and Desert regions of AZ and CA
only): Broadcast 2.4 pints of this product plus 0.75 to 1.5 pints of
surfactant per acre after Sorghum reaches 6 inches in height, but before weeds reach 1.5 inches in height. Apply only on Sandy loam and Fine textured soils.
If no atrazine was applied prior to Sorghum emergence, apply a maximum 1 . The maximum application rate for Sorghum is 2.5 pounds of ac- of 4 pints of this product per acre broadcast. If a post-emergence tive ingredient (5 pints of this product) per acre per calendar year, treatment is required following an earlier herbicide application, the with a maximum single application rate of 2.0 lbs. active ingredi- total atrazine applied may not exceed 2.5 pounds atrazine active ingredient ent (4 pints of this product) and 1.6 lbs. a.i./A (3.2 pts./A) on highly erodible soils with < 30% soil cover with plant residues.
Note: Where there are state/local requirements regarding atrazine use
2 . When tank-mixing or sequentially applying atrazine or products (including lower maximum rates and/or greater setbacks) which are containing atrazine to Sorghum, do not exceed an application rate different from the label, the more restrictive/protective requirements of 2 pounds atrazine active ingredient per acre for any single ap- must be followed. Certain states may have established rate limita- plication, and the total pounds of atrazine applied must not ex- tions within specific geographical areas. Consult your State Lead Pesticide Control Agency for additional information. It is a violation 3 . When tank-mixing or sequentially applying atrazine or products containing of this label to deviate from State use regulations.
atrazine to crops other than Corn or Sorghum, the total pounds of In case of planting failure, Corn or Sorghum may be replanted. Do atrazine (lbs a.i./A) must not exceed the specific seasonal rate limits not make a second broadcast application, or injury may occur. If originally applied in a band and Corn or Sorghum is replanted in untreated 4 . Do not harvest for forage within 60 days of a pre-emergence row middles, this product may be applied in a band to the second application and 45 days of a post-emergent application.
planting, provided the maximum application rate of 2.5 pounds of 5 . For all soil applications prior to crop emergence (except for pre- active ingredient per acre of atrazine per calendar year is not exceeded.
emergence use on bedded Sorghum in AZ and CA), do not apply PRE-EMERGENCE
to Coarse textured soils, i.e., Sand, Loamy sand, Sandy loam or Broadleaf Weed Control in Furrow-Irrigated Bedded Sorghum
to Medium and Fine textured soils having less than 1% organic (AZ and CA only): For pre-emergence control of Broadleaf weeds,
6 . For post-emergence applications, do not apply to Sand or Loamy to 2.4 pints of this product per acre after bed prepa- ration, during or after planting, but before Sorghum and weeds emerge and before the first furrow irrigation. Several irrigations should fol- 7 . Heavy rains immediately following application tend to result in low the application, making sure that all soil is thoroughly wet.
excessive concentrations of herbicide in seed furrow, resulting inpossible crop injury. Applications to furrow-planted Sorghum should Use Precautions and Restrictions for Pre-emergence Applications
not be made until furrows are leveled (plowed-in). Deep planter of This Product to Furrow-Irrigated Bedded Sorghum Grown in
marks or seed furrows should also be leveled before application.
8 . Application made to Sorghum growing under stress caused by mi- To avoid possible Sorghum injury, do not use on Sand or Loamy nor element deficiency or to Sorghum growing on highly calcare- sand soils or on Sorghum planted in the furrow. Additionally, appli- ous soils may result in crop injury.
cations made to Sorghum growing on alkali soils or where cuts, fills 9 . Following harvest, plow (moldboard or disk-plow) and thoroughly or erosions have exposed calcareous or alkali subsoils may result in till the soil in the Fall or Spring to minimize possible injury to crop injury. In case of crop failure, do not replant Sorghum for 8 rotational Spring-seeded crops, regardless of rate used.
months following application. Corn may be planted immediately.
10. Injury may occur if both this herbicide, pre-plant surface, pre- plant incorporated or pre-emergence and an at-planting systemicinsecticide applied in-furrow are used.
Use Precautions and Restrictions:
Metolachlor: Use as tank mixture with metolachlor for control of
1 . Use only on Silt loam or Fine textured soil.
those weeds listed on the metolachlor label, as well as on this label.
2 . Wheat - Sorghum - Fallow cropping sequence must be followed.
Use this tank mixture only on Sorghum seed treated with Concep® 3 . Do not apply following Sorghum harvest.
(cyometrinil). Refer to the metolachlor label for all directions, use 4 . Only one application is allowed per cycle for all chemical fallow precautions, restrictions and limitations.
5 . To avoid illegal residues, do not graze or feed forage from treated 6 . To avoid illegal residues and crop injury, do not plant any crop other than those on this label within 18 months following treat- B adcast a
WHEAT - CORN - FALLOW (CO, KS, ND, NE, SD, WY): This prod-
uct controls Cheatgrass (Downy brome, Chess), Kochia, Mustard, Pigweed, Russian thistle, Wild lettuce, Wild sunflower and Volunteer wheat during period after Wheat harvest. Weed control may extendinto following Corn crop grown under minimum-tillage.
On soils in ND and SD with pH greater than 7.5, do not exceed 1.5 pounds active ingredient (3 pints of this product) per acre for any application. For soils with pH less than 7.5 in ND and SD, apply 1 to 2 pounds of active ingredient (2 to 4 pints of this product) peracre. Use the higher rate on Fine textured soils and where heavy weed infestations are expected. Use the lower rate on Coarse tex- tured soils where light weed infestations are expected. Do not apply more than 2 pounds of active ingredient (4 pints of this product) per acre for any application. For all other locations do not apply more than 2.25 pounds a.i. (4.5 pints of this product) per acre for any application. In the event Grasses are present the following Spring, use a grass herbicide registered for use on Corn.
Follow directions for use, and "Use Precautions and Restrictions"in the preceding "WHEAT - SORGHUM - FALLOW" section, substi- Use Precautions and Restrictions:
tuting Corn for references to Sorghum.
1. Applications of this product + metolachlor on highly alkaline soils or on Do not apply more than one application per cycle.
eroded areas where calcareous subsoils are exposed may cause WHEAT - FALLOW - WHEAT (CO, KS, ND, NE, SD, WY): For pre-
emergence control of Cheatgrass (Downy brome, Chess), Common 2. If Sorghum seed is not properly treated with cyometrinil, this product lambsquarters, Field pennycress, Kochia, Mustard, Russian thistle, + metolachlor will severely injure the crop.
Wild lettuce and suppression of Volunteer wheat during fallow period 3. Under high soil moisture conditions prior to Sorghum emergence, of a Wheat - Fallow - Wheat rotation, broadcast 1 to 2 pints of this injury may occur following the use of this product + metolachlor.
product per acre on all soils except those listed under “Use Precau- The crop will normally outgrow this effect.
4. Do not use this product + metolachlor on Sorghum grown under For control of Pigweed and Wild sunflower, use the higher rate. Apply dry mulch tillage, or injury may occur.
to stubble ground. Treat only once during same fallow period.
Rotational Crops: Refer to the crop rotation instructions on the
metolachlor label for metolachlor + atrazine tank mixtures on Corn.
NE)—This Product Plus Paraquat: If weeds are present at appli-
For post-emergence control of Winter weeds only, such as Annual cation, a tank mix with paraquat may be used. Broadcast 4.5 pints thistle, Henbit and Seeding dock on Fall bedded land in the Gulf of this product plus a suitable amount of paraquat in 20 to 60 gal- Coast and Blacklands of TX, apply 1.6 to 2 pints of this product per lons of water per acre by ground equipment. Add 0.5 to 1 pint of a acre post-emergence to the weeds in November or December to land non-ionic surfactant, such as Surf-Ac 820, per 100 gallons of spray that will be planted to Corn, Forage sorghum or Grain sorghum the mixture. Add this product to spray tank first and thoroughly mix with following Spring. For best results, add a suitable surfactant such as water. Then add paraquat followed by surfactant. Use the higher rate Surf-Ac 820 at the rate of 0.5% of the spray volume, an emulsifi- of paraquat specified on the label if weeds are 4 to 6 inches tall.
able oil at the rate of 1.0% of the spray volume or an oil concen- This mixture will not control weeds taller than 6 inches. Apply to trate at the rate of 1 quart per acre.
stubble ground. Treat only once during same fallow period. Refer to Normal weed control programs may be used in the following: Corn, paraquat label for further directions, use precautions and restrictions Forage sorghum or Grain sorghum crop.
Use Precaution and Restriction: Do not plant any crops except
Corn, Forage sorghum or Grain sorghum the Spring following this
treatment or illegal residues may result.
Product Plus Paraquat: If weeds are present at application, a tank
mix with paraquat may be used. Broadcast 1 to 2 pints of this prod-uct plus a suitable amount of paraquat in 20 to 60 gallons of water WHEAT - SORGHUM - FALLOW: This treatment controls annual Broadleaf
per acre by ground equipment. Add 0.5 to 1 pint of a non-ionic sur- and Grass weeds following Wheat harvest and in the following Sorghum factant, such as Surf-Ac 820, per 100 gallons of spray mixture. Add crop when grown under minimum-tillage. Broadcast 4.5 pints of this this product to spray tank first and thoroughly mix with water. Then product to Wheat stubble immediately following Wheat harvest. On add paraquat, followed by surfactant. Use the higher rate of paraquat soils in ND and SD with pH greater than 7.5, do not exceed 1.5 specified on the label if weeds are 4 to 6 inches. Apply to stubble pounds active ingredient (3 pints of this product) per acre for any ground. Treat only once during same fallow period. Refer to paraquat application. For soils with pH less than 7.5 in ND and SD, apply 1 label for further directions, use precautions and restrictions and limitations.
to 2 pounds of active ingredient (2 to 4 pints of this product) per If weeds are present at application and this product is used alone, acre. Use the higher rate on Fine textured soils and where heavy use either an approved contact herbicide before or after treatment weed infestations are expected. Use the lower rate on Coarse textured soils where light weed infestations are expected. Do not apply more Use tillage to control weeds which escape during fallow period. Till than 2 pounds of active ingredient (4 pints of this product) per acre before planting. For this product applied alone or in tank mixture for any application. For all other locations do not apply more than with paraquat, plant at least 2 inches deep and 12 months or more 2.25 pounds a.i. (4.5 pints of this product) per acre for any application.
If weeds are present at application, remove them with a sweep plowor other suitable implement after application or use an approved contact Use Precautions and Restrictions:
herbicide before or after application of this product. Plant Sorghum 1 . Only one application is allowed per cycle for all chemical fallow into Wheat stubble the following Spring with minimum disturbance of the soil. Use a surface planter or a planter leaving a shallow furrow.
If weeds are present at-planting, remove them with a sweep plow or 3 . Do not treat eroded hillsides, caliche and rocky outcroppings or other suitable implement before planting.
For the list of weeds controlled, see "THIS PRODUCT APPLIED ALONE 4 . Do not treat soils of the Rosebud and Canyon Series in Western — CORN AND GRAIN SORGHUM; PRE-PLANT SURFACE-APPLIED, NE and adjoining counties in CO and WY.
PRE-PLANT INCORPORATED OR PRE-EMERGENCE" and "THIS PRODUCT 5 . Do not treat soils with calcareous surface layers.
APPLIED ALONE — CORN AND GRAIN SORGHUM; POST-EMERGENCE WITH EMULSIFIABLE OIL OR OIL CONCENTRATE IN WATER". 7 . Do not graze treated areas within 6 months after application or Aerial Application: In order to assure that spray will be controllable
within the target area when used according to label directions, make General Use Directions for All States: For control of many Broadleaf
applications at a maximum height of 10 feet, using low drift nozzles and Grass weeds, including Amaranths, Crabgrass, Fireweed, Flora’s at a maximum pressure of 40 psi, and restrict application to periods paintbrush, Foxtail, Junglerice and Wiregrass, broadcast 4 to 8 pints when wind speed does not exceed 10 mph. To assure that spray will of this product per acre of this product at time of planting or ratooning, not adversely affect adjacent sensitive non-target plants, apply this product alone by aircraft at a minimum upwind distance of 400 feet Broadcast aerially in a minimum of 5 gallons of spray per acre or broadcast or band by ground equipment in a minimum of 20 gallons per acre, unless indicated otherwise. One additional application may To control certain Annual weeds in established Perennial grasses along be made over the Sugarcane as it emerges, and two additional appli- roadsides in CO, KS, MT, NE, ND, SD and WY, including Cheatgrass cations may be made interline after emergence, as directed spray.
(Downy brome, Chess), Common (annual) broomweed, Little barley, Medusahead, Repeat treatments, where needed, may be applied broadcast, band Sagewort and Tumble mustard, broadcast 2 pints of this product per or interline as suggested with the final application being prior to "close- acre in a minimum of 10 gallons of water by ground equipment in the in". Do not exceed the rate of herbicide suggested for any one crop Fall before ground freezes or after thawing in the Spring, but before the established grasses green-up and before weeds emerge. Examples Note: Where high rates of this product are used alone, apply in a
of desirable established grasses include Big bluestem, Bluegrama, Bro- minimum of 2 pints of water for each 2 pints of this product ap- megrass, Buffalograss, Crested wheatgrass, Indiangrass, Little bluestem, Side-oats grama, Switchgrass and Western wheatgrass. Apply only once Aerial Application: In order to assure that spray will be control-
per year. Temporary discoloration or other forms of injury to the desir- lable within the target area when used according to label direc- able Perennial grasses may occur following application.
tions, make applications at a maximum height of 10 feet using USE PRECAUTIONS AND RESTRICTIONS
low drift nozzles at a maximum pressure of 40 psi and restrict application to periods when wind speed does not exceed 10 mph.
1 . Do not cut or feed roadside Grass hay.
To assure that spray will not adversely affect adjacent sensitive 2 . Do not allow livestock to graze treated areas.
non-target plants, apply this product alone by aircraft at a mini- 3 . Do not apply more than 1 pound a.i./A (2 pints of this product/A) mum upwind distance of 400 feet from sensitive plants.
for any application. Make only one application per year.
For control of emerged Pellitory weed (Artillery weed). Apply 0.8 to For control or suppression of the following weeds: Annual rag-
1.2 pints of this product per acre in 40 gallons of water per acre as weed, Barnyardgrass, Black nightshade, Cheat, Cocklebur, Downy a directed spray by ground equipment prior to "close-in". Add 4 pints brome, Fall panicum, Field pennycress, Giant foxtail, Japanese brome, of surfactant for each 50 gallons of spray and be sure weed foliage Kentucky bluegrass, Kochia, Lambsquarters, Little barley, Marestail, Pigweed, Prickly lettuce, Smooth brome, Sunflower and Yellow fox- For control of Alexandergrass, Large crabgrass, Pellitory (Artillery) tail, refer to the directions for use, "Notes" and "Use Precautions
weed and Spiny amaranth, use one of the following methods at-planting Pure stands of newly-seeded Big bluestem, Eastern gramagrass
1 . Apply 8 pints of this product per acre pre-emergence. Follow with and Switchgrass: Use only on Loam, Silt loam, Silty clay loam,
1 or 2 applications, as needed, post-emergence to Sugarcane and Clay loam and Silty clay soils with at least 1% organic matter.
weeds, at 4 pints per acre. Treat before weeds exceed 1.5 inchesin height.
Establishment: Broadcast 4 pints of this product per acre of this
2 . Apply 1 to 3 times, as needed, at 4 pints of this product per acre product pre-plant incorporated or pre-emergence at time of seeding post-emergence to Sugarcane and weeds. Treat before weeds ex- and prior to emergence of weeds. Prepare a good, firm seedbed. Plant tional drill. If a conventional drill is used on prepared seedbeds, remove LOUISIANA
all tension from the disk openers. For best results, cultipack or roll For control of Annual weeds during the Summer fallow period, apply 4 pints per acre to weed-free beds immediately after bed formation.
Follow normal weed control after planting.
Renovation of existing stands of Big bluestem and Switchgrass
Use Precautions and Restrictions - To avoid crop injury:
planted on CRP acres: Broadcast 2 to 4 pints of this product per
1 . Do not apply more than 20 pints of this product per acre to any acre to existing stands of Big bluestem and Switchgrass prior to the emergence of weeds. Use the low rate on soils containing from 1 to 2 . If making 4 pints per acre application during Summer fallow pe- 2% organic matter. Use the high rate on soils with 2% or more or- riod, do not exceed 16 pints of this product per acre during re- mainder of the growing season or illegal residues may result.
Renovation of existing stands of the following Perennial range
grasses planted on CRP acres: Bluegrama, Indiangrass, Little bluestem,
Use this product for control of Barnyardgrass, Pigweed, Purslane Sand lovegrass, Side-oats grama and Western wheatgrass.
and Sunflower in plant or Ratoon sugarcane.
Broadcast 1 to 2 pints of this product per acre in the Spring prior to Apply 8 pints of this product per acre of this product pre-emergence.
weed emergence or in the Fall before the ground freezes and prior to Follow with 1 or 2 applications, as needed, at 6 pints of this product weed emergence after these species have been established for at per acre post-emergence to Sugarcane and weeds.
least one growing season for control or partial control of the weeds For best results, when weeds are emerged, add a non-ionic surfactant, listed above. Use the lower rate for weeds controlled or suppressed such as Surf-Ac 820, at a concentration of 4 pints of this product easily. Use the higher rate on other weeds claimed in an earlier section per 100 gallons to the spray and apply before weeds exceed 1.5 Aerial Application: Make applications at a maximum height of 10
feet above vegetation. Use low-drift nozzles at a maximum pressure of 40 psi. Restrict application to periods when wind speed does not 1 . Do not apply this product after “close-in”.
exceed 10 mph to control drift. To assure that drift will not adversely 2 . Do not apply more than 4 pounds a.i./A (8 pints of this product/A) affect adjacent sensitive non-target plants, apply this product by for any application. Do not apply more than 10 pounds a.i./A (20 aircraft at a minimum upwind distance of 400 feet from sensitive plants. Use 3 to 5 gallons per acre total water volume; use the higher 3 . Injury to Sugarcane may occur when under moisture stress, when water volume when a dense, heavy ground cover is present.
soil is of low absorptive capacity or when land is first cropped to Use Precautions and Restrictions:
1. Do not cut or feed Grass hay to livestock.
For specific weed problems, the following may be used. Other rate and application timings may be used for other weed spectrums and cultural practices, provided they are within the preceding "General 4. Do not dump or spill product or dispose of containers within reach Use Directions for All States" and are consistent with the "Use Pre- cautions and Restrictions for All States and Uses".
5. Follow all applicable restrictions for the Conservation Reserve Program.
6. Do not apply more than 2 pounds a.i./A (4 pints of this product/A) For control of annual Broadleaf and Grass weeds prior to transplant- ing, after transplanting or in established Conifers (including Austrian 7. To avoid crop injury, make only one application per year.
pine, Bishop pine, Blue spruce, Douglas fir, Grand fir, Jeffrey pine, Slight discoloration of desirable grasses may occur following treatment.
Knobcone pine, Loblolly pine (Shore pine), Lodgepole pine, Monterey Injury may be enhanced when used on neutral or alkaline soils.
pine, Noble fir, Ponderosa pine, Scotch pine, Sitka spruce, Slash pine and White fir): Broadcast 4 to 8 pints of this product in a minimumof 5 gallons of water per acre by air or 10 gallons by ground before Do not graze forage or cut forage for hay. Under severe drought weeds are 1.5 inches tall. Apply to established trees between Fall conditions, the Conservation Reserve Program allows grazing and and early Spring while trees are dormant. For new transplants, apply making of hay from CRP acres, as so specified by the local ASCS during or soon after transplanting. For applications prior to transplanting, (Agricultural Stabilization & Conservation Service) office. This la- allow sufficient precipitation to activate this product before trans- bel does not allow grazing or making of hay from CRP acres that have been treated with atrazine under any circumstances.
In areas where Spring and Summer rainfall is inadequate to activate m unt of THIS P O
this product, apply during Fall prior to Spring transplanting.
of 5 gallons of water per acre by air or 10 gallons by ground betweenFall and early Spring while trees are dormant and before Quackgrass is more than 1.5 inches tall.
Use Precautions and Restrictions:
1. In areas West of the Rocky Mountains (except the Great Basin), Centipedegrass, St. Augustine grass and Zoysiagrass: Broadcast 4
grazing may begin 7 months after a Fall application or 3 months to 8 pints of this product per acre according to soil texture to control after a Winter or Spring application.
2. To prevent illegal residues, do not graze treated areas of the Great those weeds listed under "THIS PRODUCT APPLIED ALONE — CORN AND Basin or areas East of the Rocky Mountains.
GRAIN SORGHUM; PRE-PLANT SURFACE-APPLIED, PRE-PLANT INCOR- 3. Temporary injury to trees may occur following use of this product 4. To avoid crop injury, do not apply to seedbeds.
6. Do not apply more than 4 lbs. a.i. (8 pints of this product) per 7. Do not apply more than 4 lbs. a.i. (8 pints of this product) per acre Aerial Application: In order to assure that spray will be controllable
within the target area when used according to label directions, make
If weeds regrow, apply an additional 4 pints of this product per acre on applications at a maximum height of 10 feet above vegetation, unless Muck or Peat, or 2 pints of this product per acre on Sandy soil.
a greater height is required for aircraft safety, using low drift nozzles Use Precautions and Restrictions — To avoid illegal residues and
at a maximum pressure of 40 psi, and restrict application to periods crop injury:
when wind speed does not exceed 10 mph. To assure that spray will 1. For Muck or Peat soils, do not apply more than 4 pounds a.i. (8 pints of not adversely affect adjacent sensitive non-target plants, apply this this product) per acre for any application. Do not apply more than 6 pounds product by aircraft at a minimum upwind distance of 400 feet from a.i. (12 pints of this product) per year. For sandy soil, do not apply more than 2 pounds a.i. (4 pints of this product) per acre for any application.
ST. AUGUSTINE GRASS, CENTIPEDEGRASS AND DORMANT Do not apply more than 3 pounds a.i. (6 pints of this product) per year.
Do not apply more than 2 times per season.
This product controls Annual bluegrass, Florida betony, Spurweed and 2. Do not apply within 30 days prior to cutting or lifting.
many other problem weeds in home lawn, ornamental and recreational 3. Do not apply in combination with surfactants or other spray additives.
turf and other non-crop areas such as highway rights-of-way and similar 4. Use only on Turfgrass reasonably free of infestations of insects, areas. This product may be applied with any pump-up or compressed air type sprayer or with a hose-on type sprayer.
5. On newly-sprigged Turfgrass, temporary slowing of growth may fol- This product will control BOTH emerged weeds and weeds from seeds.
Rain or watering within 2 to 3 days of application may decrease the TURFGRASS FOR FAIRWAYS, LAWNS, SOD PRODUCTION* AND effectiveness on emerged weeds. However, for control of weeds fromseeds, rainfall or watering is necessary within 7 to 10 days after treatment.
For weed control in rights-of-way do not apply more than 2 pints of this product *Except FL, see “TURFGRASSES FOR SOD (FL ONLY)” in preceding sec- per acre per year. Do not apply more than one application per year.
BERMUDAGRASS, CENTIPEDEGRASS, ST. AUGUSTINE GRASS AND Annual bluegrass (Poa Annua), Chickweed (Common and Mouseear), Crabgrass, Cransbill, Cudweed, Dichondra, Florida betony, Henbit, Knotweed, Apply this product after October 1 before emergence of Winter annual weeds Lespedeza, Moneywort, Mustard, Narrowleaf vetch, Parsley-piert, Sandspur, for control of Annual bluegrass, Burclover, Carpet burweed, Chickweed, Smutgrass, Spurge, Spurweed, Swinecress, Woodsorrel and various Corn speedwell, Henbit, Hop clover and Spurweed. This product will control Annual bluegrass even if it is emerged at time of treatment. For control of TIMING OF APPLICATION
Summer annual weeds listed in the pre-emergence portion of the "THIS The timing of applications to achieve maximum control may vary quite PRODUCT APPLIED ALONE — CORN AND GRAIN SORGHUM; PRE-PLANT a bit with different weed species. The following application times are SURFACE-APPLIED, PRE-PLANT INCORPORATED OR PRE-EMERGENCE" suggested for certain problem weeds.
and "THIS PRODUCT APPLIED ALONE — CORN AND GRAIN SORGHUM; Spurweed: Best control of Spurweed can be obtained by applying this
POST-EMERGENCE WITH EMULSIFIABLE OIL OR OIL CONCENTRATE IN product when Spurweed has emerged (December and January).
WATER" section of this label, also apply this product in late Winter before Florida betony: This weed emerges in the Fall, so an application of
the weeds emerge. Apply in a minimum of 15 gallons of water per acre or this product in mid-to-late October followed with a second application in mid-to-late February would give best control.
Where Annual bluegrass is the major weed, use 2 pints of this product Dichondra, Moneywort: Best control of these weeds can be obtained
per acre (22 milliliters or 0.75 fluid ounce per 1,000 square feet). Use by applying this product in early April followed with a second application 4 pints of this product per acre (44 milliliters or 1.5 fluid ounces per 1,000 square feet) for control of the other weeds named above. Do not Applications for Spurweed or Florida betony generally will give control exceed 2 pints of this product per acre per treatment on newly-sprigged or suppression of the other weeds listed. However, as a general rule, Turfgrass or on hybrid Bermudagrass such as Tiflawn, Tifway and Ormond.
this product will give the best control when applied to young tender For continued Summer annual weed control, apply another 2 pints of weeds or just prior to weed emergence. Do not apply to growing Bermudagrass.
this product per acre at least 30 days after the previous application, Use Precautions and Restrictions: Do not apply within the active
root zone of vegetables or desirable ornamental plants such as Azaleas,
but not after April 15. However, do not make more than two applica- Boxwoods, Camellias, etc. However, treatments using this product should not normally cause injury to medium or large shrubs or trees in the On newly-sprigged Turfgrass and hybrid Bermudagrass, temporary slowing landscape. Do not plant any crop (flower or vegetable gardens) to of growth and yellowing may occur following application.
treated areas for 18 months or injury may result.
Use Precautions and Restrictions
For weed control in Rights-of-way, do not apply more than 2 pints of 1. For Turfgrass at residential sites including homes, daycare facili- this product per acre per year. Do not apply more than one application ties, schools, playgrounds, parks, recreational areas and sports fields: Do not apply more than 1.0 pound a.i. (2 pints of this product) per acre for any application. Do not apply more than 2.0 pounds a.i. (4 This product may be applied to established St. Augustine grass and pints of this product) per acre per year.
Centipedegrasses during both the dormant and the growing season.
2. Do not graze or feed turf clippings to animals or illegal residues may Best results are usually obtained in the early Spring or dormant periods when weeds are small or have not emerged. Follow rates below.
DORMANT BERMUDAGRASS To avoid turf injury: 1) Use only on Turfgrass reasonably free
of infestations of insects, nematodes and diseases. 2) Do not use
This product may be applied to Bermudagrass during the dormant seasononly. Applications to Bermudagrass during the growing season will cause on golf greens. 3) Do not use North of NC (except may be used in VA Coastal Plains) or West of the high rainfall areas of Eastern RATE OF APPLICATION
OK and Eastern TX. 4) Do not use on muck or alkaline soils. 5) Determine the total area to be sprayed and base rate of application Do not apply over the rooting area of trees or ornamentals not on the chart below. Avoid overlapping spray pattern while treating.
listed on this label. 6) Do not overseed with desirable Turfgrass within 4 months before or 6 months after treatment. 7) Do not applythis product to newly-seeded Bermudagrass until it has over-Win- STORAGE AND DISPOSAL
tered and has a well-developed rhizome system. Do not exceed 4 Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage and disposal.
pints of this product per acre within 12 months of seeding Bermudagrass.
PESTICIDE STORAGE: Store in a cool, dry location. Avoid storage
Control of Annual Weeds in Bermudagrass Highway Rights-of-Way
at high temperatures. Keep container tightly sealed. Avoid contami- (OK Only): Apply up to 2 pints of this product in 20 to 80 gallons of
nation with acids or alkalies. Do not stack more than 2 pallets high water per acre for control of Annual bluegrass, Black nightshade, Cheat, to prevent crushing. Keep containers away from any source of puncture.
Cocklebur*, Common hop clover, Annual broomweed, Downy brome, Japanese brome, Foxtails, Horseweed (Marestail)*, Kochia, Lambsquarters, Pesticides should be separated during storage to prevent cross-contamination Little barley, Mustard, Pigweed (Carelessweed), Poorjoe, Ragweed, Russian of other pesticides, fertilizer, food and feed. Storage area should thistle*, Smartweed, Smutgrass, Sunflower, Wild lettuce and Wild oats.
preferably be locked to prevent admittance by unauthorized or un- For control of Summer annual weeds, apply this product in the Spring knowledgeable persons. If the container is damaged and leaking or material has been spilled, follow these procedures: 1. Cover spill with absorbent material.
Use Precautions and Restrictions
1. Do not cut or feed Grass hay from highway rights-of-way.
3. Wash area with detergent and water and follow with clean water 2. Do not allow livestock to graze treated areas.
3. Do not apply more than 1 lb. a.i. (2 pints of this product) per acre 4. Do not allow to contaminate water supplies.
5. Dispose of according to instructions below.
4. Make only one application per year.
PESTICIDE DISPOSAL: Wastes resulting from the use of this product
may be disposed of on site or at an approved waste disposal facility.
For pre-emergence control of many Broadleaf and Grass weeds, in- CONTAINER DISPOSAL: Triple rinse (or equivalent). Then offer for
cluding Crabgrass, Fireweed, Flora’s paintbrush, Foxtail, Spanishneedles recycling or reconditioning or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary and Wiregrass, broadcast 4 to 8 pints of this product per acre before landfill or by incineration, or, if allowed by State and Local authori- harvest and before weeds emerge. Repeat as necessary. Do not apply ties, by burning. If burned, stay out of smoke.
more than 4 pounds a.i. (8 pints of this product) per acre for any ap-plication. Do not apply more than 8 pounds a.i. (16 pints of this prod- WARRANTY—CONDITIONS OF SALE
uct) per acre per year. Do not spray when Nuts are on the ground OUR RECOMMENDATIONS FOR USE of this product are based upon during harvest period. Do not apply by air.
tests believed reliable. Follow directions carefully. Timing and method of application, weather and crop conditions, mixtures with other chemi- Use only on established plantings which are at least 18 months old.
cals not specifically recommended and other influencing factors in the Apply as a directed spray at 4 to 8 pints of this product per acre of use of this product are beyond the control of the Seller. Buyer as- this product in 20 to 50 gallons of spray mix pre-emergence or early sumes all risks of use, storage and handling of this material not in post-emergence to weeds. When applying post-emergence, the use of strict accordance with directions given herewith.
a surfactant and greater spray volume (80 to 100 gallons of spray mix In no case shall the Manufacturer or the Seller be liable for consequen- tial, special or indirect damages resulting from the use or handling of This product controls many annual Broadleaf and Grass weeds, includ- this product when such use and/or handling is not in strict accordance ing Fireweed, Purslane, Scarlet pimpernel, Sowthistle and Spanishneedles.
with directions given herewith. The foregoing is a condition of sale by Use Precautions and Restrictions
the Seller and is accepted as such by the Buyer.
1. Do not allow spray to contact foliage or fruit.
2. Do not apply more frequently than at 4-month intervals.
SURF-AC is a registered trademark of Drexel Chemical Company.
3. Do not apply more than 4 pounds a.i.(8 pints of this product) per Concep is a registered trademark of Novartis. Compex is a registered trademark of KALO Agricultural Chemicals, Inc. Unite is a registered trademark of HACO, Inc.
4. Do not apply more than 8 pounds a.i. (16 pints of this product) per


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